Friday, August 31, 2012

in the day

Psalm 86:7 In the day of my trouble, I will call to you, for you will answer me.

This is trust and confidence and hope in God.

David knew God.  He knew he could call out to God for anything and everything, in times of trouble and despair, times of worry, fear, pain, suffering

He knew God heard him and he knew God would answer him

in God's perfect timing and will

To have that confidence and hope, even in the midst of sadness and despair and suffering

but I can truly say yes, Lord, I know you will answer me because you have done so all through my life as I have called out to you. Thank you Lord.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Perfect Lies - A book review

For the Tyndale Blogging for Books, I chose to read Perfect Lies by Jennifer Crow.  In exchange for reading the book in its entirety and posting my honest review about the book, I was provided a free copy of the book.

Ms. Crow and her husband, Mark, founded Victory Church in Oklahoma back in 1994.  She is a talented singer and is involved in worship ministry, leading the worship team at various times in her life.  Several years before, overwhelmed with raising five children, being involved in ministry, as well as all the other things expected as a wife and mother, she experienced a break down of sorts where she was not able to do much or even leave the house for an extended period of time, experiencing fatigue, muscle pains, etc.  Doctors did not have much answers for her or hope.  She started really thinking and praying to God for healing and came up with lies she had believed about herself and how she functioned in the world based on the six basic human emotions of anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness and surprise.  Some of these perfect lies she came to know and identify include "I Am Unlovable", "I Am Bad", "I Am Not Angry" as well as six other lies. 

She worked through each lie she had believed and identified through a process she called meditative prayer in which she focused on scripture, thoughts about God and Jesus and mental pictures she made in her head, dealing with each and every emotion and pain associated with the lies she had believed for many years. Changing her thought process and brain waves from negative lies to true statements of God and his word, she saw a difference in her physical health in six weeks and continued to make improvement in it over the years.  Her book is sharing her journey of healing, clarifying the lies she believed, breaking them down and replacing them with the truth of God and the process that she did.  This included statements to think about to replace the lie as well as scripture that would go against the lie she had believed. There was a chapter devoted to each lie as well as a chapter of questions and answers on how to start with meditative prayer, the benefits of it, etc. Also included in the book is a study guide in case one wants to read the book as part of a study with a small group.

My thought about the book; I could relate to the majority of the lies she identified as issues I have struggled with in my own life.  I appreciated the fact she gave useful information to work through the lies and to replace negative thinking with positive thinking using the truth of God and his scripture.  Some of her mental pictures she used to help herself I thought were a bit odd or different, but that was something that worked for her and her healing and I didn't have to incorporate them into my own meditative prayer if I wanted to do such a thing.

I like the idea of meditative prayer, thinking about God and taking one of his scriptures and really dwelling on it, thinking about it. I can see how it could change one's way of thinking and help them deal with issues they are struggling with in their lives.  I appreciate her honesty in dealing with such sensitive issues in her life and her willingness to be vulnerable about her life in sharing how she was healed by God.

If someone is really struggling with something and needs to have an approach to deal with it using scripture and is not sure where to start, I would recommend this book. Otherwise, it is an easy read, there are good scriptures in it and I did pick up some useful information from it to use with issues I'm struggling with myself.  I'd give it 3 on a scale of 1-5 for being a book that benefited me.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

trust in me

Trust in me
is what you say
I will be with you
every single day

I am not a friend
who only comes around
when things are going well
but I'm with you when you are down

I know your hopes
your dreams, your  fears
I promise you, believe me
when I say I am near

I know what you will face
as you live today
remember my words
I will not go away

I will hold your hand
you can hide in the shadow
of my wings, I am with you
I'll help you grow

You can cling to me
when times are tough
I assure you
I am more than enough

Give your life to me
as you start your day
just trust in me
listen and obey

I will carry your load
it is not hard to do
bask in my protection
as I watch over you

I will be with you
I have never left you
You are my child
the apple of my eye

Live today remembering that
find joy in me
and remember this
we will be together for eternity.

I love you Lord

Monday, August 27, 2012

Be strong and courageous

Be strong and courageous
These words you often say
They are repeated for a purpose
Perhaps to help me live today

Be strong and courageous
Greater is he who is in me
Than the world, my flesh
And certainly the enemy.

Be strong and courageous
Do not fret, do not fear
The Lord is with you
He is constantly continually near

Be strong and courageous
He is more than enough
To meet your daily needs
And be with you when the going gets tough

Be strong and courageous
Boldly live for the Lord
Trust in him, his faithfulness
In his every single word

Be strong and courageous
Have I not commanded you?
Wherever you go, whatever you do
The Lord is always with you

Be strong, be courageous
Love the Lord with all your heart
He will cling to you
And from you never part.

Be strong and courageous.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

same story, no matter how it is told

Last night, hubby, son and me started talking.  Son had just come home from his evening shift at work and was getting something to eat.  I migrated into the kitchen to talk with him, hubby soon followed.  I asked hubby to show son a picture of someone in the family that we had recently found in attempts to declutter some of his parents' estate.  We started talking about the picture, which led to talking about more family things, how son got named, how his sister got named, etc.  During the course of the conversation, talking about this and talking about that, hubby had different takes on the same story than I did, but in the end the fact remained, we had adopted two children.  It didn't matter at the end of it that he thought events played out one way, when I thought events played out another.  They were minor and again didn't distract from the fact of our children's adoption.

In my work as a medical transcriptionist, I type up reports doctors dictate after they see a patient or operate on them. Sometimes I will type reports on the same patient from different specialists during their hospitalization. Cardiology, Pulmonary, Infectious Disease, etc. Each of the specialties are dictating on the same patient but their perspective is different, based on their expertise and what they are focusing on. One the heart, one the lungs, etc., but they are talking about the same patient.

I have thought about this before in relationship to the four gospels in the Bible, specifically in the New Testament, the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Each were written about when Jesus walked on this earth and his ministry here, but each were written from a different perspective.  Matthew was written to the Jewish people, tying in that Jesus was indeed the Promised Messiah. Mark was written for new believers, brief and concise stories about who Jesus was. Luke was written as an investigative account Luke undertook for his owner (he was a slave, a doctor, yet a slave) and John was written as one dearly loved by Jesus and close to Jesus with emphasis on emphasizing Jesus was indeed God and God's son. Yet each are written about Jesus though perspectives about certain events might be a bit different, yet united in a common theme written about Jesus and inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Men wrote the Bible, inspired by the Holy Spirit. They wrote the words God wanted included written in their handwriting, written in their experience, written in their perspective. But it is the same story, no matter how it is told.

The story about a loving God, sending his son to redeem the world, to take on the wrath of his father that we should have gotten, Jesus dying for our sins, his resurrection, our hope for eternal life for those that believe in him.

The theme remains the same, no matter who told the story.

The thing we all must do is to decide how we will perceive it. How we will interpret the story. If we will accept or reject.

God laid it out. It is the truth no matter how it is told, no matter what translation.

Just read it. Just believe it. God is who he says he is. Jesus is who he says he is.

Jesus is the way, the truth, the life, the only way to the Father, the only way to heaven.

Believe it, accept it, live it.

Your life will never be the same if you do so.

I guarantee it.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


You are so good to me
when I don't deserve your love
yet you shower me with blessings
you protect me from above

Your hand is over all my life
your provisions and protection abounds
you guard,  you guide, you lead
with you I'm not lost but found

You gave me grace and mercy
you gave me salvation through your son
You gave me eternity and hope
you are always with me, you never abandon.

Thank you Lord.

Friday, August 24, 2012


Thank you Lord
for this new day
watch over me
help me not to stray

consume me with your love
shower me with your mercy
open my heart to seek you more
reveal to me all your glory

I worry too much
I fret and think anxious thoughts
soothe my mind and heart
help me to trust in you a lot

guide me and lead me
down the road you choose
the one you know best
help me to share your good news

more of you
less of me
that's my prayer
in you I'm free

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Psalm 49:16-17 Do not be overawed when a man grows rich, when the splendor of his house increases, for he will take nothing with him when he dies, his splendor will not descend with him.

This is so true Lord.

We come (born) empty

We leave (die) empty

Riches do not matter
Riches do not define one's life, one's character
Riches can distract
Riches can cause grief and strife
Riches can tear apart
Riches never satisfy, we always want more
Riches do not bring contentment
Riches do not bring salvation

Only God can satisfy
Only God can save
Only God can fulfill our deepest desires
Only God can bring us true contentment

God does not wear out
God does not break
God does not rust or mold
God does not have to be replaced
God is eternal, everlasting

We can take him when we die
We don't leave him behind
He is with us always
He is our splendor, our riches, our treasure

Don't be overawed with man and his riches

Be overawed with God and his majesty

Help me to live like this Lord Jesus for your glory

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

We will not fear

Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

Therefore (verse 2) we will not fear

WILL NOT FEAR - powerful words, no doubt in them

We will not fear

Though the earth give way (verse 2)

And the mountains fall into the sea (verse 2)

no matter what happens
no matter what natural disaster, earthquake, floor, hurricane, tornado

We will not fear

because God is our refuge and strength

The Lord Almighty is with us, the God of Jacob is our fortress (verse 7)

God is always with us - no matter what we are facing

He is our strength, stronghold, tower, refuge

We will not fear

We will live victoriously knowing God is completely in control

and he knows what is best for us

And when in worry, when in doubt, when anxious, when distressed,
when fearful, when tired

we will

Be still and know that I am God, I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth (verse 10)

Be still, just be still and know he is God.

He keeps his words, his promises.

He knows what we are going through.

He is for us, not against us.

He is in control.

We will not fear.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Its all a mindset
where I choose to be
wallowing in self pity
or clinging to thee

worried about the future
or safe in your wings
afraid to breathe
or praises to sing

I have the choice to make
every single day
today despite it all
I will chase worry away

trust in you Lord
you never abandon me
share in your promises and hope
live with you for all eternity

Monday, August 6, 2012

saddest chapter

Jeremiah chapter 39, in my opinion, is one of the saddest chapters in the Bible, yet God's faithfulness and protection shines through darkness and despair.

Chapter 39:

Verse 1 - Babylonia seizes Jerusalem in the ninth year of Zedekiah in the 10th month (Zedekiah was king of Jerusalem at the time)

Verse 2 - Ninth day of the fourth month of Zedekiah's 11th year, the city wall was broken through by the Babylonians.

Almost two years the people of Jerusalem were witnessing the very thing Jeremiah proclaimed, that Jerusalem would fall, that they would be taken into captivity - yet even then they must not have repented, they continued to believe in themselves, not God.

Verse 4 - Zedekiah and his family flee Jerusalem. Jeremiah had told  Zedekiah that he would be safe if he surrendered. Again, man doesn't listen to God, Zedekiah flees.

Verses 5-7 Babylonian army pursues Zedekiah, captures him and his family and officials. Puts to death Zedekiah's sons and nobles in front of Zedekiah, puts out Zedekiah's eyes, shackles him, takes him to Babylonia.  The horror he must have felt watching all this, the pain he felt, yet his pride had gotten in the way.

Verse 8 - Babylonians set fire to Jerusalem and capture the people, let some stay in Jerusalem, take the rest in captivity to Babylonia.

Verses 11-12 Nebuchadnezzar (king of Babylonia) orders for Jeremiah to be kept safe. God's promise to Jeremiah for his faithfulness to God that he would be safe.  God kept (keeps) his word.

Verse 15 - Ebed-Melech receives word he will be kept safe.

Verse 18 - "I will save you, you will not fall by the sword but will escape with your life because you trust in me" declares the Lord (God tells Ebed-Melech). Ebed-Melech had pulled Jeremiah out of the cistern (well) when the Israelites had put Jeremiah in it because they were tired of listening to his true prophecies.

God recognizes/rewards those who trust in him.

Example to follow:

Jeremiah - his faithfulness to obey God no matter what, no matter if anyone was for him or believed what he said as the message given to him by God.

Ebed-Melech - he took a stand (rescuing Jeremiah) when a wrong doing occurred.

Zedekiah (example not to follow). He listened to people's word rather than seeking God and trusting in his word.

Even in the midst of tragedy, God still protected those who did his work and trusted in him. Awesome.

But still such a sad chapter that Zedekiah did not listen, did not trust that God would keep his word and protect him if he did not flee. He fled and endured hardship and pain and suffering on himself and his family. So sad.

Such lessons to be learned in this 39 chapter of Jeremiah.