Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Joshua 6:1 Now Jericho was tightly shut up because of the Israelites. No one went out and no one came in.

Jericho saw the events played out in the desert.  They saw the mass of people (Israelites) on the other side of the Jordan River. They saw the Jordan River part and water be stopped.  They saw the mass of people cross over dry river bed and then the river flowed strongly again.

They might have even seen manna raining from heaven.

Yet only one, Rahab, had faith and realized a mighty God was leading the Israelites.  She was willing to put her faith in Him even before she saw the Jordan River stop flowing and she helped the spies that came to check out the promised land and in turn, she and her family were spared death and came to live with the Israelites.

I need to have that faith Lord.

You can move mountains

You can part seas

You can rain manna from heaven

You can change hearts

You raised Jesus from the dead

You can save me

You have saved me

You can give me freedom from anything I am dealing with that holds me in bondage

You are awesome Lord; thank you.

Increase my faith!


  1. Ah, beautiful, just beautiful. that we can ALL have a faith like that-- and to think, we have just but to ask and God WILL answer this prayer-- it is the desire of His heart for us as well.

  2. I am working very hard on my faith...
    Joyce Meyer says it's ok to say I don't know... cause God does...

  3. The Lord is awesome, indeed.

