Saturday, January 22, 2022

Grocery shopping

(This is not a political post; this is a fact finding post).

I thought of this post early this morning (not at 3 a.m., but about 6 a.m.).  At first I wasn't going to write it because I was too lazy to go to the store to get pictures.  Hubby does the majority (all) of our grocery shopping so I'm rarely in a store these days.  But then, midmorning our DIL text us and told us the wee one and his sister had tested positive for Covid.  Have no worries, they are both doing good.  Just feeling like a cold.  Wee one has a bit of a cough and feels tired.  His sister has about the same symptoms.  We asked DIL if they needed anything and she put together a few items, so we went to the store.  And so I thought, why not.  I will write this post.

(Remember, this is not a political post).

I always ask my hubby when he has gone shopping how the stores are.  Were they crowded? Lots of cashiers working? People wearing masks? That sort of thing.  He always mentioned bare shelves.  Over the past few weeks he mentioned shelves were more bare than previously.  For the most part, he could get what was on the shopping list but sometimes had to buy the brand name of something rather than the perfectly okay generic one because the generic was not available.  

We shop mainly at Wal-Mart and Fry's which is a local food chain.  It is part of the Kroger family.  The pictures featured below are from Fry's.  They are literally around the corner from where we live and although a few pennies more than Wal-Mart, we tend to use them for convenience items if we don't want to go to Wal-Mart which can be more crowded at times.

Our DIL had a simple list.  Children's Motrin, orange juice, chicken noodle soup, tomato soup and cough drops (not cherry flavored ones).  The wee one threw in that he wanted Dorito's so I asked what chips his sister wanted and she said Hot Cheetos.  So we added those to the list.

As we walked the aisles to get their stuff plus a few of the things we wanted, I snapped pictures of the empty spaces on shelves.   

Canned fruit aisle..

More canned fruit.  
I think this was the soup aisle.  We actually could find everything on our DIL's list except for Campbell's chicken and noodle soup.  We had bought some premade soup over at the deli with chicken noodle and tomato as I know our DIL likes those, but wanted to get canned soup for the kids as they like those.  We had to substitute double noodle soup for the chicken and noodle soup which was double noodles with chicken broth (no chicken).  The majority of the Campbell soups were wiped out.  Very slim pickings.

Eggs were kind of wiped out too.  Not much choice there.

Same with the refrigerated cookies and other pastries.  (Not that we needed those).

Even the candy had gaps in their items!! We  may or may not have bought some little Hershey bars.......

However, the wine aisle seemed relatively stocked! Unfortunately we aren't drinking in the month of January.  

So I'm curious.  How are the shelves at your stores?  Well stocked, holes between items, bare?  Are you able to find everything you are looking for at one store or do you have to drive around to other places to get it all?  

I know some of this may be blamed on bad weather in parts of the country are having or on shortage of staff with Covid and the like.  But we've been having bare/empty shelves for a few months.  I found this fascinating article about food supply disruptions.  A lot of it made sense.  

Anyway, I know our president mentioned that shelves are 89% full.  But I'm thinking ours don't quite add up to that.  Maybe I'm wrong about that.  

I think it will get worse before it gets better.  But again, I could be wrong.  

(Again, this is not a political post but a fact finding one).  


  1. I grocery shop at two stores, both local Northeast Ohio chains. One is 100% fully stocked and the other has been at about 70% since March 2020. I have no idea why. Fortunately, the majority of the foods I buy are fresh fruits and vegetables, which have always been fully stocked, even during lockdown. I guessed that it was because people couldn’t hoard those items? The items I’ve noticed that seem to always be in low supply are yogurt, canned fruits/vegetables, frozen waffles, and paper goods.

    My husband works for a major manufacturer of home and industrial goods and their supply chain issues began with the 2019 Texas hurricanes and they’ve never recovered from that.

    1. So true you can't hoard fresh fruits and veggies. We do shop occasionally at a store called Sprouts that caters to healthy eating. Their produce is far superior than at the other stores we shop at and not even that more expensive. They usually are well stocked but it is a small store in comparison to say Wal-Mart so they don't carry a lot of things. That is interesting with your husband and his work and their supply chain issues. Honestly, I'm having trouble remembering the hurricanes from 2019. Apparently, sadly, it didn't affect me too much (that I was aware of??)


  2. Great idea for a post! I'm looking forward to coming back and hearing what people from different parts of the country are experiencing. Aside from last Spring's TP shortage -- I/we've not witnessed any empty shelves here in Alabama. Aside from the occasional drive to Publix (recreational shopping!), we do the majority of our shopping at a locally owned place called Food Outlet. Now that you mention it, I'd better lay in a supply of chicken noodle and tomato soups. The way this crud is spreading, we never know!

    1. Thanks Myra! Maybe it is just a Phoenix problem lol. Hubby did mention how much food would have to be available here to feed all the people in the valley. And you know there is practically a Fry's in every neighborhood. And Phoenix is growing so much, it can only get worse instead of better maybe. Good idea with having some extra soup around and saltine crackers. It seems like everyone is sick here. Spring and warmer weather can't come fast enough for me!


  3. Our shelves here in Florida look a lot like you have shown. I smiled at the Campbell's soup comment, When I was getting a list for grandson's family, Campbells Chic Noodle was out. I always loved that too, I used the double noodle or something to fill in. Yes I had to get some major brand stuff also. I mentioned to Sherry as we shopped, they are down to the major brands, I guess that will give them more profit.
    It is hard for me to make a lot of this political. There are combinations of situations that show up and no amount of planning or political influence can solve it. When the problems are world wide it is sorta mean to take cheap political shots in your country.
    WE are in a tough situation. Personal point of view: I know at least one man who always bragged, "I have never taken anything from this government, always worked!" When the Bov't started throwing money at the Pandemic problem he got aboard. He likes it so much he prefers not to work. That is a fact.! YEs there are lots of opinions, not sure the right answers...
    Sherry & jack (a thought provoking entry!)

    1. Great comment Jack! I don't necessarily think it is political but it is interesting in that the shelves became more bare as the present administration has been in office. I think there are a lot of people like the man you know who finds it enjoyable not to be working and taking money from the government. That's another topic for another day but we definitely did not need a third stimulus check and a lot of people (present company included in myself/hubby) we didn't even need the first or second ones. I know the intent that they were given, but we were working or getting retirement. Should have been given to those who really needed it, who were impacted by Covid 19 with loss of job, business, etc. But again, that's another topic for another day :) Interesting too with how the shelves look in Florida. Continue to get well, okay???


  4. Our shelves are pretty well stocked, I'd say. But I'm that type of person. I looked at the picture you posted here, of the eggs, and thought there were plenty of eggs to choose from. These are hard times, with COVID going into its third year. The flu epidemic of 1918 lasted three years also. Just gotta go with the flow & expect things to be not quite "normal". Shelves not being 100% stocked is the least of our problems, eh? ~Andrea xoxoxo

    1. Glad to hear your shelves are pretty well stocked :) Have a great Sunday, Andrea!


  5. I haven't shopped to much so I'm not sure about our shelves. I still get delivery from Sprouts. This does scare me because to me it feels like control. Our government is trying to control us. That was a great article you shared and obviously supply fell behind with closures everywhere. I pray we can get our country back. You have some great comments here!

    1. My prayer too, Debby! I have to say Sprouts is well stocked and we have recently shopped there for our produce and I love when they do their 20% off on seafood. We buy the majority of frozen fish (cod, tilapia, salmon, AHI tuna from them when they offer that sale. And yes, I do believe our country is trying to control us. It does concern me quite a bit with perhaps the scarcity of food down the line. I hope you are enjoying your time at Adam's and Gabby's with James when he is there :)


  6. I think GA is just as bad if not worse. They say here it is sitting out in the ocean with no workers to bring it in.
    I don't know about that.
    We have not had cream cheese since Thanksgiving!
    You think it will get worse?

    1. Wow, Sandie, no cream cheese since Thanksgiving! That is amazing! I know they say boats are out in the LA harbor area with no workers to process them. I do believe everything here in the United States will get worse before it gets better and we need to vote out the current administration and vote in people who care about America and want to preserve the freedoms we have. Lots of prayers needed for our country indeed!


  7. I did a grocery run earlier last week and noticed bare gaps on the shelves. A bit disconcerting. My husband went to Costco yesterday, and they seemed pretty well stocked.
    I did notice that there was plenty of Valentine's Day candy at the grocery store, though!

    1. I too noticed about the Valentine's Candy :) Of course that went up the day after Christmas here :) Maybe we will have to renew our Costco membership though that is a dangerous store for us, lol. We go in for just a few items and walk out a few hundred dollars later with lots of things we really don't need. Impulsive shoppers I guess we are!


  8. Interestingly enough, I went shopping today. Our Walmart is relatively well stocked, but not restocked necessarily. Meaning while the product is on the shelves, it may be on the very top shelves as if it hasn't been restocked to the lower ones yet, indicating to me that they don't have the staff to rotate the stock.

    I have noticed that some of it is hit por miss. Like I only eat the GF barilla pasta, and a store will be wiped out of all barilla pasta, plenty of others, just no barilla. But it's fully stocked at other stores.

    I did find it funny though that there seems to be a shortage of furnace filters in our size lately, which would be the one needed for an average sized home here. Maybe more people are more frequently changing the filter because the house is closed up with the cooties now? I don't know, but I'm on my 3rd store tomorrow to find one.

    Though all of this could go right out the window by friday... weather reports a decent snow on Saturday. Got to make the bread and milk sandwiches ya know?

    1. I'll have to ask my hubby to check to see if the product(s) are on the top shelves and just not restocked yet. That is interesting about not being able to find a replacement filter. Is it possible to order them online?

      Hope you don't get a record snowfall this next weekend!


    2. I did eventually find a filter. I bought a few just in case.

      We got 22 inches of snow. Thankfully the filter, and the furnace, stayed working the entire time. :)

    3. Oh my goodness with all that snow! Good idea to get more than one filter; you just never know! Always good to have a furnace that keeps working, especially in those conditions!


  9. I work in a grocery store and for the most part I think our shelves are better stocked than the closest Walmart. They constantly have big gaps on their shelves. Of course we do have our share of shortages as well. I think our problem is mainly that the warehouse we purchase from is giving first dibs to bigger more profitable stores.

    1. That is interesting about giving first dibs to bigger more profitable stores. Doesn't seem quite right but it makes sense that would be someone's reasoning to make sure that store that had biggest profits was more stocked. Yep, Wal-Mart here always has big gaps!


  10. The grocer in my neck of the woods is always well-stocked except for that one time just before our first lockdown. We thought it was a total curfew and people were panic buying.

    1. That's good to hear Veronica!! I think our panic buying here has subsided for a bit (not that we panic bought, but others around us).


  11. I was at our local Meijers last Sunday and the shelves were emptier than I have ever seen them. I was able to find what we needed for the most part. Just did some quick meal plan changes while there! Funny, the paper towel and toilet paper aisle is stocked full! Remember at the beginning those aisles were always empty? Anyway, stocked or not it's the prices are just about killing me and make me so angry!

    1. I do remember when the paper aisles were empty! I agree with you about the prices. We have seen that here too! I feel for those on a really strict budget. And then our rents are going crazy here too. People get it both ways. With paying higher for food and higher for rent. They can't get a break!


  12. We have noticed bare shelves for awhile now. Pet food, dairy, meat, etc. are all very empty. Prices are outrageous. It's a very scary time. I don't know how people with large families are making it.

    1. I do agree! A very scary time. And I also do wonder how large families are making it as you do. Probably making lots of meals that stretch like pastas and rice dishes.


  13. Our grocery stores are about 85% stocked, I would say. I shop at Kroger and Food Lion. Kroger, particularly early in the week, frequently doesn't have the things I want. Food Lion seems a little better stocked. This would have happened regardless of who is in office; the corporations have taken this opportunity to enhance their profits. The stock market is the highest it's ever been and the corporations are raking in money. That is greed, not politics. Unless the government begins regulation, you're right, it will only get worse, and you won't get much corporate regulation out any administration in this day and age, regardless of party.

    1. It seems like it always comes down to money, doesn't it? Shame that the corporations keep wanting more at the expense of us little guys.


  14. Interesting! We shop at Walmart, Publix, and Kroger. Occasionally TG will go to Food Lion (they bought out all of the awful Bi-Lo stores in our area) because he likes their store-brand ice cream. We get 95% of our meat at the local meat market. By and large we have been able to find everything we've needed too, and although a few things cost more now (cereal has gone up about a dollar a box, but we rarely buy that), we haven't noticed too much disruption. I hope it does not get any worse! xoxo

    1. Wow with cereal going up that much! I feel for families with young children! I did look up Bi-Lo stores but not sure why they are awful? Poor customer service? Good that you can find what you are looking for! I think we should look to find a local meat market here. We don't buy that much but it sure would help the local guys, know what I mean?


  15. I love that you added chips to the list. That's such a grandparent thing to do! :-)

    We were hit with a fair amount of snow and ice in the last half of January, which always messes supplies up here. Part of it is transportation issues, but the biggest part of it is that it's the south and we all just lose our minds and buy groceries like it's the end of the world when they're calling for bad weather. Other than that, I've mainly noticed that the choices are a little more limited. For example, we shop at Aldi a lot, especially for Thanksgiving, and I noticed things like they had cherry pie filling, not cherry and apple like usual, jellied cranberry sauce, not jellied and whole berry like usual. Wal-Mart is our other usual grocery store and it seems to be the same story there; you have to get a larger package or two smaller packages, or a different brand of some things than what you might usually get. It seems less like not being able to get something at all and more like not being able to get exactly what you want.

    I've noticed a little more of a difference with pet food. It seems like it's harder to get specific flavors and I end up alternating a lot between Chewy and Petco to get what they need. I can still find what they need, it just seems to take a little more time and effort, which can be frustrating at times. Not that the pets are bothered at all, since they have staff for that. :-)

    1. Of course our pets have staff, lol. They truly have it good. It has been interesting to read the comments on this blog post with what is available across the country. Someone here in Prescott was commenting how they could not find lemon pie filling there but it is abundant here in Phoenix, lol.

