Wednesday, April 20, 2022


Long time readers of my blog will know that quail is my favorite bird.  I've used Quail for A/Z in the past but not on this blog.  Some of these pictures (and stories) will be familiar to those long time readers.  

When we lived in Prescott, Arizona, which is in the high country at 5500 feet elevation, we lived in a homeowner's association rental house.  There was a lot of open "wildlife" area around us and we did get the occasional wildlife like javelinas and snakes and quail.  Now quail can also live in a city like Phoenix, but because there were no brick walls and plenty of open space, it was a great place for them, especially with all the shrubs and bushes there.

I would see quail in my walks around the neighborhood but I had not seen any baby quail.  One day I was praying and at the end of the prayer, I said to God "I really wish I would see some baby quail but I know it is probably late in the season (it was July) so that's okay if I don't."  Then I started to clean the kitchen.  Our kitchen had a big window that looked out into an open area of rocks and bushes and the like.

I kid you not.  Something caught my eye as I was cleaning and I looked out the window.  On the rocks were baby quail.  Lots of baby quail.  

I went to grab my camera to take pictures and then they started walking towards the patio, right by the window where I was taking the pictures.  They stayed there for a few minutes then took off with their parents.  I was shaking because I was amazed at seeing them and knew it was definitely a gift from God.  

Crossing the street right in front of our house.  There were 17 babies in this family.  Mom and Dad Quail took really good care of them. 

This is not all of them, but these are the same quail family that came to visit when they were babies.  We fed the birds a lot when we lived there in Prescott and the quail would come often to feed.  You'll notice the lighter color one in the bunch.  That one always fascinated me when they came to visit. 

I shared a lot of pictures on  blog at that time of the quail.  I'm sure readers were getting tired of seeing them all.  I never got tired of watching the quail and always enjoyed when they came to visit.  They taught me a lesson about patience and waiting.  

If they sensed danger, they would all scuttle under a bush or shrub and just wait until the danger had passed.  They basically didn't move the entire time.  One time I watched for 45 minutes while they just waited until it was safe to move.  

It taught me I have to be patient and wait for God for his timing for prayers to be answered that I have prayed.  And sometimes I might just have to be still while I'm waiting for those prayers to be answered and not take matters into my own hands.

We stayed a total of 15 months in Prescott and I saw many a quail while there.  We moved to Phoenix and though I have seen quail here, it wasn't the same as having our own quail family come to visit.  However, we moved closer to family and to our grandson who was born 6 weeks before we moved here.  His birth was a great gift from God too.  


  1. What adorable quail chicks! Most years we have families of quail in our suburban neighborhood with lots of trees and shrubs for them. I love watching the families grow during the summer, and hope that the neighborhood kitties will leave them be. Thanks for sharing!

    1. We used to see quail when we lived in Southern California and we also knew there were snakes in the area. I worried about the snakes getting them too.


  2. Prayers do get answered I suppose ..........Am glad u get to see them quite often. Cute quails !

    Dropping by from a to z "The Pensive"

    1. Prayers do get answered, I do believe :) They are cute birds. Always fun to watch :)


  3. Quails are common in south India too. I often hear their typical chirps. But difficult to spot!

    1. That is interesting. I didn't know that. Hope you get to spot one some time. Thanks for visiting :)


  4. What a special gift. How cute they are too.

    1. They are so adorable. I never got tired of looking at them or taking pictures of them. Leaving them was the hardest part of that move, lol :)


  5. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a quail. We get lots of robins, cardinals, blue jays, sparrows, wrens, tufted titmouse, and chickadees here. And woodpeckers. My favorite bird to see is the pileated woodpecker who Woody is modeled after.

    1. I have never seen a cardinal and I'm not sure I would know what a tufted titmouse is. I'll have to google that and see. We have woodpeckers here but I'm not sure what type. Again I'll google pileated woodpeckers to see what they look like. We do have a very noisy woodpecker here that sounds like a jack hammer some mornings :)


  6. One of my favorite birds as well! We usually do not get to see them unless we are in Arizona, but I did see a few in Oregon a few months ago!

    1. Wow, that is cool you saw them in Oregon! I have also seen them in Southern California :) Love these little birds!


  7. The babies are so cute! And that's a huge family of them!

    1. That was a big family! And the mom and dad kept track of them all! I used to freak out when I had 4 kids to watch at a field trip lol :)


  8. I wondered about this letter, I was very surprised and amazed at the quail there. Here very seldom are they seen. BUT many times as a kid I have scared up covey and the noise jerked my little heart awake. I even tried raising quail once but learned real quick my cocker Spaniel, Ace, loved birds! I did not know he descended from bird dogs. LOL This one was a delight, great shots. ;-)

    1. I think most dogs might like birds, lol. I know Winslow likes to chase them when he can :)


  9. Look at all those little quail!! I must admit my breath hitched in my throat at the picture of them crossing the street. *lol* Absolutely darling!! ~Andrea xoxo

    1. Thankfully it was not a busy street and I was out there taking pictures so I would have intervened if I had to :)


  10. I remember when you were photographing and sharing the Quail family! Yes, God answers all our prayers no matter how small they may seem.

    1. LOL, Myra, you were subjected to all the pictures I took lol :) Love that God does answer our prayers :)


  11. Oh my word Betty, what a wonderful story! You could get an entire Sunday School lesson from that! Lessons in prayer and faith and resting in God, and so much more! How precious of the Lord to answer your prayer, and then to answer it so fully, and keep answering it. He loves us! He loves us, his children, more than we can imagine. Thank you for sharing this and I hope you see a quail today! xoxo

    1. Thank you Jenny! So true how much the Lord loves us! He showed, of course, His immense love to us with Jesus but he also likes to shower us with blessings! I just don't get why some people would not want to have a relationship with him. I didn't see a quail (yet) today. Not usually in my neighborhood now. Sometimes when we go on car rides we'll see some.


  12. First, congrats on the birth of your grandson.
    Q for quail is a great choice. I saw my first quail eggs last summer. They were a curious looking little egg.

    Stopping in from A to Z:

    1. Thank you :) He's six years old now :) When we lived in Prescott it was 2015; probably should have written that in the post :) I have not seen quail eggs. Sometimes I see quail on menus. I'm horrified when I do! Thank you for visiting :)


  13. I have never seen quail in the wild, although they are present here. What a wonderful gift to see the baby quail. And 17!? Is that typical for quail?

    1. I'm not sure if 17 is typical. We also had a family of 4 babies that came by but not as often as this family of 17. Mom and dad really took care of them. They would have to go and find one or two that went running off and the others would stay in place while they did so.


  14. That is awesome that you got to see quail like that! I remember being at the State Fair a few years ago and they had a whole display of newly hatched quail! They were the cutest little things I've ever seen! I'm glad you got to take so many pictures of them!

    1. I think every other picture I took that year was of the quail. My best picture of them was we had a hanging bird feeder and one got up on the ledge of that (which was unusual to see them flying). I bet those baby quail you saw were so adorable too!


  15. What a beautiful gift! I've never seen quail, some wild turkeys, but not quail.

    1. Haven't seen wild turkeys. I think they would scare me if I did :) Thanks for visiting :)


  16. I love the one with all of them marching across the road...

  17. I remember you posting about the quail. The pictures are always a joy to see. Yes, your grandson was the most precious gift from God.

    1. Just like James is the precious gift from God for you and your family, Debby :) Do you see many quail where you live? We used to see some when we lived in Murietta.


  18. How cool it must have been to see so many quail. Birds are a lot smarter than people give them credit for and I believe they can sense things. I can't say we have quail down here as I don't think I've ever seen any. Mourning doves and pigeons are all over though.

    1. It was such a fun time with the quail when we lived in Prescott. I literally spent hours watching them when I could. We have pigeons here in Phoenix. They are not my favorite birds lol :)


  19. I love Quail! And who doesn't love a precious new life? Wonderful post!
