Sunday, January 16, 2022

A weekend in pictures

Like a lot of you, I write my most brilliant posts at 3 o'clock in the morning.  In my head.  In bed, tucked under blankets in the winter chill.  (Right, you live in Phoenix Arizona, you do not have a winter chill.  Tell them it was 72 degrees here today).  (We are spoiled here in winter, but come summer we will "pay" for it, as you know, with temps way over 110 degrees).  

Anyway, I digress (once again).  Those posts I brilliantly write in the wee hours of the morning fade from my aging brain by 6 a.m. and of course I can't remember them, except for  maybe a snippet or two.  

So I got nothing today.  Except for the last few pictures I took with my cell phone this weekend.

Winslow, in all his cuteness.  Enjoying the warm Sunday afternoon sun.  We have taken to sitting outside on these weekend afternoons in the sun, along with him, to get our Vitamin D.  I like to think perhaps it gives us some protection from the virus.  At the very least, the warm sun feels good on these old bones of ours.  

The pool is 52 degrees.  Any takers?  A coworker's nephew and family jump into their pool on New Year's Day as part of the polar bear swim/challenge.  She showed me a video of them doing it this year.  Good that they did it, but not for me.  Would you do it??

Over at son's/DIL's Saturday night for dinner.  These are the wee one's (grandson) pop-its.  Have you heard of them?  He has about 20 of them. They are fidget toys and supposedly great for stress relief.  (sorry, I got the photo off center a bit).  

Saturday morning's sunrise.  

The wee one's birthday present from us.  He'll be 6 years old next month.  How he got that old so quickly I have no idea.  If you haven't heard of Ryan you are pretty lucky, in my opinion.  He reviews toys and has a very popular YouTube channel.  He is also worth a lot of money.  The wee one likes him, likes to watch his reviews, and plays Tag with Ryan (a game) on his tablet and my phone.  It is a cute game.  The egg has mystery toys inside of it.  The wee one told me he wanted this for his birthday when I saw him Saturday.  It is exclusively at Target and our Target had one in stock.  We grabbled it while the going was good.

Will you play with me?

And that is pretty much what is happening here with me, especially this weekend.  Technically I have a 3 day weekend though I'm going to work tomorrow.  The office is closed but the department I work in is part of payroll.  The company does their payroll weekly, so those who process it have to work Mondays, regardless if it is a holiday or not.  They get the Friday off before the Monday as their holiday.  I'm a temp and don't get paid for the minor holidays I'll call them (Martin Luther King day, President's Day, Veteran's Day and the like) but get paid for the major ones (Christmas, New Year's, Memorial Day and the like).  My supervisor gave us temps the option to work or not.  I chose to work as we weren't really doing anything for a 3 day weekend and might as well earn some money.  The two other temps that work with me chose to take it off.  I welcome the opportunity to work in a quiet office.  I won't be the only one there, as payroll will be.  Hubby will come and have lunch with me (there's a fast food restaurant right across from where I work).  It will be a good one!

Until next time.........


  1. Winslow is a cutie.
    I never get blog ideas at 3am. Mine come while I'm working and don't have time to write them down.
    I'm out of the loop on the latest toys so I've never heard of either of those.

    1. Thanks for saying Winslow is a cutie :) He is a little stinker too lol :) I thought about keeping a little notebook by the bed to write down things but am a bit too lazy to do that :)



  2. I need my water to be 80 degrees! My grandkids have some of the pop its and liked them at first, but now don’t play with them. I have heard of Ryan, but never watched his videos. I’m sure Middle Child has! Lol, she loves her vloggers. Winslow sure is cute!

    1. LOL, I need my water about 88 degrees :) Its funny that my grandson has all those pop-its and he really doesn't play with them. He likes to show me them but then goes to play with something else :) There is also 2 little boys (brothers I think) who do some type of review of toys or some other YouTube channel. I think they are from a different country. Grandson likes that one too, why I'm not sure :) I used to watch Sesame Street when I was in high school lol :)


  3. I'll take your word for the brilliant 3am blog post! (been there, done that). Vitamin D is supposedly good for guarding against COVID, so keep soaking it in with Winslow!
    There's a Polar Bear Plunge for New Years here where people jump in the reservoir. No thanks. I might be coaxed into an Arizona pool.
    I'd heard of Ryan, the rich kid youtuber. Glad you found that desired egg.

    1. I did hear that about Vitamin D. My hubby takes a pill of it daily; I haven't started it yet. I do vitamin C :)

      I am just not sure why anyone would want to plunge into cold water, lol, but I'm such a wimp on things like that :)


  4. Replies
    1. You are welcome, Jack :) Hope all is good!


  5. I try to sit outside each day to get my vitamin D too. Winslow looks so cute. No, I have no desire to jump into cold water. I have not seen those pop-its. Haven't heard of Ryan either. I'm glad that you at least got the Friday off. Hope you have a nice lunch today.

    1. I bet if James was a few years older you would have seem those pop-its (like if he was in school). They'll be yesterday's toy in a next few months I would imagine and on clearance racks everywhere :) We went to Wendy's for lunch and the dining room was closed! About 3 weeks ago we went and ate inside but today it was closed, so we went through the drive through and ate in the car :)


  6. Aww! Winslow is such a big boy now! He sure is cute! I don't go into water until it gets to be at least 85 degrees! My grandsons have those pop its. They only make a popping noise on one side! I take a vitamin D supplement but get out in the sun when I can. More so in the spring and summer obviously!

    1. I need to start taking a Vitamin D supplement. My hubby does and I do vitamin C, just haven't gotten into the habit yet :) I know, Winslow is all grown up!


  7. My word, HOW can the 'wee one' be turning 6 already?! And Winslow's turning into such a handsome fella. Positively GQ! It's been years and years since I worked alone -- but I loved doing so. Does your workplace/building have security? After the Tabernacle incident in Texas, at Bible study this morning someone broached the subject, should our sanctuary doors be locked during services? What a world!

    1. I just don't know how he can be turning 6 years old!! That time flew!! My workplace does have security and we have a badge that gets us into the main building and then have to use it to get into the place where our desks are. Its like Fort Knox once you get inside the building so I felt safe plus there were a few other people working there. It was nice and quiet. I have a coworker who loves to talk and talk often, lol. She might be the subject of a blog post down the line :) Several churches that we have gone to, but not this current one, have had policemen there as security guards during services (they pay them for their time of course). I know we have a security team. I'm sure being the state we live in, there are people attending that are packing :)


  8. Let's see I would play with Winslow and I would swim in the pool!

    1. Winslow says "come on over". Hope you guys are all recovered and back to being healthy!


  9. Winslow is so cute!

    I sit by my open window daily when I blog and am pretty sure I am getting more than enough of the sunshine vitamin in our forever sunny corner of the world.

    Happy Tuesday, Betty!

    1. Oh Veronica, I would love to have a window like that to blog by or just to sit by and enjoy the sun!! Not many of our windows face the sun here :) Have a great day yourself!


  10. I have never heard of a pop-it fidget thing. Do adults use them, I wonder? I think you have a wonderful blog entry today.

    1. I think adults could use the pop-its. I've played with them before and enjoyed it. Kind of like popping bubble wrap :)


  11. I love picture posts! Like you, I "write" my best posts in my head, usually in the mail truck, and then sit down to write and I have nothing. Poof! It's all gone.

    I'll take your 57 degree pool. Today we had snow and rain, not too bad, but two days last week were -7 ish with the wind shill.

    1. Apparently we can multi-task (i.e. think of blog posts while working or laying in bed trying to sleep) but then we can't work on producing them lol :)

      Parts of the country have gotten so much snow and so much cold weather! I know a lot of people are hoping for an early spring!! Stay warm and safe!


  12. We have snow and ice right now, with more expected tonight and tomorrow. I would gladly trade that for even your 110 degree weather right now. Winslow looks so cute and happy in the sunshine.

    I can't believe the wee one is six!!! It doesn't seem that long since you wrote about him being on the way. Time flies!

    1. I remember when I lived in Montana and we had hot summers I would say "I wish I could bottle a day of this and open it up in winter when it is so cold". I bet a lot of people who have had the cold weather, like you guys, with the snow and ice would pay good money for such technology :) Stay safe! Nothing worse than driving on ice I do believe!

      I know. I can't believe the wee one is getting so old! Of course I haven't aged one bit :)


  13. Your grandson is 6???! My oldest grandson will be 5 in a few months!! I can't believe it. It's definitely still winter here, although we've been above freezing for about a week. January sometimes fools us into thinking winter must almost be over, then February hits, sometimes with a vengeance. I hope winter is almost over, though. I could use your temps right about now! I'm ready for Spring!

    1. I know, it doesn't seem possible that my grandson is turning 6! And your oldest one turning 5! The time does fly! I hope you guys do get an early spring! So many people all over have just had a miserable January!


  14. Awww Winslow is so cute. I do lots of writing in the middle of the night too, haaaha! Dagny is deeply into pop-its, as are all of her young friends at school and church. She had a giant pop-it and also a pop-it purse among her collection. I don't jump into a pool that's any cooler than eighty degrees, haaaha xoxo

    1. I did see the pop-it purse and I also think I saw a pop-it watch! Anything to get our money, lol :) You are braver than me; I won't jump into a pool that is colder than 88 degrees :) Winslow knows he's cute and he has us wrapped around his little paws. He is one spoiled dog :)


    2. Actually, haaahaha, after I wrote and posted that comment I thought, what am I saying? It really has to be at least 85 before I will get in. Here, that is sometime in June. My window for swimming is actually very small -- basically about eight weeks. Then it's too cool at night to maintain the pool temp no matter how hot it gets during a September day. But the kids will swim from May to September, no problem! Generally from Memorial Day through Labor Day, the pool gets lots of activity. Hey I have been meaning to tell you, THANK YOU for mentioning the M'Cheyne Bible Reading Plan. I have been enjoying it immensely. I love the choice of four chapters that we read daily. They seem to go together, somehow. Such a blessing. I wasn't sure which plan to use this year and I believe the Lord had you mention that, just for me. xoxo

    3. I hear you about the 85 degrees, Jenny. My comfort zone is actually 88 degrees and higher :) We too have a short summer season of when I get into the pool. Usually by Labor Day I'm done though the kids, of course, being kids, go in as long as we will let them! I'm glad you are enjoying the M'Cheyne Bible Reading Plan. Me too! So true how the chapters go together. And tomorrow we'll start a new month of it! And of course the Lord had me mention it just for you :)

