Thursday, December 20, 2012

no one knows

1 Thessalonians 5:1-2  Now brothers about times and dates, we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.

I have no fear of 12/21/12 being the end of the world.

I know with certainty I will awaken 12/22/12 and the world will still be here.

Jesus said no one but the father knows when the end is coming.

Matthew 24: 36.  But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

One thing I know about Jesus is he always keeps his word and promises and his words are true, to be believed.

if he says no one knows but Father God, I believe that to be true.

In saying that, every day we should be prepared that it could be the day Jesus returns and in saying that, we need to always remember the great commission Jesus gave to us, to go out and tell others about him.

Matthew 28:18-20  Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

The world needs to hear the saving message of hope and love that only comes from Jesus.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Colossians 3:12 Therefore as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

God chose me

I belong to him

I am holy - set apart

I am dearly loved - unconditionally, completely loved

Knowing this

How should I live?

I should clothe myself

dress myself, cover myself


compassion - mercy, sympathy, empathy

kindness - showing sympathy and understanding

humility - without pride, without arrogance

gentleness - kind, mild mannered

patient - enduring, hopeful forbearance

This is how I should live because I am secure with who I am in my Father's eyes . I should model Jesus in how I live.

I need to clothe myself with Jesus, his word, his love as I live in this world.

Help me to do so Lord!

Sunday, December 16, 2012


2 Corinthians 1:21 Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ.  He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us and put his spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.

This is such a wonderful promise of the faithfulness of God and how he works in our lives.

He makes us:

Stand firm in Christ - we know exactly who we are in God's eyes because of what Jesus did on the cross.  We are beloved sons and daughters of the Lord God Almighty.  We are co-heirs - we share with Jesus the blessings and rewards promised by God, the most important of which is external life with Jesus!

He anointed us - set a seal of ownership on us - NO ONE can snatch us away from God.  He holds us securely in his hand.  We belong exclusively to him.  He has sealed us with the blood of Christ shed for our sins.

Put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit - he promised and sent to us his Holy Spirit.  Our comforter, our guide, directing our paths and thoughts as we allow him to work in our lives.  We are not alone.  We are not left to flounder.  The very God of all creation dwells in us; not forsaking us, not abandoning us, but guiding us, leading us, comforting us, restoring us, loving us.

He has guaranteed what is to come - eternal, everlasting life with Jesus. Eternity spent with God.  We are free of condemnation, free of wrath.  A banquet is being prepared for us.  A mansion is being prepared for us.  We  have hope, not despair.

He is to be believed and trusted.  He will do all that he says in his perfect timing and will.

I take great comfort in this wonderful promise from you Lord. Thank you!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

we need rescuing

Galatians 1:3-4

Grace and peace to you from God our father and Lord Jesus Christ who gave himself for our sins, to rescue us from the present evil age according to the will of our God and father.

It was a present evil age 2000 years ago when Jesus was born and it remained a present evil age after his death.

The difference was his death and resurrection gave us hope.  Gave us victory over sin, victory over death.  Gave us freedom from God's wrath and condemnation because of our sins.

He rescued us from this dark world.

Does it mean we are immune to tragedy?

Does it mean our lives with be rosy?

That our every desire met?

That we will never suffer pain, illness, tragedy, death of love ones?


But it means we have hope that this is not all there is.

We have hope that God is exactly who he says he is.

That he can be trusted and believed.

That he does not forsake or abandon us.

That he walks with us through our hard times.

That we have eternal life with Jesus!!

NOTHING can take us away from him.

NO ONE can snatch us out of his hands.

Our world is broken, flawed, full of evil and sin.

But Jesus rescued us when he gave himself up for us and our sins.

I am glad he was willing to rescue me.  I am glad he knew I needed to be rescued.

I am thankful that I realized I needed his rescuing through the work of the Holy Spirit in me.

Help me Lord to tell others that they too need your rescuing.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

I said

Psalm 16:2 I said to the Lord you are my Lord, apart from you I have no good thing.

This is a powerful statement to be able to say and to mean truly from the depths of one's heart and to truly mean it and live it.

I said to the Lord

I made a declaration to God, Creator, Sustainer, Eternal, Everlasting God

You are my Lord

You are the one I'm putting my hope in, my faith in, my trust in, my life in

Apart from you I have no good thing

Without you I am nothing, I have nothing without you, you give me everything, you provide all my needs

To truly acknowledge and declare this

To live it

This is to be one of my life statements on how I want to live

To proudly declare God is my Lord

The one I put my whole trust in

The one I surrender my life to

And to truly acknowledge without him I have nothing

I want to be able to say this with confidence, boldly and to truly mean it with all my heart.

Help me to do so Lord.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

who am I

2 Samuel 7:18 Then King David went in and sat before the Lord and he said "Who am I, O Sovereign Lord, and what is my family that you have brought me this far?"

This is my thought too, Lord.

Who am I

that you have brought me this far.

Who is my family

that you have brought them this far too?

I am a sinner

I am prideful, arrogant

I am flawed

I am broken

I am bitter

I am conceited

I am anxious, fearful, worried


You have brought me so far

You have always provided, protected

You have always covered me, even with the impossible at times

You have never abandoned me

You have loved me unconditionally

You have loved me always


the Creator, King, Potter, Savior, Redeemer, Lord God

care about me

love me

cover me

sustain me

ransomed me

redeemed me

I certainly don't deserve it, but I thank you Lord for always being there for me and my family.

I thank you that you have brought me this far and will continue to bring me further.

Thank you Lord.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Characteristics of God

from Psalm 145

Who God is, What God is, What God does

The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, rich in love (verse 8)

The Lord is good to all, he has compassion on all he has made (verse 9)

The Lord is faithful to all his promises and loving towards all he has made (verse 13)

The Lord upholds all those who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down (verse 14)

The Lord is righteous in all his ways (verse 17)

The Lord is near to all who call on him (verse 18)

The Lord watches over all who love him (verse 20)

He gives food at the proper time (verse 15)

Satisfies the desires of every living thing (verse 16)

Fulfills desires of those who fear him (verse 19)

Hears our cry and saves us (verse 19)

Who God is
Slow to anger
Rich in love
Faithful to his promises
Righteous in all his ways

What God does
Good to all
Has compassion on all he made
Loving to all he made
Upholds those who fall
Lifts those bowed down
Near to those that call on him
Watches over those that love him
Provides needs
Satisfies/fulfills our desires
Hears our cries
Saves us

He is our all; he is our everything

We just need to meditate on his greatness, penetrate our hearts with his word and trust him explicitly and completely.

He is more than enough.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

pray for peace

1 Kings 10:9  Praise be to the Lord, your God, who has delighted in you and placed you on the throne of Israel.  Because of the Lord's eternal love for Israel, he has made you king to maintain justice and righteousness.

God's eternal love for Israel.

God's everlasting love for Israel.

The Queen of Sheeba said this to Solomon when she came to see his country, his riches, to hear his wisdom God had given him.

(makes you wonder if she was more than curious about the God of Solomon, the God of Israel, and if she became a believer)

But what I love is

God's eternal love for Israel

Israel will always be God's chosen people.

Jesus is coming back exactly where he ascended from - Jerusalem (Acts 1:11)

Israel has endured so much in its history, but it is one of the existing nations still around thousands of years later.

Israel is under attack right now, but I believe God is there and out of his eternal love for Israel, he is fighting alongside Israel for the battle always belongs to the Lord.

Prayers for Israel and its people, for wisdom, protection, for power and strength.

I know you, Lord, will show your love to Israel, you always have and always will forever and ever.

Psalm 122:6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May those who love you be secure."

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Joshua 6:1 Now Jericho was tightly shut up because of the Israelites. No one went out and no one came in.

Jericho saw the events played out in the desert.  They saw the mass of people (Israelites) on the other side of the Jordan River. They saw the Jordan River part and water be stopped.  They saw the mass of people cross over dry river bed and then the river flowed strongly again.

They might have even seen manna raining from heaven.

Yet only one, Rahab, had faith and realized a mighty God was leading the Israelites.  She was willing to put her faith in Him even before she saw the Jordan River stop flowing and she helped the spies that came to check out the promised land and in turn, she and her family were spared death and came to live with the Israelites.

I need to have that faith Lord.

You can move mountains

You can part seas

You can rain manna from heaven

You can change hearts

You raised Jesus from the dead

You can save me

You have saved me

You can give me freedom from anything I am dealing with that holds me in bondage

You are awesome Lord; thank you.

Increase my faith!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Deuteronomy 34:4

Deuteronomy 34:4 Then the Lord said to him "This is the land I promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob when I said 'I will give it to your descendants.' I have let you see it, but you will not cross over to it."

God was compassionate to Moses in his discipline of Moses.  Moses could not enter the land, (because of his disobedience to God), but he got to see it and he got to see it with God pointing out the parts to him.  We don't know the exchange between God and Moses, but perhaps God told him of the coming Savior and key places in Jerusalem.

Shortly after Moses saw the promised land, he died and the Bible said God buried him.

I would like to think God was with him when he died, holding his hand, comforting him.  God didn't abandon him, but was with Moses all the days of his life.

God doesn't abandon any of us.  We may not feel his presence or hear his word (mainly because we might not be listening or are so clouded by fears, worries, anxieties or pride or arrogance and other sins) but God does not abandon us.


God is compassionate and slow suffering and wants everyone to come to know him as their Lord and Savior.

Thank you Lord that you don't abandon, that you are merciful, that you are here with me now and that you will never let go.

I love you Lord.  Thank you.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Micah 6:8 He has showed you, O man, what is good and what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

God has given us knowledge, shown us what is good through his word, his commands, his laws.  He has laid down the path of what is good, laid out in the Book of Law, the 10 commandments, laid out in how Jesus lived his life. 

He has told us what he requires of us - what he wants from us

its so simple too

to act justly (treat people with kindness and fairness)

to love mercy (be compassionate, be kind, serve others)

to walk humbly with our God (not prideful, not arrogant, but to walk in gratitude and love with God; knowing and acknowledging his greatness, majesty, might and knowing and acknowledging all comes from him.

It sounds so easy to do, but it is so complicated at times if we allow our sinful nature to take over.  That is why it is so imperative to spend time daily with God in prayer and reading his word, to continue to learn about him and to continue to remember who he is and to continue to walk humbly with him.

Help me Lord to do so!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Job 28:28

Job 28:28 And he said to man "the fear of the Lord that is wisdom and to shun evil that is understanding."

Job did just this.  He was known as a man who was blameless and upright.  One who feared God and shunned evil.

Job was a wise man. 

He got it.

Fear God - hold him in highest esteem, respect him, revere him.

That is what Job did.  That is how Job lived.

He did not sin against God.

But he was still confused by it all.

Why so much tragedy struck him.

It really truly comes down to this.

God is sovereign
God is in control
God does what he wants when he wants

But his timing and purpose is always good.

Even if it doesn't make sense this side of eternity.

The big picture is what our purpose here on earth is

To glorify God
To praise him
To love him
To seek him
To share him with others

Sometimes that is going to involve things that are painful for us

But we can never stop looking at the big picture of advancing God's kingdom

and sharing him with others

That is wisdom

That is fear of the Lord.

That is how I want to live my life.

American Patriots - A book review

For the Tyndale Blogging Network, I choose to read American Patriots by Rick Santorum. As part of agreeing to read the book in its entirety and posting a review of it on my blog as well as a consumer site, I received a complimentary copy of the book to keep.

American Patriots is a wonderful short book that highlights some of the lesser known people involved in attaining freedom from England years ago during the Revolutionary War and their roles.  Mr. Santorum broke the book into three sections, based on the Declaration of Independence's words of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness penned by Thomas Jefferson.  He theorized that Mr. Jefferson could have written those words in a different order than he had, say for example, liberty, happiness and life, or happiness, life and liberty, but he chose the order of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness because we need life first before we can have liberty (freedom) and the pursuit of happiness.  He broke up each section of the book with stories of patriots under each of those sections of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.  What was really neat too was how the Patriots at that time would have defined happiness, not as we would have but that happiness would be as a result of doing what one ought to do according to God's laws. It puts a whole different concept of the Pursuit of Happiness when expressed that way.

Each chapter that highlighted the Patriots started off with a Biblical verse relative to characteristics that particular Patriot had.  The chapters were short, to the point of sharing characteristics of the Patriots and their achievements not only during the Revolutionary War time period but later in their lives. I learned so much about history that I hadn't learned in school and enjoyed especially the story of Nancy Morgan Hart who was so much more taller than the average woman at the time, over 6 feet tall, disguised herself as a man to gain intelligence for the war, but also married at the age of 36 and had eight children born to her in her marriage.

My take on the book, I did enjoy it very much. It would not have been a book I would have considered reading or buying before picking it to read to review, but it was a book I thoroughly enjoyed once I started reading it. For anyone who enjoys United States history, they will like this book.  For anyone who is looking for a gift for someone who enjoys that period of time in our history, this would definitely be a good book to add to their collection.  For anyone who wants to learn a bit more of the unsung heroes of our country's founding, they won't be disappointed in the stories shared. I would highly recommend it.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Psalm 68:19 Praise to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.

I just love this. The Lord God, the God of all creation, the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, daily bears our burdens.  He WANTS to bear our burdens.

We just need to give them to him.

I find comfort in this verse.

Thank you Lord that you do daily bear my burdens.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

guard what is entrusted

2 Timothy 1:12 That is why I am suffering as I am.  Yet I am not ashamed because I know whom I have believed and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day.

Paul was never ashamed of preaching Jesus after Jesus had revealed himself to Paul.  Paul knew exactly who Jesus was, as well as knowing Father God and the Holy Spirit.  He trusted Jesus explicitly, no matter what his circumstances.

Ship wrecked.

Among so much other hardship.

And he was not ashamed of the gospel.

He always preached Jesus

With confidence.
With authority.

Telling the truth of Jesus

and Paul entrusted his life to Jesus

He knew Jesus was able to guard what was entrusted to Him

I have that same promise, that same hope

I can entrust to Jesus my day, what I am going through, my struggles, fears, anxieties, etc.

I entrust to you Lord Jesus

my marriage
my children
my jobs/finances
my safety/provision
me/my life

I know you are more than capable of guarding us

for your glory and honor

I am convinced of it

Thank you Jesus

I love you!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Cruel Harvest - a Book Review

For BookSneeze, I chose to read Cruel Harvest by Fran Grubb.  As part of agreeing to read the book in its entirety and posting a review about it on my blog and a consumer site, I received a complimentary copy of the book.

Cruel Harvest is a memoir of Ms. Grubb's and her siblings growing up with an abusive father who abused them physically and sexually, as well as their father physically abusing their mother.  As migrant farm workers, it was not unusual for Ms. Grubb and her siblings to be out picking cotton or apple or whatever the produce at a very young age, for all day, and expected to bring in big quota in their pickings.  They were constantly on the road and never had enough to eat, adequate clothing, and were constantly subjected to their father's abuse, living in fear and eventually hatred towards their father.  Even when he was arrested and kept in jail after authorities learned of his abuse, he still managed to get out of prison after a few years, track down the children, steal them away and begin the cycle again of abuse.

Over the years one by one the children would run away and be on their own until Ms. Grubb is the last one left to do so. She eventually comes to marry an honorable man who is a devoted Christian, as she has come to be herself, and he helps track down her siblings.  She is able to reunite with several of them after nearly 40 years of not seeing them and is able to finally have the family she wished she had so many years before.  She is also, through the working of God in her life, able to forgive her father, who is long dead, but she is able to visit his grave and express forgiveness. 

My thoughts, from page one to the end of the book, it was a gripping sad tale of abuse and fear in conditions I can't imagine, cold, hungry, afraid to say or do anything, etc. It was a book that will impact you and make you think that there are still kids out there being abused in such a way. Its a book where you wonder if any good can come out of the lives of the people that are abused, but yet good did come out of it in the siblings that Fran Grubb was able to find, several had married and had loving families and were successful in their own right. It is a story wondering if forgiveness could happen but it does only by the grace of God.

Reading it, it was hard to keep focused that it definitely was a true story and not a fiction. These were real children and a wife being abused. Like I said earlier, it was definitely a book that was gripping and could not be put down.

It was a book leaving you for more, but you know she told the story as she knew it. The loose ends that were there, wondering what had happened to her father after she left, where her mom had gone after she abandoned them, etc., would be questions she would never have answered, as well as those that read her book. Her husband did find her parents' graves, but what had transpired after she left would never be answered.

I would recommend this book. It sadly tells the story of abuse, but it also tells the story of forgiveness and faith in God. It will be a story that stays with you for a very long time.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

on church going

Ecclesiastes 7:16  There is not a righteous man on earth who does what is right and never sins.

I was thinking about people and churches this morning, especially why people sometimes give excuses for not going to church, i.e., because there is something they don't like about others that attend churches.  That the people at church might be hypocritical, judgmental, cliquish, etc.  Yet, let's stop and examine this.

What is the church made of?

Flawed people

Solomon says it so right in this passage.  There is no one that never sins - not even a righteous person - the only perfect person is Jesus who never sinned when he walked this earth.

So churches are made up of sinners.  Flawed people.  People though who realize there is something more to just this temporary life.  Something eternal . Who gather together to learn about Jesus, worship him together.

Do we still sin?  Are we flawed?

You bet we are.

But yet we continue to press on, aware of our inadequacies, aware of our need for Jesus, aware of our need for fellowship with fellow believers.

One needs that fellowship of a church to help get through life.  Jesus knew that.  Think about it.  There wasn't just one apostle he chose to teach, but 12.  He knew they would need each other, both to get the message out about Jesus but also to get through life supporting each other.

Don't give up on going to church because of people there.  Get in there, meet others, serve others, learn about Jesus together, worship him together.

Your life will be so much more rewarding.

I guarantee that.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

To God

Job 12:13 To God belong wisdom and power, counsel and understanding are his.

God is incredibly wise - he is wisdom; he created wisdom.

His wisdom is true and trustworthy because it has always been here because he has always been here.

God is incredibly powerful - there is nothing he cannot do.

He can move mountains
He can part seas.
He can rain manna from heaven.
He raised Jesus from the dead.
He can change a person's heart.

God counsels with his wisdom and understanding through his Holy Spirit.

He guides and leads those who ask him to do so.

He directs our days, our paths.

He provided his word that we may seek his ways.

Everything belongs to God.

All of creation is his since he is the creator.

Nothing I have is from my own doing.

It is all from him, directed by him.

To God be the glory and the honor for the great things he has done

and for his knowledge, power and wisdom.

He is to be trusted and to be feared, held in the highest esteem.

May I do so Lord all the days of my life.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


John 6:37 All that the Father gives me will come to me and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.

Love this - so full of hope and comfort.

Jesus trusted completely in his Father - he took him at his word.

He believed his Father's promises.

He knew his Father knew what was best and would meet all his needs.

And he knew everything came from his Father.

ALL - everything that my Father gives me will come to me

He did not doubt.

He was assured of his Father's word - promise - provision - presence

And this

Whoever comes to me - whoever seeks me - whoever believes in me - whoever trusts in me

I will never drive away

You are mine
You belong to me
I'm not going to abandon you
I won't walk away
I am with you
I won't ask you to go
I won't tire of you
I won't stop loving you

This is just rich in promise and hope if we let these words sink into our hearts and penetrate our hearts with this truth

God gives. God keeps his word.

God is to be trusted.

Jesus didn't doubt but trusted his Father in all things.

Jesus is always with me

Nothing will drive him away from me.

I need to live every day of my life remembering this.

I love you Lord.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The River - a book review

For BookSneeze, I chose to read The River, a Novel by Michael Neale. As part of agreeing to read the book in its entirety and posting a review of it on my blog as well as a consumer site, I received a complimentary copy of the book to keep.

Mr. Neale is a talented songwriter, but The River is his first book he wrote. I would imagine it won't be his last as he has an excellent way of writing to weave a story that keeps one's attention and interest, a book that was hard to put down.

The story revolves around Gabrielle Clark starting from when he was a young boy and culminating with finally coming to terms with a horrific event that happened in his young life that changed the course of it for many a year and left him afraid of life, afraid of trying new things, and at times very saddened about that event of so many years before. Twenty years old, feeling that his life wasn't really going anywhere, working a low end job, not having money to have gone to school, he goes on a trip to Colorado with his best friend through school and experiences a wonderful several day trip on the River, white water rafting, camping by the side of it, several other healing experiences in addition to meeting a very special young woman. She invites him to come back and work the river at their white water rafting company and the new season about to begin. He ponders this as he goes back to Kansas, but does realize he needs to take this adventure so he returns to Colorado and starts working at the white white rafting company.  Through a series of events, that I don't want to spoil the story about, he comes to find healing from what happened so many years ago and is finally free of the burden of sad memories he carried for so many years.

Truly, my take on this book. I absolutely loved it. It caught my attention from page one and held it through until the end. It is one of those books that you are sad about when it ends, you just want to have it keep going. It is one that will stay with you in the days ahead and you will want to read it again, knowing you'll get something more from it with each subsequent reading.

Mr. Neale writes in a style that is easy to follow, the words flow together very well and you feel like you are sitting with a master storyteller as he weaves out this tale.

I would highly recommend it.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Ecceliastes 12:13  Now all has been heard, here is the conclusion of the matter. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.

Solomon, known as the wisest man on earth, given wisdom by God in addition to riches and peace in the land during his reign.

Yet despite that, he looked back at the end of his life and saw so much of it was meaningless; lacking any apparent purpose.

He had it "all" but it still wasn't enough.

He had
relationships (700 wives/300 concubines)
peace in his country

but he wasn't content - still was not fulfilled

still questioned his purpose, the meaning of life

saw it all

good people suffering
wicked people prospering

saw death come - the finality of it

realized we are born naked, we die without taking what we toiled so hard for, leaving it behind to someone who might not even appreciate it, but surely didn't earn it

he sums it up - to eat, to drink, to be satisfied with one's work, to be glad, then joy will accompany him in the days God has given him

to simply be content with what God has given him and to be grateful for it

and his final conclusion that I believe one must burn into their mind, heart and soul

Fear God (honor him, revere him, respect him, glorify him)

keep his commandments (his laws, precepts, word)

for this is the whole duty (purpose) of man (me)

Without doing so

one's life is meaningless (lacking any apparent purpose, empty, worthless, futile)

no matter what we achieve in fame, fortune, possession or the good we may even do for others

because all of that will be forgotten after we die, subsequent generations will not know us or remember us

but where we stand with God

what we think of him

whether we accept Jesus as our Savior

that has eternal worth, that has meanting, that has purpose and that is how we should live

loving Jesus and making Jesus known

in our days under the sun, of which there really are so few of them

no matter how many years we live.

May I live a meaningful life Lord, for your glory.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

fear of the Lord

Psalm 103:13  As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him.

What does it look like to fear the Lord?

How does one live, act, think, speak who fears the Lord?

Fear of the Lord - not afraid of you Lord, cowering around you

But holding you in the highest esteem

respecting you
revering you
holding you in awe

One who fears you like this

glorifies you with how they live

lives with knowing what their purpose is - to glorify you  - to make you known to others

who obeys your precepts, laws, commands

who praises you in the storm, when things don't make sense

who trusts in you explicitly, completely, always

who is grateful for what one has, not reaching for something else

who is content just in the fact that you are God, great, awesome, eternal, everlasting, and nothing more is needed

to want to know more about you

spend time with you
in your word
through prayer
at church

to thank you for everything and anything because it all came from you.

I think this is what it looks like to fear the Lord and to live my life in fear of you, Lord

Because you are mighty, glorious, powerful, righteous, everlasting, holy, radiant, awesome, fantastic

You are to be held in the highest esteem.

Help me Lord to truly fear you and to live like I do fear you!


Psalm 106:20-21 They exchanged their Glory for an image of a bull which eats grass.  They forgot the God who saved them who had done great things in Egypt.

The author of the psalm is talking about the Israelites after they were freed from slavery in Egypt by God.  They had seen wonder after wonder, miracle after miracle performed By God.

Plaques against Egypt

Firstborn of Egypt killed, theirs spared.

Parting of Red Sea

Water from rocks

Manna from heaven

Victories against enemies

and so much more

Yet what did they do? They started worshipping a bull - an animal - something beneath them - a beast of burden - something that could not talk, something that cannot provide them will all their needs.

We look back and think of their "silliness" with it all but aren't we the same way?  An idol is anything that takes the place of God in one's life.

We are all guilty of it - it doesn't have to be a bull, cow, statue, pole.  It could be a job,  hobby, car, boat, person, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, shopping, possessions, etc.

Don't exchange the Glory of God for anything else.  Remember what he has done, remember who he is.

And Worship him and only him.

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Psalm 142:2  I pour out my complaint before him, before him I tell my trouble.

This is so true, Lord. I have to almost chuckle because I do complain a lot Lord, forgive me for doing so. 

I should be sending up

words of praise
words of gratitude and thankfulness

yet often I send up

words of complaint
words of self pity
words of despair
words of anxiety and fear

forgive me Lord

fact is

You know me better than myself

You know my needs and you provide

You know my concerns

You have my hairs counted, tears stored

You are totally in control 24/7

I need to get that rooted into my head

and be more thankful

more grateful

praise you more

and stop complaining so much

because I really have it so good

You  have blessed me so abundantly

Thank you Lord!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Inescapable, a book review

For the Bethany House Blogging for Books program, I reviewed Inescapable by Nancy Mehl. I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for agreeing to read the book in its entirety and publish a review of it on my blog as well as a consumer site. 

This is the first book I have read from Ms. Mehl, even though she has written over 13 books, but it won't be my last book.

Inescapable chronicles the life of Lizzie Engel, who at the age of 18 left her hometown of Kingdom, Kansas, a Mennonite community, because she felt unaccepted there, having a baby out of wedlock.  She escaped to Kansas City with her young daughter and made a life there for five years, but circumstances occurred there that prevented her from staying in Kansas City and the only solution she thought would be safe for her and her young daughter would be to return to Kingdom, not sure what her welcome would be or if she would be chased out of town.

Over the course of the story, she comes to find out that she was not shunned, but much loved and had a lot of support from other town members except they feared her overbearing father. She comes back to a town that is split in their beliefs of how they should practice their religion, some, like her father, do not embrace forgiveness, newer members embrace forgiveness and grace like Jesus extends to all people. 

Lizzie's mother gladly welcomes her back to the community, but her father refuses to have her and her young daughter live at their house. She connects with Cora, who runs the town restaurant, and is able to live above the restaurant and work for her.

In the meantime, she connects with a childhood friend who always vowed to  protect her, Noah, as well as has an encounter with the father of her baby, five years later, who had not seen her since he and his family had moved away shortly after she announced her pregnancy.

There is a lot of mystery in the story as she is being stalked and haunted by an event that happened in Kansas City that made her return to Kingdom. In the end, all is resolved and she finally finds happiness and love and decides to put down roots in Kingdom for her and her daughter.

The story happens over just a few weeks although does reference past events. It is predictable at times, but does have a few unexpected twists and turns.

My thoughts about the book? I liked it. I started it a week ago and found myself not able to put it down, reading pages here and there during my busy work schedule, etc. It caught my interest from the first few pages and held it through the whole book, always wondering who was behind the stalking she was experiencing and wondering what the final outcome of the story would be.

It was an easy book to read and flowed easily. A very enjoyable book to read. Included in it were study questions in case one read it as part of a book club, as well as a brief look into the next book of the series which is due out in 2013. I know I'm looking forward to reading that book when it comes out.

I would highly recommend this book.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


On a rainy day I stop and look
at the drops touching the ground
the land eager for a drink
parched, but being filled up

I am parched, I am thirsty
hungry for your word, your touch
I'm tired, weary, lost, alone
reveal yourself to me anew today

Fill me up, consume me with your love
give me my heart's desire
more of you and less of me
use me for your glory

Quench my thirst Lord
you are the only one that can do so.

Psalm 68:9 You give abundant showers O God, you refreshed your weary inheritance.

How awesome Lord that I wrote those words of being parched and then to read this!

It is so refreshing to know we are on the same page.

You do give abundant showers
You do refresh the weary
You have and you will refresh me

Thank you Lord.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Psalm 72:14 He will rescue them from oppression and violence for precious is their blood in his sight.

My blood is precious to Jesus. 

Jesus shed his blood for me.  He poured himself, his blood out for me so I could spend eternity with him.

My tears are stored

My hairs are numbered

My blood is precious

Blood courses through my body, bringing vital oxygen, nutrients to my body

That is precious to you, Jesus

Thank you

I am precious to you.

I need to remember that.

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Days go by so fast
time seems to drift away
we look at the calendar
and ask ourselves "wasn't it just May?"

We have so much on our minds
working, shopping, bills to pay
laundry, cleaning, yard work
who has time to pray

Yet we must all stop and pause
and do it every day
to be still before God
and listen to what he has to say

He guides us and leads us
if we will take time today
to spend time talking to him
try it this day, don't delay

Our lives would be so much different
we would chase worry away
if we took the time daily
to stop and pray.

Friday, August 31, 2012

in the day

Psalm 86:7 In the day of my trouble, I will call to you, for you will answer me.

This is trust and confidence and hope in God.

David knew God.  He knew he could call out to God for anything and everything, in times of trouble and despair, times of worry, fear, pain, suffering

He knew God heard him and he knew God would answer him

in God's perfect timing and will

To have that confidence and hope, even in the midst of sadness and despair and suffering

but I can truly say yes, Lord, I know you will answer me because you have done so all through my life as I have called out to you. Thank you Lord.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Perfect Lies - A book review

For the Tyndale Blogging for Books, I chose to read Perfect Lies by Jennifer Crow.  In exchange for reading the book in its entirety and posting my honest review about the book, I was provided a free copy of the book.

Ms. Crow and her husband, Mark, founded Victory Church in Oklahoma back in 1994.  She is a talented singer and is involved in worship ministry, leading the worship team at various times in her life.  Several years before, overwhelmed with raising five children, being involved in ministry, as well as all the other things expected as a wife and mother, she experienced a break down of sorts where she was not able to do much or even leave the house for an extended period of time, experiencing fatigue, muscle pains, etc.  Doctors did not have much answers for her or hope.  She started really thinking and praying to God for healing and came up with lies she had believed about herself and how she functioned in the world based on the six basic human emotions of anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness and surprise.  Some of these perfect lies she came to know and identify include "I Am Unlovable", "I Am Bad", "I Am Not Angry" as well as six other lies. 

She worked through each lie she had believed and identified through a process she called meditative prayer in which she focused on scripture, thoughts about God and Jesus and mental pictures she made in her head, dealing with each and every emotion and pain associated with the lies she had believed for many years. Changing her thought process and brain waves from negative lies to true statements of God and his word, she saw a difference in her physical health in six weeks and continued to make improvement in it over the years.  Her book is sharing her journey of healing, clarifying the lies she believed, breaking them down and replacing them with the truth of God and the process that she did.  This included statements to think about to replace the lie as well as scripture that would go against the lie she had believed. There was a chapter devoted to each lie as well as a chapter of questions and answers on how to start with meditative prayer, the benefits of it, etc. Also included in the book is a study guide in case one wants to read the book as part of a study with a small group.

My thought about the book; I could relate to the majority of the lies she identified as issues I have struggled with in my own life.  I appreciated the fact she gave useful information to work through the lies and to replace negative thinking with positive thinking using the truth of God and his scripture.  Some of her mental pictures she used to help herself I thought were a bit odd or different, but that was something that worked for her and her healing and I didn't have to incorporate them into my own meditative prayer if I wanted to do such a thing.

I like the idea of meditative prayer, thinking about God and taking one of his scriptures and really dwelling on it, thinking about it. I can see how it could change one's way of thinking and help them deal with issues they are struggling with in their lives.  I appreciate her honesty in dealing with such sensitive issues in her life and her willingness to be vulnerable about her life in sharing how she was healed by God.

If someone is really struggling with something and needs to have an approach to deal with it using scripture and is not sure where to start, I would recommend this book. Otherwise, it is an easy read, there are good scriptures in it and I did pick up some useful information from it to use with issues I'm struggling with myself.  I'd give it 3 on a scale of 1-5 for being a book that benefited me.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

trust in me

Trust in me
is what you say
I will be with you
every single day

I am not a friend
who only comes around
when things are going well
but I'm with you when you are down

I know your hopes
your dreams, your  fears
I promise you, believe me
when I say I am near

I know what you will face
as you live today
remember my words
I will not go away

I will hold your hand
you can hide in the shadow
of my wings, I am with you
I'll help you grow

You can cling to me
when times are tough
I assure you
I am more than enough

Give your life to me
as you start your day
just trust in me
listen and obey

I will carry your load
it is not hard to do
bask in my protection
as I watch over you

I will be with you
I have never left you
You are my child
the apple of my eye

Live today remembering that
find joy in me
and remember this
we will be together for eternity.

I love you Lord

Monday, August 27, 2012

Be strong and courageous

Be strong and courageous
These words you often say
They are repeated for a purpose
Perhaps to help me live today

Be strong and courageous
Greater is he who is in me
Than the world, my flesh
And certainly the enemy.

Be strong and courageous
Do not fret, do not fear
The Lord is with you
He is constantly continually near

Be strong and courageous
He is more than enough
To meet your daily needs
And be with you when the going gets tough

Be strong and courageous
Boldly live for the Lord
Trust in him, his faithfulness
In his every single word

Be strong and courageous
Have I not commanded you?
Wherever you go, whatever you do
The Lord is always with you

Be strong, be courageous
Love the Lord with all your heart
He will cling to you
And from you never part.

Be strong and courageous.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

same story, no matter how it is told

Last night, hubby, son and me started talking.  Son had just come home from his evening shift at work and was getting something to eat.  I migrated into the kitchen to talk with him, hubby soon followed.  I asked hubby to show son a picture of someone in the family that we had recently found in attempts to declutter some of his parents' estate.  We started talking about the picture, which led to talking about more family things, how son got named, how his sister got named, etc.  During the course of the conversation, talking about this and talking about that, hubby had different takes on the same story than I did, but in the end the fact remained, we had adopted two children.  It didn't matter at the end of it that he thought events played out one way, when I thought events played out another.  They were minor and again didn't distract from the fact of our children's adoption.

In my work as a medical transcriptionist, I type up reports doctors dictate after they see a patient or operate on them. Sometimes I will type reports on the same patient from different specialists during their hospitalization. Cardiology, Pulmonary, Infectious Disease, etc. Each of the specialties are dictating on the same patient but their perspective is different, based on their expertise and what they are focusing on. One the heart, one the lungs, etc., but they are talking about the same patient.

I have thought about this before in relationship to the four gospels in the Bible, specifically in the New Testament, the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Each were written about when Jesus walked on this earth and his ministry here, but each were written from a different perspective.  Matthew was written to the Jewish people, tying in that Jesus was indeed the Promised Messiah. Mark was written for new believers, brief and concise stories about who Jesus was. Luke was written as an investigative account Luke undertook for his owner (he was a slave, a doctor, yet a slave) and John was written as one dearly loved by Jesus and close to Jesus with emphasis on emphasizing Jesus was indeed God and God's son. Yet each are written about Jesus though perspectives about certain events might be a bit different, yet united in a common theme written about Jesus and inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Men wrote the Bible, inspired by the Holy Spirit. They wrote the words God wanted included written in their handwriting, written in their experience, written in their perspective. But it is the same story, no matter how it is told.

The story about a loving God, sending his son to redeem the world, to take on the wrath of his father that we should have gotten, Jesus dying for our sins, his resurrection, our hope for eternal life for those that believe in him.

The theme remains the same, no matter who told the story.

The thing we all must do is to decide how we will perceive it. How we will interpret the story. If we will accept or reject.

God laid it out. It is the truth no matter how it is told, no matter what translation.

Just read it. Just believe it. God is who he says he is. Jesus is who he says he is.

Jesus is the way, the truth, the life, the only way to the Father, the only way to heaven.

Believe it, accept it, live it.

Your life will never be the same if you do so.

I guarantee it.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


You are so good to me
when I don't deserve your love
yet you shower me with blessings
you protect me from above

Your hand is over all my life
your provisions and protection abounds
you guard,  you guide, you lead
with you I'm not lost but found

You gave me grace and mercy
you gave me salvation through your son
You gave me eternity and hope
you are always with me, you never abandon.

Thank you Lord.

Friday, August 24, 2012


Thank you Lord
for this new day
watch over me
help me not to stray

consume me with your love
shower me with your mercy
open my heart to seek you more
reveal to me all your glory

I worry too much
I fret and think anxious thoughts
soothe my mind and heart
help me to trust in you a lot

guide me and lead me
down the road you choose
the one you know best
help me to share your good news

more of you
less of me
that's my prayer
in you I'm free

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Psalm 49:16-17 Do not be overawed when a man grows rich, when the splendor of his house increases, for he will take nothing with him when he dies, his splendor will not descend with him.

This is so true Lord.

We come (born) empty

We leave (die) empty

Riches do not matter
Riches do not define one's life, one's character
Riches can distract
Riches can cause grief and strife
Riches can tear apart
Riches never satisfy, we always want more
Riches do not bring contentment
Riches do not bring salvation

Only God can satisfy
Only God can save
Only God can fulfill our deepest desires
Only God can bring us true contentment

God does not wear out
God does not break
God does not rust or mold
God does not have to be replaced
God is eternal, everlasting

We can take him when we die
We don't leave him behind
He is with us always
He is our splendor, our riches, our treasure

Don't be overawed with man and his riches

Be overawed with God and his majesty

Help me to live like this Lord Jesus for your glory

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

We will not fear

Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

Therefore (verse 2) we will not fear

WILL NOT FEAR - powerful words, no doubt in them

We will not fear

Though the earth give way (verse 2)

And the mountains fall into the sea (verse 2)

no matter what happens
no matter what natural disaster, earthquake, floor, hurricane, tornado

We will not fear

because God is our refuge and strength

The Lord Almighty is with us, the God of Jacob is our fortress (verse 7)

God is always with us - no matter what we are facing

He is our strength, stronghold, tower, refuge

We will not fear

We will live victoriously knowing God is completely in control

and he knows what is best for us

And when in worry, when in doubt, when anxious, when distressed,
when fearful, when tired

we will

Be still and know that I am God, I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth (verse 10)

Be still, just be still and know he is God.

He keeps his words, his promises.

He knows what we are going through.

He is for us, not against us.

He is in control.

We will not fear.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Its all a mindset
where I choose to be
wallowing in self pity
or clinging to thee

worried about the future
or safe in your wings
afraid to breathe
or praises to sing

I have the choice to make
every single day
today despite it all
I will chase worry away

trust in you Lord
you never abandon me
share in your promises and hope
live with you for all eternity

Monday, August 6, 2012

saddest chapter

Jeremiah chapter 39, in my opinion, is one of the saddest chapters in the Bible, yet God's faithfulness and protection shines through darkness and despair.

Chapter 39:

Verse 1 - Babylonia seizes Jerusalem in the ninth year of Zedekiah in the 10th month (Zedekiah was king of Jerusalem at the time)

Verse 2 - Ninth day of the fourth month of Zedekiah's 11th year, the city wall was broken through by the Babylonians.

Almost two years the people of Jerusalem were witnessing the very thing Jeremiah proclaimed, that Jerusalem would fall, that they would be taken into captivity - yet even then they must not have repented, they continued to believe in themselves, not God.

Verse 4 - Zedekiah and his family flee Jerusalem. Jeremiah had told  Zedekiah that he would be safe if he surrendered. Again, man doesn't listen to God, Zedekiah flees.

Verses 5-7 Babylonian army pursues Zedekiah, captures him and his family and officials. Puts to death Zedekiah's sons and nobles in front of Zedekiah, puts out Zedekiah's eyes, shackles him, takes him to Babylonia.  The horror he must have felt watching all this, the pain he felt, yet his pride had gotten in the way.

Verse 8 - Babylonians set fire to Jerusalem and capture the people, let some stay in Jerusalem, take the rest in captivity to Babylonia.

Verses 11-12 Nebuchadnezzar (king of Babylonia) orders for Jeremiah to be kept safe. God's promise to Jeremiah for his faithfulness to God that he would be safe.  God kept (keeps) his word.

Verse 15 - Ebed-Melech receives word he will be kept safe.

Verse 18 - "I will save you, you will not fall by the sword but will escape with your life because you trust in me" declares the Lord (God tells Ebed-Melech). Ebed-Melech had pulled Jeremiah out of the cistern (well) when the Israelites had put Jeremiah in it because they were tired of listening to his true prophecies.

God recognizes/rewards those who trust in him.

Example to follow:

Jeremiah - his faithfulness to obey God no matter what, no matter if anyone was for him or believed what he said as the message given to him by God.

Ebed-Melech - he took a stand (rescuing Jeremiah) when a wrong doing occurred.

Zedekiah (example not to follow). He listened to people's word rather than seeking God and trusting in his word.

Even in the midst of tragedy, God still protected those who did his work and trusted in him. Awesome.

But still such a sad chapter that Zedekiah did not listen, did not trust that God would keep his word and protect him if he did not flee. He fled and endured hardship and pain and suffering on himself and his family. So sad.

Such lessons to be learned in this 39 chapter of Jeremiah.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

remember me with favor

Nehemiah 5:19 Remember me with favor O my God for all I have done for these people.

I just love how Nehemiah prays - he prays continually and unceasing

and he prays for everything; he prays his heart

for protection, provision

for God to remember him as he is helping others

realizing his reward will come from God, not caring about the praises from me

he prays to strengthen his hands (chapter 6, verse 9) when others were coming in opposition against him, saying he/crew would be too weak to finish wall repairs

he prays about those who oppressed/intimated him (chapter 6, verse 14), telling God to remember them for what they did against him; he was not afraid to bring anything and everything to God

boldly and with confidence that God heard his prayer

I need to pray the same way

unceasing, continually

my heart to God

help me to do so Lord

Sunday, July 22, 2012

God is More Than Enough - a book review

For Blogging for Books through Multnomah, I picked God is More Than Enough by Tony Evans, which is a delightl 90-page book about Psalm 23.

Mr. Evans breaks down Psalm 23 into six short chapters covering the topic of why God is More than Enough.  Starting in Chapter One, he lays a foundation of who God is and the thought that we need to truly make God our Shepherd as Psalm 23 starts with "The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall not Want". He says we need to make sure that we have made God our Shepherd, that we know that we are sheep, and believe that he is able to meet each and every one of our needs, to become totally 100% reliant upon him.

Each subsequent chapter Mr. Evans continues on with more lines from the psalm describing how God can meet our spiritual needs, emotional needs, directional needs, physical needs and eternal needs.

I did enjoy this book so much and found it to be rich in information and encouragement that with whatever I was facing, God was there and was more than capable to meet my needs.  Mr. Evans related stories from his own experience as well as others in emphasizing points that helped make what he was saying easy to be understood.  This is a book of encouragement for anyone who is facing any struggles in their lives and is short and to the point and can easily be read over the course of a couple of hours, but the information shared in it will last a very long time. I would highly recommend this book to anyone in need of such encouragement or is just interested in reading a perspective about God meeting our needs based on Psalm 23.

"I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review."


We see a senseless tragedy like what happened early Friday morning in Aurora, Colorado and we ask "why" but stop and think a moment. Perhaps we should be asking ourselves "why not?" and "why doesn't it happen more than it does" because truly as so many people have thought over the past few days, there is evil in the world. Yes, there is evil in the world. We don't want to think about that. We want to think about good and love and compassion and mercy but our world is nothing like that. And it never will be anything like that until Jesus comes to restore it.

The reality is the moment Adam and Eve disobeyed God and took the bite of the fruit, against his command, evil entered the world. It is here to stay. God cannot take evil away from the world without Jesus coming back and until he is ready to do that, evil exists. Always has and always will.

Jesus himself, when tempted by the enemy, the devil, Satan, Lucifer, whoever you want to call him, but definitely the one not on our side and definitely evil, Jesus did not refute him when the enemy said he could give Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if Jesus would just bow down and worship him. (Matthew 4:8)  Of course Jesus didn't, but the fact is God allows the enemy to be in this world and where there is the enemy there will be evil. Jesus has all authority over heaven and earth (Matthew 28:19) and is totally in control. And one day he will restore it all. His word says it and I believe his word, because his word is trustworthy and true and he always keeps his promises. (unlike the father of lies, the enemy).

But until he restores the world, we will have evil. Its sad, but it is the truth. We will have murder, rape, stealing, lying. People will be robbed of their lives, their loved ones, their dignity, their possessions, and so much more.

We will stop and wonder why, why, why. What could we have done differently? Didn't we see the signs? How could this have be allowed to happen?

I think it all stems down to what happened in that garden so many years ago when Adam and Eve stepped back and thought about it all and wondered if God was more than enough for them or did they want something more? Did they deserve something more? Forgot the fact that he walked with them in the garden in the cool of the day. Fellowship with their creator in a perfect garden. Yet that was not enough for them. They were tempted by the very same things we are tempted by today, power, possession, pleasure.

The fact is God is more than enough. He truly is. He's been trying to tell us over and over again in his word and by his actions. We just need to stop believing the lies of this world and believe the truth of our Father, our Creator, the one who knitted us together in our mother's wombs, the one that counts our hairs, stores our tears, knows our very next breath and is totally in control of this world and us.

And then there may be less "why's" and more hope and more people coming to see the saving grace of Jesus and the security we have in him for all of eternity because of his willingness to die for our sins and his willingness to merge heaven and earth together and his willingness to one day restore the earth completely to how it should be. In the meantime, we live in this sin infested, dirty, evil world. And we, who are called by his name, try to do our best to be his light to others, to share his word, share his love, share his compassion to the least, the lost, the last and to all we come in contact with.

Lord Jesus, I thank you for what you did for us on the cross, I thank you that you are totally in control even when it doesn't make sense with what goes on around us. But I trust in you, trust in your word, and I know I have hope in you for all of eternity and for that I am so thankful. Be with those affected by this horrendous crime, the victims' families, the wounded, the recovering, the community. In your precious name, I pray. Amen.

He is more than enough

I'm reading God is More than Enough by Tony Evans to review. He takes Psalm 23 and breaks it out how God is more than enough and how God will meet all one's needs, spiritual, directional, emotional, physical and eternal needs. This is not the review of it, because I'm not done reading it, but absolutely love how he lays it all out. 

He says we need to really truly grasp and commit to the first line of the psalm.  The Lord is my shepherd, defining who the Lord is, God, creator, sustainer and so much more, that he is my shepherd, that I am a sheep, that I'm dumb, defenseless and dirty and I need someone to look out after me. That I need to be still, to listen to him. That he will put me in situations so that I learn to be totally dependent on him and not self sufficient. That I need to be still, that he will restore me, give me rest.

This book is so rich. It has helped me with some things I've struggled with over these past 18 months, but I'm ready to say "Here I am Lord....." Lead me where you want me to go; I relinquish it all to you; I definitely need you my Good Shepherd guiding me".

And I think that is why that song, Awake My Soul, has been such a part of me the past few days. Awake my soul Lord. Glorify your name in me. I trust you know what is best. You already showed me how much you love me when you died for me. Help me to rely on you completely in everything thing I do..for you truly are worthy of it all.

Thank you Lord that you have awakened my soul.......You truly are awesome and I will trust in you......

Thursday, July 19, 2012

sheep and shepherds

Ezekiel 34:31

You, my sheep, the sheep of my pasture, are people, and I am your God declares the Sovereign Lord.

It is comforting Lord that you are my shepherd

and I am your sheep

I'm not a smart sheep, but sheep are not known to be smart

I need a shepherd who watches over me


and you are that shepherd

you boldly and proudly declare

you are my shepherd

I thank you for that

You aren't afraid to call me your sheep

You acknowledge me

you protect me

you lead me

I need to remember to listen to your voice

to know it well

in word

in prayer

to not venture out on my own

but to wait for your lead

on where I should go

thank you Jesus that you are the Good Shepherd

Friday, July 13, 2012

awake my soul

Awakening - by Chris Tomlin

In our hearts, Lord, in this nation
Holy Spirit, we desire

For You and You alone
Awake my soul, awake my soul and sing
For the world You love
Your will be done, let Your will be done in me

In Your presence, in Your power
For this moment, for this hour

For You and You alone
Awake my soul, awake my soul and sing
For the world You love
Your will be done, let Your will be done in me

For You and You alone
Awake my soul, awake my soul and sing
For the world You love
Your will be done, let Your will be done in me

Like the rising sun that shines
From the darkness comes a light
I hear Your voice and this is my

Like the rising sun that shines
From the darkness comes a light
I hear Your voice and this is my

Like the rising sun that shines
Awake my soul, awake my soul and sing
From the darkness comes a light
Awake my soul, awake my soul and sing

Like the rising sun that shines
Awake my soul, awake my soul and sing
Only You can raise a life
Awake my soul, awake my soul and sing

(awake my soul O Lord, awake my soul.........)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Freedom is you Lord
surrendering to your will
letting you take control
our desires you fulfill

true freedom comes in knowing you
seeking you with all our heart
spending time with you daily
giving you all of us, not just a part

I am free Jesus
because of the price you paid
thank you for going to the cross
and that freedom you gave

Monday, July 2, 2012

physical death

For Booksneeze, I'm currently reviewing What You Need to Know About Bible Prophecy by Max Anders. This isn't the book review because I'm not done with the book yet; still have four more chapters. Won't say much about the book until the review, except that it is a good book, but I read this tonight. I literally wanted to outline it in the book and tattoo it on my heart.....

From What You Need to Know About Bible Prophecy by Max Anders, page 126, (talking about death).

Physical death is merely the final outcome of living in a fallen world, for when Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden tree sin entered the world, and along with it both spiritual and physical death. But just as a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, Jesus said, so it will sprout again into new life. We must die so that sin can be eradicated and we can be physically born again to new life, just as we have been spiritually. It is through death that we are finally completed in our union with Christ (Romans 8:22-23). Physical death is a wonderful gift. Without it, we would have to live eternally in sin-corrupted bodies. So regardless of what causes our death, the actual process of dying is the closing of our eyes in this world and a moment later opening them in that far, far better world - a world where all that is not good is excluded and all that is good is included and where we will live with our Lord forever. No problem with that.

Is that awesome or isn't it? I just love how he describes death. I'm not "eager" to die just yet, but I need to physically die so I can get rid of this sin infested body and be with Jesus forever, for eternity, FOREVER!

It also helps to put into perspective deaths of loved ones. While I grieve their loss, they are no longer in that sin corrupted body. Those that believe in Jesus are with him forever.

So very comforting.

so very hopeful

Of course one must believe in Jesus and accept him as their Lord and Savior and acknowledge they are a sinner and that he died for their sins.

I believe in you Jesus; I know I will get to spend eternity with you.

When it is my time, I am so ready!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

I need

Lord I need your strength today
pour your blessings upon my life
calm my heart, soothe my thought
take away this strife

you say come to me
let me carry your load
I'm giving it to you today, Lord
I'm tired of kicking against the goad

Why today when all had been still
did thoughts twirl around my mind
why can't I be calm and wait
and be patient to seek what you find

control my words today Lord
help them to be encouraging ones
help me not to explode
be with me today under the sun

Be still my heart
wait on the Lord
cling to his promises
trust in his word

Friday, June 29, 2012


may your name be glorified
among all the people of this earth
may we sing of your glory
from the moment of our birth

may we see your wonder
and your beauty in our days
may we stop and take time daily
to come to you as we pray

may we never forget your promises
may we remember you keep your word
may we submit our lives comopletely
to you Jesus, our risen Lord!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

truly believe

We need to truly believe
that you are who you say you are
that you can move mountains
that you created this world speaking words
that you knit us together in our mothers' wombs
that you fed the thousands from a few loaves of bread
that you closed the lions' mouths
that you healed the sick, brought sight to the blind
that you parted the Red Sea, rained manna from heaven
that you raised Jesus from the dead
that you forgive our sins if we believe in Jesus
that you gave us eternal life for all eternity
that you are for us, not against us
that you keep your promises and your words
that you have never, and will never, forsake or abandon us

We need to remember all that
and so much more of who you are
and truly believe in you

and pray boldly
with confidence you hear our prayers
and wait expectantly
for your perfect timing and will
and believe you are the God of the impossible

how different our lives would be
if we truly believed

I'm going to start truly believing you Lord

you are who you say you are

boldly with confidence I believe you are more than capable to answer each and every prayer

for your glory and honor and to further your kingdom

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I praise you for I am fearfully made
I praise you for you store every tear
I praise you for you count every hair
You are with me, I have nothing to fear.

Why do I let worry and doubt
consume all my nights and days
Why can't I trust in your word
everything is truthful in what you say.

Guide me and lead me
show me the right road
help me to remember
you will carry my load.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

glory, glory, glory

glory, glory, glory
magnificient is his name
love and forgiveness
shout his fame

holy, holy, holy
is the Almighty Lord
truth and trustworthy
is his very word

mercy, mercy, mercy
he gives to one and all
we are all guilty
after the fall

mighty, mighty, mighty
is his strength and power
he is not weak
he is your strong tower

always and forever
he'll never let you go
trust in him, abide in him
he loves you and me so

thank you Lord

Monday, June 25, 2012


You sustain

You provide

You forgive

You love

You redeem

You protect

You guide

You lead

You comfort

You mourn

You rejoice

You heal

You are God

You are more than enough

You are my all

You are my hope

You are my joy

You are my peace

You are my contentment

You are my love

You are my Lord, my Saviour

You are everything to me

Thank you Lord!

be still

Be still and wait

Don't hurry through your prayer

Be quiet and wait

I have words to say to you.

Words of courage
Words of love
Words of hope
Words of compassion

If you rush, you won't hear them
if you worry, it will be hard
to trust in me and my timing
I am never wrong

Just wait and be still

I am fighting your battles

I know what you need

When you need it

Be still and wait
I am worth it

yes you are, Lord

yes you are!

audience of one

I keep searching and searching
to fill that spot up
to make my self complete, whole
but I'm still dissatisfied.

that spot will not be filled up
with food, with wine, with blogs
with relationships with people
for they will always leave me wanting.

Only one can fill that spot
only one can make me complete
only one can close in the gap
and that is you, Lord Jesus.

You are my audience of one
on how to live my life
not a full auditorium, standing room only
but only you watching my life.

Only you satisfy
only you bring peace
only you comfort
only you provide.

I will learn to play
to my audience of one
focusing on what really matters
and that is you Lord Jesus.