Saturday, March 12, 2022


This is going to be a random post, just all over the place, lol.  I'm not really sure where it is going but I do know it has been a week or so since I posted, so I thought I better post something.  

I'm writing this on Saturday afternoon.  It is a beautiful sunny day with a high of 76 anticipated.  We are due for about 87 degrees midweek and I'm looking forward to it.  Seriously.  I really do enjoy the warmth over cold.

Everyone else is getting ready to spring forward with the time, but here in Arizona, as you guys are probably aware, we don't participate in it.  I don't miss it at all!  I just have to remember that we will now be the same time as our family in California.  In fall, when they fall backward, then we are an hour ahead of them. 

This sign greeted me at work on March 1st.  I ditched the mask immediately as did about 98% of the employees.  We still have to have our health screening daily where we stand in front of a machine and answer questions about our health and the machine takes our temperature.  I laugh because on cold days, walking in from the parking lot, sometimes the machine will say "your temperature is too low".  Got to step away from the machine for a moment and warm up and then it will give you a normal temperature.  Honestly, I don't think it is 100% accurate at all with the thermal forehead reading because I get a lot of temps of 95.6 or the like.  I think one time since I started there, in the summer, I got a 98.1 reading.  

It was amazing to see people's whole faces! To see men who had facial hair or young women who had nose piercings and the like.  Last Thursday, though, walking in I said "oh no, I forgot my mask" and then realized I didn't need it.  (Senior moment).

I got an unexpected settlement of a class action lawsuit I was part of.  My horrid former employer when I did medical transcription lost the class action lawsuit someone from California had filed for wages not being paid.  Actually I'm not really too sure what the lawsuit involved but they kept really good records and it was proven that they were not paid for what they should have been paid for like a 5 year period.  Because I had worked in California for 2 years of that 5 year span, I had gotten a notice about a year or so ago if I wanted to be part of the class action lawsuit.  I didn't expect anything to come of it since so many other people had tried to sue this company (they really were a horrid place to work at) that I just signed the papers and sent them back.  Imagine my surprise when a few months ago I got a letter that said the company had agreed to settle the lawsuit and I was told what my compensation would be.  It was more than a few pennies.  I got the check today.  We're going to have fun with it and be a bit frivolous with it.  I was just gleeful that they actually had to pay out a few million dollars and then had to pay the legal fees too.  So glad I don't work there any more!!! 

Winslow is shedding like crazy.  There is an old joke that says something to this effect.  "Corgis shed twice a year.  January to July and July to December".  And that's about the truth . They constantly shed but he does have a shedding season which we are in right now I do believe.  We call his fur "the gift that keeps on giving" as we shake out our clothes and the like of his fur.  Otherwise, he is as spunky as can be and energetic as can be and I guess I wouldn't have it any other way.

Work is slowing down a bit and I'm not sure what is going to be happening there.  For those who might not remember or those new to reading me, I am doing a temporary job for a major grocer (not Wal-Mart) processing their terminated employee paper files to be scanned to be saved in digital form.  We used to get several big boxes of files from all over the country daily where they have stores but it has been consistently slowing down since October.  Not sure why.  There are three of us who are doing the work but in reality two could do it.  We also open and process mail but again, three at this point is too many.  I'm the longest one there and we are all temps.  My supervisor is aware that things are slowing down as I have notified her of the volume of boxes we receive (she works from home and has not been in the office since August when the vaccine mandate came into play).  My original temp contract was for 6 months but was extended the first part of this year, but if work is not coming in, then of course I could be done.  I'm not sweating it.  If it ends, I'll find something else and can collect unemployment in the meantime.  I am dealing though with a coworker (one of the other temps on the same project) who I am not really fond of (the other temp is not fond of this person either).  This particular coworker is a bit of a bully to the other temp and controlling as well as being loud and obnoxious and rude at times.  So it might be a relief to be working some place else.  We'll see.  Having the supervisor not in the workplace to observe the situation makes it difficult to convey things to her without sounding petty.  It has been frustrating and at times I think I can't stand being around this person and I'll just look for something else even though I do like the job (super simple and not stressful except for the coworker).  So if it plays out that that there isn't enough work, it could be a good thing.  Again, I'm not sweating it.

And that is life today, March 12, 2022, in Phoenix Arizona.

How is life where you are at? 


  1. That is fabulous to get the class action lawsuit money. Would you believe that both my daughters have received letters like that regarding previous employment? My older for a nursing home and younger for a daycare. Neither applied to them though because it was a suit for unpaid overtime, which neither of them had worked overtime. It’s just shocking to learn how many places try to take advantage of employees.

    We are just plodding through taxes and trying to help our son and his wife look for a house long distance. We FaceTime with them while touring homes for them (they decided last Fall to look up here since they were having zero luck in their city)They are going to make an offer on one this weekend for $50k over asking. It’s outrageous, but they still might not get it.

    Sorry to hear about the annoying coworker. It seems like there’s always one!

    1. That is interesting about your daughters receiving letters for possible class action lawsuits. It is a shame there are employers out there that do indeed take advantage. I guess that's what keeps some lawyers in practice lol!

      Ugh taxes! I heard several people had to pay this year who had gotten refunds in the past. We get ours done in 2 weeks and I'm not looking forward to it at all.

      Oh my gosh! I can't imagine your son/DIL and their efforts to get a house. I know they've been working on getting one for awhile too! $50,000 over asking price is absolutely ridiculous but I know they have to do things like that in order to try to get something. I hear those who make cash offers are at the best advantage but really, how many can make a cash offer especially as first time buyers. Good luck to them! However, it must be fun to go and tour the houses and look what is out there. I always did enjoy spying, I mean looking, at the houses we were interested in buying and seeing how people lived. You know, you have to look into closets to see how much room there is in them :)

      I know, there is always one coworker. I haven't had to deal with any like this particular one in a very long time (never). A lot of advantage to working at home all those years lol :)


  2. Congrats on that unexpected money! Please let us know when/how y'all decide to splurge?
    Ugh, I loathe workplace bullies. She needs put in her place, but as you've pointed out, that's a sticky wicket. I know you can stick up for yourself and find something better suited -- but I feel for your other coworker. Ugh, again! On another note, given gasoline prices, I'll bet your hubby's happy not having to make that awful commute any longer.
    Hey, I enjoyed every bit of this post; the way in which it feels we're chatting across the tabletop.

    1. I will let you guys know, Myra. I'm hoping it won't go to pay taxes. We get them done in 2 weeks and hopefully we won't be paying this year, but if we do.....Otherwise, I think the plan is to get some new sound equipment for hubby and maybe a couple of other "fun" things. So true about the coworker. She does need to be put in her place. The sad thing is the other coworker put up with things for a very long time without saying anything to me or anyone else and now I think the problem is going to be really hard to fix, especially with the supervisor not being in the office :( Oh well :)

      Thanks for saying you enjoyed the post. It would be fun if we were actually chatting across the table :)


  3. It is ALWAYS a joy to get a GOOD surprise. You mentioned the 'horrid' employer and I remember telling Sherry I think if I was Betty I would just QUIT. Over the years I have learned that NOT everyone can be a good boss, but everyone CAN BE A GOOD CO WORKER if they try. Yes, some people can make a nice day 'not fun' especially for someone who just likes to get along and enjoy their day. Some people just ain't happy if someone else is. Sorry to hear this but glad it is NOT a pulling your hair out or screaming situation.
    I cannot imagine supervising an office staff that is in the workplace and me NOT being there. I think humans need to keep their finger on the pulse, so to speak.

    Love from here and the weather sounds great.
    Sherry & jack in a cool Florida

    1. I know, Jack, I should have just quit that job. Getting fired was the best thing! And I agree. It would be easier if the supervisor was on site with this job. Her second command comes in one morning a week but I'm not sure how much she observes in the time she's there. Oh well :) But so true that everyone can be a good coworker. Hope Florida warms up for you guys!


  4. Congrats on the money from the lawsuit!

    Sorry to hear about the coworker. There’s always one in every workplace!

    Happy Sunday, Betty!

    1. Thanks Veronica! So true, there is always one in every workplace! I should be grateful I'm not that one, lol :) Have a great Sunday too!


  5. Unexpected money is always a nice surprise. I agree you should do something fun with it and I hope the tax news is good news.
    Illinois started talking about ending daylight savings time a few years ago but so far that is all that has happened. I hate it. Right now it is 7am and still pretty dark. Getting up at 5am tomorrow is going to be brutal. I think a nap may be necessary today.
    Sorry about your coworker. Some people are just not happy unless they're making everyone else miserable. It'll all work out.
    Enjoy your Sunday Betty.

    1. I never did like DST when we lived in states that did it. It was always hard to adjust for springing forward. Waking up at 5 a.m. (really 4 a.m.) does sound brutal! I agree, an afternoon nap today is necessary! Our phones sprung forward even though we thought we had them set to the right time zone. So my husband's phone alarm went off this morning at 6 a.m. which was really 5 a.m. lol. With the alarm, I got out of bed to head to the shower as our usual morning routine on Sundays when he plays on the worship band at church and has to leave here at 7:30 to get there on time, and then he says to me "what time does your clock have?" I have a regular clock on my side of the bed. I said 5 o'clock. I then went and checked my cell phone and saw it was 6 a.m. on mine and figured our cell phones went ahead the hour, lol. We went back to bed for another hour but really didn't sleep lol. So maybe a nap this afternoon is on our schedule :) I agree about the coworker. It will work out. I just feel bad it got to this point and now I think an end in sight is either leaving there, them leaving or the supervisor having to intervene somehow in person which might mean a meeting off site. Have a nice Sunday too Lori, and a good nap!


  6. Congrats on that unexpected money! I am in one too with zantac and breast cancer. We'll see - so what are you going to do with it?
    So Winslow is shedding - but it is worth it - he is so cute.

    1. Sandie, hope you get some settlement in your class action lawsuit. I think that is an important one that gets dealt with too! I think we are going to get some sound equipment hubby wants for one thing. Not sure about the rest of the money. I'd take a trip but not with gas at the prices they are at here! We love that shedding Winslow of ours, lol. Hope you and your family are well!


  7. How nice to get unexpected money! My husband is awaiting a settlement check too. Don't know how long it will take but hope it's enough to have some fun with! I'm curious as to what your temperature will read when you come in from outside when it gets to be 90-100 degrees there! Al three of my cats are shedding their winter coats now and it's driving me crazy! I hope that coworker is the first one let go! I would mention it to your supervisor. It's ok if she is causing anyone stress in the workplace!

    1. Jeanette, hope your hubby gets his settlement check soon! I was surprised when I read back over the paperwork that the lawsuit had been filed back in January 2017. So basically 5 years to get it to completion! I'm hoping by summer we won't have to do the health screening at work and it will be a thing of the past. The machine takes our pictures and prints out a badge we wear for the day that lists the time we check in and the date. Last week I was tempted to stick out my tongue when it was taking the picture lol :) I can't imagine 3 cats shedding! One dog is more than enough! I do think I will have to mention the coworker to the supervisor. They are definitely causing stress! The other coworker says she's lost weight because of the stress and she is a "skinny minnie" to begin with!


  8. Unexpected money, how wonderful. I'm glad you're going to be frivolous with it. We all need something now and then just for fun.
    Too bad about the employee at work. That's now fun working with a person like that.

    1. So true we all need something now and then just for fun. Just knowing the company lost the lawsuit would have been enough for me since they were terrible to work for :) I spent parts of this weekend talking with hubby on how to approach the employee at work and how to try to handle the situation. He gave me good advice, now I just have to start putting it in practice tomorrow! Hope your weather starts becoming spring like soon!


  9. It's nice not to sweat your employment status, especially with an unliked coworker!
    But how nice - that class action lawsuit! I had a similar situation several years ago and got a decent chunk without having to do any work. Gotta appreciate those persnickety co-employees :)

    1. So true about appreciating those persnickety co-employees! And this one who initiated the lawsuit had to be particularly persnickety because the company was so horrid and so good at playing dirty with us employees that she had to be of rare form to discover that she had been not paid for what she should have been paid for and then had the records to prove it! Got to admire her for that! And alas, my current unliked coworker. It is the only thing (and major thing) of the job I do not like yet it is the very thing that seriously has me considering looking for another job unless we get the ax first. Oh the life of a temp!


  10. Glad you are getting some awesome weather. How nice not to have to change the clocks and lose that hour. That is nice about the masks. I'm still having a hard time accepting that. That's great news on the settlement! Would brushing Winslow often help? I hope that things get worked out for you at your temp job. Sounds like she's the one who needs to go!

    1. Brushing Winslow does help with his shedding but he just sheds so much lol. We can brush him and a moment later it is like we didn't even brush him :) Loving the nice weather but I know it will be beastly hot soon! I too hope things get worked out at work. I really like the job except for her. Oh well :) Hope you are feeling a bit better???


  11. I didn't know Arizona doesn't do the time change. So y'all always have the longer days/more light at night? I wish we had that. I love this time of year, but hate the winter when it gets dark so early. And I'm very jealous of your weather! We had snow on Saturday and temperatures in the teens. I'm ready for spring!

    Maybe the obnoxious coworker will be the one to go if they need to reduce staffing. That would be nice for you!

    That's great about the settlement! Good for whoever pursued it and kept good records. If any good came from the pandemic, I think it may be that it just might be the beginning of pushing things to where businesses have to treat their employees somewhat decently if they want to keep anyone.

    I feel you on the shedding! It feels like we're constantly lint rolling and vacuuming.

    1. I know in summer it starts getting light at 5:20 a.m. and stays light until just before 8 p.m. Now without the time change sunrise is just before 7 a.m. and sunset just after 6:30 p.m. From May to September people can start making noise (like construction noise) at 6 a.m. as opposed to 7 a.m. the other months of the year. I think that's because of our heat :) I sure hope the obnoxious coworker will be the one let go if one of us is let gone. Yep with shedding; you get it!!


  12. Congratulations on getting your check from the lawsuit! That's usually very unexpected, because you've given up on ever hearing anything :D
    My corgi (whose name was Conan) used to shed like mad too. It wasn't until later that I discovered that males shed more than females.....or maybe I'm remembering that wrong. For such a small dog, they sure have a lot of hair!
    I also have a loud and sometimes obnoxious co-worker. I have been working with her for over 7 years now. It is a real test of my ability to not react and get mad! But I am retiring at the end of May. Knowing it is near the end makes it easier to deal with. Good luck!

    1. Oh wow, you are a "saint" for putting up with that employee for 7 years! It has only been 7 months here and I'm ready to pull my hair out! Your May retiring day is so close!!! And so true, for a small dog, those corgis do like to shed!


  13. UGH it's always something, isn't it? If anyone has to be voted off the island, make it the obnoxious bully! Obvious choice. But I like your attitude: If they say bounce, you bounce and end up (I hope) in an even better situation. As for Daylight Savings Time and masks ... I ignored the whole mask thing just like Arizona ignores DST ... haahaha sorry not sorry! xoxo

    1. LOL, Jenny. I love your comment about ignoring the whole mask thing etc! I admire you for doing so!! It would be nice if Ms. Obnoxious got voted off but I'm really close to giving my notice and being out the door. We'll see. This is when you are praying and trying to figure out what God might be leading you to do. Hard sometimes to sort it all out but most of the time it comes together perfectly with His timing and His will :)

  14. Why do some people have to be so difficult! Well, at least you are preparing to go elsewhere if need be. I didn't know you did not do the spring forward and fall backward. I will be so happy if that law passes.. I do not like the time change. So glad you were able to get compensated for the bad employer... enjoy!! Let us know what wonderful, fun thing you did. Are you still living where you have that beautiful pool?
    I scanned all of my files from my office before retiring, and shredded the hard copies. It was a lot of work!!

    1. I did hear that the law passed. It makes perfect sense just to keep the time the same all year around and not spring forward or fall back. Too stressful on the body and routines! Yes we are still living at the same place with the pool (that is currently 63 degrees lol :) I will let everyone know what we get from using my settlement check :)


  15. I've gotten a few dollars from class action lawsuits. I just got in on one and should be getting $70... we shall see! It's always a nice surprise when you get unexpected money out of something! Our governor finally cancelled all the restrictions, so we are mask free now too. I think a few places are still requiring them, but most are optional now. Veronica is still wearing one as a 'fashion statement' she says and there are kids at school who have never seen her face. Crazy to think about that! Ugh - having a difficult coworker makes work much less fun. I'm sure it will all work out eventually, even if it means moving on to something else.

    1. WTG to Veronica for her fashion statement! That is kind of sad though with how much the kids have lost with school activities and the like. I know I mentioned that before on your blog, but this is another thing that adds to the list. I remember thinking when our previous church was thinking of reopening to in person services that I wouldn't want to volunteer in the nursery like I had before if I had to wear a mask because one of the ways to welcome a shy kid is with a smile. One cannot see a smile behind a mask, grrrr! Interesting development about the coworker. My next blog post will explain all :)


  16. We also got a settlement we weren't expecting, like $330 worth. Truely was a gift. I am hopeful taht we'll stop DST. I find it really frustrating and depressing when we turn them back in fall. I'm sure there will be ups and downs with not changing it, but it will be nice to not be racing daylight during the Christmas rush trying to get all the mail done before it's dark.

    1. That is a problem when it gets dark so early! But then conversely it can be dark in the mornings when kids are getting off to school. I don't know what the answer is though! Unexpected money is always a nice windfall and always appreciated :)

