Sunday, February 27, 2022

February in pictures

Hard to believe February is wrapping up.  It went by so fast.  A few pictures with how we spent the month.  

A Play-Doh creation made by grandson (formerly known as the wee one, I'm updating his name now that he is 6 years old).  The critter is Huggy-Wuggy, a game he plays.  (Note, I don't always approve/like the games/videos he watches but I'm not his parents and I don't encourage him to do so when I'm around him).  

A cortado and a donut from a local coffee shop (see below picture for more of a description).  By the way, this is the first time hubby had a cortado and the first time I had seen it on a coffee drink menu.  I learned something new that day.  It was delicious!

Coffeeshop where we had the above coffee and donut (I actually had gotten a chai tea).  The coffeeshop is called Cultivate Coffee . We try to go there at least monthly because it is a great concept.  It is actually a 503 c or b charity (not sure which one but one of them).  It employs the marginal; i.e. immigrant, teen aging out of foster care and the like.  Here is how they describe it on their website:  "Each cup of coffee not only goes to support the vulnerable in our city financially, it also helps provide opportunities for the dignity of work and human flourishing. We strive to employ people who otherwise struggle to find work in the US, whether it’s a young adult aging out of the foster care system, a refugee seeking a safer way of life, or someone simply looking for a fresh start."

Remember the big hype a few years back about changing the names of "offensive" brands? At that time we bought the syrup (it has a LONG shelf life).  We also bought the pancake mix with the same name (it had a shorter shelf life and it aged out so to speak and we had to dispose of it).  Anyway, we bought the new name of it pancake mix as we were wanting pancakes but didn't want to go out for them.  I kind of like the old name myself.  The pancakes, regardless of the name, were delicious.  We also had to buy a griddle to make the pancakes, lol, since we had given our other griddle to son several moves ago.  It was a bit of a time since we made "homemade" pancakes.

February here had lots of warm days, though we did have 2 bouts of "cold" weather; i.e. highs of 50s in the day.  This was taken on a high 70 degree day.  There is a lizard on the brick wall (right side by the pillar).  

Grandson turned six this month! I know, hard to imagine.  He had a birthday party at a local pizza parlor (not Chucky Cheese but Peter Piper Pizza).  We bought the cake and several dozen of cupcakes for it.  He wanted a Mario cake.  The cake was a hit (I think mainly because of Mario and Luigi on their racing carts).  It was a fun time!

Winslow loves sleeping in this crate.  I originally had it out as a toy container for him as a new pup but he started laying in it.  He's outgrown it, obviously, but he still will go there first thing if you give him a dog treat or a new toy and he will sleep in it.  I guess it is security to him.

Lunch out at Wendy's with hubby the other day.  There is a Wendy's very close to where I work.  Literally across the street.  Hubby picks me up in front of my work place and we drive over there.  We have lunch, then he drops me back off.  We can do the whole process in about 30 minutes, which is my lunch time (sometimes its 32-33 minutes but on the days I have lunch with him, usually 2 times a month, I don't take a morning break just in case I go over with the time).  We both get the #1 combo, single burger with cheese, no onions.  I get a small, he gets a medium.  Fast food is not cheap anymore.  This was over 20 dollars.  

And finally, a corgi bubble.  

And that is a wrap.  

How was your February? 


  1. February did fly by but then again, it seems to me that every month fly's by now. The coffee shop sounds awesome. I've heard of companies like that and I think it is a wonderful concept.
    So nice you were able to celebrate with your grandson. That is a special event.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks Lori, I hope your weekend is going well! I do like the coffee shop concept. It has been in business for a few years and I didn't know it was even there but on the Next Door app the owner of it did a post about it. A "big business" coffee shop (not Starbucks but Black Rock Coffee) opened up literally right next door to it. She said of all the locations they could have picked, why did they pick that place so close to her coffee shop. So she asked for community support on the grand opening of Black Rock to come to check out her place too. We did (it was packed and has remained packed since then every time we go in). Black Rock is equally doing good business which is nice too :)


  2. Today is my birthday - lol - so I like February. It does fly by after long January. Looks like you had a nice month tho. Your grandson has a February birthday too. Winslow does need a new crate! The price of everything is going up.

    1. Happy Birthday Sandie! I hope you have a great day and a fantastic year ahead! So true how February flies after the long month of January! I know when the kids were in school and after January was over, it seemed like the end of the school year came incredibly fast after that!


  3. I’m always glad when February ends, as we are that much closer to Spring! I had no idea fast food cost so much! I question what marketing genius came up with the name Pearl Milling Company. So boring and forgettable. I would honestly never remember that name! Happy Birthday to your grandson! I did not know what a Cortada was, but it sounds like a latte, which is all I drink. The coffee shop sounds great. Are the prices the same as anywhere else?

    1. I know, the Pearl Milling Company is a mouthful to say and it is easily forgettable. In fact when we bought it I had to stare at it for a minute to realize it was the new name. I would have bypassed it probably except it was the same coloring as the previous name. Yes, the prices are about the same as anywhere else at that coffee shop. I should have probably done a whole post just on it but it is a wonderful place to hang out. They have a chessboard there with pieces (obviously) to play a game if someone wants to. They also have community events there like open mic night. We don't frequent Starbucks these days so it is nice to have a local business that produces a quality product for coffee. We also have another local favorite, Desert Eagle, for their blended Mr. Penguin drink. That is deadly good if one likes blended coffee drinks with lots of whipped cream and caramel and chocolate drizzle. We splurge about once every 2 months on one of those :)

      I was totally surprised too about the cost of fast food here. When we went to San Diego at Thanksgiving, we stopped at a McDonald's in El Centro for lunch and that meal was $22.00. I figured California, but our prices here are inching up. I won't say what I spent on 4 pizzas yesterday to bring over to DIL's house - we try to get together on Saturday nights for dinner while son is working. We have been doing fast food but will start making food again to bring over (she's allergic to Winslow so we avoid them coming here as much as possible). Anyway, last night my hubby was playing on the worship team at church so I didn't want to have to haul food over myself that I had to make myself lol so we went with pizza. Of course I had to get a cheese one for the grandson, pepperoni for step granddaughter, then us "adults" (hubby/me and son/DIL) each pick a pizza we like and then we all share everything with them having leftovers for a meal or two. Let's just say I have to work a majority of a day to pay for what those pizzas cost :)


  4. I hear you on the first one about not saying anything. I've never heard of a Cortado but I do love a glazed old fashion donut. I still am upset that they changed the names of some items. The history that we know is being erased. I see the lizard. Ours have been showing themselves lately too. Where do they go in Winter? Cute cake. Hope he enjoyed his party. That's a sweet photo of Winslow in the crate. That's a nice lunch treat. Mark has recently been talking about going to Wendy's. We haven't been to one in years but we remember liking their burgers. Love the bubble. Hope your weekend is going well.

    1. My weekend is going well, Debby. Hope yours is too! I like Wendy's frosties when it is summertime. I too wonder where the lizards go in winter but it doesn't take much heat to get them out here. Grandson did like his party. It was fun to see him interacting with his friends. It was something I hadn't seen before since when we get together it is usually just family. Its nice to see that he is a good friend and has good friends :)


  5. I knew you had a new blog but somehow I've missed all your recent posts! February has flown by for us. It will always be "Aunt Jemimah" to me and I'll probably keep on calling it that for years to come. Happy 6th birthday to your grandson. 6 is such a fun age to be. Fast food has definitely gotten expensive and most are struggling to stay open here. Nobody wants to work! It's a crazy time. Winslow has gotten SO big!! He sure is a beautiful pup. I followed you now so I will be better at keeping up!

    1. I agree with you, Mellie, it will always be Aunt Jemimah for me too. Such a shame it had to undergo a name change. I agree too about 6 years old being a fun age. They still like to play and have fun. They haven't developed those teen angst years :) Every place is hiring here too. Not sure why people aren't working. Don't they have bills to pay, lol? Glad we are back to following each other's blog too :)


  6. Looks like a good February all up and in. I'd never hard of cortada - sounds delish! What a nice concept for a coffee place.
    I felt that Aunt Jemima had evolved over the years to a modern independent woman, but I'm okay with the change. You've got a vintage syrup bottle now.
    Corgi bubble - HA!

    1. I really do like that coffee shop. I should have done a whole post on it like I mentioned to Bijoux. It has a nice atmosphere in it. People like to come to socialize as well as work on their laptops and the like and I saw a family playing card games in there one time when we were there. I would never have heard of it if the owner hadn't advertised on the Next Door app about another coffee place opening up right near them. It is tucked away in a strip mall that surprisingly I drove by daily for 8 months but never really looked over there lol :) So true I have a vintage syrup bottle. Maybe I shouldn't have opened it :)


  7. I've never heard of Huggy Wuggy, he's kind of creepy looking.
    The last time I went to a Wendy's was about a year ago. It was just me and It was over $9. I was in shock.

    1. Huggy Wuggy is creepy as a character too. I would prefer grandson not play a game like that but again I am not his parents. I know, Wendy's used to be a cheaper place to eat. At least here the quality is still good but the price is getting too close out of the range I'm not interested in eating there. Not even sure they have a dollar menu there anymore!


  8. Hi, just got around to reading. As always THANKS. BUT ouch... That 'doughnut' looked scrumptious. I know the wee one did like that cake.. We had several immediate RV repairs needed today. BUSY!
    Love from Florida, jack & Sherry (Thanks for your prayers!)

    1. You are welcome (about the prayers :) Sorry to hear about the RV repairs - never fun!!!


  9. What a feel-good post! Until I clicked on the link I'd never heard of a cortado ... and now I WANT one. That's interesting about the pancake syrup/mix. I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for a vintage box; those might be worth $ someday. I wonder if Winslow's thinking his crate has shrunk. He's soooo cute!
    Yes, the last 48 hours have been busy-busy-busy with Tom's birthday and his daughter here; it's all good!

    1. I wondered how the birthday celebration was going Myra! I'm glad Tom's daughter made it there safe and sound! It is funny to imagine that the crate was so big when Winslow was small that there was plenty of room for him in there to turn around, etc. Now its a bit of a tight squeeze fit :)


  10. Awww, Winslow is so sweet! I just love him. Rizzo loves his crate too! WOW that Wendy's bill ... mercy! We don't eat fast food except for every great while some Chick-fil-A, but their prices have risen exponentially too. I think it's only going to get worse. And now you've got me wanting homemade pancakes! That just sounds so good, especially with some bacon and fresh, hot coffee! I have never heard of a cortado but that sounds really good. When we are in Oklahoma City on my birthday next week, I want to visit several coffee shops that I have picked out. One is right around the corner from our hotel. TG doesn't drink coffee but I want to pick up some unique destination-specific gifts for my girls, who take care of my pets when I'm gone. Good job, encouraging grandson to create something with his hands rather than stare at a screen! We have to urge Dagny off the screens too. xoxo

    1. How fun, Jenny, to check out coffee shops when you are in Oklahoma City! You'll have to let us know how they are! Happy early birthday! This crate of Winslow's is not the one he sleeps in (except for naps when we are home). He has this huge crate he sleeps in at night or when we are gone so he does have plenty of room but this little crate must be his security blanket or something. We crate him to keep him out of trouble, lol :) I wish I could say that grandson does not spend a lot of time on screens because when he was working on this creation he also was watching something on Netflix on the "big" TV and some YouTube video on his tablet. Sigh :)


  11. I've never heard of Huggy Wuggy. He does indeed look creepy!

    I used to love Wendy's chili con Carne but sadly, all the Wendy's outlets in Malaysia closed down a couple of years ago.


    1. Veronica, I too like the chili at Wendy's, especially over their baked potato. Shame all the Wendy's closed in Malaysia. Wonder if it was too expensive to ship food items there?


  12. It's been forever since I've made pancakes! I always want to eat them with sausage though. I think it's a throw back from my childhood when we would go out to breakfast I would always get sausage roll ups! Something comforting about them! I can't see the lizard for the life of me! That sounds like a great coffee shop!

    1. I like sausage roll ups too! Haven't had one in a long time either :) The lizard is really hard to see and it is a small one at best :) They always manage to scare me lol :) Make yourself some pancakes soon :)

