Saturday, July 30, 2022

The Lottery

By now, probably everyone has heard that someone won that huge MegaMillions jackpot of approximately 1.34 billion.  I didn't buy any tickets for it, did you? 

In the past, we have bought tickets for various lotteries when they have amounted to big payouts, but it's like throwing money out to the wind, lol.  When looking at the numbers on our "winning" numbers purchased against the "winning" numbers on the actual winning tickets, we barely matched one number, let alone the entirety of numbers needed to get the big payout.  I think over time we have learned to save our money and not buy any tickets.

It is fun to dream though of what we would do if we won such a lottery.  This morning I read this article about 10 people who had won the lottery but wished they hadn't in the long run.  The article also stated that the majority of people who win a lottery run through their winnings within 7 years, albeit it their winnings were not quite as big as last night's drawing. 

Every time we dream about what we would do with the money, our dreams have changed.  There are the usual things we would do.  Pay off all our debt (not much we have in the first place), remodel parts of the 2 houses we have, maybe buy a new car or two, take a vacation; that sort of thing.  We have included at times setting up foundations or charities for different causes we both support.  And then of course setting up trust accounts for the grand kids college funds.  This time around when we dreamt about what to do with all that money, I said it might be nice to buy 20 houses and then rent them out to those struggling to make rent here in Phoenix (which has gone up significantly in the last 2 years) and give them an incentive if they kept the place up nice, they would get a refund of their rent quarterly.  It could be a win-win situation.  We would get a steady source of income (not that we would need it if we would millions) but we might be helping others in the process.  

In the long run, though, I'm pretty content with all the blessings God has given me.  We have a nice place to live, plenty of food to eat, cars that drive us around safely, a variety of clothes to wear, and so much more.  It might be nice to have a cabin in the woods here to escape the summer heat.  But other than that, I don't really care to travel much and especially not by air (airplanes are not my friends).  Perhaps maybe a motorhome with a car to tow behind it to travel the states and Canada.  I enjoy a minimalistic lifestyle, so I can't imagine myself going crazy and buying a lot of clothes, household items, etc.  Besides, I couldn't take them with me when I pass and someone else would be left to deal with disposing them.  

I came to the conclusion a few months back that I'm glad I don't have a lot of money.  We have what we need and a little bit more.  And I trust God will provide my every need as His word clearly states He will.  

So, congrats to the person who won the MegaMillions. Congrats to other lottery winners past, present, and future.  

But for me, I'll save my money or go and buy yogurt or some other little treat with the money I would have spent on a ticket and sometimes think and talk about the "impossible dream" with what we would do if we won so much money.  But as they say, talk is cheap.  


  1. I find that GOD has always given me enough - not too much and not too much less. I understand.

    1. Totally agree, Sandie! And always when we need it!


  2. I thought about buying a ticket but then never got around to it. My husband used to buy power ball tickets twice a week. He called it buying dreams. I was talking to a customer the other day about what we would do if we won the 1 billion. He said with that kind of money he would definitely give to a worthwhile charity.

    1. I like what your husband called it "buying dreams". I'm going to remember that :) So many good worthwhile charities out there too that would welcome the money I do believe!


  3. I rarely buy any kind of lottery ticket, but we had a pool for this drawing at work, so I spent $2 for this one. I consider it entertainment money because I had had a lot of fun with my co-workers talking about winning, mostly tongue-in-cheek. I also play the what would I do with the money if I won and come up with smaller things like you mentioned. However, I hadn't thought about buying houses and renting them. Rents are sky high here and I like that idea. I've have been a landlord before and didn't like it, but if I won the big money, I'd hire managers for the property.

    1. We would definitely hire property managers to manage those rental houses. Our son and his family currently live in our supposed rental house, lol, so that is currently not an issue. We did talk about it at work to buy tickets together but no one took up the challenge to organize it. Rents are outrageous here. People who have their leases renewed are finding the rents are going up several hundred dollars. Unfortunately, I think it is going to lead to more people down the road being homeless here :(


  4. We didn't buy a ticket either. I don't know what we'd do if we won. Probably buy a place in Montana or Alaska and ones for the kids and live up there in seclusion.

    1. Living in seclusion would be a great thing to do these days as long as one is prepared for the winters of Montana and Alaska :) That's why I would opt for a cabin in one of our "mountain" cities here. Less severe winters :)


  5. I love this post, Betty! It brings back so many memories, playing the delicious 'what if?'. You've got some interesting thoughts about those rental homes! After 4 years here (no lottery) I may have forgotten how to play 'what if?'. Oh well, it's best to count blessings instead. I pray those person's who did win will use their gains wisely.

    1. I too pray they will use it wisely. I was talking to hubby just a few days prior that those who gain wealth like this, they really have no clue what to do when suddenly given so much money. Those born into money kind of get used to it, if that makes sense. But those who get a windfall often act recklessly. What if games are fun to talk about. Pipe dreams maybe?


  6. We have a saying in Hebrew which translates:" A lot of assets, a lot of concern".
    People with money buy houses as it is considered the best investment. Not so sure about that now. People might have to follow the food paths, turn into nomads , and leave their houses behind. Climate and wars are not a lottery game.

    1. I like that Hebrew saying! There would be headaches in owning a lot of houses with the upkeep, etc. Phoenix currently is a growing area. It can't keep up with housing all those who are moving here. Of course that could change over one's lifetime as water is a big issue here :)


  7. The big winning ticket was bought here in Illinois but I can tell you it wasn't me. lol I'm like you, my wants and needs are minimal, but it would be fun to be able to do a lot of good for others.
    I hope you're doing well. Have a wonderful Sunday!!

    1. I wonder too if the winning ticket was bought by a group of people. We had talked at work of pooling our money and buying a block of tickets but it was all talk. I really think the minimal lifestyle is the best! We are doing well! You too have a wonderful Sunday, Lori!


  8. I agree, I'm content with what I have. I have everything I need am thankful for that. I think if I won a lot of money I'd give most away to someone who needs it more than I do. That much money could really do a lot of good for others. I stopped buying lottery tickets years ago, but still sometimes it's good to dream. Love, ma

  9. We’ve never bought a lottery ticket, though I’ve received a few as prizes or in gift baskets. I think I won maybe $5 total! Whopee! It’s funny that you posted this because I asked my husband how he thought our life would change if we won that kind of money. We already live in our dream home and there’s nothing we actually want or need at this point in our lives. We concluded that after the government takes half, we’d buy a vacation home somewhere warm, my husband would retire, and we’d travel.

    Now I feel selfish after reading your great ideas about helping others!

    1. A coworker at work won $40,000 in a lottery a few years back but he had played consistently for years. It came at a good time for him because he was unemployed at the time, lol :) I think having a vacation home where it is warm would be great for you guys since I know your winters you are not fond of :) And I also know you enjoy traveling :) I think the older I get the travel bug diminishes. I think it would be nice to see Israel but I'm not sure I have the energy to do such a tour :)


  10. My husband and I always said if we won multi millions of dollars in the lottery we would immediately gather our two kids, our brothers and sisters and form a lottery club so it could all be shared among family. Then with our share we would buy a house up north on a lake and a huge RV so we could travel to warmer climates in the winter months and have a beautiful place to live in the summer! You could easily live on the interest of that money and the SS we collect now would go to charities. We have the perfect plan for we just need to buy the tickets!!! LOL Good luck to whoever won that money! I hope they have good sense and a good financial team in place!

    1. Buying the tickets I think is the first part of any of our plans, lol, and that's where hubby and me usually "fall apart" since we don't buy them :) I like your plan :) I did research and one can still collect SS if they win the lottery so your plan to donate that SS money is doable :) I agree with you too about the current winners. I hope they do have a good financial team in place!


  11. Nope, no tickets here. I think I've played the lottery exactly twice in my lifetime...and didn't win either time. I wouldn't have won no matter how many tickets I would have purchased. But I'm happy for the person that did win the money. I hope he/she does something meaningful with at least part of it. ~Andrea xoxo

    1. I hope so too, Andrea! I think it could get so easy to fall into the trap of wanting more, more, more. Bigger house, bigger boat, etc. I do hope they think it through before any money is spent :)


  12. A billion+ dollars is almost too much to fathom. I wonder what the winner will do with it all.
    Like you, I'm a minimalist and like to keep things simple. If I won the lottery, much of it would go to charities. Even if we moved to a million dollar home - or 5 million dollar home for that matter - there'd still be so much money leftover! And what would I do with a mansion??

    1. I totally agree, Abby, that is just too much money to fathom! I think I would lose Winslow in a mansion, lol :)


  13. I loved reading this post and like all that you said about winning, not winning, etc. God is good and we must trust in His plan for us.

    1. Thank you Debby! So true that we need to trust in God's plan for us; it is always good like He is good!


  14. I buy the occasional lottery ticket when I feel lucky.
    I am content with what we have but a windfall doesn't hurt!

    Hugs and blessings, Betty.

    1. So true, Veronica, a small windfall may be nice! Have a great week ahead!


  15. I did buy 5 tickets! Clint pitched in at the office and they ended up with over 200 tickets! I never buy such things either, but this time I figured somebody had to win it eventually, so it was worth the $20 we spent between the two of us. I can't imagine having a billion dollars and what the winner will do with it all. I'd imagine friends and relatives will crawl out of the woodwork and come knocking!

    1. Wow, over 200 tickets and no winner at Clint's office! Imagine if they had won! The office might have had to close with everyone not wanting to work any more :) So true about friends and relatives coming out of the woodwork. Arizona is a state that people who win lotteries don't have to identify themselves. I think I would choose not to identify myself and try to act normal for a month or so after winning such a big amount, like going to work, etc.


  16. I have never played the lottery and although I would love to someday live in my dream house, I truly have everything I need and then some! God has been so good to me. I have never missed a meal and my bed is comfortable. I have my loved ones and my health. Money would get in the way of so many things, and create more problems than it could possibly solve. That said, you must watch the movie Jerry & Marge Go Large. I think it's on Paramount Plus. Seriously you and your beloved must see it! xoxo

    1. I agree with you about the money getting in the way, Jenny. I think too much money would me less dependent on God and that is something I wouldn't want to happen. I'm with you. I got my health, a nice place to live, family is doing great right now, all blessings. Who needs money?


  17. I think, if I won the lottery, I'd want it to not be "big". I play scratches when I get the urge, nothing big. I'd pay the mortgage first, then start down the list... if I hit bigger, like a 1M prize, I'd start taking care of the family, my parents first. Sadly, here, 1M doesn't get you much... would be nice to be able to retire on though.

    1. I have to agree with you, Juli, small, not big winnings. I did read an article a few weeks back that no one has claimed the prize yet. There was speculation that the winners might still be planning how to invest money, etc. They have a year to claim it. It can be done in private too :) I would like the opportunity to help others in the family too and retire to a cabin in the mountains around here :)

