Monday, April 4, 2022


 This is Winslow, our (spoiled) corgi.  

Doesn't he look content? Or perhaps smug?  He is resting against my husband, his favorite.

As so many of you know, Winslow was not our first corgi.  Koda was.  They are so different, night and day.  But both loved and we will always miss Koda.  He is always in our hearts.

But I will leave you all with a cute story from one time I was walking Koda when we lived in Laguna Niguel (close to Laguna Beach).  

I was walking Koda in a neighborhood.  A girl of about 8-10 years old came out of her house on her way to school with her mom.  She shouted "oh my gosh, it's a beagle!" 

She thought Koda was a beagle.  

Pretty much every tri-colored corgi looks alike.  Some may be redheaded tri-colors like Koda or some with black hair in the forehead like Winslow, but I think corgis do look alike.  

So tell me, do you think Koda or Winslow look like a beagle? 

Bonus points if you had a beagle for a pet.  Let me know in the comments :)


  1. Winslow looks a lovely dog, I used to have a dog many years ago but had to part with her.
    I am not allowed pets where I live..... such a shame as they bring comfort into people's lives.

    1. So sorry you can't have a dog where you are living Yvonne. So true how much comfort they do bring to people, especially people living alone. Thanks for visiting :)


  2. Winslow looks pretty happy! Our dog, Max, is a Foxhound/Lab mix--and is tri-colored like a beagle, so I can kind of see the Beagle "resemblance" at a quick glance. Max had black hair on his muzzle and forehead when he was younger--a bit gray these days!

    1. I bet your dog is handsome! Thanks for visiting and have a great day!


  3. When I was very young we had a neighbor who lived across the street that raised beagles. I don't think Koda or Winslow look like a beagle at all.
    When I had my westie there was more than one person who called him a white Scottie

    1. I can see why someone would think a Westie was a white Scottie. I probably have done the same thing myself :)


  4. Corgis are so adorable! Corgi butts have their own following online for some reason...
    I currently have my second Old English Sheepie. The two of them really are different as night and day. Dogs have personalities...
    The Multicolored Diary

    1. True about corgi butts lol. I belong to a lot of Facebook groups with corgis and they do feature a lot of their behinds :) So true too that dogs have personalities. Thanks for visiting!


  5. I love Corgis and I do remember Koda! Beautiful dogs!

    1. They truly are beautiful! I know you did like Koda :) Have a great day!


  6. Nice to meet you, Winslow - and Betty!
    I don't think Corgis and Beagles look alike, but hey, the girl knew Koda was a dog, and she knew it wasn't a poodle or a shepherd ;-) So I guess, she wins. Sort of ;-)

    1. Thanks for visiting! So true that she did know Koda was a dog. I will give her the win indeed! Some people thought he was a miniature German Shepherd :)


  7. My brother had beagle long time ago. She was a very sweet dog. And maybe if I were 8 or 9, I might think corgis were just furrier looking beagles. Winslow looks the epitome of contentment.

    1. How sweet with your brother's beagle! I haven't known anyone that had a beagle for a pet but have obviously seen them out and about as we have walked our dogs. So true if one was young they might have "mistaken" a corgi for being a furrier beagle. Corgis do attract a lot of attention since they are so "unusual" looking with their short legs. I should have shown her more kindness in my portraying of the story :)


  8. I don't think Winslow looks like a beagle, but in the little girls defense, I don't know dog breeds very well and am always mixing them up much to my sister's dismay. And yes, Winslow looks like he has a good life.

    1. So true about dog breeds. She was probably so excited to see a "different" looking dog! I need to give her a bit more grace I think :) Winslow has a very good life :) Have a nice day!


  9. Hello, I'm Ludo, using my Mummy's blogger name.
    Winslow looks very nice. He's big, but not very much bigger than me, and most dogs are very very big. We share several colours, so obviously he's very handsome. I'm glad I found your blog today - it's the first I've been to with animals on it.
    Have a nice month with the A to Z.

    1. Hi Ludo; thanks for visiting! I'll be by to check out your blog later today :) I found a few other blogs with animals in it as part of the challenge and it has been fun to visit them :) I bet you are handsome too! Have a great day!


  10. And how did I guess 'C' would be Corgi! The only dog I get a kiss from is our neighbor's Beagle, 'Heidi'. You introduced us to Koda and now every Corgi we see, we think, KODA! He will live a long time in our hearts also.....

  11. Lol Jack,you know me too well. I bet Heidi is a sweetheart! Koda indeed was special. He will always live on in our memories!


  12. Well, I guess the coloring fooled that kid. But beagles are not furry! LOL! Our previous neighbor in at our last house had a beagle named Spanky. Honestly, he wasn't all that cute.

    1. In all fairness to her,I probably would not have known a corgi as a kid. It just struck me as funny because she yelled it so very loud. I can't remember if I corrected her or not. I probably did, knowing me. I used to get irritated a lot with walking Koda because everyone always wanted to pet him. He wasn't a mean dog but not as friendly as Winslow and I didn't want anyone to get bit, not that he ever bit someone. So I tried to avoid people if I could lol. Beagles have never been a favorite of mine to consider owning one.


  13. That's cute, the little girl thought he was a beagle! I do believe corgis are far cuter. Come to this of it, I'd never heard of them until I saw pictures of the Queen with hers. Our Grace loves to lay with her head on Tom's chest; there's something mighty precious about a boy and his dog. (LOL)

    1. I think that is when I noticed them too with pictures with the Queen. And I thought they were just tan ones. I was surprised to see the tri-color ones. Yep, our guys love their little furry children!


  14. No, they do not look like beagles. They look like the Queens dogs over the years.

    1. So true Debby! The little girl probably had never seen a corgi before and got confused.


  15. Awww, your Winslow is so beautiful! It´s so great to have a dog to pamper (and to spoil a bit) Mom has a beagle, but Puki is all white and brown, so he doesn´t look like your Winslow at all. Here he have 2 dog girls, both rescued from the same spot: Weissie, 4 years old, maybe half Dalmatian but with the spirit of a Chihuahua; and Natasha, 6 months old, maybe half boxer or Sharpei. In addition, we have a tabby siamese cat, Greta, almost 2 y/o and naughty as a puppy.

    1. You have a great assortment of animals. I bet they are fun to be around with their unique personalities!


  16. I haven’t ever had a beagle, but our neighbors did! I suppose a tricolor corgi might sort of look like a short legged beagle with a really short tail :-). Not sure how to figure a beagle has ears like a corgi though!

    1. I think the little girl was confused, lol. She was a bit excited too to see Koda. It seems corgis get a lot of attention, probably because of their short legs, long body and no tail :)


  17. Betty, thanks for the visit on 'B is for Beer." I'm also a Corgi—Pembroke Welsh—owner! "Toffee." "The T-Dog" "Toffee-town" Spoiled, though if she could talk, "starved to death." High Osprey season on "the rivah," so she's getting snacks on her walk!

    1. Tim, thanks for visiting here! How fun that you have a corgi too! They are so food driven! Someone told us that a corgi never forgets a food source and it is true! There are people who walk their dogs at the park Winslow gets walked at who have dog treats. He seems them a mile away and pulls on the leash to get there for his treat. I think every corgi is spoiled :)


  18. Winslow does look very content.
    It's so neat how they have their very own personality isn't it?
    I've never had a beagle, but our neighbors have one. I don't think she looks at all like a corgi. Both breeds are cute, but they don't look alike to me.

    1. It is cool that they all do have their own personalities. Would be a bit dull if they were all the same, right?


  19. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your dog looks happy. We have a Boykin Spaniel and they all look very much alike. He belonged to our daughter and son-in-law, but they were sent to Korea so he lives with us now. They're back stateside but the pup is staying here permanently. He loves the water and would run off the dock all day long. My daughter has toddlers and Boykins need a lot of attention so we all agreed this was the right place for him.

    1. Thanks for visiting back! I had to look up what a Boykin Spaniel was as I wasn't familiar with the breed. They are cute dogs! Seems like it is a good fit for you all to have the dog live with you :)


  20. No, I've never had a beagle for a pet, but we did have a long line of dogs and puppies while I was growing up, most of them mutts of some sort or another. Shep was the Collie that was quite old already when I was born. Sparky was my brother's dog who had a bad habit of chasing cows and sheep and cars and even the paper boy. I haven't been brave enough to have a dog here in the city/suburbs, but we did have a calico cat named Callie who lived for nearly 20 years while our children were growing up.

    1. That was a long life for a cat! My sister and her family have cats, I've never owned one (or don't they say cats own people?). Sparky sounds like he was a handful!


  21. Haaahaha no, I would never take a corgi for a beagle! I think they each have such distinctive looks. Winslow is precious and I'm sure Koda was too. Pets are so precious and wonderful. Our Andrew is getting ready to have Rambo put to sleep in the next few days. He is in the pit about it. It's a double-edged sword, the kind of love we give our pets. xoxo

    1. Oh I am so sorry to hear about Rambo. It is such a hard thing to do as a pet owner. I will say a prayer for them.


  22. Awww look how cute Winslow is! Every time I see a Corgi I think o him (and you!) I don't think he looks like a beagle. We did have a beagle when I was a little girl. His name was "Snoopy" but I was only about two or three and couldn't say Snoopy, so my Dad changed his name to "Spot." It was always a little confusing in my early memories because I remembered we had a dog named Snoopy and Spot and knew it was the same dog but he had two names. lol!

    1. LOL with Snoopy and Spot. That was kind of your father to change the name. I wonder how long it took Snoopy, now known as Spot, to adapt to his new name :)


  23. Corgis are so cute! When we bought our house over 23 years ago, my son was 3. The previous owners had a Corgi, and my son thought it came with the house! He was soooo disappointed that he was only left with the cat we brought with us (and who resented him every joining the family, as she was there first!).

    1. I never had a cat but I hear they can have unique personalities :) Corgis can be a handful and they are herding dogs. That corgi would have herded your then 3 year old and probably nipped at his heels (not out of wanting to hurt him but part of their very strong herding instincts :)


  24. Winslow looks adorable, and that is a great name for a Corgi.


    1. Thank you! His official AKC name is Winslow's Corner of Arizona since we live in Arizona. Think of the Eagles song "Take It Easy" when there is that line "I'm standing on a corner in Winslow Arizona etc". Our plan was to travel with Winslow and take pictures of him at different sites in Arizona and then put them on a YouTube channel with my husband's guitar playing behind it (he's an excellent guitarist). The problem is Winslow doesn't like car rides lol :) He's getting better but so far he can't go more than 20 minutes without squirming all around. So there went that plan :)

