Wednesday, January 20, 2021

What matters


You are God

You are eternal

You are everlasting

You are I AM

You are the Way

You are the Truth

You are the Life

You are the Only Way to the Father

ALL authority has been given to you.

Nothing catches you by surprise.

Truly these days evil is considered good; and good considered evil.

You told us it would be like this


You also said "take heart, I have overcome the world."

So it really doesn't matter who is president.  You are still in control.  You still have a purpose and a plan.  Your kingdom will still advance.  You will come back one day.

What really matters is eternity.  We live so temporally, our lives are SO SHORT when compared with eternity.

So what truly matters is where one will spend eternity.

So getting the word out about Jesus, proclaiming HE IS THE ONLY WAY TO THE FATHER is what is important.

I trust my needs will always be met.

I trust Jesus knows what is best for me.

I trust Jesus knows exactly when my dash will end and how it will end.

I don't have any fear of any viruses or of persecution.

Jesus says multiple times DO NOT BE AFRAID.

So I won't be.  I'll take that to heart and try to live my life for the glory of God who is my audience of one.  What He thinks of me is the only think that matters. 

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