Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Just Like Jesus; a book review

For BookSneeze, I am reviewing Just Like Jesus by Max Lucado.  As part of reading the entire book and posting a review of it on my blog and a consumer site, I received a complimentary copy of the book.

It was with great delight when I saw this book was available for review from BookSneeze. Max Lucado has always been one of my favorite, if not my favorite, Christian author.  His talent to put words together in pictures as he describes scripture is truly a wonderful gift from God. 

I was not disappointed, as I knew I would not be, in reading Just Like Jesus.  From the start, the concept of the book captured my heart and attention and I knew I wanted to continue to read the book because I wanted to have a heart like Jesus, which is what the concept of the book is about.

Max Lucado starts out with a "simple" premise.  God loves me just the way I am, but he refuses to leave me here.  He wants me to be Just Like Jesus. 

Over 12 chapters in the book, Mr. Lucado lays out traits Jesus had that we can have too that will make us have a heart like his.  Some of these included A Forgiving Heart, A Worship Hungry Heart, A Focused Heart, and a Hope Filled Heart, among others.  Each chapter was devoted to that particular trait, backing up in scripture how Jesus lived that trait in his time here on earth and how we can live that trait too in our lives. 

My favorite chapter was The Enduring Heart when Max Lucado gave encouragement on finishing the race (our lives) well no matter what we were going through, citing what Jesus had endured for the joy of what laid ahead, the hope of heaven. 

Also included in the book was a study guide with questions aimed at the key points of the chapter that could be done individually or part of a group setting.

All in all, it was a great book. I would highly recommend it for anyone who wants to have a heart like Jesus, for anyone who wants to go deeper in their walk with Jesus, for anyone who wants to fix their eyes on Jesus. 


  1. Thank you for a very good review! I've only read his children's books, but I remember them to be excellent.

  2. I think Max Lucado is a great writer too, and I've always got a lot out of his books. Booksneeze is great, and a site I used to use. This is a lovely review and I'm really looking forward to reading the book

  3. Between your excellent review and seeing the first chapter-A Heart Like His- "Adjust the lens of your imagination until you have a clear picture of Jesus leading your life, then snap the shutter and frame the image," I scooped up our 1/2 price bookstore's copy.
