Saturday, February 19, 2022

Really, what time is it?


This is the clock that is on our kitchen wall.  It runs about 5 minutes faster than the microwave clock and the other clocks in the vicinity.  I like it that way.

The clock in my Nissan Rogue runs about 5 minutes faster than the time on my cell phone.  I like it that way.

I don't wear a watch so looking at my wrist will give me no clue what time it is.

I sometimes consider getting a Fit Bit watch (is that what they are called?) But I'm not sure I really want one to keep track of everything it does on my wrist.

I like to be on time when I'm getting somewhere or a few minutes early.

So I appreciate keeping several of my clocks faster than the normal time.  I'm always on time or at least a few minutes early.

Sometimes hubby mentions about calibrating all the clocks here so they are the same time.

I tell him "no way" because I really like the few that are running ahead of time to remain that way.

What about you?

Are your clocks all the same time?

Do you like to be on time or are you always running late?

Do you have a Fit Bit watch? Do you want one if you don't?

One thing I know without a clock or any measurable unit of time, our previous corgi, Koda, always knew when it was time to eat though his tummy ran 15 minutes earlier than the time he was meant to be fed.  He was on insulin for his diabetes and had to be fed 12 hours apart.  Often 15 minutes before time he would come by me with eagerness on his face knowing that it was getting time to eat and I would have to tell him to wait a few more minutes.

He was also good at knowing when son, at the time a teenager, was due home with curfew.  Thirty minutes before 10 p.m., his curfew on a school night, the dog would be lying by the door waiting.  

Winslow as of yet doesn't have that sense of timing. We'll see if he develops it with time.

(This post was written by looking at old pictures and trying to figure out what to write because I got nothing else :)

Happy weekend!


  1. Between my phone, the alarm clock in my bedroom, the time on the stove and the clock in my car I have 4 different times. All close maybe within a couple minutes of each other but none matching exactly.
    I used to have a fit bit until it stopped charging. I thought about getting a new one to help get me motivated to do more walking. I liked having it track my steps and motivated me to walk more to reach the goal.

    1. I had wondered about that with steps. I would be curious how many steps I get in during a day especially with walking on the treadmill 5 mornings. I didn't even think of a FitBit having to be charged, lol :)


  2. All of our clocks are pretty close to the same time. I'm always on time if not early. I do not have a fit bit and not sure I want one but can see how it would help keep someone motivated. To see how many steps you took in a day I could see being beneficial.
    Enjoy your weekend.

    1. One lady at work said she got a FitBit because in her particular department you couldn't have your cell phone out due to the sensitive nature of the work (they didn't want anyone taking pictures of recordings) so she got a FitBit that connected with her cell phone so she could see if anyone was messaging her. Clever. Someone also at work said that with her FitBit if she swings her arms at rest, i.e. not walking, it records it as steps, lol.


  3. I’ve always worn a watch, probably since 3rd grade! I only take it off to shower. All my clocks need to be set at the same time. Hubby is the weirdo who sets his bedside clock a half hour early and then keeps hitting the snooze button. He has tried to explain his reasoning, but it’s beyond me.

    1. I don't get that either with the snooze button in general. I haven't used them but I know a lot of people like to snooze before getting up. I use to always wear a watch and then stopped a few years back. Can't remember why. Now I bet it would feel odd to wear one :)


  4. When I worked, I always kept my watch 15 minutes fast. I had appointments and I made it a point to never be late. NOW? My girl likes EXACT time. we have some that are set remotely by 'THE MAN' (somewhere! LOL)
    Fitbits? We have tried them. I always bought the 'cheap ones' couldn't make myself spring for the expensive ones. The problem is they do not last, they will die or be replaced in less than a year (OUR experience). I cannot handle all the info they give anyway. Too much!
    It is tough for old people to even set some watches and clocks. Automobile clocks are becoming easier, but still have to get the book out to do it.
    Terms that will go by the wayside are Clock wise and counter clock wise, nope, I don't like it but there you go.
    Oh, the other day I did not take my wallet with me to the Gro. store, and had to go home to get it. Grandson said that happened to him, so he just paid with his watch. YEah, that to me is crazy. LOL
    Anyway Great 'timely' subject.
    Love from an overcast Florida
    Sherry & jack

    1. Wow with your grandson saying he paid for something with his watch. I have heard about people paying with their cell phones but not with a watch! What will they think of next? We are lucky here in Arizona with the time not changing so we never have to worry about moving our clocks/watches an hour later or an hour earlier. I did notice the copy machines at work change automatically with the time change. Right now they are an hour behind the regular time. Next month when it goes back to Daylight Savings Time they'll be right on time :)


  5. Fun! I'm like you and prefer to keep my time pieces a little early. This reminds me of a former neighbor whose little grandson asked, "Which one (clock) is correct?" She replied, "Well, none of them!" The clock in Tom's truck is slow, and he knows that drives me nuts. Gotta pick my battles, right? Oh, and I've no desire for a FitBit; honestly, I think they're rather ugly.

    1. I have seen some cute FitBits (or take offs of them) but you are right. They can be rather bulky looking too. LOL with the time in Tom's truck. Sometimes I really do wonder what the right time is here, lol, but then there is always that cell phone to look at :)


  6. Happy weekend to you too, Betty, and no... I don't have a Fitbit watch but oldest granddaughter does. She's into exercising to keep strong for soccer, so that's why she wears one. Do you know that with the Fitbit you have to pay a subscription fee each year, to use it? I didn't know that until oldest daughter told me. ~Andrea xoxoxo PS~ I love the song "Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is" by the band Chicago. It's an old song but I still listen to it. It's great!

    1. Oh gosh, Andrea. I hadn't thought of that song in years and now I bet I am humming it all afternoon :) I didn't know that about the subscription to FitBit. Good way for them to make money. Hook you on the watch and all it does and then charge you for it :)


  7. I kind of like all the clocks to be alike - but somehow they get out of sink!
    Disco is so attuned to time - he knows when it is time for us to eat!

    1. It is amazing how dogs know the time and schedules. I sometimes think it is because they don't have to worry about all the things we worry about :) Hope all are doing well in your family!


  8. I have a iWatch, and iPhone and the clock in my car are all set automatically by atomic time. I can't adjust them but the clock in our bedroom is always about 4 minutes fast. It doesn't really matter to me anymore since I stopped working full time. I like you like to be on time or am usually early!

    1. It is a good habit to be early :) I think I learned it from my mom :) Now I tried to teach it to my son, but he didn't do well in that lesson :)


  9. It does seem funny, but my alarm clock is set a few minutes fast and I know it, so what's it really doing for me? :D
    I still like to wear a wristwatch, but no fitbit for me.

    1. I think I like knowing it is fast because then I know I'll always be on time, even if I am running a few minutes late :)


  10. I still wear a watch when I go out. I love being on time for appointments. Our clocks are all the time in the house. I have no desire to have Fit Bit. That's interesting about Koda and Winslow. We have had our dogs on self feeding which I always liked. Hope your weekend is going well.

    1. My weekend is going well, Debby! Hope yours is as well! I haven't worn a watch in years. I bet it would feel big and bulky if I did start wearing one again :)


  11. I always refer to the time on my cellphone or laptop - they are both in sync. My 4 wall clocks, however, all show different times!

    Happy Monday, Betty!

    1. Hope your Monday was a good one Veronica! I always use my cell phone when I need to know the "exact" time :)


  12. Haaahaha NO our clocks are not synchronized and really, how could such a thing even be accomplished? Clocks are going to drift; it's a fact of life. Our grandfather clock runs fast; no matter how many times I fiddle with the knob at the bottom of the pendulum, nothing changes. Our car clock -- actually both our car clocks -- run fast too (Or maybe I just have them set that way). I do not like it if the oven and microwave clocks do not agree; they are a scant eighteen inches from one another and that would drive me crazy, so I set them simultaneously when there's a power cut or something and they are flashing, or at time change time. The kids gave me a FitBit watch for my birthday in 2016; it was okay but I killed it that summer by wearing it in the pool (I thought it was waterproof). I felt bad about that but I never really missed it. I don't like wearing jewelry of any kind unless I am going out (meaning, I wear no jewelry at home except when we're having company and I'm dressed for that). We are always on time or early, and rarely if ever late. That would drive me crazy too! We do, however, have two (of four) children who are chronically late. I admit it is annoying and I have to bite my tongue in order not to say anything. They actually drive ONE ANOTHER crazy with their lateness, like if they are doing something together and on a schedule, but neither one seems to care about always being on time *sigh* ... Rizzo knows the time of day. He gets green beans at around 3:00 and a greenie treat at around 5:00 and he always starts staring at me and wagging his tail right on cue ... hahaha Love to Winslow xoxo

    1. LOL with your kids, Jenny. It is like they all were raised by the same parents so why did 2 get the "time gene" and two didn't? My son and DIL are always late. I was surprised last week at my grandson's 6th birthday they were actually at the pizza place where it was being held on time! I had purposefully gotten there late (with the cake I was picking up) to make sure they would be there to help me carry in everything. I was shocked to see both of their cars parked right out front :)

      You make me laugh about the oven and microwave clocks having to agree on the time. We have 2 microwaves (it just works out better that way) and I'm not 100% sure they match and I'm too lazy to get up and look. Thankfully our oven doesn't have a clock on it :)


  13. Hi Betty. Cute post, interesting subject for those of us who don't want 'deep' subjects. :) Story of my life!
    We try to synchronize of our clocks, phones, laptops and watches on the same time. When we worked, our bedroom clock was always about 10 minutes early. It was a mind game we played, I guess. We are seldom if ever late, usually the far opposite. Usually the first ones anywhere, even 20 minutes early to work back in those days. It's just who we are too. My daughter is a different story. ♥
    Clemson our previous cockapoo kept playing the 'time to feed me game' about 30 minutes early but when we started traveling and had time changes, he got confused and would start for his 6 pm supper at 4:30 because his tummy told him so! Gibbs is very patient but on occasion will ring the bell at 6 or a few minutes before. Like his servants, we oblige!

    1. Then I forgot to answer your last question. I wore my Fitbit for about 8 years faithfully and when the last one died (I had 3 consecutively) I just gave up. I was interested in my steps each day. Now I know how long I walk and that's all that matters. I seldom wear a watch but once in a while I'll get in a mood. :)

    2. Thanks Patsy for the comment :) Sometimes a fluffy post is better than a deep subject one :) You are right, it is a mindset if we set the clocks ahead because we know what time they really are, but I do like those couple extra minutes as a buffer in case of traffic and the like :) I sometimes wonder how many steps I get in during a day since I walk on the treadmill 5 mornings a week. I know you get in a lot of steps with your walks with Gibbs :)


  14. I am definitely an on time or early person. The clock in my car is set 5 minutes ahead. I did it like that years ago when I drove the kids to preschool so we wouldn't be late. I got used to it and just kept it like that. I do wear a Fitbit and I'd be so lost without it. I track my steps of course. I have alarms set to take my medicine. I like that I get notifications of calls and can read texts by glancing at my wrist. I've worn one for so long that it feels weird when I take it off.

    1. I keep thinking of a FitBit to track steps but after not wearing a watch for years, I'm not sure I could get used to wearing one again, lol :) One of the ladies at work wears a FitBit and she's always looking down at it to read her texts that come in. I'm not sure that would be a good thing, not that I get a lot of texts in any given day :)

