Thursday, June 2, 2022

May books

May was a prolific reading month with 8 books read.  That makes 28 so far this year.  I would imagine over the summer I'll probably read a little less due to some other summer plans etc.  So it is good I'm "ahead of the game" so to speak.  And now on to my reviews:

All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover:   

This is a love story that begins when the two main characters catch their partners cheating with each other.  The story is told in the then and the now.  As a couple, they eventually get married and eventually want to start a family which leads to problems with infertility.  Without giving away anything with the plot, no spoilers, it was a very well written book with a lot of emotional upheaval.  Having dealt with infertility, I could relate to a lot of the story.  For me, good reading. I give it 5 stars.  

Summerland by Elin Hilderbrand:

This is story about a high school junior driving a car with 3 other young people in it (one of them being her twin).  She crashes the car and dies as a result.  The story tells of the aftermath of dealing with her death, what lead to her driving the car recklessly like she did, the stories of the families involved in the accident.  It was based in Nantucket.  The author  bases the majority (maybe all?) of her books in Nantucket and I've read a few of them.  All I have read have been interesting reads.  I give this 4.5 stars.

High Stakes by Danelle Steele: 

Okay, I said I wouldn't be reading anymore Danielle Steele books but then I got this from our e-library. This might actually be the last one I read.  It involves women working in an agency representing writers and actors/actresses and what they have to do to keep their jobs, succeed at their jobs and  balance their home lives with the demands of their profession. There was also a story behind the scenes of one of the male executives at the agency who was hitting on women and sexually harassing them.  I give it 2.5 stars.  

The Whispers by Heidi Perks:  

This was based in England.  It is a story of 2 women who were friends since grade school but not as close in recent years since one had moved away from England to Australia for a few years.  She ends up moving back to England and wants to reestablish a relationship with her friend from before.  The book begins with finding a body at a beach at the bottom of the cliffs and the story then is told backwards so you figure out who it is that is dead.  It was very interesting with a few twists.  A story of control and of friendships and keeping things secret from years past.  I give it 4.5 stars.

The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen:

At first it was really hard to get into this book and I almost gave up on it but one Saturday I said I was going to spend some time reading it and seeing if I could get into it.  This was the hardcover book that I would read before bed.  Sometimes on my hardcover books I might only read a few pages and then be too tired to keep my eyes opened.  This was one of those books so I never got the rhythm of the story, if that makes sense. I needed to read it for longer than 10 minutes at a time. Once I got into it, I couldn't put it down. It is told from the woman whose husband has cheated on her and left her for another woman. It is told in that she is almost jealous of the woman her ex husband will soon be marrying and stalking her but as the story goes on there was a twist in the plot that I didn't see coming.  It was riveting and held my attention to the last page.  I'll give it 5 stars.

Did I Say You Can Go?  by Melanie Gideon

I think Bijoux recommended this book.  It was really good.  Two friends and their friendship over the years . One a bit controlling and manipulative.  Both single (one widowed, one divorced).  One very rich.  Another just getting by.  Both with daughters the same age.  Very interesting plot with again a few twists.  Surprise ending for me! I give it 5 stars.  

The Good Lie by A.R.Torre:  

I got this one off of Amazon Prime reading so it was free in the e-book format.  This was definitely a thriller of a book.  Town has a serial killer who is killing teenage boys.  A psychologist is called in to help the attorney (whose son was a victim of the serial killer) to help come up with a psychological profile for the killer after a 7th teenage boy had managed to escape from the killer.  The teenager who escaped pinned the crime on someone else who the attorney did not believe had committed the crime and said he would represent that person.  There were a lot of twists in this book and gruesome scenes regarding the deaths of the other 6 young men.  I will give it for intrigue 4 stars but for all the "blood and guts" of which I didn't particularly care for, I'll give it a final score of 3 stars.  

Under Her Care by Lucinda Berry:  

This was another book I got from Amazon Prime Reading.  I've been reading these books on my phone during lunch at work.  This was another mystery/thriller.  The mayor's wife is found dead and the prime suspect is a young teenager who has learning disabilities/autism.  The rest of the book involves trying to "pin" it on him or see if there are other suspects.  Lots of twists in this.  Interesting unexpected ending and lots of loose ends.  I give it 3 stars.  

And what have you been reading? Anything good to recommend?


  1. Wow, lots of thriller books this month for you. I did recommend the Gideon book, so I’m glad you enjoyed, esp. that surprise ending! The Whispers sounds similar? The only other one I had read was Summerland. I really like all the Hildebrand books. I just started Lessons In Chemistry based on library Facebook page recommendations. It’s good so far, but I’m not too far in. May was not a good book month for me. Started a few and quit because I didn’t like them.

    1. That was a very surprise ending on that book! It was an easy read to get into too. Flowed easily with the words/plot if that made sense. I do like the Hildebrand books but there was one I read, I think "28 Summers" where she wrote heavily about a confirmation of a judge on the supreme court. It was a fiction book but you knew she was writing about Brett Kavenaugh. She really laid heavy into it in the plot which I didn't think was important for the plot. It almost made me stop reading her books, but not, lol :) I'm reading The Good Son now by Jacqueline Mitchard. I can't get into it but I'm determined to finish it. It is the hardcover book I'm reading before bed. I have about 100 pages left. I'm reading at least 20 pages a night to try to get it finished this week (I'll finish the rest on the weekend). It is a good story line but it just isn't flowing for me, so I get it when you say you have quit books because you didn't like them. I've done so many times too! I'll look into that Lessons in Chemistry book; I haven't heard of it.


    2. Just finished the Chemistry book. It was good, but the author definitely was an atheist and had an axe to grind with the Catholic Church. Not sure I’d recommend it.

    3. Now I'm curious about the book, lol. I'll have to see if our e-library has it.


    4. It was interesting. Basically, it’s about a woman chemist (fiction) who no one respects or takes seriously in the late 1950’s-60’s. She becomes a cooking show host. Some unpleasant sexual abuse scenes. Some of it reminds me of Mad Men, with how they treated women. One cute part was the dog in the story, where you hear his point of view. Some parts of the book were funny, but overall, it was all rather sad. Lots of negativity about religion, far more than I think was necessary. It did keep my interest.

    5. Interesting plot. I did read some reviews about it and most (all that I read) gave the book 5 stars. Our e-library has it so I'll put a hold on it.


  2. You did great with your reading challenge this month Betty! I will add a few of these to my list of possibilities. I think it was you that told me about The Last Bookstore in London. I picked it up from the library yesterday and have only read a bit but I can tell I'm going to enjoy it.
    I need to bring my book with me and read at lunch. I have a bad habit of just eating at my desk and not really taking a lunch. Thanks for the reminder of the 30 minutes extra I could be reading each day.
    Hope things are well and that you enjoy the rest of the week!!

    1. I did like that Last Bookstore in London. So glad you are reading it. I do think you will enjoy it. I am reading The Lake at Dead Languages now at lunch and in the early evenings here at home. I'm liking it so far! I used to scroll Facebook at lunch, lol, or bring in a book from home that I was spotty about reading (usually a nonfiction book) but since reading on my phone through the Kindle app, I find I do look forward to reading during lunch. It is such an easy habit to eat at your desk and work through lunch. My husband did that for years at his last job. I think a break is really good to get away (though I sit at my desk and eat lunch lol :)


    2. Oh I hope you enjoy the book as much as I did. Be sure and let me know. Yes, reading is a much better use of time than scrolling FB. I try to avoid it. Have a great day!!

    3. I will let you know when I finish it. I'm about halfway through. Yesterday I didn't read it at lunch as I was listening to the verdict in the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard fiasco and all the commentaries afterward (a time waster for sure :)


  3. I do most of my reading at night and have the same problem of not reading enough to get into the rhythm of the story. Sometimes, I just start over. When I finally get into the story, I do read during the day to see what's going to happen next-if it's a good story.

    1. I also found when I'm reading from my tablet on the treadmill, I kind of skim read. I follow the story/plot but I don't necessarily read word for word which I tend to do in a hardcover book. I think that is also why I don't read a lot of nonfiction though I really should read more of it. Someone also suggested people should read biographies. I might have to do that down the line and resolve to read a few this year.


  4. My goodness, you *are* a voracious reader, aren't you, Betty! That's wonderful!! I love to read also & have been making a concentrated effort to do more. My current book is "The Troop" by Nick Cutter... a horror book that's frankly very predictable. I'll finish it but it's not the best book I've ever read, let's put it that way.... despite Stephen King's glorious review. :-) ~Andrea xoxo

    1. I always wonder about reviews from authors and the like about other books. Like do they actually read the whole book but just get a synopsis of it and write a review from that? Same thing with reviews on movies. I have to admit I can be a bit lazy and also hubby does so much around the house since he is retired so I don't have a lot I have to do, lol, so I use that time to unwind and relax from the work week :)


  5. I enjoy your reviews. Sherry finally quit Danielle Steel, I think the last two she said never again. I liked the review of 'The Wife Between Us', mainly because of the cowboy book I read last night called 'Tenderfoot'. I read the entire book last night looking at the clock when I finished, 5:35 AM. I understood I needed to read more than 5-10 minutes to stay with it. ;-)
    The novels I read lately DO NOT have 'deep' stories and I am spoiled, but I do miss one with a great thread that keeps you tied...

    Love from Florida ;-)

    1. Sherry was smart to say "never again" with Danielle Steele. I'm joining Sherry on this one. That book had to be good Jack if it kept you awake literally all night! I have to "force" myself sometimes to put a book down if it is really good so I do get my "beauty" sleep :)


  6. Wow, eight books in one month! I'm slogging along, but not nearly as fruitfully. The Hoover book sounds good, I'll add it to my list.
    "a love story that begins when the two main characters catch their partners cheating with each other" - does that count as a meet cute? 😉

    1. Lol, I had to google "meet cute" as I wasn't familiar with it and yes, based on the definition, this would fall into a meet cute.


  7. Gotta hand it to you, Betty! If I struggle to get 'into' a book, 9 times out of 10 I'll just set it aside. Funny, your mention of Danielle Steele. I used to be SO into her books, then 'meh.' Last month, just for the fun of it, I checked one out of the library -- 2 days later back it went, largely unread. "All Your Perfects" sounds intriguing, but I need to read what I've pending right now -- "Gone Forever" and "The Secret Next Door."

    1. I did set aside one book in May but I try to give it a good chance if you know what I mean :) That is why I love the library so much. You don't like a book, take it back and try again. I can't imagine spending a lot of money on books! I'll have to check out "Gone Forever" and "The Secret Next Door." I have heard of the latter book but not sure why I haven't reserved it yet from our e-library.


  8. I love how committed you are to reading, Betty. In my book (hahaha), winners are readers and vice versa. I love to read! Now, of your reviews, I think that two would appeal to me and both are ones to which you attached five stars: The Wife Between Us and Did I Say You Could Go. I'm going to do my best to get my hands on those. Nothing like a juicy summer read! xoxo

    1. Summer reads are the best! I think reading is my hobby, lol. I am not a crafts type of person nor a cook or baker lol. Got to do something in the evenings and I'm not a TV watcher either :) And one can only spend so much time online then I go stir crazy :)


  9. Way to go! Thank you for your reviews. A few of them sound really good to me. I know say this all the time but I should be reading instead of watching reruns on TV. I use to read Danielle Steel all the time but haven't in years!

    1. Just set aside a few minutes daily, like 15 minutes to start. Once I get into a book sometimes it is really hard to put it down, lol. Hopefully a book will grab you like that and you'll want to keep reading it a bit more :)


  10. Okay, now I must read The Wife Between Us. It sounds like a great summer read! Have you ever read Nine Perfect Strangers by Liane Moriarty? I can't remember if you reviewed that one. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I also enjoyed ALONE: Lost Overboard In the Indian Ocean by Brett Archibald - true survival story! My husband and I listened to the audio version on a road trip. So good.

    1. I have read Nine Perfect Strangers. I didn't review it because I wasn't doing reviews then on my blog, lol. I did like it. I like Liane Moriarty and have read a lot of her books. Her last one I read was Apples Never Fall. Really enjoyed that. I'll have to look for that Alone book you mentioned. I need to read a few biographies and while per say that wasn't a biography it is nonfiction, something I struggle reading.


    2. Funny, I gravitate to nonfiction! But if I do find a good fiction (and I'm quite particular), I'll go to bed early just to read!

    3. I just have to take my time reading nonfiction. It is easier to read fiction for me; I can skim read through it and still get the main idea of what is going on :)


  11. I just finished a pretty good one by Sandra Brown titled Best Kept Secrets

    1. Sounds interesting; I'll look for it. Thanks!


  12. Right now I'm reading One for the Blackbird, One for the Crow buy Olivia Hawker. It's also a Amazon Prime free book. It's good and very well written. I may check out more books by this author. However, for some reason I'm going through a phase where I'm not getting into reading much. I read at night for 5 minutes and then fall asleep! There are a few books you've listed that I put on my Goodreads list for future reading once I get into it again!

    1. I put that book you are currently reading on my TBR list, lol. Sounds good! I just finished The Last House on the Street. I think you recommended that? By Diane Chamberlain. It was really good! I think I'll be reading less this summer because I'll be watching my grandson more on Saturday afternoons which is one of the prime times I would be reading . Rather watch him, if you know what I mean :)


  13. The Wife Between Us sounds compelling!

    I used to be a big fan of Danielle Steel but I haven't read any of her books for a very long time.

    Have a great week ahead, Betty!

    1. You too have a great week, Veronica! The Wife Between Us was very interesting! Intriguing for sure!


  14. Lots of reading. I've never read a DAnielle Steele book, sounds like perhaps I shouldn't start, lol. The book I just finished was about betrayal in marriage. Sadly, too much of that in real life.

    1. For sure, stay away from Danielle Steele! It is a tough habit I'm trying to break, lol :) So sad too about betrayals in marriage. People don't take their vows seriously these days I do believe!


  15. I usually read non fiction. The point is, however, that I have to concentrate on the reading only; no lunch, no breakfast, no on the train/plane/bus or in some wating room. It has to be at home, and capture my whole attention.

    1. I don't read a lot of nonfiction for that reason (it has to capture my whole attention). It is a shame though because there are so many good nonfiction books out there! I might need to slow down and read one now and again.


  16. I love Danielle Steel and have that book on hold right now at our library. I've read all her books and some of them twice. Thanks for sharing your reviews. I do love to read. Love, ma

    1. This Danielle Steele book is kind of raunchy with a lot of sexual scenes that I didn't particularly care for. That is why I thought "enough is enough" with reading any more of her books :)


  17. I usually read several books during the summer, but I am slacking! I haven't had any time. I started reading "The Song of Achilles" but it got a little slow and I lost interest. Veronica loved it and insisted I read it so I will go back to it eventually. She's also reading the Percy Jackson series, which she is obsessed with right now.

    1. I haven't heard of that book, "The Song of Achilles". Will have to look into it. I have heard of the Percy Jackson series. I think my step granddaughter read some of them. I can imagine you won't have much time for reading until you become an empty nester :) But I rather would want m kids still around, lol, as I know you do!

