Monday, July 18, 2022

(trying to) let go

There was a time when we watched grandson a lot more than we do these days.  When he was a newborn and through to his preschool days we pretty much watched him two or three days/evenings a week or he was over playing during that time.  So naturally we had toys for him to play with, appropriate ones for whatever age he was at the time.  He is now six years old and has outgrown some of the recent toys he used to play with.  The rattles and the baby toys have been donated or passed on a few years back and I need to donate/pass on some of the toys he played with as a preschooler because he has moved on from playing with them but I can't let them go because of the fun times we had with them.

We had a lot of the Little People toys.  Like this airplane.  We did many an adventure with it and a few crashes along the way.  When you put the pilot in the pilot's seat in the front, songs would play.  The Little People danced many a dance.  How can I part with this?

Or this fire truck? We put out so many fires with it and saved so many communities.

Or the circus train where we put all the Little People we had in there to escape from the lava, going back to rescue those we had left behind, making sure all were safe and secure.

And the Mega Block towers we built, trying to build them as high as we could without them falling over.

And the army men who we would set up to do battle against each other, only to have them all knocked down, to reset them again, time after time.

Some of the books we would read before bedtime when he would be picked up late in the night after a shift at the restaurant son worked at.

The puzzles built.

The shopping cart that he would fill up with toys to take from one room to another to play with.  The many miles traveled from room to room when he was just learning to walk.

And my personal all time favorite.  The bath toy penguins.  When he would be picked up late, we would bathe him and have him ready for bed.  He loved his baths.  These toys were the best.  Water squirted out of the hats of the penguins.  The rings floated with the penguins in them.  He would spend a good 45 minutes in the bathtub playing.  With schedule changes and the like, we stopped giving him baths a few years ago and now at age six, he takes showers and prefers his privacy now that he has matured :) 

And so many others on these shelves.  Most he hasn't played with in a little while or will pull them out and play with them for a little bit then put them back.  

Now he is into Legos (we do have a big bin of them) and games on my phone (a whole different post for another day) but so many of these toys are part of yesteryear.  I know it is time to sort through them and pass them on or pack them away for another generation as their family is complete, but I am having trouble parting with them.....

I'll eventually figure out what to do with them.  So many fun days of play.  So many fun days ahead with what interests he will continue to develop as he grows.  Thankful we can be such an integral part of his growing up times, even if it means the hot desert heat  four months of the year.

(Some of my long time readers who have been with me from previous blogs might remember some of these toys as I did a couple of blog posts about them being his favorite back on my "A Bench with a View" blog).  

(Note, we keep the pool toys inside just in case of a monsoon with the high winds we can get.  Before, when we kept them outside, they would blow all over the backyard.)

(Yes, this is the room where the treadmill is.  He had his toys in the den when he was a baby but as he became mobile, he somehow always wanted to play in the "treadmill room" as we call it.  So I eventually moved all his toys there and it is considered also his playroom).  

I had a helper when I was putting this post together.  

Enjoy each day that is given to you.  They truly do pass in the blink of an eye!


  1. The issue is well-known. We find it difficult to part with items, for various reasons. That's how we actually get to the state of clutter. Even after donation and giving away, we still remain with the problem.
    I totally agree with your last two sentences. The days pass very quickly, and we should do our utmost to enjoy each of them.

    1. So true, Duta. I don't usually have clutter. In fact other than these toys I'm pretty minimalistic. I tend to not be sentimental and get rid of things sooner than later. Probably by the end of the year I'll figure out something to do with these. So true too that the days pass way too quickly. Here we are more than halfway through July and it just seems like this year started.


  2. So many memories. We got rid of all but a few of the kids favorite toys. Maybe someday when they are cleaning out our house they will come across them and smile.

    1. That is a good idea of keeping some and letting them find them down the line when they clean out our house. I'm hopeful there won't be much they have to clean out after the terrible experience we had cleaning out my in-laws' house (hoarders) but these toys probably would bring a little smile to them and maybe they'll keep them for their grandchildren :)


  3. I remember the little people toys from when my kids were little. The provided hours of fun play time. All those toys hold lots of memories.

    1. It is nice that those Little People are so timeless so to speak. I remember my kids having a few of them too! And so true, hours of fun play time! Great for their imaginations!


  4. You are so right Betty. Time flies by. Just remember whatever you decided to do with the toys, you will always have the memories. Hold on to them. Wishing you a wonderful week!!

    1. It does fly indeed, Lori! It seemed like yesterday that it was Memorial Day and my grandson's sister was leaving for her summer in New York with her dad and she's coming home on Wednesday. That time went by too fast too! Thank goodness we have memories!! You too have a wonderful week ahead and I hope the training goes as well as it can!


  5. One suggestion is to take pictures of things you don't need to use as your memories. I think you've done that beautifully in this post. Maybe you could even write up a little book about the adventures you had with your grandson and these toys. I'm sure he would enjoy that in the years to come. Those methods reduce the amount of space you need for storing things. I have done this in the past and it mostly works although I sometimes wistfully wish I still had an item. Then my logical mind kicks in and it's okay.

    1. I have heard that about pictures. Usually I am not sentimental at all. I dumped my wedding dress years ago after frequent moves. It is probably because I know we aren't presently thinking of moving, we have some room to store things and they are still precious in my mind with the memories they invoke. Our church has a program where you can offer up things free to others who might need them. I'll probably do that with some of these toys down the line so some other young child can have the fun of playing with them :)


  6. You can probably hear me saying "Yep. Yep. YEP!!!", Betty. I've walked in your shoes, my dear.... and in many ways still am. Our youngest is going to be 25 years old so we still have time for more grandchildren but... I gave away many of the toddler toys. I still have a tote of the Little People though...those I can't part with yet. There's the big baby buggy too, that my Daddy bought for me when I was pregnant with my first child... over 40 years ago. I can't part with that either. Small steps....! I loved reading this blog beautifully written. ~Andrea xoxoxo

    1. Thank you Andrea! It is nice to know that you still have toys from when your children were younger! I did part easily with the baby toys but those weren't as interactive as some of these toys. I think because so many of these come with memories of hours spent together continually bonding in our relationship that they are hard to part with. But one day I will :) Or someone else will lol :)


  7. We are smiling. Thanks for trip down memory lane both there and here. YES some-things say to you, "How can you let me go? Remember..........". Love it Great memory kicker-inner! We know some time went into this one! ;-)
    Sherry & jack.....

    1. Thanks Jack and Sherry! I do still have one book from when my kids were growing up that I can't part with and some stuffed animals. So I'm sure I'll delegate a few of these toys to the same and keep them for memory sake :)


  8. I still keep my boys' toys especially the stuffed ones . And books too.
    I intend to pass them on to my grandchildren!

    1. I have a few of the stuffed animals but my kids collected so many of them I would need an extra bedroom to store them all :) We sold a lot of the stuffed animals at our last garage sale before we moved from Montana to Southern California. I almost snatched a stuffed animal out of a man's hands. He said he was buying it for his dog to play with. All I could think about was it being pulled apart and shredded :( I did keep one book but we had so many. Again, I would need an extra room to store them all :)


  9. Very cute. I was just recently thinking about some of the toys and videos my kids were into when they were little. I was okay to part with them at the times they grew out of them, I guess because the toys were replaced by other things. Now, I kind of miss having those things - and little kids - around, so I understand your reluctance! Time passes so quickly.

    1. Thank you Abby :) I too was okay to part with things from my kids growing up times. Probably to make room for other things they got :) There were a few things I wish I hadn't given away but too late now to try to get them back :) And you are right, time passes way too quickly!! I think I'm probably also mourning the fact that the grandson is not around as much as he used to be but now, except for summer vacation, he's in school during the week and activities and such. Part of growing up, but still.......


  10. Love your helper - and you are right - days go by so fast. Maybe a church preschool would LOVE those toys - good memories for me too.

    1. He wasn't the best of helpers, lol. He kept getting in my way :) You are right, Sandie, a church preschool would like these. I'm also leaning toward waiting to see around Christmas time if anyone posts that they need gifts for their kids. I might be tempted to donate some that way too (assuming they ask for gently used toys which these are).


  11. My grandson has the circus train and the fire truck at his house. The Little People sets are the best! I kept soooo many of my kids’ toys. I just didn’t have the heart to get rid of them. And now my grandkids love to play with them! In fact, my grandson had his first sleepover at our house last night and we got out some toys we’ve been saving in the basement that have little pieces not safe for his younger sisters. He had a blast with the tabletop air hockey and the marble run blocks. They also love the Barney books and Mercer Mayer books I kept. I suppose I’ll have to get rid of this stuff eventually because I doubt I’ll be living in a big house when I have great grandkids. If I’m lucky to make it that long!

    1. I totally forgot the Mercer Mayer books! We had a lot of them when my kids were growing up! I totally agree about the Little People. I got the Little People Nativity set for grandson a few years back. I think he still has that at his house though all the other Little People sets were donated from their house. We often had the same toys, lol :) How neat your grandson had his first sleepover! I bet you all enjoyed it! It was also neat you kept a lot of your kids' toys. I just have a book or two and some stuffed animals :) I had a lot of garage sales when they were growing up and every garage sale I knew I was selling a bit of their growing up days but we moved around so much I just didn't feel like dragging the unplayed with toys along :)


  12. What bittersweet times! Everyone has great suggestions; I especially like the idea of hanging onto some well-loved books. Perhaps you can write a few lines (memories, anecdotes) inside the cover, imagining his seeing them 20-30 years later! I've no idea what I'm going to do with them, but I have a few that belonged to my own father (ca. 1914-15).

    1. I still have a book from my kids' growing up years (Love you Forever). But I do like the idea of writing in the book cover. What a special gift that would be to read it years later! So neat you have the ones from your dad from over 100 years ago!


  13. I love the toys you shared. All so precious with beautiful memories. I would have trouble getting rid of them too. We have a train for James to play with but with the pandemic we ended up going to their house all the time. We still do go to their house and I can't wait until he is able to start staying at our house overnight someday.

    1. I bet it will be fun when James is ready to spend the night at your house, Debby! I love the classic toys like the Little People, blocks, etc. Love the imagination play kids do with them :)


  14. Such a great post and boy, can I relate to it! Just recently Levi gave me "permission" to sell the Little Tykes kitchen I had bought for the boys a few years ago by not paying one iota of attention to it last time they spent the night. Maxwell stopped playing with it a few months ago. That was a big, bulky thing I was glad to be rid of. My oldest and best friend has both a 2-year-old and a newborn grandson, so I was thrilled to be able to pass a whole box of baby/toddler toys to her to keep at her house! I have so many great memories of playing with the boys with them! Like your grandson, mine are very interested in Legos. I have a big box of them that I kept from when my kids were little. I also have my daughters Barbies, but I don't think they weren't too interested in them! They also play a lot with the remote-control cars and the bazillion match box cars and the track we keep here for them!

    1. That is a good idea you gave me, Jeanette. I need to get a track for the matchbox cars for him to play here on. He has one at home but I'm sure he would like one here too :) It is good to part with toys they no longer play with, especially the big and bulky ones, but at the same time there goes the fun of playing with those toys :) They just grow up so fast!


  15. Wow, he has a lot of toys. I don't remember my daughter having that many. Plus, he has all the toys at his house. How about doing as you've done, take pictures and then write a book about the toy and the things you did together with them as a momento for him, then donate the toys. Include in the story you write about where and why you're donating them and what adventures someone less fortunate might have with the toy.

    1. That is a cute idea about the book! I did get a lot of the toys he had at Goodwill. I would go weekly to scrounge around and see what I could find :)


  16. Yes, the days do fly by! And the years, too! My oldest grandson is now 5!! I can totally relate to you and the kiddie toys. I have bins of puzzles and toys (not to mention books!) , for babe to age 12, I think! I have a baby rattle that my own babies held in their chubbie little hands, and now my grandkids are using it, too. My son calls the toys and games 'vintage' haha! Yes, I agree, they are hard to say goodbye to. My youngest grandchild is 5 weeks old, so I'm holding onto them for a while longer. But one day, I will have to give all these precious toys away....

    1. Can't believe your oldest grandson is 5 years old already, Neta! I like those "vintage" toys. They are the ones that are the best as far as teaching and using one's imagination :)


    2. I totally agree there, Betty!

  17. We had A TON of little people stuff when the kids were little. I eventually turned it into a little people city, complete with runways for the airport, roads for the town, dirt roads and Astroturf fields for the farm. It had storage underneath for all the people. Eventually we gifted it all to the head start program here, except for the little people garage, that went to my mechanic's shop. It's still there, some 15 years later. :)

    1. How cute with the Little People city! Very clever! How neat too that the garage is still at the mechanic's shop years later! I'm thinking of selling everything on OfferUp and then using the money to buy Legos which grandson is definitely enjoying these days and they are expensive!!!!

