Saturday, December 11, 2021

A new year (almost) and a new blog (almost)

Within a few short weeks it will be 2022.  It is hard to believe it has been 22 years since Y2K.  Everyone alive remembers the hype about that.  For me, 2021 went by incredibly fast.  Probably one of the fastest years of my life.

I'm going to be blogging here on this blog from now on.  I have had this blog since 2012/2013.  It was originally called "A Bench's Notebook" and if anyone goes back and reads old entries, I wrote mainly about my faith, Jesus, God, scripture.  There were big gaps of time where I didn't write here, then other times where I wrote almost daily.  

A few months ago I changed the title to "Walking Humbly with My God" based on a favorite scripture of mine.  Micah 6:8 (NLT)  "No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God."  That's how I want to live, but I'll admit, I'm a work in progress and I often struggle with doing what is right, loving mercy, and walking humbly with my Lord.  But, again, I'm a work in progress who will not be completed until I take my last breath here on this earth and my first breath in eternity and with Jesus! (What a day that will be!) I was pretty content with keeping the title "Walking Humbly with My God" but I was praying about returning to blogging lately and out of the blue I thought "Walking Humbly with My Dog." I wondered if it would be sacrilegious and asked hubby about it but he did say God seems to have a sense of humor, which He has proved to me so much over the years, and certainly with the current pup we have with Winslow.  So I think I'll keep the title "Walking Humbly with My Dog" as I try to truly walk humbly with my Lord :) And that way perhaps I can include a few (maybe more than a few) pictures of that pup of ours.   

I became burnout with blogging over the past year and a half since this whole Covid mess, then the contentious election, then the vaccine, the mandates, the masks, the this, the that, the mess our country is in and so much more.  I had to walk away from social media when I did so back in September.  Not only did I walk away from blogging but I deactivated my Facebook account for about 6 weeks.  I spent the time I used to spend blogging and scrolling Facebook reading my Bible and really taking time to study it as well as spending more time in prayer.  It was good for me to do so.  

But lately I've struggled with wanting to come back to blogging or not.  I've thought about it over the past month and wrote several posts about returning but didn't feel right yet doing so.  However, I'm just going to jump in and try this again and hopefully not get burnt out.  This time around I'm going to take a different approach from my recent previous blogging and write what I want to write, hopefully in a kind respectful way, regardless if it is not the popular opinion and regardless if people agree with me or not agree with me.  I'm going to write about my faith, scripture, politics, whatever I want to write about, whenever I want to write.  I'm also thinking of introducing new features down the road, but will do so gradually over the next few months.  

I'll be doing a catch up post within a few days with what has been happening here over the past 3 months.  Nothing earth shattering.  

One thing I know, God has been faithful during this time, as he is always faithful.  I have said it before and I know I will say it much more in the future.  He has never let me down and He never will let me down. 

I'm going to share my walk of faith here for anyone who happens to stumble upon this journal and these words of mine.  

Hopefully, I will be able to write my opinions in a respectful way, humbly and with love.  And perhaps also while walking humbly with a rambunctious corgi (hoping I don't trip in the process).  


  1. Thank you for this thought-filled, candid post, Betty! Love what your hubby said about God having a sense of humor. My son and DIL also de-activated their social media accounts --and haven't looked back. Honestly, I don't know if I'd be as strong.

    I'm looking forward to your coming posts and learning lessons from your faith journey.

  2. Hi Betty! So nice to read a post from you again. I've missed your writings. Thanks for keeping up with me and leaving such thoughtful comments. I'll be here following along!

  3. Thanks for always coming back and commenting on my blog, Betty. Social media can be a time killer as well as fostering so much division, but I’ve enjoyed learning about people from all over the world and have met some really nice folks through blogging, including you.

    One thing God has taught me through this pandemic is empathy. It’s okay that we don’t all agree, but nobody is right or wrong 100% of the time, so I try to be open minded and understand why people have their point of view and the reasons they’ve come to that conclusion. I know my views are colored by having family members in the medical field, so I tend to listen to them more than what’s on the news. There are a LOT of charlatans that have come out of the woodwork during all of this and it’s startling how many people have been deceived by them.

    Anyway, glad to hear from you and here’s hoping for a happy, healthy 2022.

  4. I'm glad to see you blogging again! Please continue to write your opinion, because it's YOUR opinion and your readers have to respect that! I've missed hearing about Winslow's antics, so I am looking forward to reading them again!

  5. Glad to see you haven’t given up on blogging….I’ve certainly had a tough time finding things to write about now and then! May God send His blessings upon us all, in this year and the next.

  6. That's a lovely Bible verse. I like the name of this blog. I've been burnt out too. I don't blog often but trying to read everyone's posts is something I just can't do anymore. I'm trying to lighten my load but it's hard. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but I can't keep up with 65 posts to read each day. I don't even get on Facebook that much lately. Obviously Christmas has a lot to do with this right now but I have my favorites and want to stick with them. (like you) I want to start working on cleaning out the house by getting rid of things. I can't do both! I'm glad you are back. Reading the Bible is a great thing. I myself want to move away from TV and start reading books. It's time for a change but I will continue to write blog posts.

  7. I think it is good to write what is on your heart. In my opinion, if someone does not agree or feels differently - they should not comment. Of course, that is my opinion haha. I have quite a number of friends who left facebook and I struggled with should I stay or should I go. I stayed. I have been introduced to so many wonderful churches and sermons via facebook and the good ultimately outweighs the bad. I reasoned with myself that I would not comment on anything that I felt would escalate into an argument - and that if need be, I would block those who interrupted my peaceful place. I am so happy to be back blogging. I am glad to find you still here.

  8. So good to find you still here!!!

  9. I just wrote a long comment and it didn't go through, yet I commented on another post. hmmm...

  10. Good news in 2021 - you're blogging again! :)

  11. Nice to find you again, Betty! I have not returned to blogging yet, but I noticed your likes on my Facebook page and thought I'd stop by :) I'm with you on the blogging and social media burnout. I've taken many breaks from social media since Covid hit. As for blogging, I'm currently going through a transition in my life and I may be able to devote more time to writing again soon.
