Sunday, March 20, 2022

A week later

So, remember a week ago when we were talking about that obnoxious coworker? So many of you said it would play itself out, one way or another. And you were all right with it.  It truly did play itself out.  Truly in a way I didn't expect when I mentioned it last week and how soon it happened. 

I had prayed so much about this situation for a few months.  I was honest with God.  I told Him I did not like her and I wanted her gone yet I knew that He loved her and she was an image bearer of Him.  I asked for patience to deal with her and I asked for forgiveness on the times I had trouble dealing with her.  

I came close last Wednesday to quitting. To giving my notice and leaving.  She pulled into the parking garage the same time I did and I literally cried for a few minutes before I got my act together and went to work.  I texted my husband and said "I'm done here.  I'm going to give my notice".  I didn't care that I had nothing lined up for a job.  He was (and always has been) very supportive of me.

It was a very intense week.  I wrote an incredibly long post about it and if anyone wants to read it, email me at and I'll send you a copy of what I wrote.  But I decided not to post it in a public forum as I really do not know who reads these things and though I kept names out of it, who knows who might have read it and put pieces together.

And then.........when everything was at the lowest it possibly could be at. It was announced by the obnoxious coworker to me that she was LEAVING.  That yesterday, Friday, was her last day. She left at noon.  I was so grateful to get her out of the building.  She said she had a new job. A place she had worked at before who wanted her back and was happy she would be coming back.  A wonderful opportunity for her.  I'm not 100% sure this was the case but I'm not going to question it and I'm going to remain grateful that this chapter is closed.

This past Thursday I prayed what I wanted to happen.  I prayed for her to get a great job, wonderful coworkers, great pay, benefits and the like.  And then I said "Your will Lord, not mine. Whatever you want to do."  And I surrendered it to Him.

And though I was prepared to walk away, I was totally surprised about the events of Friday.  So totally surprised.  I would not have imagined how it played out if you had asked me about it a week ago.

But she is gone.  GONE!!!! 

It will be quieter in the office which is a good thing.

A worker who was harassed, bullied and really stalked will be able to breathe a bit easier.

And I wish the obnoxious coworker well.  I will continue to pray for her for a bit but I am sure in time she will bump off my prayer list.  

I learned a lot from this situation. Something I have not had to deal with before.  I'll be wiser in the future if faced with such a thing.

I'm just grateful she is gone.

And I truly do wish her the best.


  1. What a relief that is for you. I'm so happy you'll have a better work environment now. Did you and the other employees have a party?

    1. We should have had a party, lol! We all just breathed big sighs of relief! I know I was exhausted that afternoon and slept really well Friday night :)


  2. Wow, Betty! I had no idea from your previous post that it was that bad. How awful for you and the others who were bullied. I’m glad you trusted God and that you had an answer to your prayers. What a relief!

    1. It was an awful situation, more so for the coworker that she had latched on to. The coworker pulled back this week on how much she wanted to be involved with the obnoxious coworker and that just drove the obnoxious one wild and she did and said some crazy things over the week. It is a relief indeed!


  3. Thank the Lord. I smiled and wondered about an employer 'wanting' someone back but remember two people in my life. One an ex-daughter in law who missed a lot of work and they kept her on the job. I was told they were just glad to have ANYONE at work. Then a Grandson who was starting a business this year and gave up because he could not get employees who wanted to even show up at work.
    Remembering back, I would have hated to be in that position as an employer.
    We feel so relieved for you, some irritants are hard to handle. This was a great post... A relief we know, for you.
    Love from the rains in Florida....

    Sherry and jack, smiling with you!

    1. Not sure if there was actually a job for her and if she just wanted to save face, so to speak, and leave on her terms. I think she would have been escorted out the door by security if our supervisor got wind of what she had done and what she had been doing! So thankful for answered prayer!


  4. I'm so happy to hear that this is finally all behind you. Prayer is powerful. It's too bad that you had to go through this stressful situation but you'll be stronger and wiser for it moving forward.
    Have a wonderful Sunday Betty!!

    1. So true, Lori. I already mentioned to my husband how I will be able to spot things quicker if a similar situation was to arise in the future (let's hope not lol :) You have a great Sunday too!!


  5. Yippee and thank the good Lord! This testimony should negate anyone's doubts whether God is listening!
    Why yes, I'd like to read your 'original' sometime when you have time.
    I hope your new work week is much lighter and brighter!

    1. Thanks Myra! I think next week will be so much more lighter!!! And so true, God is always listening!!!

      Have a great day!


  6. I think that would be considered a miracle.

  7. Wow, what a testimony! Thanks for sharing. Although I don't know the details of the obnoxiousness, she clearly was negative energy for you and other coworkers. I'm glad for you all it was resolved so cleanly!

    1. So true, Abby, about the negative energy! It definitely was toxic and hostile! And I am glad it worked out the way it did. She got to leave on her own terms. Like I mentioned above in reply to someone else's comment, she easily could have been let go by our supervisor based on what she had been pulling. Now on to a good week ahead!


  8. That is wonderful news and God certainly answered your prayers. I am so happy for you.

    1. Thanks Debby! So thankful about the great answer to prayer :)


  9. Thanks for the reminder that through God, all things are possible! Glad your days will be more peaceful.

    1. So true all things are possible through God!! Me too thankful and glad that our days will be more peaceful at work :)


  10. I am so glad for you, Betty! What a huge relief!

    Prayers do indeed move mountains.

    Have a great week ahead!

    1. So true Veronica about prayers!! And so true what a huge relief!! You too have a great week!


  11. Wow, I am so glad the situation resolved itself! It is awful when your job is so stressful due to someone else. We all won't get along but we should at least be civil in a work situation. I've worked with a few doozies as well and it made me hate going to work. I can imagine how relieved you are and now you don't have to leave the job. I would like to read your post so I'll send you an email.

    1. I think this was the worst doozie I have worked with! Totally relieved it worked itself out! Today at work was so quiet and peaceful!


  12. Toxic people in the workplace add stress to what can already be a stressful existence, and that should not be tolerated. But as we know, getting rid of them can be worse than having them around, what with the repercussions that kind of thing can bring about. I am so thrilled for you, that she has moved on, although I feel for those upon whom she is now inflicting herself. But do keep praying for her -- that she won't have second thoughts and come back, haahaha xoxo

    1. So true about toxic people adding stress! Yesterday and today it was so peaceful and productive at work! I will continue to pray for her :) I'm thinking she won't be able to come back here under the present environment because I told my supervisor yesterday the other temp and me could handle the work coming in and she doesn't need to hire a replacement (she asked me if I thought she needed to).


  13. Amazing! What a relief for you. And as they say, hurt people hurt people. You are very gracious in your response. It'll be a good change to have a stress free work environment.

    1. It is a big relief for me and especially the other temp! Thank you about saying I was gracious in my response because I had such a struggle with working with this lady. I prayed daily that I would be kind to her and I always prayed for her well being, etc. So true that hurt people hurt people and I think I saw this play out here in the office. It was incredible how less stressful it has been just for the past two days since she's been gone!


  14. Spotted you on a mutual friends blog and thought I'd pop in to say hi. It's always fun to meet new bloggers. No clue what went on in your work situation, but sound wonderful it ended the way it did. You and your other co-workers must be breathing a sigh of relief. Hope each day is brighter now for you.

    1. Thanks for coming over to say "hi". Will head over to your blog shortly :) Each day this week has been a brighter day at work! Such a joy to come in to work instead of a struggle :)


  15. Some bless us with their presence, others when they leave. So glad your prayers were answered. And hopefully she's off to better things. Win for all around.

    1. So true about people blessing us :) I do agree, a win for all around! (and a much quieter office :)


  16. I seem to have a hard time believ9ng that your former (yay!) coworker is returning to a job where they are excited to have her back! Anyway, at least she's gone from there! I had a coworker once that I lost sleep over everytime I knew I would be working with her the next day! Ugh! That is no way to have to live! Have a blessed and quiet week!

    1. I know, it is not good having that kind of stress with unpleasant coworkers! I am surprised but we haven't heard from this coworker since she left. I thought she would have text a couple of times. I'm glad she didn't. Supposedly she started her new job today. So who knows?


  17. Making blog rounds and waving hello, since I already left a comment. Hope you're doing well.

    1. Waving hi right back to you :) We're doing well! Hope you are too!

