Saturday, February 12, 2022

Call upon me

The story I'm sharing today happened back in January 2009, days before (or perhaps even the same day) as Barack Obama was sworn in for his first term.  I shared this story back then in my previous blog "A Corgi in Southern California".  I didn't go back and look at that post, but I think there is only a handful of people that were reading my blog back then who are still reading it now so for the majority of you this will be a new to you story.  I had not thought of this for years, literally, but thought about this a few weeks back and it comes to mind every now and then since then so maybe I'm meant to share it again. 

This is Koda.  A lot of you will remember him.  He was our first corgi who we lost on December 23, 2014.  He was such a good dog.  Or perhaps we just thought he was a good dog.  He endured chemo for lymphoma, had an almost 4 year remission, had diabetes, became blind, and finally we said goodbye to him after his cancer returned with a vengeance.  I still cry sometimes when I think of him.  

This is Winslow, as you all know.  We got him March 7, 2020; literally around the same time everything started closing down due to Covid.  Winslow's mom looks just like Koda.  Koda was known as a redheaded tricolored Pembroke Welsh Corgi.  You can definitely see that in his picture.  Winslow is not truly a redhead as he has black on his forehead.  

Both are handsome pups, but I think Koda shines just a little bit more in his looks.  Both are purebred, but they were polar opposites as I have written about before and won't bore you again with the details.  Both were (are) loved very much and both came to us at just the right moment when we needed the comic relief they brought (bring).  

Now on to my story.

At that time, I was the one that walked Koda in the mornings before I started work.  As I was working at home, I had more time to do so.  In the evenings, hubby and me would take him together for another walk.  

That morning, sometime in mid(ish) January I was walking Koda where we used to live in Laguna Niguel (which is really close to Laguna Beach).  OOPS.  After I posted this and thought about it, I realized I made a mistake.  It wasn't Laguna Niguel we were living in at the time but in Murietta, an inland city in Southern Caifornia, close to Temecula.  It was a cloudy cool morning.  As was my custom when I walked Koda, I would pray.  When I pray by myself, I usually pray out loud.  Not loud, but not in my head.

I was walking residential streets.  I usually took him for about a 30-45 minute walk.  As I was praying, and I remember I specifically was praying for Rick Warren (pastor from Saddleback Church) who was going to be doing the prayer before the inauguration.  

I heard a noise behind me and as I turned to look, there was a Boxer dog running towards us and starting to attack Koda.  Now, mind you, this was my first encounter with a dog like this on attack and I did not know what to do.  (My hubby later educated me on things).  I panicked and I did not know what to do.  I called out "help, help, help" but it was about 7 o'clock in the morning and the street was empty, no windows opened, no one came out.  The dog was still attacking Koda.

In my desperation I called out "Help me Jesus".  And I kid you not, but at that moment the dog stopped attacking Koda and looked ahead of where we were on the sidewalk.  I looked, thinking I would see someone coming to help us.  No.  That wasn't what the dog was looking at.

There was a black cat in the middle of the road just sitting there.  I don't know how long it was there but it wasn't there before the dog started attacking Koda because Koda would have seen it (this was before he went blind) and barked because Koda hated cats.  The dog just stood there looking at the cat.  I quickly put Koda's collar back on as it had come off during the attack and picked him up and started walking as fast as I could away from the dog.  I looked back once or twice but it was still just standing there.

I turned a corner and got to the top of a little hill that was part of the street.  Satisfied that the dog was not following us I put Koda down and called my hubby.  At the time he only worked 2 miles from where we lived so he rushed home.  By then I had made it home with Koda.

Koda did not have any visible signs of trauma.  We thought he might be a little sore but that was that.  He rested that day and was back to his usual self the next morning.

I started carrying a walking stick when walking him and would usually drive to a park where others were walking their dogs or others just walking for exercise.  I felt even if no one came to help me if Koda got attacked again, at least there would be people around who may (or may not) call the police or for other help.  I always was on guard and alert after that.  He never got attacked again while I was walking him alone but did get attacked three other times when my hubby and me were walking him together (but those are stories for another day perhaps).

To this day I truly believe with all my heart that Jesus indeed heard my prayer and sent that cat as a diversion.  

(Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.  Psalm 50:15)

Believe you me, I thanked Jesus over and over and over and over again.  He protected even a silly corgi puppy.  For that and so many other reasons, I will always trust in Him. 


  1. I believe God was watching over you and Koda and the cat was sent by Him.

    Yes, I will always trust and surrender everything to Him.

    Beautiful post, Betty!

    1. Thanks Veronica!! I think life is a lot better when we do trust in Him and surrender everything to Him! Have a great weekend!


  2. Oh I agree, He definitely heard you and answered your prayer. What a truly amazing story.

    1. Thanks Ann! It truly was amazing when I had the time to think about it afterward too!


  3. God heard your prayer and answered. I'm so glad you shared this wonderful story. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks Lori. I too hope your weekend is great!


  4. Thanks for the story, YES I believe He does do things for his family. As always I appreciate your testimonies and it is good to visit your home. Love it. I do remember the time Rick W. was your pastor. I do respect and admire him.
    Sherry & jack gettin ready to move.

    1. Thanks Sherry and Jack!! I too respect Rick W. I do understand he has retired from Saddleback. He has had some health issues from what I have read. Safe travels!


  5. You had a God wink for sure - He answers in mysterious ways. Also I do remember Koda!

    1. Definitely a God wink! And so true how He answers prayers. Hope you and your family are doing well! I think a lot of us will always remember Koda :)


  6. Of course, I remember sweet Koda! This testimony is so powerful. I DO believe that He sent his angel (er, cat) to avert tragedy. They don't necessarily have to be wearing diaphanous gowns and float on air; my pastor in Clearwater once said something like this:
    "Remember when Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane? He said, my Father can summon 12 legions of angels. Now, if He was going to summon legions of angels they must be pretty tough. They weren’t exactly the lovely creatures that we like to think of. Instead, they are a little like say, the great NFL linebacker, Lawrence Taylor. If you want an angel to go before you, don’t you want somebody like that?!" That, or a black cat! Yay!

    1. So true that angels must be pretty tough! I know there is that great battle going on that we do not see between good and evil. It's nice we are on the winning side, isn't it? Have a great weekend!


  7. I find it interesting that i was compelled to search on your name and found the post you just wrote yesterday. 😉
    Koda and Winslow are adorable. An old school friend has a Corgi and would love your story too, as i did. When we had our first Cockapoo, half Gibbs' size,i was walking in our home neighborhood in the morning. A German shepherd got out of his yard and ran at us. I didn't know what to do and so i just kept turning in circles trying to get Clemson close enough to pick up. Poor little gapher swung around in the air until i got him safely in my arms. I don't know if the dog was friendly, i was too freaked to find out. I'm better with big dogs now but still get nervous when they are off leash.

    1. Thanks for coming over to visit! I do enjoy reading of your days here in the Arizona desert :) Big dogs still freak me out and I agree if they are off leash that heightens my awareness of their actions. Your encounter with your first Cockapoo sounds scary too!! Enjoy this beautiful day! I sat outside in the sun soaking up a lot of rays!


  8. I'm so glad your corgi baby was alright, Betty! What a scary thing to have happen though... yikes!! All's well that ends well. I hope it ended well for the kitty too! Being the crazy animal person I am, I would have hunted down the owner of that boxer to make sure he never got loose again. ~Andrea xoxoxo

    1. We drove by the area a few times to see if we could ever find the house that the Boxer belonged to but never could. I never walked that way again even if my hubby was with us! Have a good day!


  9. What a great story! Well... except for the attack, of course 8\
    I love that it was a black cat that appeared. They get such a bad wrap, but I have also had experiences where black cats showed up to "help".

    1. Thanks Abby! So true about black cats :) Funny though, we do have a black cat here in our neighborhood who is a bit of a nemesis for Winslow. Winslow has an excellent sense of smell and he can smell it when it is on the other side of our brick wall and it drives him crazy :)

      Have a great weekend!


  10. My comment disappeared:( I will try again. I think that Koda had a more innocent face than Winslow. I’ve noticed Corgi’s since I’ve followed your blog, Betty. I was so excited to see so many Corgi’s at Balboa Park in SD a few years ago.

    A great story of answered prayer. I am terrified of big dogs and have had a few run ins on my walks. I can’t imagine trying to protect a small dog, too. I’m glad it was a happy ending.

    1. Yay! I went into comments on Blogger and saw for some reason Blogger thought this was a spam comment?????? So I marked it as not spam and it published. Geesh!!!!!!!! Why it did that I have no idea! I have to agree with you. Koda does have a more innocent face. It is probably because Winslow is so devious! I love Balboa Park. Was my stomping grounds in summer when I lived in the San Diego area and was a teen. My best friend at the time and me would take the bus to it and the zoo and spend hours there exploring every nook and cranny of that park! Brought back great memories! Big dogs still frighten me to this day! It is scary when they are encountered especially off leash and without any humans around!! Thanks for your persistence in trying to get a comment to take on this blog!


    2. That happened to me a few weeks ago where a regular commenter to my blog was sent to spam. Weird!

    3. Definitely weird! But this one came through from yours so let's hope it doesn't happen again! Happy Sunday!


  11. I'm very leery of big dogs off leash! Especially when little Enzo our chi was with us. Enzo looked up at me helplessly whenever big dogs would come around and get too close. So, of course, I 'd scoop him up. Sometimes he liked to chase our kids' big dogs, but when the fun was over, he'd come to me, and I'd rescue him. Thanks for sharing that story!!

    1. Me too, Neta! And since Koda had all the problems he did, I don't feel comfortable walking Winslow without my hubby being with us. He carries a taser. So far so good, but you never know! Enzo was so little I could see your concern with him and big dogs!


  12. That is a great story! Yes, God works in mysterious ways! This way worked for sure!

    1. Thanks Jeanette!! So true how God works in what seems to us mysterious ways :) Have a great Sunday!


  13. Amen! God did answer your prayer. I can't even begin to imagine you fear for Koda. What a beautiful testimony to God.

    1. Thank you Debby! I do think I did develop PTSD with walking Koda and being afraid he'd get attacked again. There was another incident when we lived there when I was walking him and suddenly this car comes barreling down the street really fast. Stops in front of me and this lady says "get in, there's 3 pit bulls on the loose down the street and I don't want you or your dog to get hurt." She "knew" us as she had seen us walking a lot in the neighborhood. She was with her husband driving. Leather seats and fancy car. I got in the back seat with Koda and they drove us back home. I was thankful they alerted me like that and offered to take us back home. I later found out the 3 dogs had been picked up. I have to amend the blog post. We actually lived in Murietta at the time, not Laguna Niguel, and it was right at the time when the housing recession hit and there were lots of foreclosures of houses there and empty houses. People were dumping their dogs right and left and that's what they figured was with those 3 pit bulls. Never a dull moment :) Hope you had a great timer over Adam's and Gabby's :)


  14. I do believe the Lord put that cat there! Koda was such a beautiful dog! Love to Winslow xoxo

    1. I do too Jenny!! Koda really was beautiful! His coloring was really unique! One side of his whiskers was white, the other side black :)

