Saturday, June 30, 2012

I need

Lord I need your strength today
pour your blessings upon my life
calm my heart, soothe my thought
take away this strife

you say come to me
let me carry your load
I'm giving it to you today, Lord
I'm tired of kicking against the goad

Why today when all had been still
did thoughts twirl around my mind
why can't I be calm and wait
and be patient to seek what you find

control my words today Lord
help them to be encouraging ones
help me not to explode
be with me today under the sun

Be still my heart
wait on the Lord
cling to his promises
trust in his word

Friday, June 29, 2012


may your name be glorified
among all the people of this earth
may we sing of your glory
from the moment of our birth

may we see your wonder
and your beauty in our days
may we stop and take time daily
to come to you as we pray

may we never forget your promises
may we remember you keep your word
may we submit our lives comopletely
to you Jesus, our risen Lord!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

truly believe

We need to truly believe
that you are who you say you are
that you can move mountains
that you created this world speaking words
that you knit us together in our mothers' wombs
that you fed the thousands from a few loaves of bread
that you closed the lions' mouths
that you healed the sick, brought sight to the blind
that you parted the Red Sea, rained manna from heaven
that you raised Jesus from the dead
that you forgive our sins if we believe in Jesus
that you gave us eternal life for all eternity
that you are for us, not against us
that you keep your promises and your words
that you have never, and will never, forsake or abandon us

We need to remember all that
and so much more of who you are
and truly believe in you

and pray boldly
with confidence you hear our prayers
and wait expectantly
for your perfect timing and will
and believe you are the God of the impossible

how different our lives would be
if we truly believed

I'm going to start truly believing you Lord

you are who you say you are

boldly with confidence I believe you are more than capable to answer each and every prayer

for your glory and honor and to further your kingdom

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I praise you for I am fearfully made
I praise you for you store every tear
I praise you for you count every hair
You are with me, I have nothing to fear.

Why do I let worry and doubt
consume all my nights and days
Why can't I trust in your word
everything is truthful in what you say.

Guide me and lead me
show me the right road
help me to remember
you will carry my load.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

glory, glory, glory

glory, glory, glory
magnificient is his name
love and forgiveness
shout his fame

holy, holy, holy
is the Almighty Lord
truth and trustworthy
is his very word

mercy, mercy, mercy
he gives to one and all
we are all guilty
after the fall

mighty, mighty, mighty
is his strength and power
he is not weak
he is your strong tower

always and forever
he'll never let you go
trust in him, abide in him
he loves you and me so

thank you Lord

Monday, June 25, 2012


You sustain

You provide

You forgive

You love

You redeem

You protect

You guide

You lead

You comfort

You mourn

You rejoice

You heal

You are God

You are more than enough

You are my all

You are my hope

You are my joy

You are my peace

You are my contentment

You are my love

You are my Lord, my Saviour

You are everything to me

Thank you Lord!

be still

Be still and wait

Don't hurry through your prayer

Be quiet and wait

I have words to say to you.

Words of courage
Words of love
Words of hope
Words of compassion

If you rush, you won't hear them
if you worry, it will be hard
to trust in me and my timing
I am never wrong

Just wait and be still

I am fighting your battles

I know what you need

When you need it

Be still and wait
I am worth it

yes you are, Lord

yes you are!

audience of one

I keep searching and searching
to fill that spot up
to make my self complete, whole
but I'm still dissatisfied.

that spot will not be filled up
with food, with wine, with blogs
with relationships with people
for they will always leave me wanting.

Only one can fill that spot
only one can make me complete
only one can close in the gap
and that is you, Lord Jesus.

You are my audience of one
on how to live my life
not a full auditorium, standing room only
but only you watching my life.

Only you satisfy
only you bring peace
only you comfort
only you provide.

I will learn to play
to my audience of one
focusing on what really matters
and that is you Lord Jesus.