Saturday, April 9, 2022


Okay, so I wasn't blogging this past Halloween and I confess, I was having difficulty coming up with an "H" letter for the A to Z challenge.  I did have something written for H but I moved it to R so that left me figuring out H and nothing came to mind until I started looking through pictures and saw Halloween pictures.  And since I wasn't blogging then, I thought I'd post about Halloween 2021 in April 2022.  

These are the pumpkins carved by son and his family.  My husband and me take the kids to the pumpkin patch to have them choose their pumpkins and one each for Mom and Dad then we all get together to carve pumpkins.  Since Halloween fell on a Sunday this past year, it was perfect to carve the pumpkins on Halloween.  We carved them in the afternoon so that they would be ready for the evening to light.

Starting left to right on the top row is the pumpkin my step granddaughter carved.  Next to it is my grandson's one.  Two years ago, the last time we carved them all together, he didn't want anything to do with carving but this year he got into the fun of getting out the pumpkin "guts" and using the knife that comes with the pumpkin carving kit to cut out his design.  He had to be helped a little bit but not bad for his first pumpkin!

The bottom row starting from the left is Bendy, the pumpkin my son carved.  Bendy is a character from Bendy and the Ink Machine.  I don't know much about it except grandson was really into it for a little bit, but not so much any more.  There were some video games of it and I think some cartoons??? Then next to Bendy is my DIL's one she did that obviously says Trick or Treat.

It was a fun time.  Actually they carve and hubby and me just hang out and help as needed. We had brought over brunch before we carved (stopped at a local restaurant and got food to go).  

My grandson was dressed as Spider Man.  His sister was dressed as a character from Among Us, another thing I don't know much about.  Grandson originally wanted to be Among Us for the costume but after the costume came (ordered from Amazon) and he saw how it was, he became claustrophobic in it.  His sister said she would give it a try.  I guess it inflates.  It was a warm evening and it was hot inside there so she only lasted about 30 minutes of trick or treating and she and my DIL came home.  Son and grandson stayed out for probably another hour or a half or so, having a blast trick or treating together.

There are only 205 days until Halloween 2022, but who is counting?  Are you? 


  1. Love the pumpkins and the costumes. I've never heard of Bendy or Among Us though. I'm out of the loop on that

    1. I'm out of the loop too. The "grands" tell me all about it but it really is too much to absorb for info and their interests change so quickly that by the time I understand one they have moved on to something different :)


  2. Halloween is picking up in India though we don't hav variety of love it

    That costume does look claustrophobic..when u say 205 days I realised how fast year is moving

    Gd day. Dropping by from a to z

    1. The year is moving by fast! The kids here get out of school in about 6 weeks and then summers tend to fly by so fast! It is interesting to hear that Halloween is picking up in India. Here I think it has bypassed Christmas with how much money is spent on decorating for it. Elaborate displays at some people's houses with inflatable pumpkins and the like.


  3. So funny to see your grandson wearing flip flops. Here, it’s always the worry of needing a winter coat that will cover up your costume!

    1. When I looked at the picture before I posted it, I did realize he was wearing flip flops. Not sure Spider Man would approve of that, lol :) Most Halloween nights since we have moved here have been at least in the low 80's if not warmer :)


  4. Cool costumes. A fun family activity to carve together. Haven't done that in years since my daughter was young. Don't remember a special carving knife, must be a new thing.

    1. I called it a special carving knife but it is the one that comes with the pumpkin decorating kits. It is serrated but not as sharp as a regular serrated knife, thus safer for young ones to use :) It was amazing how many cool costumes came to the door last Halloween for trick or treating. Lots of creativity out there (and money spent :)


  5. Those are awesome pumpkins. I love Halloween!

    1. Thanks Lori! I think the best thing I like about Halloween is the trick or treat candy we get. We always get way too much for the amount of trick or treaters that come by and we always buy our favorite candy :)


  6. Among who? Us? Never heard of it either. We have a lot of great memories of Halloween when our kids were growing up.

    1. I'm with you with Among Us. I can't keep up with everything out there these days. My step granddaughter is 16 and my grandson is 6 so a lot of times he gets involved with things she likes which might be too mature for him at the time, but as I'm not the parent I have not much say in it, lol. I think Among Us involves aliens, maybe? I too have fond memories of Halloween with my kids so it is fun to relive them now with the grands :)


  7. Those carvings are mighty creative! Aside from a few years ago at Legacy (inter-department competition), I've never tried carving a pumpkin. Given my revulsion, it's probably the last time!

    1. LOL, Myra :) Up until about 3 years ago, DIL hadn't carved a pumpkin before :) I did see a YouTube video on how simple it is to remove the "guts" on a pumpkin. Everyone tends to cut the pumpkin at the top, but this video had it cut at the bottom. That way I think it is easier to remove the seeds, etc. We didn't try it that way this past Halloween. Maybe next Halloween, who knows?


  8. I smile when I see the originality or Pumpkin carvings now. Funny that as a kid about the only differences in jack-o-lanterns was a different mouth. Now they are amazing. Good one!!!~

    1. That is so true, Jack, that the pumpkins from "days gone by" were very simply carved. So many more elaborate ones these days!


  9. I am enjoying visiting Halloween in April and love seeing the glowing pumpkins. I have seen some of those inflatable costumes and thought they would be hot, and I guess I was right.

    1. Thanks :) It was amazing to see some costumes that came to the door too for trick or treating. A lot had huge big character masks like they would have at Disneyland and the like. There were a group of high schoolers that came as Goldilocks and the 3 Bears. The 3 bears had to be hot in their costumes!


  10. If July can be Christmas in July because it's halfway there, April is halfway to Halloween so why not do a Halloween post in April? It's tons of fun carving pumpkins with children, i do remember those days.

    That costume is fascinating and i know it would be very hot, i don't think i'd last long in it, either.

    1. I like your reasoning lol. And yes I wouldn't last long in that costume either especially on a warm day. Thanks for visiting!


  11. I am not counting down to Halloween! Kids in my neighborhood don't trick or treat and that is okay. I was never big on it.

    1. I have a friend who loves Halloween and goes all out with decorating for it. She has countdowns to it on her Facebook page. I can take it or leave it but enjoy the time with family doing the pumpkins. Thanks for visiting.


  12. Love the carved pumpkins. In Australia Halloween isn't nearly as huge but I did carve a pumpkin once. It was fun but not nearly as good as yours.

    1. It is a fun activity for carving pumpkins. Glad you got to try it once!


  13. Halloween is gradually becoming bigger here in the UK but of course the last two years have been different. I'm sure 2022 will see a big increase in trick or treat and now we have grandkids it's more fun.

    1. Grand kids are the best to see in their eyes the wonder of the different holidays/celebrations! People in the States spend a lot on Halloween decorations. It has taken over as the number one holiday for decorating over Christmas which I find amazing. Thanks for visiting!


  14. I have friends who love Halloween and costuming. My daughter and granddaughter are right into in it, too. They go to the thrift store and buy stuff then turn it into unique costumes.

    1. That is neat that your daughter and granddaughter design and make their own costumes from thrift store finds! I like the creativity in that!


  15. I've never carved a pumpkin before!

    Halloween is not celebrated over here but I love the idea of costuming and trick-and-treating.

    Happy Sunday, Betty!

    1. That is interesting to hear, Veronica, that Halloween is not celebrated there. It is a "weird" holiday. I have mixed feelings about it. Carving of the pumpkins is a fun thing though!

      Happy day to you too!


  16. Great pictures and I love the pumpkins. We love Halloween here. Yes, we are counting down and have already started talking about our Halloween decorations. We usually start setting up in August/September and it will be here before we know it.

    1. I hope the weather cooperates for you guys this year, Mellie, and no hurricane decides to come through your area! I have a friend who lives in Fresno who loves Halloween too. She is counting down the days on her Facebook page. They put up an elaborate display in their front yard and her grown kids dress up as spooks and the like and "scare" kids who come by for trick or treating. And so true, it will be here before we know it!


  17. Cute! I always enjoyed Halloween as a kid and then when we had kids at home. I've seen those inflatable costumes and wondered what it's like to be inside one.

    1. And now you know it is hot inside of those inflatable costumes! At least in Phoenix Arizona :) Now where you live, that might be a good thing to wear on some Halloweens! I do like to see the kids who come to the door for trick or treating and what costumes they wear. I like too when the teens come. They are usually more polite than the younger kids :)


  18. Lots of kiddos have sensory issues with pumpkin guts - me, included! What a fun tradition your family has!

    1. That would be a problem with sensory issues and pumpkin guts. It is almost like the pumpkins should come all empty outside. Makes it easier than for carving :) Of course painting a pumpkin that has not had its guts removed could be a substitute perhaps :) Thanks for visiting!


  19. What a talented group of kids. I've never carved a pumpkin. And when I was a kid I only went trick or treating once. I did not like it. I like Halloween. Not the scary movies and fright fests but the fun stuff with my niece and nephew. Of course watching It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown.

    1. I kind of thought and still think that trick or treating is just a little weird. We tell our kids not to take candy from a stranger and then we send them to a stranger's house to get candy on Halloween. I too like It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. We would watch it yearly when my kids were growing up :)


  20. The pumpkins came out awesome! We live out in the sticks, lol, so never get any trick or treaters on Halloween. I do still like to decorate a bit, including carving pumpkins. My partner and I get candy for ourselves, and usually spend the evening watching scary movies. It's a lot of fun, although pretty laid back I must admit.

    1. That sounds like a fub way to spend Halloween. We akways buy our favorite candy and hope we don't get many trick or treaters lol so we can have it ourselves.


  21. I am totally counting! Halloween is my favorite holiday. Thanks for stopping by!

    The Other Side | The A to Z of Conspiracy Theories

  22. Thanks for stopping by too! It is a fun holiday! I was surprised how many days it was until Halloween. It will be here before we know it.


  23. The pumpkins look great!

    I can see where that costume would get hot. I didn't think about how hot it must be in some costumes there. It's iffy here (sometimes hot, sometimes cold), but I imagine there you need to plan on it being hot.

    1. Yep in Arizona that is always a consideration with the heat. One year the last time the kids swam was the weekend before Halloween. 95 degrees outside though the pool water was 78 degrees. Too cold for me!!


  24. Those pumpkin carvings are pretty great! I have never heard of any of those characters except, of course, Spider Man. I don't do Halloween at all but in October I do put a hearse and some skeletons and skulls on my table, haaahaha! xoxo

    1. That is too funny Jenny. I have a love/hate relationship with Halloween. I would rather avoid it but the secular people in my family enjoy it so I put up with it. Secular would be my son and his family but I keep praying.


  25. The last halloween we had before the pandemic , my son was dressed as a pirate and my little girl as a flower fairy. Have had no Halloween dress up after that... we dont have a big holiday like the US but many do for fun

    Jayashree writes

    1. I bet those were cute costumes! It is a fun holiday! Maybe one day your kids will get to dress up again.


  26. The pumpkins look great and I love their costumes too! Sounds like a good Halloween.

    1. It was fun! Last night we dyed Easter eggs. Five dozen of them as hubby's brother and SIL were in town and came over for the dying. They hadn't colored eggs in years lol. It was a fun time.


  27. I do love the colors of Halloween and the fun.
