Friday, December 24, 2021


Hubby and me for the past several years haven't really exchanged gifts at Christmas (mainly because we pretty much get anything we want during the year and we don't really want too much extra clutter at this stage in our lives), but one thing we do is exchange cards.  Sometimes we'll buy candy or a little treat for each other and last year we each picked out a bottle of wine as a gift for the other.  The caveat was it had to be a wine we hadn't had before and we had to say why we chose that particular wine.  We drank one bottle for Christmas dinner and the other bottle for New Year's Eve dinner. 

But anyway, back to cards.  We've been together 42 Christmases and married for 41 Christmases and we have exchanged a card every year.  We don't keep the cards after the season.  We usually keep the cards to the next holiday or birthday.  So we'll keep Christmas cards now to Valentine's Day, get rid of them then, then Valentine's Day to Easter and so on.  

Tonight I stopped after work to get his card.  I waited a little too late in the season to have a big choice of cards, so there wasn't a lot of options to choose from.  However, I did find a nice one and purchased it, but in the back of my mind I'm thinking "I've given him this card before."  Of course I have no way of really knowing that for sure since we don't keep the cards and I doubt he'll remember.  Maybe I'll need to take a picture of the card in the future as a reference.  

Do you keep your cards you have exchanged?  Have you felt that you received or gave a card previously given?  

Merry Christmas from Winslow and me! May you all have a wonderful time however you are celebrating!!! 


  1. I like your traditions, Betty. Especially telling each other why you picked the wine. No, we haven’t exchanged cards in a long time, but I do still have the Valentines and birthday cards he gave me in the past. I agree that gift giving has become difficult. I tell him to just go to TJMaxx and get me lotions, socks, candles, etc. This year, I bought him 3 unusual cans of beer (one is hazelnut chocolate cake) and some special chocolates I thought he’d enjoy. Have a very merry Christmas, Betty! XO

    1. Wow, that hazelnut chocolate cake beer sounds interesting! You'll have to blog about it (if you want). I tried chocolate wine once (wasn't impressed) but never flavored beers like that! Wise for you to give your hubby a list of things to get you for Christmas :)

      Merry Christmas!


  2. Sherry keeps the cards 'we' receive until 'that' holiday rolls around again. I think she keeps ours forever, not sure. I know I can run across cards that are 40-50 years old in the stuff that has survived over 9-10 moves. I have some love letters from the 60s. This year she said, "No gifts, only cards." She says that every year. This year that will be a card. I plan to post a card for her, but I will use Hallmark to make her a special one. Probably will not post it. (but might!)
    As Always like the picture of Winslow. WE think of you and Koda every time we see a Corgi.
    Sherry & jack wishing you and your guitar player a MERRY CHRISTMAS.

    1. I like that Sherry keeps the cards over the years! Hubby's parents did that. Sixty four years of cards!! I agree with Sherry's thoughts of no gifts, only cards. So much more simpler that way! How neat that you are making her a card from Hallmark this year. It is hard to believe, but yesterday (12/23) was 7 years since we said goodbye to Koda. He was special, but Winslow is proving he is going to be special in our hearts too! My guitar player is playing at the 2 Christmas Eve services at church tonight! Merry Christmas to Sherry and you!!!


  3. PS: Love the header picture. It looks a lot like the River Walk of San Antonio except it is much wider and there are no mountains in the back ground. ;-)

    1. Thank you! It is actually about a block away from where son works. They call it the "canal" and every year at Christmas it is decorated with lots of lights.


  4. My husband and I haven't exchanged gifts in a long time. Same reasons as you and yours. We used to make cards for each other - long time ago - but don't anymore. No reason, just got busy with other things I guess, plus we're a bit rebellious :).

    Merrry Christmas to you and your family, including Winslow of course!

    1. I like rebellious, Abby. We're a bit like that too, lol. Honestly, between you and me, (and whoever reads the comments) we don't even put up a tree; haven't in a few years. Or bake or decorate the house or shop crazily for that special gift for family members. But we have fun days and that's what matters.

      Merry Christmas to you and yours!! Right now Winslow is sleeping at my feet. Oh the life of a dog!


  5. How I wish Tom enjoyed wine! I've not indulged since June 1 when I cut carbs, but that may have to change before New Years. (Jus' saying....) The only cards I keep are the ones Tom used to buy for our anniversary and those from my son and family. I'm seriously appalled at the cost of individual greeting cards and have begun buying the 50-cent variety from Dollar Tree. My grands just look at them and throw them away anyway.

    PS - Like Jack mentioned, that's a great header photo. I was going to guess Scottsdale.

  6. Oh my gosh, Myra, no wine since June!! Amazing and good for you!! Though I do remember reading back a little bit ago that you were down 19 pounds so that helped with no carbs! A little bit over the holidays won't be too bad :) I'm with you about the price of cards. We bought a nice card to send to hubby's brother/SIL but for son/family, who are getting money this year, we just did the same as you. The dollar store with the cheap cards. Funny too because I saw the same exact card at the dollar store that we got for son at the store last night when I bought hubby's card and it was 50 cent at the dollar store and 3.99 at the grocery store. And yes, you are right. The header photo is in Scottsdale. About a block or two away from Fashion Square :)

    Merry Christmas!


  7. Well this is interesting to me because although TG and I exchange cards for birthdays, anniversary, and Valentine's Day every year, we don't give one another Christmas cards. I think we may have at the very beginning (we were married in 1979), but I'm not even sure of that. BUT I cannot throw away a greeting card. I had to force myself several weeks ago to dispose of several years' worth of Christmas cards from friends (but I could not throw out one with a family picture on it, haaaha) ... and still I have many dozens of cards categorized and stored away -- Mother's Day and Father's Day from the kids, and the aforementioned special occasion cards ... I just can't throw them out. It's dumb I know but there you have it. Winslow is SO precious I just want to hug and kiss him. Merry Christmas, betty ... xoxo

    1. This has been fun to read with who saves cards, gives cards, etc. Wow that you have saved the cards over the years and have categorized them too! Such organization!! (Really, that is awesome). I do keep the photo cards. We don't get many, but those I like to save to see how kids have grown over the years, etc. Winslow is being spoiled this Christmas Day. He is great at mooching food with those eyes of his. He and me both will be dieting after the first of the year!

      Merry Christmas!


  8. I don't think my husband and I ever exchanged Christmas cards. Birthdays and anniversaries yes but that's about it. I do know when I do get a card I want to keep it forever! That is a great tradition you have!

    1. That is cool that you do keep cards! My in-laws kept 64 years of cards for every occasion they gave each other ones. It was sweet to look through them after they passed and we were sorting out their stuff. They always signed them the same way too after all those years :) Merry Christmas!


  9. Merry Christmas! Yes I do hold on to cards. I can't help myself! Mark was cleaning out his office before he had painted a few months ago and I was shocked at things he was tossing away that the kids made for him and cards. I actually took a few that he doesn't know about. :)

    1. I think it is neat you hold on to them Debby. I do have a few special ones that I keep from the kids. I have the majority of their stuff they made us at school. Some did get tossed, mainly the ones that were falling apart - like macaroni necklaces, those type. Hope you had a nice Christmas Day! Merry Christmas!


  10. Merry Christmas, Betty! Hope you had a wonderful day! I got rid of a lot of cards when we moved this past May, but still do save some special cards/letters. They just mean too much! I've been saving Christmas cards I've received over the last few years and reusing them, creating new cards. It's really a lot of fun! This year, I made several cards to send to special friends, and then emailed a Little Christmas Letter with photos to my large extended family.

    1. I like how you save cards to make new cards, Neta. That's a great way to re-purpose something and I bet they come out looking very nice!! I did have a nice Christmas and hope you did too!! Happy New Year!


  11. The exchange of cards between you and your hubby is a sweet tradition!
    As for keeping of the cards, it reminds me of my keeping a pomegranate fruit in the fridge from one New Year (jewish) to the next New Year.I believe it brings luck.

    1. What an interesting custom with the pomegranate fruit! I hadn't heard of that before.


  12. Awe Winslow!! He's sweet. We usually keep our cards and to answer your question - yes, we have definitely given and been given the same card. Sometimes I make my own. Hope you all had a great Christmas.

  13. Awe Winslow!! He's sweet. We usually keep our cards and to answer your question - yes, we have definitely given and been given the same card. Sometimes I make my own. Hope you all had a great Christmas. This is Bobbi and Gracie. It wouldn't let me comment from google. ugh.

    1. That is neat that you make your own cards sometimes!! We did have a nice Christmas! Hope you did too!


  14. Awe Winslow!! He's sweet. We usually keep our cards and to answer your question - yes, we have definitely given and been given the same card. Sometimes I make my own. Hope you all had a great Christmas.

  15. We don't exchange cards or gifts but we treat ourselves to a nice dinner in a fancy restaurant every Christmas.

    Wishing you a happy Christmas week and a wonderful 2022, Betty.

    1. I like what you do, Veronica! Sounds like a wonderful tradition! Happy New Year to you and yours!

