Thursday, February 3, 2022

January Books

In the month of January, I read 4 books.  As I am keeping track of the numbers of books read this year, I'm also doing reviews of them.  


The first book of the new year that I finished was The Last Letter from Your Lover by JoJo Meyers.  I understand it is a movie on Netflix, but I have yet to see it.  The book started out slow and I almost gave up on it.  If a book does not grab a hold of my attention within the first 20-30 pages, I put it aside and reach for something else to read.  There are so many good books out there and never enough time to read them all that I personally refuse to continue every book started if I am not enjoying reading it.  However, I am glad I persevered on this one because once I got in to it, it was one of those that was hard to put down.  Very interesting story told in the past and the present about love and love lost with a twist I didn't see coming at the end of the book.  It did wrap up nicely with good closure at the end.  I'll say if you are going to read it, each chapter starts with a month and year.  Keep track of those in your head.  It will help it come together sooner than later as the story does bounce around a little bit.  Highly recommend it.

The second book I read was The Secret Next Door by Rebecca Taylor.  It is a story of a young mom who wants to give her son a great upbringing in a snobby type of neighborhood with a good school but has problems doing so with the challenges of her life and her marriage.  One of the other moms featured in the book loses a child in a mysterious way which has all the other families in the area up in arms on who the killer may be.  Again, the book wrapped up pretty well at the end and the story line was plausible with a surprise in the plot I was not expecting.  I think the author could have developed her characters a bit more and perhaps wrap up a few more loose ends, but all in all it was a well written book and held my attention.  Would recommend it.

The third book was Last Girl Ghosted by Lisa Unger.  I understand that this was her 19th book but this was the first one of hers I have read.  This book was a hardcover that I had gotten from my public library. The others I read this month were e-books I read on my tablet.  This took me about 6 weeks to complete as I only read a few pages a night before bed.  I'm not sure what my head was thinking when I checked this book out back in November-ish.  It was a really weird story line, a bit intriguing to see how it all played out.  It was dark and had an okay ending but kind of a sad tale all around.  I don't think I would recommend this.  If you did read this or any of her other books, would love your opinion about her as a writer and your thoughts about this book.  I guess I should say just a little about what the book was about.  Basically a lady meets a man through online dating and it kind of goes south after that.  Again, I just don't know what I was thinking when I got that book a few months back. 

The last book read in January was The Women in Black by Madeline St. John.  After I finished reading it, I read the "about author" section of the book and saw that she had been born in 1941 and had passed in 2006 (at the age of 64 from emphysema).  She wrote this book back in 1993; it was her first book written.  Aneta had recommended it on my last post I had written about book reviews.  It was an absolute delight of a book to read.  It isn't very long compared to the other books read this month but enjoyable story all around.  Very highly recommended.  The story involved four women who worked in a high end store in the clothing department during a 6 week holiday season.  Came to a very nice end.  Just an all around "feel good" book!

Now onto February.  I updated my Goodreads account so that would keep track of my reading and signed up for the reading challenge there, saying I would read 50 books in 2022 . I think I'll be able to achieve that goal!

Let me know if you read any of these and your thoughts and any good books you read in January!

Happy reading! 


  1. These sound like books I would enjoy reading. I'm the same way with a book. If it doesn't catch my interest in the first chapter I'm done with it.

    1. I think you would like The Women In Black since you work in a store. Hope you didn't get anymore snow!!


  2. I did read the first one when I was on a Jojo Moyes kick last year and read all her books. I thought it was a pretty good one, though her best book is The Giver of Stars, in my opinion. It’s based on Eleanor Roosevelt’s traveling library in Kentucky. I think I’d love your last pick, having worked in a department store. I will add it to my list! I read The Paris Library and really enjoyed it, so thanks for that recommendation. I’m really enjoying these posts!

    1. Glad you are enjoying these! I did read The Giver of Stars a few years back and equally enjoyed it. The Women In Black is a quick read too. It is set in Australia in the 1950s. I really did like it.


  3. You are sweet to review the books. I am stuck on Westerns. They are easy to read and if one doesn't catch my interest I quickly drop it. I took an account with Kindle unlimited. Last night I read an entire book, they are easy and many too short. I need to return to some of my favs, Clancy etc. Sherry is reading Tracey Peterson. she does at least one a week. We use the same account. Tracy puts her first book of a series on Unlimited (free) so Sherry has read at least 12 of her first books. ;-).
    Anyway we are readers and appreciate anyone who will write a review. Good on you!
    Sherry & jack

    1. Thanks Sherry and Jack! I haven't read any of Tracey Peterson. I will have to look them up. I debated about joining Kindle but so far get all I can read from our library so we will see down the road. I might have to read a Western soon. My hubby reads a lot of Tom Clancy and Clive Cussler.


  4. I loved-loved-loved reading these reviews, Betty. Thank you for taking the time to do them. I always enjoy reading book reviews & have read many a book because of them over the years. I'm having a hard time reading these days. I always find other things to draw my attention. I got a few books for Christmas so I need to "snap out of it", most assuredly! ~Andrea xoxoxo

    1. Glad you are liking these Andrea! I think I would read less if I didn't read while on the treadmill. Otherwise it is easy to find other things to do!


  5. I loved this post, Betty! Really thought last year (that) I'd conquered my mysterious aversion to reading. Nope. I've found myself finding anything and everything to do except sit down and read. And for most of my life, that was my passion. Go figure!
    Anyway, I'm drawn to #'s 1, and 2. And maybe 3!

    1. Just schedule it into uour day lol. But I know what you are saying. I would read less if I wasn't doing it when exercising. Stay away from #3. I will email you tonight the gist of the book. Don't want spoilers on here lol.


  6. This list looks pretty good to me, even the Lisa Unger book. I think I read "Confessions on the 7:45" by her, but honestly don't remember much about it. I'm always on the lookout for a good novel, so thanks for the reviews! Are you on

    1. Lol. I replied to your comment but not in the right place. Scroll down and you will see it. Sorry for the confusion!


    2. It starts with "I just got on Goodreads"


  7. I have not read any of these books or authors but I think I would enjoy The Women in Black. Thanks for the review! Love to Winslow! xoxo

    1. I Think you would too! Winslow says love you back! He will have a dedicated post soon!


  8. I just got on Goodreads but haven't done much there other than sign up for the reading challenge. Lisa Unger did write that book Confessions on the 7:45. I havent read it. Maybe I will give her another try down the line.


  9. I'll have to check that first book out on Netflix. Thank you for your books reviews. How wonderful that you are reading.

    1. Let me know if you watch it on Netflix, Debby. I just reactivated my Netflix membership and got hooked on Ozark, lol, so now I'm binge watching that for a bit till I get caught up! Have a good weekend!


  10. Thanks for the book recommendations! I put a few of them on my Goodreads to read list. Like you a book has to grab me in the first 20 pages or so or I can't keep reading it. That's why I only get free books now from the library or Amazon Prime.

    1. I agree, Jeanette. Why spend money on a book when there are so many free options out there? Did you hear that Amazon Prime is going up? I guess it's time, but still!


  11. I haven't read any of these. I know Jojo Moyes is hugely popular, but somehow I haven't read any of her books yet.

    "The Women In Black" sounds really good. I'm going to put that one on hold at the library. I love book review posts like this. The last two books I've read have been very disappointing, so I'm ready for a good one.

    1. It is hard to find a good book sometimes. Apples Never Fall by Liane Moriarty is a pretty good book. I've read a lot of her books and like the majority of them except her Nine Perfect Strangers. That was a bit weird. And Celeste Ng's Everything I Never Told You and Little Fires Everywhere were both good books if you haven't read them.


  12. Thank you for the book recommendations. They sound like good ones. I used to have more time to read than I do now but my goal is still to get in 24 books for the year. enjoy the rest of your week!

    1. I think a goal of 24 books in a year is a doable one! If I didn't read when I was exercising on the treadmill, I probably would read fewer books. Those 35 minutes go faster with a good book! I hope you are doing as well as you can and I hope your week is a peaceful one and the weekend one of relaxation.


  13. Great idea to review your reads ~ and keep track of how many you've read. I should do the same just to see how many I read through the year. I always have two books going at once....I do love it!

    1. I signed up with Goodreads to keep track of the books. If I remember to update it, I should have a list by the end of the year :) I too read 2 books at a time. One while exercising and another on the nightstand for reading before bedtime :)

      Have a great weekend!


  14. I used to be a total bookworm. Now, I might read 3-4 books a year. I'll go through a phase and want to read, then once I finish a book or two, I'm done for a while. I will have to take note of these and look for them when I'm in a reading mood again. I only read ebooks now on my iPad because I can't see the print in real books anymore. I have reading glasses but I can only wear them for so long, so the iPad it is!

    1. I know what you mean about reading the print in a regular book. When I needed new glasses a few years back it was really hard to read and I'd look for the large print books lol :) I like that you can adjust the size of the font on the tablets and iPads :) I don't think I would read as much as I do if I didn't read while on the treadmill :)

