Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Catching up

Quick catchup post from things happening over these past 3 months.  

I'm still working the temp job processing/scanning termed employees records.  I've been there six months already and have taken on some new responsibilities relative to garnishments and processing some of the forms sent by the courts or social service agencies for parents required to provide medical insurance for their dependent children.  I enjoy the work, the commute is less than 20 minutes, the pay is good, and there may be potential to become a permanent employee, if not in that department, perhaps in another.  Several permanent employees have started out as temps, so who knows? 

Winslow is still as spunky and energetic as always.  He is mellowing just a bit as he will be 2 years old next month.  That is hard to imagine.  Updated pictures coming soon.

I got vaccinated.  I was late to the party of doing so and its a party I really didn't want to go to.  I am not an anti-vaxxer or a conspiracy theorist.  I wanted to be sure I knew what was going into my body, what the effects may or may not be, and the efficacy of it.  I reluctantly got it because it was mandated at my place of work.  If anyone was going to remain working in-house as opposed to remotely, they had to be vaccinated by a certain date.  I did a lot of thinking about it and praying about it and came to the conclusion that I wanted to remain employed there (for reasons above) and chances are if I went some place else to work, it could be mandated there as well to be vaccinated.  I wouldn't be considered for a booster shot anytime soon and the jury is still out whether I would get one or not. So far, the company has not required anything than the initial 1 Johnson and Johnson shot or the 2 shots from Pfizer or Moderna.  We lost a temp whose husband did not want her to get the vaccine and she had to quit her job the weekend before the mandate took effect.  I had to show proof of my vaccine to my supervisor to be eligible to keep entering the building. There is a huge sign on the door that says only vaccinated people may enter the building. We are still required to wear face masks while not sitting at our desks and walking around the building.  Ironically the temp who quit, her husband was required a month later to get the vaccine for his work and he got it.  She did find a job to do at home which worked out better for her with having still school age children.  My supervisor refuses to get the shot, but is able to work from home.  Because of it and because of them limiting the other permanent employees from coming into the office except for maybe once a week if they can work at home, that is why I have been given extra responsibilities there.  I'll take it as it helps me to learn more and be more marketable perhaps down the road and I've been working in office since May 2020, first at the unemployment office and now here, so working out and about does not bother me.  

Both son and DIL got Covid; son in September; DIL in October.  She didn't catch it from him (it was a good month after his case) and neither of the kids have gotten sick.  We saw both son and DIL a week before their respective outbreaks and we didn't get sick.  Son had a more "severe" case than DIL.  He had lots of chills and shakes, cough, congestion and body aches.  DIL had mainly body aches, cough, nose congestion.  Both temporarily lost the sense of taste and smell.  Both made complete recoveries and did the mandatory quarantining they had to do for their employers.  Several people where son worked got sick about the same time; they are not sure how they contacted the virus.  DIL thinks she got it from going out with friends at a loud, noisy bar with lots of young people.  

End of August, hubby went in for a routine checkup at the doctor's and found out that his blood pressure was literally through the roof.  First reading was close to 225/number he can't remember; 2nd reading was 198/100.  Why they didn't hospitalize him, I don't know (or at least send him to the emergency room).  Those were stroke numbers! In August our hospitals were not overwhelmed with Covid cases so I don't think that was the reason they didn't send him to the hospital. They recommended weight loss, a low salt diet (the DASH diet), and for him to monitor his blood pressure for 2 weeks and then let them know the numbers. I was livid at them for their almost cavalier approach to a really seriously high blood pressure.  But, we reduced sodium significantly in our diet almost down to less than 500 mg of sodium a day (recommended under 2300 mg daily).  His downfall was he liked Campbell soups for lunch (VERY HIGH SODIUM) and our downfall together was Lean Cuisine TV dinners (high sodium).  All those were cut out.  We basically reinvented what we ate.  The good result.  His blood pressure within a week went down to very acceptable numbers; even lower than average numbers.  The benefits.  I've lost 18 pounds so far; he's lost 25 pounds.  I'll gain a few pounds back over Christmas as I know I'll indulge a bit but we'll get back on track in January which is our reset month.  We have loosened a bit of how much sodium we will eat occasionally.  For instance, we went to San Diego over Thanksgiving and ate out for all the meals, not really choosing carefully the most healthiest item on the menu.  But upon our return, when checking his blood pressure, it was still in the normal range.  He just knows he can't go back to the high sodium foods eaten in the past on a consistent regular basis.  

I think that catches me up on all the major things that happened here in the Valley of the Sun over the past 3 months.    


  1. Thanks for the news! As someone who’s been on meds for hypertension for 15 years, I understand trying to eat the DASH diet. So much salt in everything! It’s only been recently that some products now have low sodium options, like canned beans and tomatoes. And I finally found a low sodium baking powder. Glad your husband’s numbers came down so quickly!

    I’m glad you got the vaccine, Betty. I just heard over the weekend that 3 members of our congregation (same family) are all in the hospital with Covid. They refused to get vaxxed and now one of them might not make it. I’m sad but they knew the risk. My oldest daughter got Covid from having a college friend and her 1 yr old visit them the day after Thanksgiving. That friend’s husband tested positive at work that night and sure enough, 3 days later, my daughter and all 3 kids got sick. The baby had a cough and congestion, but fortunately, she suffered the least. The other 2 kids had fevers and vomiting/diarrhea for 8 days. My daughter, who was vaxxed in August had it the worst with every symptom there is. We were worried she’d be hospitalized and she’s still nursing the 4 month old. It was awful! She is now okay, but we haven’t seen them since Thanksgiving. Son-in-law never got sick and has to test a few times a week at work, so he knew he was negative.
    He did get booster in Late October, so maybe that helped. Who knows?

    I guess all that to say, the scary part is the unpredictability of it all.

    1. Oh wow, sorry to hear about your daughter/her children having Covid! Sounds dreadful all around! Nothing worse that the mama being sick and having to try to take care of her children! Glad they are making a good recovery! It is hard to find some things with no sodium or low sodium, but you are right, there are more options coming open as far as no sodium for beans, tomatoes, broth etc. It is amazing too how much sodium is in fast food! And I agree with you with Covid, the unpredictability about it is the most scary part. If there would be more rhyme and reason to it, I think it would be easier to try to treat it, avoid catching it, etc.


  2. I tried to put the name of your blog into BLoglovin - and it was not there.
    Okay sounds like you have been through a lot and busy!
    I am glad your son and his wife got over covid.
    I did get my covid shots - but I have serious health issues and my best friend died of covid - she did not get the shot - it was a horrible death.
    So sorry about your hubs and glad he got the numbers done.
    Cutting salt to 500 is dramatic!!!!!!
    Rick is in advanced heart failure - he has to limit his to 1500 and 48 ounces of water. We just started but I am going to do it with him.
    If you don't hear from me - it means I can't find your blog but I will try.

    1. I am sorry, Sandie, your friend died of Covid. I remember seeing you mention it on Facebook I think. Its a terrible sickness! Rick should do fine limiting his salt to 1500 mg. Staying away from processed foods is a big must as there is so much sodium in those. its good to do the "diet" together. I would have trouble with 48 ounces of water a day! I drink over 100 ounces! Sorry he/you are dealing with the advanced heart failure too!

      Merry Christmas back at you!


  3. Great recap, Betty! Just enough detail to satisfy my inquiring mind, LOL. That's very interesting, your employer's mandate -- and co-workers' ways to circumvent and still remain employed. Mostly, I'm impressed how quickly you and your hubby identified the culprit (SALT) and took action. Only once during Tom's therapy did his BP number rise above 200; and yes, I freaked. The home health nurse not so much. I mentioned this and the DASH diet to my Tom, but didn't get much of a reaction. However, you can bet I'm not about to let THAT slide. Thanks again for the update!

    1. You are welcome for the update, Myra :) We figured hubby was getting over 5000 mg of sodium daily before we cut it all out! He's not really following the DASH diet per se, just reducing/eliminating salt and using other spices instead. If a recipe calls for salt we don't add it. Have been using Mrs. Dash in its place. Also trying to buy no sodium can foods/broths as available. Its a work in progress but he's making progress!


  4. Replies
    1. Yay!! Sorry for the confusion. Going to look into Bloglovin this weekend to set that up :)


  5. hi betty! I found you over here. I don't have access to 'a bench with a view'. I'm happy to hear that you're doing good.

    1. Hi Lisa; hope you and your family are doing as good as you can! Nice to hear from you! I made A Bench with a View private after I stopped blogging on it about a year ago :) so I wouldn't be spammed; no one has access to read it but me :) Merry Christmas!


  6. I'm glad your job is going well. I can't believe Winslow is going to be 2! That is very interesting about the vaccine mandate at work. I still don't feel like I should have been vaccinated but did it because of my health issues. I'm glad you son and DIL are okay but I am very surprised as to how people actually get it. Living in the same house she didn't get it from him and you guys didn't get it from them. Yes I think they should have sent him to the ER. Thankfully it all turned out okay. Way to go on the weight loss. I better start something soon, I've been eating too much junk lately which isn't me at all. Thank you for the updates.

  7. I think if people could figure out how Covid was caught, it would help people be able to prevent getting it. Definitely a mystery! I bet after the holidays are over you'll feel like getting back to healthier eating. You also did a lot of stuff to get ready for Christmas which can be taxing!


  8. Hi Betty,
    I have an additional blog follower by the name of Betty, she also left a comment,I got confused, and have almost missed your comment.
    Thanks for the update. I'm glad things are well at work and at home. Salt and sugar are killers, so beware both of you when shopping and eating!

    1. So true about salt and sugar being killers. We have learned to be more careful reading labels at the store when we shop. I did see you had another Betty as a commenter on your blog, I was going to check out her blog :)

  9. So happy to "see" you again! Thanks for the update, and I'm glad you're still enjoying your job. I've worked with a few people who've left jobs because of vaccine mandates and understand your reluctance.

    And whew, your husband's blood pressure! Glad it was caught and congrats on both of you getting things under control and healthier. Happy upcoming birthday to Winslow!

    1. Thanks for the congratulations about our health :) It definitely is a work in progress! Winslow says thanks for the birthday greetings!


  10. Hey, thanks for the catch up! I can't believe Windlow is going to be 2 already! Hubby and I got the vaccines in April. We haven't got the booster yes though. We're scheduled for January 7th. I made it so far away because I needed more thinking time! Still kind of on the fence about it. Glad your husbands blood pressure is down and you both are losing weight and eating healthy.

    1. I know what you mean about the booster shot. And then I also heard someone say we might need a 4th shot down the road sometime. Might become like the yearly flu shot. Who knows? My hubby is getting over a cold and we joke and say it could be the Omicron variant, though he didn't run a fever and had usual cold symptoms. He didn't get tested and I didn't get sick from him. I did hear that the vaccine/booster is supposed to be great protection against getting the Omicron variant, so who knows? He remains unvaccinated.


  11. Sorry I am late. I truly enjoyed the catchup. Sorry about the hubby, glad the #'s are down. I also just got my shots, I also am not anti VAX NO conspiracy theorist oriented. Just did not see needing it since we are pretty 'exiled' as gypsies.
    I am so glad you like the work. That makes all the DIFFERENCE. Hug the Hubby for us and of course I will be looking forward to the visits, I have missed them....
    Love ya!

  12. Replies
    1. Thanks for checking in on me!! Merry Christmas!


  13. We are all vaccinated here. Oldest got COVID this week (Christmas exposure) and is basically fine, Youngest moved out temporarily, popping in when he needs something wearing a mask to minimize exposure for his friend he's staying with. I think the reason Hubs and I were fine was the timing of our booster, which was ten days prior. *Sigh* frustrating that we made it this long and of all people, it came from family. I don't know that we would have changed anything, but it would have been good to know that three family members were REALLY sick on Christmas day, and for 2 of them it started 2 days after returning home from out of state. And of course, that state has a VERY low vac rate.

    Is what it is I guess. So glad everyone is on the mend in your house!

  14. That does "suck" when family members didn't report they were sick. We get together with son/family but it is always on the caveat that everyone is feeling well and if they aren't, we don't get together. We think hubby may have had Covid a few weeks back. Got a bad cold but never ran a fever so saw no reason to test or go to doctor. I didn't get sick but wasn't sure it was because I was only 3 months in from being vaccinated. Hope Oldest is doing better now!

