Wednesday, September 19, 2012


John 6:37 All that the Father gives me will come to me and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.

Love this - so full of hope and comfort.

Jesus trusted completely in his Father - he took him at his word.

He believed his Father's promises.

He knew his Father knew what was best and would meet all his needs.

And he knew everything came from his Father.

ALL - everything that my Father gives me will come to me

He did not doubt.

He was assured of his Father's word - promise - provision - presence

And this

Whoever comes to me - whoever seeks me - whoever believes in me - whoever trusts in me

I will never drive away

You are mine
You belong to me
I'm not going to abandon you
I won't walk away
I am with you
I won't ask you to go
I won't tire of you
I won't stop loving you

This is just rich in promise and hope if we let these words sink into our hearts and penetrate our hearts with this truth

God gives. God keeps his word.

God is to be trusted.

Jesus didn't doubt but trusted his Father in all things.

Jesus is always with me

Nothing will drive him away from me.

I need to live every day of my life remembering this.

I love you Lord.

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