Monday, June 27, 2022

Monsoons and the like

I've been struggling with what to post.  Nothing brilliant has come to mind, but I thought briefly of posting about the beginning of our monsoon season that starts June 15th and ends October 15th though the "big" part of the season usually is between June and August with a rare one in September and October. Our first one this year happened last Thursday. The day started bright and sunny but then I got an alert on my phone of a severe thunderstorm later in the day. I laughed as the day was so bright and sunny and devoid of clouds.  But then as the day wore on, the clouds came in with the wind and the dust storms (called haboobs and really nasty) and then finally in parts of the valley a deluge of rain.  We got a little shower, other parts got more.  That's how the storms seem to be.  Hit one area hard and another a few miles away remains stone dry. I like a "good" thunder and lightening storm. We got some lightening and a little thunder so that was nice to see.  What I don't like is the destruction that can come from the monsoons with downed power lines, trees, and the like.  Arizona desperately needs a good monsoon season as we are in a drought with talk of water rationing so I can only pray we do have a productive rainy season.

Then I thought of writing a post called "in the news".  It would not have featured anything that happened nationally say last Friday.  Everyone has an opinion about that and I'm pretty sure if you know anything about me, you know what my opinion would be. But no, I was going to write about how many young children already have been pulled out of Phoenix and the valley pools this summer unresponsive and in a few sad cases have died.  These are toddlers and preschoolers for the most part.  The recent case a 3 and 4 year old who one fell into their pool and the other went to help rescue them.  One died (not sure which age fell in and which age died).  There have been at least 9 children pulled from pools so far this season and at least 4 have died.  These are such senseless and tragic deaths and incidents and do not have to happen.  The obvious "solutions" are a fence around a pool (of which I am an advocate and our pool has a fence around it) and/or teaching young ones as early as possible how to swim, at least how to get out of the water safely if they find themselves in it accidentally, but the simple act of watching a young child constantly and continually is just as effective (perhaps even more so).  I literally scream (not out loud but to myself) whenever I see a headline of another child pulled from a pool.  I watched my children like a hawk when they were young (and beyond, perhaps I could be guilty of being a helicopter mom) and watch my grandson like a hawk when I am around him.  They were not out of my sight when they were young unless some other adult was there who I asked to make sure they kept an eye on them.  I just don't get it.  This frustrates me to no end.  People talk about bringing up criminal charges to those parents/caregivers of those pulled out of pools.  Maybe that is what it is going to take for people to watch more carefully.  I don't know.  I just know for the most part this can be avoided.

And then I was going to write about the delightful afternoon and evening I had with my grandson.  His sister, who is 16 years old, is visiting her dad in another state for the summer so his built in babysitter is no longer available.  I made myself available to his mom this summer to help out if she wanted to run errands and the like on Saturdays as she was used to having her daughter around to keep an eye on him.  Yesterday she had a lot of errands to run as she was planning a brunch for today.  She asked me if I could watch him, which of course I willingly said yes.  He at 6 years old is inquisitive and active and loves to play.  Me at almost 60 years older than him loves to play but I'm feeling it with more aches and pains this morning.  We were playing some imaginative game and he kept saying "these are the ka-posters".  I realized he was trying to say "imposters."  It gave me a good chuckle. They had gotten a trampoline (with netting) from another family member so he had fun going out (in the heat) to jump on it a few times while I was watching him. Thankfully he didn't ask me to join him (that would have been a firm no, lol).  His mom brought home Subway sandwiches for dinner and he ate his entire footlong turkey and cheese one.  I was worn out after watching him, lol, and slept really good last night.

And so now I have written what I had thought about writing in blog posts over the past week or so.  We are heading into a 3 day weekend with the 4th of July coming up so very soon.  We bought some calming pills for Winslow as fireworks are not his friends.  We'll see if they help or not. (They don't have CBD in them, but valerian root, lavender, melatonin and the like.  They are made for dogs).  

I'll be back around the first of July for a review of June books.  In the meantime, be safe out there.  It's a jungle!


  1. You don't have to write anything 'brilliant', but what life has to offer you. And life offers us quite a lot of topics.
    We learn daily about those 'senseless, tragic' deaths of children that could have been avoided, if only parents and carers had been like you , 'a hawk' never loosing sight of the child. Unbelievable, how the act of forgetting kids in the car has become in our parts an epidemic with tragic consequences!

    1. Oh I know, Duta, about the kids in the hot cars left. That happens here too. There is a campaign here reminding people to always look in the backseat of their car when they leave to make sure they don't have a child or pet in there. Stores also have signs on their doors reminding people to make sure they didn't leave a child/pet in the car.


  2. I've heard on the news how hot it is out there so I know you do need the rain. Hope you get what is needed and not more. It rained here yesterday and the grass needed it. We were starting to get brown spots from the lack of water. Everything is fresh and green again this morning. I don't think I'd ever want a pool with little children around, but I know people that do and they make sure they are protected. They have a locked fence around it. They should have ear plugs for dogs to wear on the 4th of July. The noise is what scares them so. I've never seen any however.

    1. I'm not sure Winslow would like ear plugs, lol, but it could be worth a shot! I hear of thunder vests too but not sure he would like to wear one :)


  3. Always good to hear from you, Betty. My son and DIL were in LA this weekend and it looked really rainy in the photos. They are on their way to Hawaii today, so hopefully better weather! That’s so sad about all the pool deaths. Not many have pools here, but we do hear about a lot of drownings in Lake Erie. Our grandkids wear us out. With them being 4, 2, and 11 months, it takes me, hubby and middle child to babysit all three at once! I’ve been reading on the NextDoor app how many people hate fireworks because of their pets. I think the problem is that too many others set them off illegally in their backyards all summer long!

    1. I hope your son/DIL enjoy their trip to Hawaii! Maybe the LA rain will come our way! That is sad with the drownings in the lake there, we have had our share at Lake Pleasant here this year too. So true about grand kids wearing us out! That is good if you have 3 grand kids and 3 people watching them. One on one! I haven't heard too many fireworks yet this season. Maybe people here can't afford to buy them like years past? Our city did cancel its public displays because of threat of fires and how dry everything is.


  4. When we were shopping for a house, we avoided ones with pools because of the dangers with small children around. I had a climber and a fence wouldn't have slowed him down a bit. And no matter how hard you try, you can't keep your eyes on your kids every second. You have to sleep sometimes. Instead we were happy to visit the neighborhood pool.

    1. So true you can't keep your eyes on them every second with sleep, etc., but the majority if not all of these incidents are happening in the afternoon/early evening. There are also pool alarms, etc., so people could protect the kids a bit better without having to keep an eye constantly on them if they chose to.


  5. I hope you have a good monsoon season. I've heard how dangerously dry it is there in AZ. Very scary.
    That is very sad that you have so many children having to be pulled out of pools. I can't understand not watching your children better and letting something like this happen.
    I'm so glad you had such a nice time with your Grandson. I know exactly what you mean about being exhausted afterwards though.
    There is so much anger, divide and chaos in our country right now I'm finding it best to withdraw from it for my own sanity.
    I hope you have a wonderful week. I can't wait to read your June book list.

    1. I was surprised I got 5 books read this month so far. I thought it would be a slow one :) So true about how much anger etc in our country; I'm trying to avoid the news if I can and focus on other more pleasant things :) It is so dry here! We got a bit of rain yesterday here, more in the high country. Every little bit helps!


  6. How tragic - the children drowning. And yes, so senseless and preventable.
    Nice of you to watch your grandson. He ate a whole footlong in one sitting? You must've really worked him 😄

    1. My goal in life, with my kids and now my grandson, was to tire them out so much they would sleep for naps and at bedtime, lol; so we keep busy the grandson and me plus he has weird eating habits so I never know how much he has eaten beforehand, etc. So I'm not surprised he ate that much. Some days we have them over for dinner and he won't eat at all :)


  7. I'll never forget monsoon season and those scary haboobs!
    Yes, 100% yes to those senseless child drownings. One of our Bible study ladies shared a miracle last week. Dear friends of theirs had suddenly lost their father (that was the fellow who suffered a heart attack after being overcome by Phoenix's heat), then while the family was all gathered one of the grandgirls fell in the pool unnoticed. Distraught, her mother was screaming at God and fainted, then the grandmother fainted. Long story short, the little girl was airlifted to Childrens in Birmingham. Dead for 12 minutes, then suddenly brought back to life. Home the next day.
    Totally enjoy the way in which you write -- like we're simply sitting across the table from one another. Keep writing!

    1. Those monsoons and haboobs are hard to forget!! So glad that little girl was okay!! Definitely a miracle!! It makes one want to get pool alarms. Hope everything goes well with Tom today if he has his procedure!! I will keep writing :)


  8. Ha! I love your post about what to post about! Great idea! These days parents seem to spend a lot of time with their faces stuck in their phones instead of watching their children! I get so angry when I hear of someone's kid drowning! Such an unnecessary tragedy! So being as I've never seen a haboob or a monsoon seems to me there is a muddy mess after they are done? I hope you get a good rainy season this year too! We have a CBD calming pet chews in the store I work at which are getting pretty popular this time of year! I know how exhausting watching the grandkids can be! Have a good week!

    1. It can be a muddy mess after if a haboob hits and then it is followed by a monsoon. Sometimes just the dust storm happens and that is really frightening. No visibility on the road. Thankfully I have not been in one of them when driving! Both wreck havoc on pools with dust/dirt blowing in them as well as the gusty winds from the monsoon bringing in leaves, etc. So true that parents watch their phones at times more than their kids! We tried one of those calming things on Winslow and it didn't do anything, lol. Granted it said one for 20 pound dogs and he's about 35 pounds. So I think we might have to give him two :) It is fun hanging around grand kids, as you know, but we certainly get our exercise. And you have two of them!!


  9. Hi Betty. I love reading about what is going on in your life. I have never experienced a monsoon or haboob (to my knowledge). I was like you - I always knew what my kids were up to. I never even had to have the cabinet locks or any safety features in my home because.. I just knew. Of course, I lived in a smaller house and it's easy to keep track of them that way. It sounds like you and your grandson had a good time together. I will be coming back to see friends blog posts, but I have taken my Gracie Owns Me down. I'm not sure I will ever be public again, but since I'm not posting anymore - I figured I'd just set it to private. I have another blog on Wix that I will work on. Not near as fun as my Gracie Owns Me. I'm just so brokenhearted with her being gone. Anyway. It was good chatting. I hope this comment posts. Oh, and that's another thing. Blogger is not nice to me anymore and half the time won't post my comments. lol. So anyway. I hope this comment posts.

    1. Bobbi, you will miss Gracie forever! You know that. If you do start another blog or get that one up and running, let me know. Would like to follow along . I was the same with my kids. I never put child locks on anything because I constantly watched them. It helped too when they were young that my mom lived with us for a few years so we had that extra set of eyes :)


  10. That is so sad about the pools and the drownings - such needless waste. And Disco hated fireworks too. Hope you have a nice trip.

    1. I agree Sandie, so sad about the drownings :( We didn't go on the trip since hubby was not feeling good. We'll reschedule it later in the summer or early fall :)


  11. I thought fences were required around pools, I guess not. Or maybe it is just code in certain locations. Regardless, the deaths are tragic. Hope Winslow makes it through the 4th okay!

    1. Not here in Phoenix/Arizona with fences around pools except if you are doing day care and then you have to have a fence around the pool. I too hope Winslow makes it through the 4th. Last year was rough on him, poor guy! I did see that fireworks here are in short supply due to supply chain issues and the price has significantly gone up so one can hope maybe people can't afford so many this year.


  12. I hope y'all get some rain. Water rationing sounds tough! That's so sad about so many children drowning. I always wonder what the backstory is whenever I hear about one. We were in swimming lessons as babies and were never unattended around pools or water. Our neighbors got a pool this summer, after waiting until the youngest child is a competent swimmer, and making sure it's not deeper than she is tall. And the kids still aren't in it without adult supervision.

    It's so funny to me that trampolines have nets now! I guess I'm finally old enough to be the generation that didn't have the safety feature on something. And a lot my childhood friends broke their arms falling off of trampolines, so I guess we're also the generation that's responsible for the nets in a way.

    1. I too wonder about the backstory. Who is supposed to be keeping an eye on them, etc. After watching my grandson jump on the trampoline and getting close to the edge by the netting, I was glad the netting was there, lol. I would have been a nervous wreck if it wasn't :) Hope you are doing well!


  13. I'm so glad you got to spend time with your grandson. I'm sorry that Winslow has issues with the fireworks. I know that weather can be bad in Arizona with the monsoon season. I know Michele and Pam had there roof damaged one year. Take care.

    1. I'm hoping people won't be able to afford as many fireworks this year, lol. The first year when he was 6 months old he barked at the fireworks; last year he was definitely very nervous with the loud sounds. Thankfully we're planning to be home so we can try to comfort him the best we can :)


  14. Enjoy all these fun extra days with your grandson!!

    1. Thank you; I always do! Even though I need a nap after them :) Thanks for visiting :)


  15. Hello my friend! I loved this post. Good on you, helping out with your little grandson. I don't think the parents often realize what a selfless act it is when we older folk (me being a lot older than you, hahaha!) volunteer to be responsible for them. I watched Rhett and Dagny last Friday afternoon for several hours, but Dag had already been here since the night before, and I admit that when that 24-hour period of having kids underfoot was over, TG and I breathed sighs of relief in unison, then ordered pizza (thin crust) and watched two movies! We are good at being couch potatoes. My Rizzo is terrified of thunder and let's not even talk about lightning or fireworks. He just starts shaking and lifts himself up from by my side and looks beseechingly at me until I pull him close and cradle and pet and soothe him. We're having the usual summer pop-up storms every day and sometimes at night too, and he's been anxious. I tell him that nothing will hurt him but he just keeps trembling, haaaha! Poor Winslow! Maybe I should get some calming pills for Rizzo. You are right about the unusual level of heartbreak that seems to accompany every summer season now what with pool deaths and hot-car deaths. I can hardly stand it and like you, I do not UNDERstand it, although I have read that parents who endure these tragedies say that before it happened to them, they never understood it either. We have close lifelong friends who lost a child to a hot-car death in 1997, as well as acquaintances who for at least 30 years now have dealt with a brain-damaged child who wandered out and got beneath a pool cover when he was about three years old. Either way -- whether the child lives or dies -- it is a life sentence for the parents. God help us to be both vigilant and compassionate! I must say that I was today years old when I learned that there is a monsoon season in Arizona! I'm just such an east-of-the-Mississippi type person that I envisioned that state being arid year-round. I hope you get the rain you need! Happy Fourth of July to you and your beloved, and love to Winslow! xoxo

    1. LOL Jenny; I think you are only a few months older than I am. I'll be hitting the big 65 later this year. We did try a calming pill on Winslow. It may have helped??? Not 100% sure but we'll see how it is on the 4th when we give him another one :) So true about being vigilant for our little ones in our care. I used to worry that my son would accidentally leave my grandson in a hot car when the grandson was younger but thankfully he never did. So true too about it being a life sentence to the parents when tragedies like this hit. When we lived in Montana, the neighbors up the street, the mom accidentally backed her car into one of her children. Unfortunately the child passed. They had to move from that house as she couldn't bear living there anymore. That was year ago but I'm sure she still carries the guilt. There is also a monsoon season in New Mexico; we experienced it when we lived in Santa Fe. Arizona is getting some much needed rain. We haven't gotten much ourselves but around us has so that is good for the state! You too have a wonderful 4th! I'm thinking with your celebrating, you will!


  16. I feel like I don't have anything brilliant to write about these days either!! I talk a lot about the kids and that gets old after a while. I guess it's monsoon season here too because it's normal for daily rain in the summer. I don't mind because it keeps the temps down a little bit. That's so sad about the drownings!! They could be prevented. Until recent years, we've always had an above ground pool and I always watched the girls and never left them alone in the water. Your visit with the grands sounds so fun. It reminded me of our trampoline days and my Dad (in his 70s) would sit on it while the girls jumped!

    1. I do like hearing what your girls are up to, Mellie! That is so true that a storm does help cool things down for a bit. How cute your dad would sit on the trampoline while the girls jumped! I hadn't thought of that! I might have to do that after it cools down a bit :)

