Monday, December 20, 2021

They just make it too easy!

By they, I mean Amazon, especially Amazon Prime.  I know it is "eating alive" the mom and pop stores and it is making tons of money off all of us, but it is so incredibly easy to order off it and I have not (yet) gotten an order that was wrong.  And if I got something I wanted to return, returns are so very easy.  

I can listen to music, watch movies, shows, etc at work as long as of course I'm using head phones/ear buds, whatever.  Lately, I've been watching movies on Amazon Prime for free.  They aren't recent ones, some are their own movies made by Amazon, but they have been interesting for the most part and I've enjoyed all I have seen.  

I just found out that you can even get to read books  through Amazon Prime for free; some are recently released ones.  I downloaded a couple to read.  Haven't gotten into them yet, but will do so shortly.  I have been trying to read during my lunch break rather than scrolling through Facebook.  

By far the best thing about Amazon Prime is how convenient the shopping is.  A few weeks back at work they were doing a toy drive for the Salvation Army's Forgotten Angel (that's when someone takes a tag from an angel tree and doesn't bring back the tag/gift, so they have other toys there they can substitute so the child gets one).  My hubby and I usually do something for the "less fortunate" at Christmas and we hadn't thought of what to do this year before I saw the toy drive so we decided to participate in it.  They had suggested toys, breaking up kids into four age groups; baby to 2 years old, 3-5 years old, 6-8 years old, and 9-12 years old.  We decided to get a gift from each age group, so four toys.  We were going to go to Target or Wal-Mart to shop for them, but I said "let's look on Amazon."  Within 30 minutes, we had picked out four toys, ordered them, and because we spent over $35.00, we got same day delivery! We ordered them at 9 a.m. and by 4 p.m. that afternoon they arrived! I do know we have several distribution centers here in the Phoenix area.  It was funny because I got the notice that one of the packages had come (shipped in 2 different ones) right before my hubby was going to leave to go to play at church on the worship team for Saturday night service.  So he got that one for me.  After he left, Winslow and me went out to the backyard.  I sat down and started scrolling through my phone and saw that the other package had been delivered, like 2 minutes after the first one had come.  Amazing customer service I thought! 

You guys all know this about Amazon and Prime.  For me, it definitely has proven to be a worthwhile investment to get it.  Sure makes shopping easier, especially if one doesn't really care to shop (me).  

Are you an Amazon Prime user??? 


  1. No, we don’t have Prime, honestly because it’s just another expense. I just wait till we have $25 worth of merchandise to get the free shipping, which seems to only take 2-4 days, even with holidays and supply chain issues. I agree that they never seem to get anything wrong and I’ve rarely had to return anything, but they do make that easy, too.

    What shocks me is how the Amazon van drivers drive around with the sliding door open. First, they’ve got to be freezing. Second, it’s a miracle people don’t steal stuff out of them when they walk up a driveway.

    Merry Christmas if I don’t talk to you before then!

    1. You are wise not to have it and group purchases together like you do. I'll have to watch here with the drivers to see if their sliding doors are open while driving. Of course here they don't have to worry about freezing, but I'd wonder how safe it is.

      Merry Christmas to you too!!!


  2. I wish I did not depend on Amazon as much as I do, but it's hard to go back once you've experienced the convenience. I can't see anything changing for me any time soon! xoxo

    1. Me either, just because of the convenience. I do like shopping from the comfort of my own home :)


  3. I am an Amazon Prime user and I am guilty of using it almost every day. I hate, hate, hate the affect it is having on small businesses and life - but they have made it so reasonable and so easy to get and do everything easily!

    1. I know, there are times I have used it every day. I'm trying to limit my impulsive buying on it.


  4. Another amazon primer here. It really is just so easy. I ordered a unique gift from a different source for one of our kids and have no idea when it will ship or how to track. I'm so used to amazon's user friendliness.

    1. Oh no, Abby! I hope the other gift comes in time! That has to be nerve wracking and frustrating at the same time!


  5. I LOVE Amazon Prime! Admittedly, I don't take advantage of all the perks; need to do something about that. Our only downer, our little burg doesn't afford us same-day delivery; usually it's 2. I've even had a few things take a week, but have learned to read the small print more carefully in the future. If it's going to be longer than 2 days I'll just run to Target.

    1. I'm sure too that there are other perks with it that I have yet to discover myself. I was pleasantly surprised to find the books I could read for free, albeit on my phone with the small screen, but a book is a book, right??


    2. I'm smiling, we love you two ladies. ;-)

  6. Oh you are so right lady. Yes I am A-Prime. Today I went to Home Depot to get a repair kit for a cheap 1/2 hose. Nothing for 1/2". Home to the net found exactly what I wanted, will have it tomorrow. 'I have no complaints. I have had to return only one thing and yep, it was easy.
    It is so good to see you again. I thought of you today. Son Jack is in Utah visiting a son and GD. He is living in motels and his van and enjoying himself in retirement. Today (since some big snows) he has decided to spend a month or so in southern AZ then head back to Utah for spring break for GD.
    Anyway, I have Prime Unlimited and Sherry and I have read over 100 books free. I should watch some movies, maybe I will try.
    Love you and it is so good to see you.

    1. Southern AZ is a great place to spend the winter! Here in Phoenix it was close to 70 degrees. Can't beat that! Yesterday we sat in the backyard in the sun for a bit with no jacket. That wouldn't happen too many other places this time of year! Love the free reading of books especially with how expensive they seem to be for new releases!


  7. PS: Yes it eats into smaller businesses, but that is normal in the USA. I miss the 'Dime Stores' and local grocers. I miss Sears (as it was), and many other businesses. But like it or progress (as it is called) will not be stopped.

    1. So true in that it will not be stopped!


  8. I rarely shop at Amazon - the shipping fee to Malaysia costs more than the product itself!

    Great to have you blogging again, Betty.

    Merry Christmas!

    1. Oh wow, Veronica. I hadn't thought of shipping costs!! Wise to avoid it for sure!! Thanks; glad to be blogging again!

      Merry Christmas to you and yours!


  9. Love Amazon and Amazon Prime. I always get books and also have watched several movies and series at work during down times!

    1. I haven't watched any series yet on Prime. I'll have to check them out! Merry Christmas!


  10. So far, I've seldom ordered things from Amazon, because of high shipping costs. I intend to check things again the upcoming year.
    Joy and Happiness to you!

    1. Thank you, Duta, for the wishes of joy and happiness!! Same to you!! I didn't even think that shipping would be expensive to other countries. I just assumed Amazon was everywhere since it seems to be everywhere here!


  11. I was like crazy, in-love with Amazon Prime for the longest time! I've been using it for years. It has been just recently that I have been less than satisfied. Often they will give you a free look at the first season of a series, then you will have to pay to see the rest. Also, some of my orders have been late or not arrived at all. I still shop Amazon Prime and up until recently had been 100% satisfied. But now it's more like 70%. It sure beats being out, standing in line, fighting for a parking spot, etc. I'm so glad you are still blogging. I have been absent for a while, but I sure do miss it and have been trying to pull myself back to blogging more often.

    1. I wonder if we get such good service for Prime because there are several distribution centers for Amazon here in the Phoenix area. There are literally vans all over the city with the Prime logo on it. I'm not sure if I would ever watch a series on it. After getting hooked on some on Netflix, I finally decided not to start any new ones (I subsequently dumped Netflix about a year ago :) Hope you do get back to blogging. Its been a tough year with me going from one blog to another. I hope you have a Merry Christmas!


  12. I am an Amazon Prime user, but lately not so much. My girlfriend opened a bookstore in the past year, and I really want to support her, so even though she doesn't live in the same city, I will tend to buy some books and gifts from her. Her book prices are often similar to Amazon, and she does offer free shipping with a minimum purchase. But.. that's not to say I don't love the ease of using Amazon.. usually quick and easy...too easy... but I often feel a little guilty using Amazon Prime.

    1. Wishing your friend luck with her bookstore!! Its good that her prices are similar to Prime's though I do think the cost of books can be so high at times! I found myself buying more nonfiction books this past year than I normally have in years gone by. Most of the fiction I read I get from our local library in e-book form :)

