Saturday, April 23, 2022


Where I work, I think several years back they had a turkey decorating contest for the different departments.  I'm thinking it had to be probably for Thanksgiving 2019 because Thanksgiving 2020 was the first year of the pandemic and by Thanksgiving 2021 I was already working there and the turkeys were already on display.  

From what I can gather by looking at the turkeys, there was a wooden board that represented a turkey with its feathers out and then the different departments decorated them as they saw fit.  

Quite an assortment of creativity as you can see below. 

My favorite is Superman. 

 Do you have a favorite?

More importantly, do you like turkey on Thanksgiving? I like turkey pretty much any time of year.  Funny, we rarely have turkey on Thanksgiving and I haven't cooked a whole turkey in years.  We usually do a turkey breast sometime in the year when we have son/family over for dinner. 


  1. I like the minion one as I love watching Despicable me! My daughter would go bonkers over the frozen one :) Thtas a fun thing to do at work place. Wish u again get a chance to enjoy like that

    Dropping by from a to z "The Pensive"

    1. The minion one is a cute one :) That was a fun thing for the work place to do. With more people coming back to the office next month, they might start doing fun things like this again.


  2. My favorite is the frozen turkey. I do love turkey any time of year. I used to cook one every year for Thanksgiving but my daughter took over the duty several years ago. It's nice not having to do all the work.

    1. So true not to have to do the work! There is a lot of preparation to get the bird in the oven. Glad your daughter is willing to do it! The Frozen turkey certainly is a hit here!


  3. It's hard to pick a favorite, but I'll choose the Mae West turkey. Turkey is oka,y and we usually have it on Thanksgiving-especially if we are getting together with other family.

    1. I know, there are so many cute ones it is hard to come up with a favorite. These days it is usually just my hubby and me for Thanksgiving but one year I'm going to have to make a whole turkey again just for the "fun" of it.


  4. They are all cute, but the Frozen turkey is funny with the hair. I have never been a turkey fan because it tastes gamey to me, but my husband loves it. He always cooks a big bird for Thanksgiving along with a breast because he wants his leftovers. I prefer the stuffing!

    1. The Frozen one is definitely a "crowd" favorite here on the blog :) Next time I have turkey I'll have to see if I get a gamey taste to it. I remember growing up my mom making a turkey for Thanksgiving with homemade stuffing and always in a rush to make sure it got into the oven by a certain time so it would be ready by a certain time. If I make a turkey I go the "easy" way and do Stove Top stuffing lol. But stuffings are always delicious! Son spent a Thanksgiving with a friend whose mom put apples into her stuffing mix.


    2. Yes! I make mine in the crockpot with apples and dried cranberries. It’s yummy!

    3. So now I need a recipe, lol. It sounds very yummy! I never have made stuffing in a crock pot before!


  5. They are SO cute!
    We always have a whole turkey on Thanksgiving even if it is just the two of us. I love to make Brunswick stew with the left overs and stock the freezer with it for the winter. I usually cook a bone in turkey breast a few times throughout the year also.
    Have a wonderful Saturday!!

    1. I wasn't familiar with Brunswick stew so I googled it. Oh my gosh, it sounds delicious! I like the turkey breasts throughout the year also. Sometimes when we have son/family over we'll do a "Thanksgiving in summer" type of meal with the turkey breast, stuffing and the usual holiday fixings :)

      Enjoy your Saturday also!


  6. SO creative! Even tho' I've not seen the movie, I'm going with Frozen turkey. Question: How do y'all do your turkey breast? I saw something on line that everyone was raving about -- doing it in the slow cooker with cranberry. So bad, we wound up throwing it in the trash.

    1. Everyone seems to like the Frozen one :) Hubby puts a lot of spices on the turkey breast and then it goes into the crock pot for slow cooking. That cranberry sounds a bit odd to use. I can see why it would end up in the trash. I know he will use garlic powder, salt (Mrs. Dash now), pepper, hickory liquid smoke for sure. We put it in the crock pot about 9 a.m. and it is ready by 6 p.m.


  7. Oh what cherry little decorations those turkeys are! So festive!! Yes, we like turkey but never make one during the year other than at Thanksgiving. I do like the turkey rolls though & make one of those at least once during the year too. ~Andrea xoxo

    1. LOL, Andrea, cheery for sure! We have had turkey rolls too which are tasty :)


  8. Wow, they are very talented. I like turkey lunch meats but not baked because I find turkey to be tougher meat than chicken.

    1. Yes indeed, very talented! I hadn't thought of it that way, but you are right, turkey is a tougher meat than chicken even slow cooked in a crock pot which is how I'll make a turkey breast.


  9. I think the Frozen turkey is super cute!

    1. That is a cute one and so far has the most likes here in the comments :) A lot of creative people with cute ideas!


  10. Oh yes I love turkey and we have a big one every Thanksgiving! I love the smell of it cooking! Those decorated turkeys are pretty clever! xoxo

    1. It is delicious when it is cooking indeed! I would imagine for your family celebrations you would have a big one! I thought those turkeys were cute at work.


  11. That sounds like fun. I think the regular looking turkey is nice but I'm drawn to Superman.

    1. There we go! It was marked as spam by Blogger. I got into my comments on Blogger and saw it there. Clicked on it and had to say it wasn't spam. Now why it was marked as spam, I have no idea!!

      I like Superman too! They are all cute and it looked like it was a fun thing to do with the organization. There were several more I didn't feature because it had the name of the company I work for and I didn't want that in a public forum like a blog :)


  12. Testing to see if this shows up on your blog?

    1. Yes, this showed up! Weird about the other one!


  13. I love Turkey. I have a friend I have known since I was 17. He had many jobs until now, but his favorite was raising Turkeys. I did not know until two years ago that he could not eat chicken, an incident in his child hood hakes it revolting. He loves to eat turkey. Strange to me....
    good post I like all the decorations and the idea... ;-)

    1. Funny about your friend liking turkey but not chicken since they are so closely related. It is good that he could distinguish between the two but that incident from childhood must have made a very lasting impression. My mom talked about watching her mom wring the neck of a chicken she would be cooking and how my mom didn't like watching the chicken walking around with no head on it for a bit. Those decorations did bring a smile to my face when I saw them and continue to brighten up the office!


  14. I like the first one best.

    I like turkey a lot! We always have turkey on Thanksgiving. I'm always happy to have turkey.

    1. That one certainly is colorful. I knew you would like turkey because of your love of Thanksgiving :)


  15. I just love those turkeys all dressed up - my favorite is the aqua one! Such a great idea.

    1. It was a very creative great idea!! I hope once more people start coming back into the office they do something like this again!


  16. What a fun idea. So much creativity. I love the female turkey with the hair! Turkey is my least favorite part of the traditional Thanksgiving meal; but we've not had it for 2 years. We did not gather with family for the last 2 years and so didn't do the traditional meal. We did pork tenderloin instead. Hubby, daughter and I all love pork tenderloin. Aside from turkey slices that hubby sometimes like for a sandwich...I never buy it, cook it, or eat it.

    1. Definitely so much creativity! I like when people do different foods for Thanksgiving. When the kids were still at home every year we would decide what we wanted to eat for Thanksgiving. Often it was something totally different than turkey. Pork tenderloins are really good too!


  17. These are so cute! I love Frozen Turkey.

    1. They are very cute and creative! Frozen is a popular one on this post :) Thanks for visiting :)


  18. Cute! I think my favorite is Frozen - Elsa?
    I do like turkey and make it for Thanksgiving. But like you, that's about it and usually just the breast.. I think I might try a spatchcock next time if we have enough eaters.

    1. LOL; I had to google spatchcock because I never heard that term before. I have never spatchcocked a turkey, but my brother did it one time with Cornish game hens and then barbecued them. They were delicious. I would imagine the same thing would be of a turkey! Elsa is correct and Frozen was the big winner on this blog post :) I like the dark meat on the thigh but hubby is not a fan of that. So that's why we stick with the breast :)


  19. Those are so cute and creative! I like the Elsa themed one. I will eat turkey but it's not something I think about making other than for holidays. I actually have a frozen turkey in the freezer I need to get out and cook. I got several turkeys for free around Thanksgiving, so I saved one for later. Later hasn't come yet though. lol! Maybe I will do a "Christmas/Holiday dinner" during the summer and cook it then.

    1. Elsa seems to be the winner here, lol :) I remember one year the grocery stores were giving out free turkeys if you spent a certain amount of money. I remember having 4 turkeys in the freezer, lol. Who could pass up a free one, right? We did eventually cook them all. Sometimes I will put a turkey breast in the crock pot and make stuffing and other holiday dishes and we'll have that for a meal in the spring or summer :)


  20. Oh how I remember decorating paper plates.

    1. Me too now that you mentioned it :) Thanks for stopping by :)


  21. Love them all but if I have to choose a favourite, it's the "cow turkey"!! How adorable!

    We don't celebrate Thanksgiving over here but our Chinese New Year reunion dinner is quite similar.

    1. The cow one is indeed cute. How neat with your Chinese New Year reunion dinner. Anything with delicious food and being together with loved ones is a great thing I do believe.


  22. "Frozen Turkey" :) The play on words is hysterical.

    1. It is, isn't it? I heard today at work that at Halloween sometimes they would have this great big pirate ship in a center part of the office. People would bring in things for "buried treasure" and the like. Sounded like a fun group until Covid hit and everyone got sent home.

