Monday, January 3, 2022

Not really resolutions

I don't make new year resolutions these days.  I used to in the past and usually broke them very soon into the new year.  A few years back I made a list of goals I wanted to accomplish in the new year which worked out better in achieving them. The only goal I can remember from that year (lol) was to be up and moving around a bit more as I was basically a couch potato.  I remembered I set the goal to reduce the time I sat around by 50% over the year which I did.  I got up more, did more exercise and definitely achieved that goal.  The other ones I remember also achieving, I just don't remember what they were (oh the fun of getting older).

Some years I would pick a word that I would focus on for the year.  Like joy or love or the like.  I didn't do well with those either.  After a week or two I had pretty much totally forgotten the word or gave up really trying to achieve what I wanted to do with it so I stopped picking a yearly word, though I might have one this year......

I really don't have any goals this year.  I will do what I have done the past several Januarys and that is what I call "Reset January."  Because of all the extra eating one does around the holidays and because I do enjoy drinking wine, sometimes more than I should, a few years back I decided to give up alcohol for the month of January as well as getting back to healthier eating after the holidays.  It worked in getting off the extra weight one might put on this time of year.  So I'll do the same this January though I'm drinking less wine than I used to on average and miracle of miracles I didn't gain any weight this holiday season.  I was up 2.5 pounds Christmas week but then had lost that this past weigh in on Friday and ended up the month a pound down than I had begun the month.  So definitely a win there! I hope to drop a little more weight in the new year but I don't have a specific amount nor a monthly goal of wanting to lose so many pounds per month.  

So many people set what I think can be an impossible goal and that is of reading the Bible from cover to cover in a year's time.  Some fall behind in the reading plan, especially when they get to the tough book of Leviticus, and never catch up and then give up that goal.  I've been reading the Bible consistently for about 20 years now.  When I first started, the plan I did had one reading through the Old Testament in 2 years and the New Testament in one year.  That was more manageable and a very attainable goal.  Then I just started reading the Bible straight through from Genesis to Revelation, reading for about 15-20 minutes daily.  It would take me about 13 months to read it cover to cover.  For the past few years I haven't really read it straight through.  Have skipped around from book to book, study to study, and there were times when I wasn't reading it daily like I used to due to new schedules of hubby being retired and home more, me working outside of the house when I worked for years at home, etc.  I finally got into a good routine when I took my last blogging break when I used the evening time when I used to blog to read/study the Bible.  I got back into the habit of doing so and now have kept it up pretty much daily like I used to do.

I wasn't sure what plan I would follow this year for reading the Bible or if I would follow a plan but a few days before the new year began I ran across an article that mentioned the M'Cheyne Bible-Reading Plan.  Now, like I said above, I have been reading the Bible for about 20 years and I never heard of this reading plan before.  So I checked it out and I liked the plan.  It is designed to read through the New Testament and Psalms twice in the year and the Old Testament once.  There are 4 readings assigned per day.  It looked manageable so I printed out the schedule and I started it yesterday.  I'm estimating it would be probably about 30 minutes of reading per day if one read through them all but I intend to break it up a bit as time permits.  Perhaps one chapter in the morning before work, one when I get home from work and the other two in the evening after dinner.  I want to read slowly and really think about what I'm reading and take notes and do some research if something comes up that catches my eye that I want to know more about.  

So, when I was at church today and thinking of the Bible reading plan and listening to the sermon, the word "learn" came into my mind.  So maybe that will be my word for the year.  Learn.  Learn more about Jesus and God than I did before.  Grow in my knowledge and hopefully my faith.  I think that is probably a doable word for me for this year.  We'll see.

I think that is about it for goals this year.  Keep it simple and hope for the best in this new year ahead of us.  And trust in God.  He's carried me this far, I think He isn't going to give up on me yet (never).  

And hopefully at the end of 2022, I'll be wiser and would have learned a lot more about God.  And for me, I think that would be the mark of a good year, no matter what may be happening around me and to those I know and love.  

I'll let you know if I achieve that goal.


  1. I love the positivity of this post! I've actually 'never' read the bible cover to cover - just selected readings during the years we attended church. I'm glad you have a plan.

    Good job on getting healthier! The weightloss is a nice side effect. I have a friend who is going to do dry January. She could use an alcohol drought!

    Like you, when I've made resolutions in the past, they are quickly forgotten. "Learn" is a good word for the year. Never stop.

    1. Thanks Abby! I think a lot of us (if we are honest about it) can use an alcohol drought now and then :) I'm sure your friend will do just great with it. I do like learning something new every day. I know when I was doing medical transcription I seemed to learn a new term daily. Got to keep our minds working, right?


  2. I can relate to this post. I gave up in resolutions long ago, but I do try to reset my eating habits after the holidays. And wine is a downfall for me, but I make it a rule to only drink 4 glasses a week (unless on vacation) so I’m able to pick and choose what day/meal I want a glass.

    I’m sadly very poor on Scripture reading anymore. Sometimes I will get interested in a specific topic and spend a lot of time looking up Bible verses pertaining to it. I need a focus or my mind wanders just reading random books of the Bible. It was helpful when we had small groups at church and had questions for discussion, but our group disbanded and I never joined another.

    I hope your 2022 is full of learning!

    1. Thanks Bijoux! It should be a learning experience one way or another. You have a great rule of only drinking 4 glasses of wine weekly. I could easily drink 4 a day :)

      Small groups are great for the way you used them and I have been part of them in the past. I just haven't gotten into any since we left California now 7 years ago. We were going to join one after hubby retired 2 years ago since he had such a crazy commute while he was working and then lo and behold 3 months later the pandemic hit and everything went to Zoom; something I'm not real fond of doing :)


  3. Learn is a good word. Last year my word was "moderation" and that may be my word again this year. I haven't decided.

    1. Moderation is a great word!! I can definitely use more of that in my life in some parts of it :)


  4. I don't make resolutions, I don't remember if I ever did. LOL That memory thing is gone. We appreciate your dedication to reading the scriptures. Sherry is VERY dedicated and always makes it thru in a year, sometimes more.
    Me not so much. I fit more in the pattern set by the above commenters.
    BUT let me say WE admire your health and weight dedication, I know you will benefit greatly with that.
    I am bad about seeing some man 'adding weight and slumping as they age, and saying to myself, "Self Pay attention or that will be you soon. I find my self standing taller and walking more with a snap in my step.
    Anyway sending love to you and yours out there.
    Sherry & jack watching the flag flying in a pretty strong wind.

    1. Good to look at others Jack and changing your posture/walk so you can remain spry. I do the same when I see someone in one of those motor scooters at the store. I'm like "I don't want to give up the ability to walk" so I push myself even if my knees want a bit of a break :) I remember reading about Sherry and her Bible reading; a great habit to have!


  5. I plan on picking a word this year but I do never really follow through with them. Hoping to this year! I'm try to cut back on wine too. I need to challenge myself to read through the Bible. I'm going to look at that plan you shared. Learn would be a great word for the year. Getting closer to God is a plan I would like to follow. Take care and God Bless.

    1. Let us know what your word is, Debby. I did like that Bible reading plan when I saw it. The pastor who came up with it did it in the 1800s and died before he was 30 years old. I was surprised I had never heard of it before this year. I'm thinking God wants me to use it this year :)

      God bless you too!


  6. I quit making resolutions several years ago ... even the Vision Board I'd so carefully constructed in January 2020. (And we all know how THAT year turned out.) I like your more realistic, "Goals" and "Learn." Like Abby (above) I've never really acquainted myself with the Bible ... I keep toying with the notion, but all the archaic verbiage sets me back; my mind gets to wandering. Before I know it, 15 minutes have passed and I'm still staring at the same paragraph. I mentioned that just this morning at Bible study and two ladies have offered to share what they have to see if I like. Isn't that sweet?

    1. I think that is sweet the two ladies are offering to help you out with showing what they have. The translation of the Bible one picks makes all the difference too with trying to understand what is being said. King James Version with its "thou" and "thee" and the like is very hard to follow but this year I'm reading English Standard Version and it is easy to comprehend. And start with the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John :)


  7. I hope you make all your goals!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Thank you Sandie! Hope you all are feeling better!


  8. You've got some great goals. Keep it simple, that IS the best advice. I've never heard of that Bible reading plan. I've completed the Rapid Bible Read Through three times (not one year after another, though), and I really enjoyed that. And was amazed that it works. You read through the Bible chronologically in as little as 4 months (I usually took a few extra weeks. It helped give me a great overview of God's hand from Creation through the New Testament. It took me about 45 minutes a day to complete. Not everyone has that kind of time, I know. The YouVersion Bible App helps, too, because you can choose from so many versions and there's an audio component. Anyway, I do like your WORD for the year. I'm sure you'll be learning a lot!

    1. Thanks Neta :) I hadn't heard of that plan either. Isn't that weird? But apparently he was a pastor from the 1800s. Only lived to be about 30 years old. I have not heard of the Rapid Bible Read Through. I'll have to look it up. I can dedicate 45 minutes daily on the weekends but sometimes not during the week. Then I get to feeling a bit overwhelmed if I want to slow down and take time to read something a few times over to understand it :)

      I do hope to be learning a lot this year! Happy New Year!


  9. Learn is a great word for 2022, Betty.

    I resolve to live a more healthy lifestyle in the new year. For starters, I am cutting down on fried foods and desserts.

    I wish you a fabulous 2022, Betty!

    1. That is great, Veronica, to resolve to live a more healthy lifestyle in this new year! And I like how you said you are cutting down on fried foods and desserts. Maybe not necessarily giving them up, but at least cutting down on them. A great start!! Thank you for the wishes for a fabulous 2022! The same to you and yours, Veronica!


  10. Goals seem a lot more doable than resolutions. I'm trying the goals thing this year, too. Congratulations on the weight loss!

    1. I agree, Danielle. Goals seem more realistic and achievable than a resolution (at least to me lol :) I bet you will succeed with the goals you set! Thanks about the weight loss! Its an ongoing battle the older one gets :)

      Happy New Year!


  11. I like the way you think! I don't do New Year's resolutions and I never pick a word for the year. But I do meditate on what I would like to accomplish, although this year I must admit I am far from as motivated as I would like to be. I don't know why but I'm going to have to shake that off and get a few things done. Your Bible reading plan sounds very good! I have heard of the M'Cheyne plan but never followed it specifically, so following your example, I just signed up to get an email every day with the portions I should read! I am excited about it. Thank you for reminding me of that plan and for being a good example. Love to Winslow! xoxo

    1. Great Jenny that you signed up for the reading plan! It is interesting how the Good Lord works. I found out about the plan on December 30th quite by "chance" (not really) but reading an article that had links at the end of it for other articles. If I hadn't read that one article, I wouldn't have found the other one about the reading plan. God does work in so many wonderful ways!! Hope your little pooch did get groomed!


  12. I think Learn is a great word for the year. I have never read the bible cover to cover but probably have read it all with bible studies and daily devotions I used to do, I say used to because I have really fallen by the wayside as far as that goes in the last decade or so.

    1. Thanks Jeanette :) It is always good to learn new things; keeps us on our toes I think!


  13. I don't make any resolutions. After all "Man plans and God laughs', as they say. I don't pick a word either.
    I keep on trusting God and praying to Him.
    Congrats on the weightloss1

    1. Thank you, Duta! I hope your 2022 is a great one too!! And I agree, God does laugh when we make our plans :) I also agree to keep trusting Him and praying to Him :)

