Saturday, January 29, 2022

I don't know how this happened......

 .......but I am currently playing 30 games of Words with Friends.  A few years ago on my old blog I wrote about the scams that occur with that game and after that I changed my profile to male and pretty much I stopped getting scammed.  I never start games but if someone invites me to play a game, I'll accept it.  Since that time of that post, I've had about 5-6 "women" that I've played with.  The reason I italicized women was because they were women's names on the invites and pictures of women alone or with their significant other or with their children, so I'm assuming they were women.  We didn't chat, we just played.  The game would end.  I wouldn't rematch but a few days later they would usually start another game which I would accept.  

But recently, about 3 weekends ago, suddenly I became "popular" and I was getting invites left and right for people who wanted to start a game with me.  I'm thinking "okay, must be the scammers out there again" but not all of them were scammers.  As my usual policy, I accepted invites to the games.  There were scammers that were easy to spot.  The scammers usually were level 1 (I'm level 16) and usually only play a letter or two at a time.  And they send a message.  I found that you could mute conversations, which I did and wonder of all wonders within a play or two suddenly I was no longer playing that person (they opted out of the game).  Scammers.  I did have a chat with a couple of the scammers just to see what they were asking for.  The few I had chats with wanted to "get to know me better" by "hanging out on Hangouts or WhatsApp" and one or two of them got right to the point "let's have an opportunity to share pictures of each other."  One was blatant in saying they wanted to be on Hangouts to share sexily explicit pictures that my wife wouldn't find out about (remember I had changed my profile to male a few years back).  Most of the scammers come with really suggestive pictures in their profile (big busts or wearing really revealing clothing).  My profile picture is Winslow.  

Anyway, there were the scammers but there were legitimate people wanting to play a game and I'm okay with that.  I like to play the game and I do like playing challenging people who I have to really look to see where to place words to make the most points or make sure they don't have an opportunity to place a word that would be high scoring.  I'm competitive but I'm okay if I don't win.  I just like playing.

I think I must have been listed some place as "match of the day" as I see that sometimes coming through my feed for games to start, but like I said before I don't start games, just accept invites to play games.

Not all the people that start games play back quickly.  I usually do unless it is nighttime, I'm driving or I am at work (though I do catch up on games during my breaks/lunch) . Anyway, some will only make one move a day and then I won't hear from them for several days.  Several have started games with me and then after a few moves they never play again.  The game is set to time out after 11 days of no activity.  Counts as a win for me when that happens and then I block the player.  I figure if they start a game and can't commit to playing it through I don't want to play them again (that may be cruel, but it is how I manage things).  

Most of the time I'm really only actively playing 5 games with people who quickly play back.  In the mornings I'll have maybe 10 games to get through to catch up on moves.

It is just weird.  I think sometimes when someone who just likes to play the game finds someone who just wants to play the game and not scam them or chat, they'll continue to want to play that person again and again.  So I may be having repeat players from this round of popularity I seem to be in and might always have a lot of active games I'm playing. 

So, if you are on Word with Friends and you want someone new to play with, feel free to look me up.  My user name is Winslow (go figure) and there is also zyngawf_26791315 under Winslow's name on my profile.  You'll also see a dapper picture of him in a blue tie.  Hit me up for a game.  I'll accept the invite.  Just don't chat or try to scam me.  

The way I look at it, the more the merrier. 



  1. I have never played an online game, but I’m sure I’d like it. I did try two Wordles recently and was 1 for 2, which I think is good for a newbie.

    Aren’t these scammers the strangest thing? My only experience with them is on Instagram. I use a nickname I created with a tiny picture of me in Napa. Like, so tiny, I doubt they can tell my age. I get probably a half dozen new male ‘followers’ a week, and some do send me messages, which I just delete without reading and then block them. I guess you’re right, that they really just want to exchange explicit pics for jollys. Super creepy!

    1. I have heard of Wordle but haven't played it yet. I did hear that it was a tough one! Good for you for having the success you did as a newbie! I agree about the scammers. When I was on Instagram I got them all the time until I made my account private. The sad thing is people fall for it and that is why they keep doing what they do!


  2. Wow ... you're a star! I've never thought about playing on-line games; and in fact, what you've illustrated, there's a lot of SICK people out there. Good thinking, changing your gender, etc. I used to love crossword puzzles, word jumbles, etc.; not sure why I stopped. In all seriousness, however, I think I need to revisit those to ward off (hopefully!) dementia! I'm going to save your information, so if (when) I take the plunge I'll know yours is a safe place.

    1. Thanks Myra! So true about the sick people out there. Just got to watch out where one goes! I can't imagine you having dementia; I think you are very sharp! But I do agree. We need to challenge/tax our brains and make them keep working and word games and the like are a good way to do that. One thing I don't get is Sudoku, but one day when I have the time I'll try to figure it out :) Do look me up if you do take that plunge :)


  3. I have never been much at games, except Solitaire, LOL. I am amazed to hear this, I get scammers on FB Messenger. I seldom use it. When I get something out of the blue from 'supposedly kin' I always ask questions that will ID a scammer. The last I got was from a cousin (NOT). I asked how Delores was doing? They said 'She is doing well.' I knew Billy had no females around. LOL
    Anyway, Enjoy the games. Life is good.
    Sherry & jack out on the first coast!

    1. Wow, scammers even on FB Messenger! That I haven't gotten yet! I'm glad you have discernment, Jack, to "fish" out those who may be legitimate and those who are scammers! Good system you have there!! Life is good because God is good (all the time).


  4. Have fun playing the game, Betty. It's something to do to pass the dreary winter months. Enjoy! ~Andrea xoxoxo

    1. Thanks Andrea! And you are right, it is a good way to pass the dreary winter months, though in Phoenix they aren't too dreary :)


  5. Sheesh, I used to play WWF quite regularly, but then had a few weirdos who fit your scammer profile to a T: play really low-scoring words and mainly want to chat and meetup on some other app. I eventually just stopped and deleted the app. I wonder if they're trying to become like "pen pals" and eventually ask for money?

    1. I think you are right in the concept of being "pen pals" and then asking for money (usually in the form of some type of gift cards). Though interestingly, when I googled "scams on WWF, I also got a hit that it was a good site to make a love connection. What???? I did know an older widow who got taken a few times with people on WWF. They wanted to be her friend, take care of her, marry her. She fell for it a few times until we told her it was all a scam and not to chat with anyone like that with a game or online in general. Have a nice rest of Sunday!


  6. Don't people have anything else to do besides scam? Anyway good for you - you will keep your mind active!

    1. I know. If they took all the time they used to do scams and create them and turn that time into something more constructive, just think how much better off they would be?


  7. Word games are so good for your memory. Glad you haven't let the scammers chase you away. There are so many twisted people out there but we can't let them win. Have a wonderful Sunday!!

    1. So true that word games are great for our memory! And at my age, anything helps!! Thanks; hope you have a great Sunday also!


  8. I've never played that game before. I think it would drive me crazy having to wait that long for someone to take their turn.

    1. It is not so bad waiting for people to take their turns, I just don't like the ones that start the game and then don't do any other moves :)


  9. I am not a fan of online games but I did play Reversi when I first started using the internet.

    There are so many creeps out there!

    Happy Monday, Betty!

    1. I never heard of Reversi, Veronica. I'll have to look it up! And you are right, too many creeps out there! Hope you have a great Tuesday!


  10. Oh dear. I would lose my sanity doing this but if you enjoy it, more power to you! Sounds like you have it all under control so that the bothersome side of it is minimized! Love to Winslow xoxo

    1. I don't have much sanity, lol :) Winslow says "love to you" back. Right now we are playing fetch :)


  11. I know absolutely nothing about playing games with people online. What I do get is a lot of requests from men who want to be friends with me on Instagram. I never accept them. People are now posting Wordle games they have played all over Facebook. Hope it all works out for you.

    1. That seems to be a common thing, Debby, with men sending friend requests on Instagram. I remember that happening before I made my account private. I deleted my Instagram about a year ago. Just not enough time :) I have heard of Wordle but haven't played it yet. I should probably stay away from it :)


  12. OH... I just can't start another thing. Hubs plays games on FB daily. Mostly memory or searching games. He has crossword and word games he has on his phone. He says it keeps his mind sharp. I just think it's a time suck for him. But for me, I just can't.

    My farm on farmville is proof of that. :)

    1. I never got into Farmville or the like. Its probably a good thing I didn't. Games can be a time suck. Thankfully I have a little time to give to them. There is just so much out there for our time, isn't there? Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and so much more. One does have to be wise with how one spends their time and I think you are wise in how you do yours!


  13. Boy, that is a lot of people to play with! I used to play Words with Friends a long time ago but found I had a competitive nature when playing! When I lost I got too angry so I quit playing! Crazy, I know! Lately I've been trying Wordle. At least there I only compete with myself!

    1. I have got to take a look at Wordle. Almost afraid to as it could suck me in lol. I am okay losing I just want people to play fair and I think some use cheats because they come up with words I never heard of.


  14. I'll have to look for you. Have you noticed that if someone's profile picture is a pet they seem less likely to start trying to chat? I've started scrolling through the recommended players to look for people with cat or dog pictures to play with. My profile picture is currently one of the cats. :-) I've also seen a few people who have something like "no chat" or "not interested in chat, just play the game" as a graphic for their profile picture. I'm always happy to start or accept a game with someone who has that.

    I usually have the maximum number of games (not sure what that is) going at one time and just play whenever I have time. Sometimes I play back multiple times in one day and sometimes it takes a few days. It seems like I usually have two games going with the same person. I think we both rematch as soon as one finishes. Maybe. Once I find someone who doesn't chat I try to keep a game going with them pretty much all of the time.

    On a side note, I'm guessing you're a fairly tough match since you did transcription work for so long. My grandmother did and was amazing at Scrabble.

    1. I hadn't noticed that with the animal pictures. I will have to keep my eyes opened to that. I rarely rematch unless I know the person but a lot of people do so maybe I should do that occasionally. I always think it is the luck of what letters one gets and position on the board to play big scoring words. I tend to make sure people can't play triple word scores. Lol now I told you my strategy. It would be fun to play a game with you whenever!

