Sunday, August 21, 2022

August, a losing month

We lost one of our steak knives.  It was old, not fancy, one of three knives left from that set.  We have another set of eight, all those are accounted for.  But it is a bit disconcerting wondering what happened to this one.  I'm not sure how long it has been missing but I noticed it was gone today when I was unstacking the dishes from the dishwasher.  Our sharp knives are kept in another drawer away from the other utensils for safety purposes.  As I went to put the knives away, I put away the two that had been washed and there was not a third that should have been in the drawer.  I mentioned it to hubby who said when he had used one of the knives the other day for cooking, he noticed there were only two in the drawer and he had run the dishwasher and unstacked it that morning before he began cooking.  A mystery.  

August must be the month I lose things because I misplaced (lost) the key to a storage closet at work.  We get our termed employees from the divisions across the country in boxes like this.  

 There is only a small area in the office where we keep the files we are working on.  We usually open the boxes and take out the files, stack them in this little area, process them, and scan them.  If we get an overload of boxes and no room to unpack them, then we put them in an overflow room we fondly call "the closet".  For the past year I have had the key in my desk drawer when not needed.  When I need to go to the closet to drop off or pick up boxes, I usually keep the key in my pants pocket, open the door, get what I need, take the key out of the door, put it back in my pocket and then when I get back to the work area, I put the key back in the desk drawer.  The few times that I have forgotten to put the key back and saw that it was in my pocket at the end of the day after I had left work already, I usually put the key in my backpack in the zippered pouch where my license and debit card is kept, so that I know I'll have the key with me when I go to work the next day, in which case I take the key out of the backpack and put it back in the drawer.

But this past week when I went to look for the key to take some boxes to the closet, the key was not in the drawer.  It had been about a week since I had used it.  I scoured all the desk drawers to make sure I had not put it in another one.  I took apart my backpack three or four (or five or six) times to make sure it wasn't in there.  It wasn't.  I can see the key.  I can sort of remember the last time I used it but I can't place where it is.  I may have left it in the closet when I was retrieving boxes.  But I'm not 100% sure and it wasn't the normal pattern I do.  So it is a mystery. (No problem to get another one.  Facilities at work has been contacted and are working on replacing it).

I don't like losing things.  No one does.  I'm more concerned with the knife missing (we looked in the dishwasher).  Maybe it will surface.  Maybe it won't.  And if it doesn't, it will continue to be a mystery.  

And now I'm wondering if there will be a third item that comes up missing.  August still has ten more days to it.  

When was the last thing you lost? And did you ever find it? 


  1. I know how you feel - I lost my favorite glass frames of all time and an old newspaper article I was saving. Looked everywhere and did not find them in the move. I hope you find your key. Were all those terminated people?

    1. It seems whenever we move, we have lost something, no matter how careful we were with the packing, etc. I'm not worried about the key since a new one can be made. The knife is more of a mystery to me, though I'm thinking we probably did accidentally throw it away. The employee files we work with are people who quit their jobs or got fired. They are termed/terminated, but not necessarily all fired :) Though lots are fired, mainly because of attendance issues.


  2. We have the paring knife from our block set that has been missing for a year now. It still drives me crazy because I have no idea where it could have gone.
    My husband lost his entire set of keys three years ago and we've never been able to find them either. He drove home and got in the house so they have to be here, but I've cleaned this house from top to bottom many, many times since and they are nowhere.
    Don't even get me started on the missing socks. lol
    Enjoy your Sunday and have a great week!!

    1. LOL with missing socks. I think there's a washer/dryer monster myself :) That is so interesting about the keys. You would think they would have surfaced by now and with all the cleaning and looking for them after they were initially lost. What a hassle trying to replace them all I am sure! You too, Lori, have a great week ahead!


  3. We’ve lost so many steak knives over the years (and I’m guessing silverware as well). I’m certain that they all ended up in the trash when people scraped their plates, etc. We’ve hosted all holiday gatherings the last 20 years, so I’m not just blaming my family! Lol!

    I occasionally can’t find things, but it’s the type of things that I don’t use often. I’ve also had items be right under my nose when searching for them, like display plate holders. You see something everyday and you just become blind to it!

    1. I'm thinking this is what happened with the knife. It ended up in the trash somehow. I remember the last time I used one from that set when son/family were over for lunch and things get a little hectic, so I can see we weren't paying attention to what we were doing during cleanup. I have the worse problem looking for things in the fridge. Seems like I put them in one place and then hubby moves them to another :)


  4. My guess is that somehow that the knife ended up in the trash and has left the house. But who knows? It may turn up one day. I had a small casserole dish whose lid went missing--for years. We scoured every cupboard multiple times with no luck. I finally gave the bottom away. And then, a few months later, it was found in the back of a cupboard that I swear I had looked in three times.

    1. That was a mystery indeed for you, with that casserole lid. Glad it was eventually found though! I'm with you. I think the knife made it in the trash. A few years back, one of the thermometers we had in the pool, a shark (we also had a duck) went missing. Grandson used to like to hold them when he was in the pool. I remember him bringing Sharkie in with him from outside, but it never made it back in the pool. He was still wearing swimming diapers at the time. I'm thinking when I changed him, I threw away Sharkie along with the diaper. Always these mysteries we are left to sort out :)


  5. I used to lose umbrellas and monthly bus passes. When a knife or some small tool misses, it's either it incidentally fell in the kitchen dustbin or it was taken by some repairman and not returned. Keys should be placed in a colorful, visible keychain. I keep spare keys in a secret pocket .

    1. I am sure the knife ended up in the trash, now that I think of it. When son and his family are over, things get a bit chaotic and I'm sure that's when it ended up in the trash. I remember using one of the knives to cut sandwiches as that was what was on the menu that day :) So true about keys should be on bright key chains. This key used to have a bright key chain and that broke. I just put it on a smaller one. When I get its replacement, I'll make sure the key chain is big and bright colored!


  6. Tom swears his big golf umbrella went missing somewhere during the move, but I suspect it never made it to the truck. The only thing that comes to mind is when, last Fall, we went to put up the Christmas tree but couldn't find the tree stand ANYwhere. Finally, we made plans to go buy a new one. Something told me to check the bedroom one more time and sure enough, it was right there --under the bed. I'm so glad the missing key isn't grounds for discipline! My money's on it somehow fell in the trash and was taken out by the custodians, never to be seen again.

    1. I'm with you about the key, Myra, that it fell into the trash. My supervisor for the most part is pretty chill. Thank goodness! Glad the Christmas tree stand was eventually found! Now hopefully you put it some place with the tree to make it easier to find this year around! We have lost a few things in moves too which always made me wonder where exactly they went. At least it was "just" an umbrella, right?


  7. A true mystery on the knife. I have several forks that have disappeared. My guess is that way back when Wade would take a lunch to work, he would grab a fork and I suspect they never made it back into his lunch box at work.
    As for missing keys, I once lost my keys to the store. I was closing and had gone out to shovel snow. I think they may have fallen out of my pocket into the snow but I was never able to find them. I was scared to death to call the boss and tell him.

    1. That's why I use plastic forks or spoons, lol. I'm afraid I won't bring the "real" ones back home with me. I lost keys one time in the sand at the beach when I was young. Someone threw the keys to me and I didn't catch them and once they were in the sand, they kept going deeper and deeper into the sand. Lost cause there. It was my sister's car the keys were from. Thankfully she had another set!


  8. I did enjoy the read, I feel a little better now, knowing that young folk misplace things. ;-). Yes, since working in the basement I lost and found many things. One a pocket knife that I did find, BUT one of my favorite measuring tapes is missing. I CANNOT FIND IT. When I lose things or there is a mystery like your knife, I think Of Paula (RIP) of South Texas who loved solving mysteries and finding things for people. Some folks have a knack of locating, not me.
    Thanks for a nice visit, we enjoyed it. Hope the knife turns up.....
    Sherry & jack

    1. I'm thinking, Jack, the knife is in the trash. I think it accidentally got thrown away when we had son/family over for lunch. In the hurry of cleaning things up to get into the pool, people probably weren't careful and the knife got thrown away. I do hope you can find your measuring tape especially since it was a favorite of yours!


  9. Barb opened the garbage drawer the other day, took out one of our good forks and asked why I threw it away. I am still not sure I did, but and smart enough to argue with her about it!

    1. Always good not to argue with a wife :) I think most hubbies learn that lesson early in their marriage :)


  10. I've lost steak knives and forks several times before and it used to by a mystery until I realized that the cutlery was actually inside the take-out boxes when either the hubs or the boys tossed them into the trash can!
    I still can't solve the mystery of missing socks in the washer! And yes, missing housekeys too!

    1. Glad you solved the knives and forks mysteries, Veronica. I think if anyone could solve the mystery of socks missing from washers or dryers, that person would be very rich!


  11. While we were on vacation I lost a gold bracelet. I had it in the car while we were driving to dinner and was having difficulty putting it on so put it in my purse or so I thought I did. I haven't seen it since! Like you I must have looked in my purse a hundred times because I couldn't believe it wasn't in there! My purse was sitting on my lap and I must have put the bracelet on my lap instead and it fell out of the car when I got out. That is the only thing I can think of that happened to it! I get so mad at myself when I lose stuff! I hope you find your steak knife!

    1. Oh wow, Jeanette, sorry about that gold bracelet! That is frustrating too! I think our steak knife is at the dump, lol, as in it got thrown away. Thankfully it wasn't the best one we had. My son did say that the restaurant he works for, they changed out their silverware and he had some steak knifes he could give us from there, lol, for what that is worth :) I do agree with getting mad at ourselves. I think that is the hardest thing we deal with. Like why did we allow this to happen to us?


  12. I'm always losing things. I put them in a safe place and then can't remember where the safe place was. I do it all the time. I miss silver ware from time to time and wonderful if I didn't throw them in the trash when I scraped off the plates. It's easy enough to do. I have to be careful I don't lose too many more. Hope your knife shows up. It'll probably be in the least expected place. Have a good week ahead. Love, ma

    1. I'm sure the knife did get accidentally thrown away, Ma. Thankfully we have more! I guess part of getting older we tend to misplace things more :)


  13. That was meant to say wonder not wonderful. Opps. ma

  14. Sorry about that. I think the last thing I lost was a pair of reading glasses. No big deal because I have several pairs but it bothered me. I did however find them in a drawer in the bathroom.

    1. Your comment ended up in my spam folder (darn Blogger)! Thankfully I got the email notice of it so I could go and get it out of spam and have it published on my blog. Wish Blogger would fix that! I Glad you found your reading glasses! It is always so disconcerting to lose something. I'm pretty sure the knife got thrown away by accident. Lesson learned to be a little ore careful :)


  15. Oh I am famous for this kind of thing, Betty! The last thing I lost was my stainless steel one-third measuring cup. The 1/4 cup is already long gone, I know not where, So now I'm left with the 1 cup and 1/2 cup sizes only. I have no idea what happens to these things, but I occasionally find them in some jar or canister from which I was measuring, and then left it. BUT I have lost from the kitchen in recent years a perfectly good vegetable peeler and a red silicone basting brush. NO IDEA where they got off to and finally bought new to replace them. It's a mystery! Or I'm even more forgetful than I thought! I hope your steak knife and your key turn up. xoxo

    1. It is a mystery and also frustrating, especially when we go to use them, lol :) I think the knife is long gone in the trash, accidentally thrown out. I'm still hoping the key surfaces!


  16. How strange that your knife just vanished. A key is small and easily lost. At least you can get another. Oh gosh, there have been several things that vanished over the years that never turned up! I lost the pet hair attachment to my brand new Dyson vacuum. I searched and searched for it and have NO clue where it went to. I ended up just buying a replacement. One time I lost my pocket sized digital camera. It was gone for months!!! And I searched high and low for it. One day I was cleaning the furniture, and stuck my hand waaay inside the sofa and there it was! It had been missing for about a year at that point.

    1. So interesting about that pet attachment too because you know it was not a small item. I can see the camera falling out of a pocket or being placed on the sofa and then it slipping down in the crack of it, but glad you found it! I think the knife got thrown away in the confusion of cleaning up after son/family were over for lunch :)


  17. Oh, I hate the feeling when I can't find something! A lost steak knife? That's a new one. I hope you find it!
    I have a removable fake tooth. It's quite small, as you can imagine. I need to remove it for eating and sleeping and always stress about losing it!

    1. Oh wow, Abby, that would be freaky having to keep track of a small tooth! I would be always on alert and cautious too! I think the steak knife got thrown away by accident. A chaotic time when son/family come over and that was the last time I remember using it :)


  18. Oh, I lose things regularly, and it's frustrating! I also hate to give up looking, so I recheck and recheck, just like you were doing! The last thing I lost was an earring. I looked everywhere and couldn't find it. My hubby found it in our bedroom when he was making the bed the other day. Yay!

    1. Glad your husband found the earring Neta! I finally gave up on the knife. I think it got thrown away. I do keep looking for the key though even though the lock got changed the other day.


  19. Does my mind count? :) I feel like there is a cosmic shift in the universe lately, things going missing, tempers running high, massive changes in short amounts of time. *sigh* I'm very routine driven, and rarely lose things. So when they do actually go missing, they are usually gone for good. Did you check the bottom of the dishwasher for the knife? Sometimes stuff falls under the element and it's not so easy to see.

    1. I did check the bottom of the dishwasher and you are right, they can be "hidden" there. I'm sure the knife got thrown away by accident. It was a tense time with son/family over for lunch when I remember having one of the knives out to cut sandwiches we were making/eating. (Son/wife were fighting lol). So I'm sure in the confusion of cleaning things up and then transitioning from eating to swimming, we weren't careful and the knife ended up in the trash and oftentimes I use paper plates when they are over for convenience so I can see it easily going in the trash. I do agree about a cosmic shift. There is a lot more violence here in the area where we live (usually among the homeless) than we have experienced in the years we have lived here. Makes me think tempers running high, etc. And yes, losing our minds do count. I think mine is gone and I'm not sure it will be found anytime soon :)

