Saturday, July 2, 2022

June Books

I was surprised to see that I read 7 books in June.  I had some weekends where we didn't do much so I took advantage of reading a lot.  I guess that is why I got through 7 books.  And without further ado, here's June's review (a little rhyme lol)

The Lake of Dead Languages

Lori recommended this book.  It is written in the then and now.  The main character Jane is a Latin teacher at a girl's boarding school.  She had gone to that school when she was a teenager and had won a scholarship to it after a Latin competition.  Another student, Lucy, and her brother, Matt, befriend her and help her with Latin.  The story is told of their friendship and the school and the lake around it and then of her returning to the school as a teacher with a young daughter and that experience she has as a former student, now a teacher and her interactions with her students.  Lots of interesting twists with the story line and totally unexpected last few chapters.  Another very good read.  I give it 5 stars.  

The Last House on the Street:  

This was recommended by I think Jeanette.  It is again written in the then and now.  The then is back in about 1965 when a voting bill to get African American people registered was going to be signed.  The main character of the then, Ellie, volunteers to help get the info out to African Americans to register.  The story takes place in North Carolina.  The now's main character is Kayla, who is an architect and she and her husband build their dream house in an area of town that had once had a lot of woods around it.  Her husband had died at a tragic accident in the house but she and her young daughter still move in to to the house though she is reluctant to do so.  There is more of the story of events that happened in the woods back in the 1960s that come to light as the story goes on.  Very good read.  I give it 5 stars.

The Good Son:  

A teenage boy is convicted of killing his girlfriend though he doesn't remember doing it as he was on drugs at the time.  He is sentenced to a few years in prison.  The story begins with him getting out of prison and then trying to rebuild his life.  The story is told by his mom.  He is trying to redeem himself for what he did, at the same time the family is being stalked by someone who seems to imply there is more to the story of who actually killed his girlfriend.  This was a hardcover book I was reading at bed and I really had a hard time getting into it.  I should have put it aside but I kept reading it and finally made myself read so many pages nightly to finish it . I finished the last 70 pages one Saturday afternoon.  It was a strange twist to the story that I had not anticipated.  The story was well written and very thought provoking but hard for me to get into.  I give it 3 stars.  

The first half of this book was really hard to get into.  It tells the story of Emma who is married and has a 3 year old daughter, but there is some secrecy going on with her and her husband is trying to figure out if he truly does know the woman he has been married to for the past 10 years.  Then the second half of the book starts telling her story before she got married and it was very interesting from that point on.  A couple twists in the plot I didn't see coming.  All in all it was a good book if you get through the first about 45% of it.  I give it 4 stars.  

The main character is married to the love of her life who supposedly dies in a helicopter crash.  She recovers from her grief and a few years later falls in love with another man and they are planning to get married.  Then it is discovered that her husband did not die but had been on a deserted island for a few years before he got rescued.  She now has to decide if she will stay with her husband or go with her intended fiancée.  Good story told in the here and now and in the past.  Good ending that was realistic and believable.  I give it 5 stars for a good summer love story read.

I needed a book to read while I was waiting for some of my holds to be released so I found this book while looking at my e-library site.  It told the story of Logan, a stay at home dad raising his 4 year old son while his wife, a lawyer working on an important case, always seemed to be working and seemed a bit distant to him.  He is grieving his dad who died 4 months ago and has issues dealing with his dad's young wife, his step mom.  It was an interesting read but I'm not sure exactly what the plot was and it was one of those books that just kind of ends.  Not too much gets wrapped up.  It was a quick read (I read it over a weekend).  I'd give it 3 stars if you needed something to read and couldn't find anything else.

This was a thriller.  The story basically took over about a 5 hour time span.  A young mom and her 2 children are involved in a home invasion/hostage type situation with a demand of ransom from the successful chef husband/father who owns 5 steak restaurants in the Atlanta area.  Over the period of time, the husband is desperate to try to collect the ransom money and get there in time to save his wife and children while the wife is desperate to keep her 2 children and herself alive.  As the story progresses we get glimpses of who the intruder is and why he is demanding the ransom, etc.  It was indeed a thriller of a story with the usual few unexpected twists.  It had one of those endings I'm not fond of where things aren't wrapped up.  Maybe a sequel?  I will give it as a summer read 4 stars.

As always, let me know what you are reading or have read that you would recommend.  And stay tune for August's review of July's books.  Doing a few things differently this month with what I'm reading. 

Happy Fourth of July!


  1. I recently read one were the husband died in a helicopter crash as well but this one really died. The twist was that he had a total other life/home in the Vigrin Islands

    1. I read that book too. The name of it is not coming to mind right now, but I think it was a trilogy of books around the story line. They were all interesting to read.


    2. Those were the Paradise series by Elin Hilderbrand. Really good series!

    3. That's right Jeannette. I read them all too; that was a good series indeed! Thanks for clearing this up for us!


  2. I am reading "The Clockmaker's Daughter" by Kate Morton. The style of this book is much like the other one I read, "The Forgotten Garden". It's a complex story with mystery that flashes back and forth among various people and through time, and all are tied to one house. The house has a ghost that observes various people who visit and comments and gives history. Morton ties a complex story together well with beautiful writing.

    1. I'll have to look into that. I have The Forgotten Garden on hold at my e-library but it is like a 6 month wait time.


  3. I love to read your book reviews. I'm glad you enjoyed Lake of Dead Languages. I too give it 5 stars. Can't wait to see what you read in July. Summer reading is one of my favorite things. Have a happy 4th of July weekend Betty!

    1. Thank you, Lori :) Thanks for recommending The Lake of Dead Languages. Hint, I'm reading right now the book you mentioned last week in your W's post. (and I'm liking it). I'm also reading Summer Island by Kristin Hannah; enjoying that one too. The first one I'm reading at lunch on my phone, Summer Island on my tablet while exercising. I'll be working on Summer Island this weekend as it is due back to the e-library before the other one. Have a great weekend too, Lori!


  4. The only book from your list that I’ve read is the Taylor Jenkins Reid one. I’ve read all her books and enjoyed them. My faves are Malibu Rising (set in Malibu, which was the appeal to me) and Daisy Jones and the Six. Most people’s fave of hers is The 7 Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, but I wasn’t a fan of that one. I’ve seen that Diane Chamberlain book all over the place. Quite popular right now, so maybe I will try it. Thanks for those reviews.

    June wasn’t a good month for me, illness and book reading! The only book I even halfway liked was Oh William by Elizabeth Strout. You can’t go wrong with any of her books. The characters are quite quirky.

    1. I don't know if I have read any Elizabeth Strout before, but I did have Oh William on hold at my e-library, then I released the hold because I wasn't sure about the book. I may have to reserve it again. Thanks for saying that you enjoyed reading Taylor Jenkins Reid. I'll look more into her books. Because Covid visited us too in June, that's why I had so much time to read, lol. I recovered quicker (assuming I had it since I didn't test) but my husband's continued to linger so weekends were pretty much quiet, thus good reading time :) I was impressed with the Diane Chamberlain book. At first I wasn't 100% sure but as I got into it, it captivated me and held my interest throughout.


  5. We don't read the same genre's but, The Last House on the Street sounds like one I might like, so going to check it out and perhaps put it on my ever growing to read list. Take one off, add 2, lol. The list get's longer not shorter. I only listened to 4 books in June, though some of them were pretty long. Happy reading. Hope you have a good long wkend.

    1. You are right, we don't read the same genre :) I was reading a lot of WW2 ones but got away from it for a bit. I agree about the TBR list. My seems to grow too. I'm glad that I can put on hold up to 8 books at our e-library. A lot of my TBR are there waiting for the holds to come available :) Enjoy your long weekend too!


  6. It seems books with unanticipated twists and /or a good/realistic ending are the favorites of many of
    the average readers.

    1. So true Duta. It is funny but in my younger years of reading, I probably would have avoided the books with twists :)


  7. That's an interesting selection of books. I love to read and keep reading the same authors over and over. Maybe it's time for me to try something new. Thanks again for the reccomendatons. Happy 4th of July to you too! Love, ma

    1. You are welcome, Ma! You too have a great 4th!


  8. Last night I finished The Secret Next Door ... I think it was you who recommended it? Enjoyable, easy read! Of all these (and despite your warnings about it being hard to get into), I'm most drawn to The Love of my Life. 1st and second runners-up The Lake of Dead Languages and Last House on the Street. I'll have to see which (if any) is immediately available at the library/Libby. Happy holiday weekend!

    1. Glad you liked The Secret Next Door, Myra. I do think you would like either one of The Lake of Dead Languages and the Last House on the Street. The Last House on the Street, even though it was fictional, did bring up a good topic of that time of registering the African Americans to vote. A good history lesson in the story but not preachy if that makes sense :) Happy weekend to you too!


  9. Another good round of books. I'm impressed with your reading pace! I've not heard of any of these, and I like your summaries - just enough info to spark interest, but not too much. I'm working on a couple now that are okay, but should ramp up my reading since I'm stuck home with this annoying virus.

    1. Thanks, Abby! I wouldn't read as much if I didn't do it on the treadmill, lol :) It is annoying with the virus; that's why I got so much reading done in June, lol. We had 2 weekends where we didn't do anything as my husband was trying to recover from it. He still says he's at 80% of feeling like he used to feel so I'm hoping we get to that 100% soon! Hope you are doing well from it and it didn't get worse!


  10. I really enjoyed reading your reviews. I'm so glad you read. Books can really take you away.....

    1. Thanks Debby! So true that books can really take you away. They also make the time go by faster on the treadmill :) Hope you have a nice weekend!


  11. I so love your book reviews, Betty! Thank you so much for taking the time to do them. I see a few books I wouldn't mind reading myself. Mystery-suspense-thrillers are totally my bag! ~Andrea xoxo

    1. Thanks Andrea! Glad you enjoy them! I seem to be reading more suspense thrillers these days than I used to, which is a bit unusual for me :) Happy 4th of July!


  12. The books on your list all have very captivating covers and titles.
    I enjoyed your book reviews and am especially piqued by My Darling Husband.

    Have a great week ahead, Betty!

    1. Titles always attract me to books and blogs :) You too have a great week Veronica!


  13. I think I will try My Darling Husband. (if it is available at the Library) I like thrillers.

    1. Hope your library has it. It is a pretty good book!


  14. You've really been turning the pages, Betty! Such fun, summer reads! I have been deeply into Audible (I reinstated my membership, haha) and audiobooks found for free on YouTube. I just listened to George Orwell's 1984 in one and a half days. Wow that was an eye-opener! Scary. Too much like now. But everyone should read it (in my opinion) ... love to Winslow! xoxo

    1. We had a lot of downtime in June, lol, with hubby (and perhaps me) recovering from Covid. That's why I think I read so much, lol :) I have not read 1984 but I really need to. I have heard great things about it and how realistic it has turned out to be. I really wish I could listen to books on tape but I tend to get drowsy and fall asleep :)

