Saturday, September 24, 2022

A bit of a traffic jam

Winslow encountered these on his morning walk yesterday.  My husband text me with the first video and said "the walk should be fun today."

Then they started their walk.  I was surprised Winslow acted the way he did.  I was thinking he would be barking more and pulling at his leash to get to the geese.

I think he was overwhelmed seeing so many of them. 

I am always surprised to see the Canadian geese at our parks and golf courses year round.  I thought they were migratory birds.  I did a little reading and found out that they do stay put if all their needs (food, water, not cold weather) are met.  Apparently they like the heat because I see them in the middle of summer when it is over 110 degrees.  

They are messy though.  That's all I'll say.  You can figure that one out.

Do you have them in your area?

Happy weekend! 


  1. Winslow behaved well with all those geese. Gibbs for sure would have been barking his head off. He barks at just one bird landing in his yard.
    There is a park that I've been to that has tons of geese so I know exactly what you mean by they are messy.

    1. Winslow usually barks his head off. That was why I was so surprised how he did! He too barks at the birds in the backyard and wants to chase them away :)


  2. For the most part the geese all leave our area as the lakes and ponds freeze up but you can still find the odd goose pretty much anywhere the water stays open all winter.

    1. I do remember the migratory patterns of ducks and the like when we lived in Montana. That was why I was surprised to see the geese still here in summer. But really, if given the choice, I would take the year round pleasant temps like we get rather than exhaust myself traveling :)


  3. Winslow did so well with them. He must have felt a bit out numbered. We have them here as well and yes they are messy. I hope you have a wonderful Saturday Betty!

    1. It is like walking in a minefield here, lol, trying to avoid the geese's mess! We need a good rain like every day to take care of it I would imagine :) You have a great Saturday too, Lori, and rest of the weekend!


  4. Oh yes, we have alot of them here. We have a small lake here and they love it.But they do wander all over the place. I often have to stop for them while they cross the street. In the spring we see babies all over the place and it does take them long to grow up.
    They should soon be headed south for the winter. Take care and hold on to that leash ! Love, ma

    1. I would like to see geese babies but so far haven't :) Yep, my husband always does hold on tightly to Winslow's leash :)


  5. I had no idea Canadian Geese would "summer" in Arizona!
    I think you're right, maybe Winslow knew he was way outnumbered and didn't stand a chance with that mob.
    Our town is gearing up for "Tour de Corgi". I might have to check that out!

    1. Me either, Abby. That is why I finally had to google it to learn more about them. Oh my goodness, I googled that Tour de Corgi. What an event!! I might have to see about going to it next year. That is provided Winslow could tolerate that long of a car trip! It sounds like so much fun! I was surprised the geese got off the path. I thought they would stay there but they started moving when Winslow and my husband started walking towards them.


  6. Oh, we have them! If a park has a pond, there will be a ton of them. There are even services that will get rid of the geese (not killing them) if they cause too much mess, like near city water water parks, etc. Middle Child would always bring up what she learned in biology about geese digestive systems and why they poop so much. Lol.

    1. LOL with the education Middle Child has given you about the geese and their digestive systems. Here at the park they are eating the stuff off the palm trees. I know some people complain about them at the golf courses but I'm not sure if they are relocated by anyone.


  7. We have a couple(?) of families down the street by the water-front homes but they're mostly seasonal. I love when the babies first start exploring and traffic pretty much comes to a standstill when they cross the road. Winslow's so well-behaved. I do believe my Gracie would go hoarse and/or have a stroke. lol.

    1. I have yet to see the geese babies in person but have seen pictures of them stopping traffic. I was really surprised Winslow didn't make more of a fuss about all those geese. Totally caught him off guard I do believe!


  8. *hahahahaha* How precious!!!!! Winslow was being such a *good* boy, bless his heart! And I absolutely adore his little sashay as he walks... his back end going ever so dainty from side-to-side, just like an elegant Victorian woman from the 1800s. I know I've said it before but I'll say it again... I LOVE WINSLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I accidently pressed some button on my keyboard and my comment published before I was ready. Sorry about that, Betty. Anyway, Winslow is absolutely wonderful in my book. Yes, we do have Canadian geese but mostly we see them flying overhead, headed south, in their traditional V formation. ~Andrea xoxoxo

    2. I guess when the geese come in for a landing at the park it is quite a sight. My husband has seen them land before. They are quite noisy too! Corgis and their "wiggle butts". I think everyone enjoys watching them walk. Winslow is quite a character. I think a lot of people do love him. I have to do a post about his friends at the park :)


  9. That was so cute. I love animals - he was impressive.

    1. I bet you all still miss Disco :( Animals do bring such joy to us!


  10. Winslow was very calm to be in the presence of so many geese. We have some Canadian geese around most of the year, but I do see them flying north in formation during the fall.

    1. The geese are impressive when they are flying into the park. I haven't seen them do so but my husband has. They make a bit of noise though :) I was impressed with Winslow and how calm he was. Truly like I said, I think he was overwhelmed. They are a bit taller than he is :)


  11. You certainly won't find them over here in my corner of the world!
    I am guessing that Winslow felt intimidated in the presence of so many geese!

    Happy Sunday, Betty!

    1. I'm with you, Veronica, he was intimated for sure! I would imagine the geese wouldn't fly your way; too far :) Happy Sunday to you too, Veronica!


  12. I love the way Winslow looks back like "Dad what are these things?" He is so cute! Yes, they are very messy! We have some that come to eat the seed that falls from our bird feeder! I do like the sound of their honks for some reason, though! When they are here and they get ready to take off they all start honking like crazy! It's actually kind of impressive!

    1. He definitely was overwhelmed and shocked for sure! My husband has seen them landing at the park and he says you can definitely hear them (their honks) before you see them. He says it is impressive to watch them all come in for the landing :)


  13. Wow, that's a lot of them and yes they are messy! I am very surprised at how calm Winslow is. I haven't seen any around here.

    1. When I saw the video I too was surprised how calm Winslow was because usually he is having a "fit" when seeing things like this. He goes crazy when he sees a cat or bird in the backyard :) Do you get to see James this weekend? Tomorrow is your birthday, right?? Happy birthday!


  14. Look at those geese! So cool. Winslow didn't seem bothered by them one bit. We don't have geese here that I have ever seen. We do have ducks. I often see a family of ducks hanging out in a puddle on side off the road when I bring Veronica to dancing. I'm always worried they will get hit by a car. Hope you have a nice weekend!

    1. When we lived in Montana, one time I looked outside our window and there was a mother duck and her 12 babies under our tree in the front yard. They then started taking off (going back to the "canal" that was close by). They had to cross a major street. I got out there and stood in the middle of the street until they all safely crossed :) You too, Mellie, have a great weekend!


  15. Wow, that's a large group of them. Yes we have them here, but many businesses have actually hired people to get rid of them since they make such a mess. Business's don't want the geese scaring off costumers and they don't want people to track in poo which is horrible slippery mess. Wendy's Corp headquarters was the worst. They had lovely grounds, lots of space, a pond and the geese were really attracted to it and actually started attacking people trying to come in to work.

    1. Wow that is interesting about the geese attacking the people. They pretty much here (so far) move away from people when approached. I can see why there they would have to find ways to remove them for the safety of the employees!


  16. Why do geese always fly in V formation? Why not try other alphabets? Difficult ones like O or Q?

    God bless.

    1. Because I think God in His wisdom ordained for them to fly in the V formation for them to work together to get where they are going to :)


  17. We have TONS of Canadian geese here, but of course, we are not that far away. And yes, the mess they make at the pond is ridiculous. But they eat the ticks which is really good. Alaska isn't really bothered by them though. Course, lately she's like a loaf on a leash. Our girl is getting old. :)

    1. That is great that the geese there eat the ticks. Winslow chases the birds from the backyard so I was a bit surprised he didn't bark at the geese, but probably there were too many and he didn't know what to make of them all :)


  18. Awwwww Winslow so silent at the huge flock of geese, haaahaha! But WOW does he ever have a cute little swing on his back porch! LOLOL xoxo

    1. Considering he barks at the birds in the backyard and wants to chase them away, I was really surprised he was so quiet with the geese! He definitely was outnumbered and they are a bit taller than him, that's probably why he was speechless :)

