Sunday, October 30, 2022


 For the past 4 Halloweens, it has been our tradition to carve pumpkins with son and his family.  For the previous 3 years, I always got the pumpkins from the local "pumpkin patch" which was basically a tent set up with lots of pumpkins at exorbitant prices and a cute little area decorated with a fall/Halloween theme that you could take pictures for "prosperity" sake.  At this pumpkin patch, it was fun for the grand kids to get to pick their pumpkins plus get a pumpkin each for their mom and dad to carve.  We also spent close to or over $70 buying 4 pumpkins.  

This year I decided there was no way I wanted to spend that much on pumpkins so I got wiser and bought 3 pumpkins at the local Winco grocery store for 33 cents a pound.  Three pumpkins, weighing a total of 28 plus pounds, cost us under $10.  Because I like to get a picture of the grandson from year to year at a some place to see his growth, we took him to the pumpkin patch to buy one 1 pumpkin so I could get his picture there.  His sister, a high school senior, said she was not going to carve a pumpkin this year so she didn't want to go to the pumpkin patch.

Today was pumpkin carving day.

Grandson got to pick his pumpkin at the patch.  His is the one on the left.  The 3 others are from Winco that hubby and me picked out.  I did get a pumpkin for step granddaughter, thinking if she changed her mind (she did), there would be a pumpkin for her to carve. 

We had a delicious lunch of way too much bread of 

Breakfast sliders


In addition to the donuts and hash brown patties.  

Not the most healthiest lunch but I had to include something that everyone would eat.  

Then off to carving pumpkins.  The final results left to right, grandson, step granddaughter, son, and DIL.  

And then the lit pumpkins

And supervising us all was our faithful supervisor

Who always seems to know when son and family are coming over.  Winslow must pick up on our busyness on getting food ready because about 5 minutes before they are due over, he will go to the door and wait for them.  He is always excited to see them though grandson is still afraid of him (it is a work in progress).

Hubby and me are going trick or treating tomorrow with grandson and his mom.  Our son will be working.  He usually doesn't on a Monday as the restaurant is closed but will be open for a private party.  

If you participate in Halloween, have a happy and safe one!


  1. Pumpkin carving is a tradition that I do miss. Many fond memories over the years. Winslow is quite intuitive knowing when company is coming!

    1. It is fun to do! We also dye Easter eggs together in spring :) Winslow is smarter than me I think :)


  2. Wow, that's expensive for pumpkins. Then again, everything is any more. When my kids were little there was a local produce stand that did a pumpkin carry. You paid one price according to the age of the person who was going to carry the pumpkins. It was that price for as many pumpkins as you could carry in one trip. People would show up in oversized stretchy pants so they could stuff the pumpkins down the pant legs.

    1. I was surprised at the cost of the pumpkins, but it is like getting a Christmas tree from a similar place. They jack up the prices for them to cover cost and make so money themselves :) I like that local produce stand in your neck of the woods that you and your kids went to. Seemed like great customer service to me!


  3. I do not miss pumpkin carving, but it IS a fun tradition! I didn’t know your grandson was afraid of Winslow. Is it the barking? We decided to not go trick or treating with our grands this year. Monday is always a busy day for my husband at work and it would be hard for us to make it to their house by 6 pm. My DIL is going with them. She has ever been trick or treating before, having grown up in China and then only living in apartments here, so she’s never experienced any of it. I’m excited for her!

    MiddleChild is handing out candy here as the Mad Hatter. She designed the costume herself.

    1. I've streamlined pumpkin carving. Most of the time it is a nice day so we can do it outside. I get a cheap $1.00 table cloth that I put on the table. All the "guts" of the pumpkins go on it. At the end we just fold it in and throw it away. Clean up is super easy :) How fun with your DIL going trick or treating for the first time with your grandchildren! She will have fun (I hope). It is a strange custom. I always had mixed feelings about it. You tell kids not to take candy from strangers then you send them to strangers' houses to get candy :) I bet the custom of MiddleChild is adorable! I do like handing out candy myself but we have never trick or treated with the kids and I felt like we should this year. Probably because son ended up working and there will be safety in numbers with having 3 adults and 1 child :) Winslow does have an annoying bark when excited. He really wants to play with grandson who wants nothing to do with him. Grandson is getting better being around him. Otherwise we have to crate Winslow or put a gate between them. I think the older grandson gets and the older Winslow gets, they'll both mellow out and perhaps tolerate each other :)


  4. Wow that pumpkin patch is expensive. Ours had them for 2 for 5.00 but probably because there are SO many people selling pumpkins in this area.
    Your brunch looks so delicious it's making me hungry. I'm glad you all had a nice time together. The carved pumpkins look awesome. Have fun trick or treating tonight and Happy Halloween!!

    1. I agree with that pumpkin patch being expensive. At first it was cute to go there but with the cost of things this year, I'm like "let's find another alternative lol". I have picky eaters here (in fact I'm going to do a post about that soon) so our menus are varied at times like this :) Happy Halloween to you too Lori!


  5. Happy Halloween to you. Children do make the holidays a lot more fun. Having one to carve a pumpkin with is a joy. Even better you get to go trick or treating ! Enjoy the day !

  6. I love a glowing carved pumpkin. You have a fun tradition. We have 3 pumpkins on our porch for decoration that we won't carve because I want them to last a while longer. However, we have a realistic fake Jack-o-Lantern that I will put out tonight for the Trick-or-Treaters.

    1. It is fun to look at the different carved pumpkins people do this time of year. I see a lot of people who decorate with pumpkins not being carved. That way they can leave them up through Thanksgiving :)


  7. Happy Halloween Betty. Our church does the same thing with the pumpkin patch - to earn money for the kids - but it is way to expensive. Glad you are having fun with your grandson. I love Winston - he is beautiful.

    1. I wouldn't mind the church pumpkin patch as it would go for a great cause. This is just someone who rents an empty lot, sets up a tent, gets pumpkins and sells them at way too high prices :)


  8. What a super array of pumpkins! Is your son's cut-out an ASU SunDevil? So creative and I'm sure they had fun making memories. We're not expecting any trick-or-treaters here tonight ... at least, we've never had any, but I bought Butterfingers (Tom's favorite) just in case.
    PS - I just returned from Bible study during which our leader asked that we pray for a hedge of protection for ALL the children tonight.

    1. It wasn't a sun devil but I can't remember what he said it was. First we weren't going to go trick or treating as a friend invited grandson to a trunk and treat event, but that got over with quicker than DIL thought. Meanwhile we thought we would be home here giving out candy so I sent hubby to the store for more candy. Then we were going trick or treating which we did for about an hour and a half and came home to no trick or treaters so now we have all this candy lol. Thankfully it freezes well (lesson learned from last year lol).


  9. Thanks for a great visit. Loved the art work on the pumpkins, great job. You have a sweet tradition going for the family. We love the reports of the family time. WE KNOW you guys are good-ones, Grandma and Grandpa! Amazing Winslow's intuition......
    From here, sending love your way
    Sherry & jack smiling with the pumpkins....

    1. I do enjoy traditions, keeping old ones and making new ones :) Winslow is way too smart I keep saying!


  10. I'm impressed by this tradition of pumpkin carving. Very creative! We don't have it here, so it's interesting to read about it.
    Winslow looks cute, as usual , and he's quite a reliable supervisor.

    1. I will have to read where pumpkin carving started here but it is quite popular here to do. Some do some elaborate carvings too! Winslow does know how to supervise. He supervises my husband during the day on the chores he does :)


  11. Looks like a great time! It's been years since I carved a pumpkin After the kids got older I bought a fake light-up pumpkin to use for Halloween. I just gave it to my daughter to use a few years ago. Now we go trick or treating with the boys in their neighborhood. It's one of my favorite things to do with them!

    1. That fake light up pumpkin is the way to go! Bought it once and now you get to use it yearly instead of having to "re-carve" pumpkins. Hope you had a nice time with the boys last night!


  12. Yes, that is definitely a better price. Your breakfast looks yummy. The pumpkins came out really nice. That is sweet about Winslow. Hope you had fun last night!

  13. Pumpkin success! We used to all carve pumpkins every Halloween, but I haven't done any of it since the kids all moved on. Smart of you to get one for the step-granddaughter! Breakfast looked yummo!

    1. We too hadn't carved for years until we started again about 4-5 years ago. One day I'm going to save the seeds and roast them. (I say that every year lol :) Breakfast was good but calorie laden :)


  14. I've never carved or painted a pumpkin in my 60 years of life! Such a fun tradition! 🎃
    Your breakfast looks yummy!

    Have a great week ahead, Betty 💐

    1. It is fun to do, Veronica! Maybe if you ever visit the States in October, you can carve one then!


  15. I don't think I ever carved a pumpkin. As a kid, I remember Dad doing it. We got one pumpkin that he brought home from work. Dad was a produce manager. When my daughter was young she often carved her pumpkin with my Dad. It was sorta their thing. You've brought back a nice memory for me. Glad you found a way to save $$. 70.00 does seem a bit much. Breakfast looks good!!

    1. It is a fun tradition. We got away from it for a bit but now with grand kids it has become popular again for us to do :)


  16. Hi Betty, wow that was an ambitious but successful event! Your menu looks scrumptious! Winslow is precious as always. xoxo

    1. Thanks Jenny! Nothing like your events though :) I have to do a post about it soon but we do have picky eaters so it is always challenging to come up with menus so that someone has something that they will eat :)

