Thursday, April 21, 2022


 Winslow is REALLY spoiled.

You may ask "Is he REALLY spoiled?"  Or perhaps "How is he REALLY spoiled?"

Let me tell you how REALLY spoiled he is.

These are squeaky toys he REALLY likes.  They are hard to find sometimes at Wal-Mart.  When my husband does find them, he will buy a couple of packs to have on hand.  For some reason, Winslow's favorite color of them is red. (I thought dogs were color blind but what do I know?)

Winslow REALLY likes to play fetch.  I wrote about it before on another blog.  He used to like to fetch tennis balls.  Now he REALLY enjoys fetching these squeakers.

But he doesn't like used squeakers.  He likes fresh new ones.  Yes, he REALLY can tell the difference between one that he has fetched before and is laying around on the grass outside as opposed to a new one that I freshly give him (like a new one every day, not every time I throw it to him).

When my husband cuts the grass, he has to pick up all the squeaky toys from the grass before he can mow it.  He puts them on the patio table.

And then eventually in this pitcher.

That is presently about halfway full of them......

I have on occasion taken some of the old ones and put them with the new ones (kept on top of the fridge in a box).  Sometimes he will be happy to fetch an old one if he sees me getting it from the box.  Yes, he is also REALLY smart.  My husband suggested I take some of the old ones and put them in a plastic bag with a new one.  Maybe the old ones will start smelling like a new one and maybe that is how Winslow can tell them apart. I'm going to give it a try.

Winslow is also REALLY a stinker.  If I am playing fetch with him, he will bring the toy back.  But if my husband is around, he will bring it to him and not to me although I throw the toys more often to him than my husband does.  He will just walk right by me and drop the toy in front of my husband.  As we often play fetch outside, sitting on our patio chairs next to each other, my husband will scoot the toy over with his foot and then I'll throw it again for Winslow.

So now do you believe me when I tell you Winslow is REALLY spoiled?  

But then, he is also  REALLY cute!


  1. Winslow just sounds like the human baby, no much difference. My daughter used to love the squeaky toys which also have those flashlights and she loves to play more with dad .lol...

    i Like how you used the word really for the day!!

    Dropping by from a to z "The Pensive"

    1. Thank you! My grandson likes playing with flashlights. I have to look for those squeaky toys with flashlights; sounds like fun! I think sometimes dads play rougher with kids than moms (in a good way, they swing them, etc) and the kids like that!


  2. Cute trumps everything. That is just too funny about all those balls. Gibbs has two identical balls except for color. He prefers the orange to the green and will only play with the green if he can't find the orange.

    1. So true how cute trumps everything. These pets do have their own unique personalities and likes. How funny Gibbs prefers the orange to the green. Maybe brighter to his eyes?


  3. How funny about Winslow ignoring you! Does he generally prefer males??? Also funny about only liking the new toys. You’d think he wouldn’t like the rubbery smell!

    1. If I remember correctly, corgis are "one person dogs". Koda liked hubby more than me but he wasn't as playful as Winslow so I didn't get slighted as much as Winslow slights me lol. If my husband gets up to do something, Winslow follows him. If I get up to do something, he stays put. Unless hubby is gone of course :) Maybe he does like the rubbery smell or the way the squeaker sounds when it is brand new. I bought him these chicken toys from Wal-Mart (squeaky toys in shape of a chicken). He hated the sounds they made. Even my son's/family's dog, who we gave the toys too, didn't like it either :) Wasted money for sure!


  4. We have cats instead of a dog but when we visit people with dogs they always go right past me to my husband-even if I'm the one who feeds them sometimes. BTW, our cats are really spoiled, too.

    1. That is funny how the dogs you visit prefer your husband. Some people just have that touch I guess? Is it hard to spoil a cat? I thought they were pretty elusive characters, having never owned one myself :)


  5. I think it is a myth that dogs are color blind. I think they are dichromatic. They see blues and shades between red and green. Don't quote me on that. I don't think Winslow is spoiled. I think he just likes that new toy smell. I don't blame him. I like the smell of a new car. But I won't be getting a new toy for a while.

    1. I'll have to look that up with dogs and what colors they see. Thanks for the info. We too won't be getting a new toy for awhile. We just paid off our last toy so we'll have to enjoy that for a bit :)


  6. Cute post.
    It is our job to REALLY spoil our furry friends.

    1. Thanks Lori! And you are right, it is our job to spoil them! It is a job we REALLY do well, right?


  7. We REALLY liked this one. LOL We did smile when you said Winslow would take his 'fetch' to your hubby. Us boys must stick together. LOL Good one... ;-)

    1. Glad you REALLY like this one, Sherry and Jack :) It truly is funny to watch him walk right by me and drop it in front of my hubby. So true you guys must stick together :)


  8. This is such a precious tale! I've not seen those toys, but neither are our girls allowed anything that squeaks. For some reason, they've always made it their mission to seek and destroy any doggie toy that makes noises. I'm always afraid they'll accidentally choke. Please let us know if the bag trick works!

    1. I will let you know about the bag trick if it works or not Myra. And Winslow is known to destroy things with squeakers in them. For some reason these are tough ones and we hardly ever use a squeaker out of them. I've had other toys that I have given him and within 15 seconds the squeaker is broken and within a few minutes after that the squeaker is on the floor. Thankfully we crate him when we aren't home with no toys in there otherwise I would see him trying to eat a squeaker. The few times he's gotten one before we realized he had one he kind of spits it out. And then we reward him with a dog treat that he did leave the squeaker :)


  9. Yes I do believe he is spoiled! I laughed out loud when I saw all the toys on the table. Maybe the plastic bag trick will work but I don't know...Winslow is so smart!! Here's a FYI I just read: Dogs love squeaky toys because it mimics the cry from their prey when they catch them! So there you have it!

    1. Oh, now we know about why they like squeaky toys. I sure hope he doesn't bring any other prey home to me, lol :) I keep telling Winslow that he'll get the toys as long as I'm working. If I stop working and we cut corners, that will be one of the first things that go :) (It is not like he doesn't have anything else to play with :)


  10. So adorable- hey you know what I fofor my two grand dogs for Christmas- the old woody woodpecker dolls!

    1. I bet the dogs liked those toys!! I haven't seen anything like that here for dogs to play with :)


  11. Winslow is a darling little guy!! Of course His Royal Highness is spoiled... should he be anything else?! :) ~Andrea xoxo

    1. Nope, he shouldn't be anything else but spoiled. After all, he is the Queen's dog :)


  12. Ah, our furbabies know what they want and have trained us to do what they want us to do! LOL.

    Ronel visiting for the A-Z Challenge My Languishing TBR: R

    1. So true, they train us better than we train them :) Thanks for visiting!


  13. Replies
    1. Yes he is :) I don't think Disco is this spoiled!


  14. Ha, well I've noticed the really cute and really spoiled often go together! And what discriminating taste he has :D

    1. So true about really cute and really spoiled! They do go together rather well :) He does have discriminating taste for squeaky toys but food in general he will eat anything and everything he can get his paws on lol :)


  15. I’m not sure it’s possible NOT to spoil such a cutie. :-)

    1. So true; and he knows he is cute. That is half the "problem."


  16. Those are cute. I know Skye's favorite toys were green. That is really something the he only wants to play with new squeakers. You certainly have a lot of them. That might work putting the old ones with the new ones for the smell. He is definitely smart.

    1. Too smart he is! I read last night that dogs seen in blue, green and gray so maybe that is why Skye enjoyed her green toys the best!


  17. Haaahaha I think Winslow is REALLY funny! Original too. I love it. xoxo

    1. Thanks Jenny :) He is one of a kind :)


  18. That is REALLY funny that Winslow can tell the difference between the new toys and the old ones. He is something else! He sure does have a lot of those squeaker toys. Of course he is spoiled, as all good doggies should be. One of our cats loves these little soft fabric/foam balls from the dollar tree. They are meant to be played with in a pool but I have bought so many packs of them. They get lost under our furniture and I end up buying more!

    1. Too cute with your cat and the toy they enjoy playing with! The things we do to spoil our furry friends! And yes, Winslow is definitely something else!


  19. He is REALLY cute! That's a lot of squeaky toys, but how could you say no to that cute little guy?

    1. I apparently can't say no lol. He is more spoiled than my grandson and he is spoiled too.


  20. Huskies are runners so they are never taught to fetch as puppies because, well, they may never come back. Alaska has no idea how to play with toys. She sniffs them, checks them for food, and then drops them on the ground. She has one ball, ironically a chew toy for puppies, it's a large round ball with holes in it. The hubs loads it up with salmon jerky in the morning and suddenly she's a Brazilian soccer player doing tricks and tossing it around. But if you kick it to her, or try to throw it near her... nothing. :)

    1. That is too funny about Alaska not really being into toys. Our previous corgi, Koda, was kind of like that. I think Winslow would like that toy that you can put food into. I might have to look into something like that for him.

