Friday, September 9, 2022

That Dog

 Likes to take walks.

Knows when it is time to go into his crate when we are getting ready to leave.

Likes to play tug of war.

Can take out a squeaker in a toy within seconds when he is determined to do so.

Likes to sniff around the pool area where the cats like to walk (I mainly included this picture because I like the white flowers on the saguaro cactus).

Likes to listen to my husband play guitar (hopefully this will play).  Still a learning process how to take videos and put them on YouTube.  Hubby is practicing Christmas music for the upcoming season. 

Likes to nap by husband a lot (he really is his favorite)

Is picturesque with a beautiful Arizona sunset

Likes to watch TV (Westerns are his favorite)

Smiles a lot 

That dog is Winslow! 


  1. Your Winslow is a cute tri-colored dog (white, brown, black). He looks intelligent and friendly - a dog that is a joy to have in the house.

    1. He is a joy :) He is very friendly too. I should write a post about all his friends at the park where my husband walks him daily :)


  2. Winslow is so adorable. I love all the pictures. That is a beautiful cactus. Happy Friday Betty!! Enjoy your weekend. I hope you're staying cool.

    1. He is adorable and spoiled (and knows it, lol). I too like the cactus. It is fun to watch the birds fighting over who is going to make their nests in the holes of it. We do worry though if there is a monsoon with heavy winds if the cactus will topple over (others have in the neighborhood) and if it will topple on our side. We are starting to cool down just a bit :) You enjoy your weekend too, Lori!


  3. What a dog! And what a guitar player. I would gladly buy a Christmas CD of your husbands guitar playing. Has he recorded anything?

    1. He certainly is a dog, lol :) My husband is really talented with the guitar. He started lessons at 8 years old, so he's been playing for about 60 years now. He has not recorded anything (yet). I was going to approach him about doing something Christmas. His rendition of "O Holy Night" (my favorite Christmas song to begin with) is absolutely beautiful. Makes me cry every time it is so masterfully done :) If he ever records anything, I'll let you know :)


  4. Winslow looks like quite the character. Our Daisy loved to watch TV, her favorite was hunting shows or any show with other dogs and animals.

    1. He is quite the character! The breeder we got him from said, though he was the runt of the litter, he was the most confident of his litter mates. I find that to be true :) It is funny with them watching TV. I'm not sure what they see or how they process it. Winslow will bark at another dog he sees on the TV and always barks if there is a doorbell on TV, thinking it is ours :)


  5. I enjoyed hearing your husband play. An acoustic guitar is my favorite in any song. Winslow is adorable in any setting! Too funny about him removing the squeaker. Does he still play with the toys afterwards?

    1. He will occasionally play with a toy without a squeaker but I think only to see if there is still a squeaker in it lol. I am at work right now but later I will come back and leave a link for the YouTube channel I am sort of working on that has more guitar music from my husband and videos of Winslow.


    2. Here is the link to the YouTube channel. It is not much, but a work in progress. It does have a few more videos of my husband playing guitar :)


  6. That dog is entirely too cute! I love his smile. :-)

  7. Awwwwww.....sweet little Winslow!!! I love his smile too! My Aunt Julie used to have Corgis. I remember loving to pet them when I was a little girl. ~Andrea xoxo

    1. They are a great breed. Very active and energetic and good with herding. And they shed continually and constantly, lol.


  8. I rememeber those gorgeous sunsets (and sunrises)! Down here there are far too many trees to get a good look.
    I have to admit, Winslow's has the best grin of any furbaby I've seen. He watches TV, really? For some reason our girls can't ... or won't. Hard to believe, but yes. Christmas will be here before we know it.

    1. Koda didn't watch TV, but Winslow will lol. He barks at the dogs he sees on it. You just wonder how they process what they see. One night we were outside on the patio when there was lightening and thunder. That was impressive to see. Tried to get pictures but always missed the lightening lol.


  9. He does smile, I love that. Yeah and if I ENVY, it is those who can make a guitar talk. SWEET entry . THANKS for inviting us in to your home. Love the sunset.....

    1. I never really thought dogs could smile either, but he definitely has a smile down :) I too envy someone who can play any instrument, especially one that plays well :)


  10. Winslow is a multi talented dog and he's super cute too. Those squeakers always seem to be the first thing to go.

    1. So true about those squeakers being the first thing to go! I think he considers it his mission to destroy them as quickly as he can!


  11. I forgot to mention, your husband is quite good on the guitar.

    1. He has been playing for over 60 years :) He really does have a great talent with it. I sometimes "forget" how good he is because I hear it so often, lol :)


  12. He is such a gorgeous dog and companion. Watches tv too. Very sweet. Even smiles. I am so glad you have him. I have a prayer request. My 47-year-old son in Ohio, is coming down here to Emory to have surgery on the 15th for appendiceal mucocele. Thank you. Sandie

    1. Will pray for your son, Sandie. I can't believe he is 47 years old! Where does the time go?


  13. He is so sweet. I love this post and all the things that he loves.

    1. Thanks Debby :) He truly has been fun to have around :)


  14. I love this post about Winston! He is cute! And smart! I bet he's a lot of fun! And you husband is a good guitar player!

    1. Thanks Jeanette! Hubby has been playing guitar for over 60 years so I guess he "finally" got it right (lol).


  15. Oh my WORD I adore that dog! He is so sweet, so beautiful, so smart, so cute, has such a great personality! I am utterly devoted to my Rizzo but if I did not have him to love, I would want a dog just like Winslow! Kiss Kiss Kiss Hug Hug to precious Winslow! xoxo

    1. Winslow is truly one of a kind, lol. He keeps us hopping and he's full of energy but I think he's keeping us young too :)


  16. Aww I love Winslow!! He's so smart and adorable. I love how you share his personality with us. And... that cactus in the background!! I have never seen a cactus like that in person. It's all swamp, cypress trees, and moss here.

  17. The cactus is impressive! They are heavy too. Some have toppled over. We hope it won't topple to our side if it does :) Winslow is one of a kind I do believe!


  18. I have a corgi on the route named Winston. Everytime I see him I think of you. :)
