Thursday, March 3, 2022

February in books

To continue on with my book reviews for 2022 and to keep track of books read in 2022, here are the books I read in February (okay the last one I finished March 2, 2022).  I set 50 books as my goal for 2022 and have read 8 so far, so I think I'm on track.

This was the first book I read in February.  Briefly, it is a story about a young woman who is addicted to alcohol.  She has a young boy she is raising as a single mom.  Because there are concerns by her family and neighbor about her inability to raise the child when she is intoxicated, she is given the option of going to rehab or having the authorities called on her.  She enters rehab and does become clean (sort of).  My take.  It was an okay book.  It was written in first person and there is a lot of imagery in it.  It lacked something in the writing and I have to say she had some weird mothering practices. I'm glad the main character was not my mom.  It also ended abruptly with a lot of loose edges that were not resolved.  

My second book read has been around for a long time.  If I remember correctly what I read, this was the first book picked by Oprah for her book club.  I don't know why I hadn't read it before.  I believe it was written in 1995.  1995 was a busy year raising kids so I probably wasn't doing as much reading as I've done in later years.  The story involved a family with 3 children and one of the children goes missing at 3 years of age.  No spoilers here but it sort of worked out okay in the end of the book, but there was the obvious grief of not knowing where your child was for many years and trying to live a life without them.  It was good writing and I enjoyed the book.

The third book was the sequel to The Deep End of the Ocean.  I usually don't read sequels but this one kind of got my curiosity wondering where the story would go.  The events that take place in this book happened 23 years after the child had gone missing with the children all grown up, pursuing their different careers, etc.  It was about half the size of the first book so it was a quick read.  It lacked a lot of substance and not the best story line.  I was glad it was a short book.  My advice.  Read the first and skip the second.

This was the last book I read in February.  Actually I was reading it simultaneously throughout the month with the other books as this was the hardcover book I read before bed most nights.  I have read a lot of Danielle Steel's books over the years and she pretty much has the same theme covered in every book and within pages you can figure out where the book is going.  Recently after I've read some of her books, I would say "okay I'm not reading any more" and then a new one would come out and I would read it.  I don't think her recent books are as good as her first books.  She's been writing forever so maybe she's reached the end of creativity? This book was different than her usual ones.  It covered 6 nurses who during WW2 would fly on planes that were designed to pick up the wounded, leaving England and flying to battle fields to transport the wounded back to England.  It covered the lives of the 6, how they got into nursing, their families, etc.  It was an interesting read as it wasn't predictable like some of her other ones and ended on a pretty upbeat note.  If you have some free time and don't have anything else to read, I would recommend it as a quick read.  

And that's it for February.  Let's see what books March has in store to be read.


  1. I don’t think any of these appeal to me. I’ve never read Steel because I don’t like those ‘formula’ style books. I did read the Women in Black book from last month and really enjoyed it. It was interesting to me, learning lots of new Aussie words. It was short, though! I also read a classic that was very short, 84 Charing Cross Road. Another blogger recommended it. It’s nonfiction about a woman in NYC who wrote letters to a bookstore in England in the 1950’s. I wouldn’t say it was fantastic, but an interesting and unusual book.

    1. These weren't my best picks of books for February lol and I think it was a struggle to get through them to keep my goal of 4 books a month. Glad you liked Women in Black. I do agree, it was a short one. I'll have to look for that 84 Charing Cross Road. Sounds interesting and maybe I'll need a short book down the line to get to my goal of 50 books this year. I think it took my years to realize Danielle Steel wrote formula style books, lol. But then once I got it, I could immediately guess which way the story was going within pages of starting the book. But it works for her so I guess she'll continue cranking them out as long as she wants to. I have one more of hers on hold. I think its called "Invisible." When I read that, I think I'll wrap it up with her and stop reading her. Have a good weekend!


  2. I remember reading The Deep End of the Ocean. Ironically that was when I had more time to read than I do now.
    If you haven't read any of Kristin Hannah's books I highly recommend them. Especially her last 5 or 6 books.

    1. I have read pretty much everything of Kristin Hannah. I really do enjoy her writing. I also like most of Jodi Picoult's books. I'm reading her newest one now "Wish You Were Here." It is the hardcover book I read before bed so I'm not sure I'll get it done in March lol :) Our library has a very generous return policy for hardcover books. They keep renewing them automatically after 3 weeks. I think I have had this one and Flying Angels since January. Hopefully one day in the future you'll have more time to read again?


  3. It is good of you to post reviews and reports on books. I know only one of the writers, Steele. That is because Sherry at one time followed her. Sherry is now stuck on Tracy Peterson (Christian Fiction), reading her free books (at least 20 now, ;-))
    ME? I am stuck on Westerns, more of today's Westerns are historically accurate and that is interesting to me. I did interrupt to read a real paper and ink book by Baldacci. ;-)
    Enjoyed the reviews, and this was a good visit. THANKS
    Sherry & jack smiling in Florida's sun.

    1. I will have to check out Tracy Peterson and I'll try to read a Western sometime this year, Jack :) I always like a free book too!


  4. Eight books already, good for you!
    I might check out Bright Burning Things. I typically like books written in first person (kinda like reading blogs?) even when the character is flawed.
    Deep End of the Ocean brings back memories! I read it when it was "hot" in the 90s and liked it then. I usually avoid stories dealing with missing kids and the like, but I knew he'd be "okay" when I started the book, and it was more about the family dynamics of the whole thing. Good one! I'll skip the sequel 😊
    I haven't read Danielle Steele in a long time, but this one sounds different for her, so maybe I'll check it out.

    1. If you read Bright Burning Things, I'd like to hear your take on it, Abby. I generally do like books written in first person too. The character was just a bit odd for me maybe? Flying Angels is different than the typical Danielle Steel writing. It wasn't as predictable as some and caught me by surprise on some of the things that went on in the book. She certainly has a way of turning the books out in a quick manner and has made riches doing so!


  5. Way to go! Unfortunately, if a story doesn't resonate by Pg. 40 (for instance) it's going bye-bye. Like that old saying, "So many books, so little time." I used to be a huge fan of Danielle Steele, but all the feel-good-sticky became a bit much. Perhaps I need to give her another try.

    1. I think it is prudent to stay away from Danielle Steel, especially some of her latest books like The Butler, Complications, The Neighbors to name a few. She went a little dark on some of her plots. She made a fortune though writing the types of books she did :)


  6. Hope you meet your goal for the year. I didn't know there was a sequel to The Deep end of the Ocean. I love the movie. When I was reading I always loved Danielle Steel books.

    1. Thanks Debby; if I stay on track of 4 books a month I should and then pick up another book for 2 months and I'm good to go. I didn't know they made a movie of the Deep End of the Ocean. I bet it was powerful! I was surprised too about a sequel. The first book was the better of the two. I did like Danielle Steel for quick reads but some of her books lately have not had that same quality she used to have in her writings and she has taken some weird twists on some too. Hope you have a nice weekend ahead!


  7. I've watched the movie The Deep end of the Ocean but never read the book.

    Michelle Pfeiffer's performance was stellar!

    Happy Monday, Betty!

    1. I didn't realize there was a movie of the book, Veronica. I can see Michelle Pfeiffer doing well in that role she played! Hope you had a nice day!


  8. I read The Deep End of the Ocean many years ago ... I remember liking it. You have a wonderful reading goal! xoxo

    1. I'm not sure I bit off more than I can chew lol with the reading goal, but it is only March. We'll see!


  9. I've read some Danielle Steel books and feel the same as you do. Some of them I wondered why they were so popular. Reading 8 books so far is great and I think you will easily reach your goal of 50 this year. So far I've read none! lol There's a few that I want to read but just don't have the time these days. Have a great weekend, Betty!

    1. You too have a great weekend Mellie!! I don't think you'll have much time for reading until your girls graduate and go off to college. But enjoy these days because you know how quickly they go!

