Sunday, July 10, 2022

games corgis play

Not sure if all corgis play these games, but here are some of Winslow's favorite ones he enjoys playing (over and over and over again).

Most of you know that he enjoys playing fetch and most of you know that he is incredibly spoiled when it comes to things to fetch.  (Squeaky toys and tennis balls come to mind).  Now that it is so beastly hot outside, we play a lot of fetch inside the house.  He'll fetch a few balls or squeaky toys outside once the sun goes down and it cools down a degree or two. 

As part of fetch, he will actually involve both of us in his game.  I may be sitting by my computer and my husband at the kitchen table.  Separate rooms.  Winslow will bring something to fetch to me or my husband.  We will throw it to the next room and then Winslow will retrieve it and bring that toy to the person sitting in the other room.  Back and forth he will bring us the toys; interacting with the two of us.  I think that is clever, but maybe not? 

For breakfast, I usually rotate between oatmeal/hardboiled egg or yogurt/hard boiled egg.  I eat the oatmeal or yogurt first, then the egg.  I will save a few little pieces of the egg for Winslow.  (It is safe for him to eat).  I do not know how he knows when I am finishing up with the oatmeal or yogurt as he will be quietly sitting on the floor, but some inner sense or sound I make alerts him to the fact that I'm about to crack open the egg.  He will start circling around my feet like a shark circling in the water until he gets the few little bits in his food bowl.  One time a week (usually Sundays or perhaps Fridays) he gets his own hard boiled egg.  I will cut it up in his bowl.  He will eat it in 13 seconds or less.  Then he will look at me expecting to get some of my egg (which of course because he is spoiled, I will give him a bite or two).  They say a corgi never forgets a food source.  Winslow is living proof of that.

Now that it is beastly hot outside, my husband has been walking Winslow earlier in the morning, around 6 a.m.  At that time I'm on the treadmill, then I'll take a shower and get ready for work.  When they get home, we have breakfast, then I take off.  Winslow and me play hide and seek when he comes back from his walk.  I see them pulling up in the car (hubby drives to a local park to walk him) and I hide some place in the house.  After Winslow gets off his leash, my husband says "go find mom" and Winslow runs through the house looking for me.  He is good at finding me pretty quickly except when I am hiding in my bathroom.  I close the door just a little bit and hide behind it.  For some reason he won't come into the bathroom but will stand right by the door and bark if he thinks I'm in there.  Then I'll come out and he has found me.  

This may look like a weird picture like he is biting at my shoes.  He is not. 

Between my feet I am holding one of these chew toys that we get for him.  They start out this big but as he chews on them, they obviously get smaller.  He is so spoiled, we will actually hold it between our feet so he can chew on them more.  

Here, he is holding one himself.  You can see how much smaller than the original size.  

And a closer look.  

He has me wrapped around his little paw.  He will hear a noise outside and want to go to the back door to get outside to check it out.  He will run to the back door, bark at whatever he thinks he saw or heard, and if someone doesn't come to let him out, he will come to me (usually) and just stare at me with those adorable eyes he has until I get up and let him out.  Yes, he is spoiled.  You all know that. 

And those are some of the games that this corgi plays.  He definitely keeps us entertained and on our toes a lot.  I wouldn't have it any other way with him.  


  1. Winslow is adorable, worth your attention and pampering. A boiled egg is superfood both for humans and, I suppose, for critters too; it has protein of the highest quality.

    1. True with the egg being good for protein. That is one of the reasons I have one every day. So far my cholesterol is in the healthy range so I don't have to worry about eating too many of them. And of course Winslow definitely is adorable!


  2. He has you trained very well. That is so cute that he includes both of you in his game of fetch.

    1. That is so true, Ann. He has trained us more than we have trained him. I think it is because he has all day to contemplate how he is going to train us :)


  3. Ours are spoiled as well always getting a little piece of breakfast every morning. And we too play "find the momma" when we go for our walks. I will hold them back while Barb goes ahead and hide behind a bush or tree. Dakota has quite the nose on her!

    1. It is good to hear other pets are just as spoiled :) Winslow has a good nose on him too :) I bet it is fun for yours to find Barb when she goes hiding on them :)


  4. He is soooo cute, Betty! I am not a pet person, but I could totally see myself loving a Corgi (or a Daschund). I do think he is clever, interacting with you both at the same time and taking turns. It seems like it shows that he has a good memory, but that’s obvious with all the other tricks/games he does with you! I do wonder how he knows when you are about to eat the egg! You probably wrote about this years ago, but is there a reason you initially got a Corgi and/or is it a breed that you were always interested in or did you know someone with a Corgi? They are not common here.

    1. My son liked corgis so that's why we started looking at them when we were ready to get a family dog :) I knew hardly anything about them at the time. They aren't common here either. We rarely see them out and about but did meet one on our walk yesterday. Their owner said the same thing "we don't see many corgis here". Our breeder said that although Winslow was the runt of the litter, he was also the more confident one of the litter of four. I think that shows in his personality :) I think with the egg he must hear me scraping the bottom of the yogurt container or maybe my spoon hitting the bottom or edges of the bowl with the oatmeal. That's the only thing I can think of :)


  5. We spoil our cats, too. If we had spoiled our kids this way, they would be monsters, but our cats are just cute. :) I love the hide and seek game you play with Winslow.

    1. So true if we spoiled our kids this way they would have turned to monsters. Thankfully we can crate Winslow. That would be frowned upon with children :)


  6. Binx is also VERY spoiled already and I wouldn't have it any other way. He brings so much joy. The neighbors that lived behind us for a couple of years had a Corgi and I used to love to watch him playing in their back yard. I miss seeing him even though the new neighbors also have an adorable dog to watch.
    Winslow is adorable and I loved all the pictures.
    Have a wonderful Sunday!

    1. It is hard not to spoil them, isn't it? I am glad that Binx is bringing you guys so much joy! We have block fences here so we can't see too many other dogs around us but we can hear them barking (not excessively) which sets Winslow off to bark, lol. We also have a lot of feral cats in the neighborhood and he can smell them when they are in the yards close by and that sets him off barking. Basically anything sets him off barking :) You have a great Sunday too, Lori!


  7. We always enjoy life with the Corgi. I have said before we see folks walking Corgis and when possible we strike up a conversation and you guys ALWAYS come up! reat visit to your house today! ;-)

    1. Thanks Jack! I'm glad you and Sherry do see the occasional corgi out and about and have a great conversation starter with us :)


  8. What a joy Winslow is to you. Keeping you entertained seems to be his main thing. More than anything, he must make you smile a lot and that is a very good thing. Enjoy your times together ! He is a precious gift ! Love, ma

    1. Thanks, Ma. We do enjoy our times with him. And he keeps us moving which is probably good at our age :)


  9. I absolutely *adore* your Winslow, Betty!!! I loved reading about all the games he plays. Of course he's not spoiled a one bit!! *haha* Yes, that's the only way a dog should exist...spoiled...and immensely loved, as I know Winslow is. ~Andrea xoxo

    1. He is adorable in his own way, lol :) Like I mentioned before, he is so different than our other corgi we had. But both were spoiled and like you said, that is the only way a dog should exist :) I think he is good for my hubby too as we got him shortly after my husband retired and right at the same time the lock downs for Covid hit. Probably gave my husband a sense of purpose taking care of him, lol.


  10. Winslow is just too cute! How funny that he has both of you play fetch with him from different parts of the house :)
    I really do think that dogs have a 6th sense and know things - like when you're about to crack into your egg. My dogs are similar.

    1. Hadn't thought of that with the sixth sense, Abby. But it makes sense. He kind of knows he's cute too, I think. He does garner a lot of attention when he is out and about walking at the park. And of course he demands that he gets petted. He has quite the following there :)


  11. It sounds clever to me. I love the routine you have with him. I miss the joy of a dog.

    1. He is a pretty clever pup :) Are you considering getting another dog down the line, Debby?


  12. Aw, I love how wee Winslow has y'all trained! Isn't it cute how we pawrents can try to muffle certain kitchen sounds, but it rarely works; they've got our number. And we wouldn't want it any other way!
    I always enjoy reading about him. More, please?

    1. I'll try to do a monthly Winslow post :) I already have one for next month going in my head, lol. And sure true, he does have us trained. I swore I wasn't going to give him any people food, but then I would look at those big eyes on his so he gets a little bit of treats now and then :)


  13. Winslow is adorable! And smart too!
    I love the hide and seek game you play with him.
    Happy Monday, Betty.

    1. He is a smart pup indeed! You have a great Monday too, Veronica!


  14. So cute. Regine

    1. Thank you! He is so cute! Thanks for visiting :)


  15. I don't think I could say no to that sweet little face, either. That's sweet that Winslow wants both of you to be involved in playing fetch. And too funny about the food source. If Duke wasn't so huge I might think he was part corgi.

    1. He does know he is cute :) One house we used to live in when we were in Southern California, our next door neighbor liked Koda. He would throw a dog cookie over the fence occasionally for him. Can't tell you how many times Koda would go out looking for one :)


  16. Sounds like Windslow is King of the House, lol. He has lots of personality.

    1. He definitely rules the roost! He is quite the character. He does have a following of a lot of walkers at the park who know him and enjoy petting him when hubby takes him for his walk. A fan club almost :)


  17. Oh Betty he is so precious! YES he is very clever and cuuuuuute too!!!! My Rizzo used to love those bullibones and devoured at least one a week, but one day he lost interest! I was glad because they're so expensive, but I loved the way he would hold it between his paws and gnaw it for hours! He's a little chow hound too! WOW it's beastly hot here tool. I have been in the pool every day. xoxo

    1. Thankfully Winslow goes through about 1 bullibone every month. You are right, they are expensive and now hard to find! We (hubby and me) have yet to be in the pool this year. Son/family have been over to swim quite a bit. Hubby had Covid first part of June and took forever to get over it so didn't really feel like swimming or doing much for a bit . We better get in it soon or the water will start cooling off (lol :) Glad you have been going into yours!


  18. He's not spoiled he's well-loved! He's so cute how could he not be? I love the hide and seek game! It's funny how animals have a way of knowing exactly when things should be given to them. Our cats will start walking around the kitchen and meowing at us every day about 5:00 which is when they get their second half of canned food every day! Neither of us could be anywhere near the kitchen! It's crazy!

    1. LOL with your cats, Jeanette, knowing when it was time for their dinner :) They have internal time clocks I do believe!

