Monday, April 18, 2022

Old Maid

This is a silly one......

I like going to estate sales.  Mainly to look at the houses where the sales are being held.  I rarely buy something but I'm always on the lookout for perhaps toys or cute things to share with the grandson.

A few months back we went to an estate sale and I bought 2 card games.  Old Maid and Fish.  I tucked them away in the glove compartment after the sale and totally forgot about them until a few weeks ago.

I thought it would be fun to play both games with the grandson and his sister.  I figured she or me could help him until he caught on to the game.  He is pretty sharp in picking up age appropriate games.

While Old Maid may be an age appropriate game, this deck of characters certainly didn't seem age appropriate!  Take a look. 

Here is the box it came in . Looks pretty innocent with an elderly woman on it.

However, some of these characters are a little questionable in my opinion for a 6 year old as far as age appropriate.  I'm not sure he would know what a lecturer was or an aviator.

But what made me decide that perhaps this was not the right game at this time in his life was Nurse Rose.  She looks a little "loose" to me if you get what I'm saying.

What do you think?

Would you play this particular stack of cards with a 6 year old for Old Maid? I'm putting it away for a few years.  Thankfully it only cost 50 cents.  Lesson learned.  Look at the cards in a card game before purchasing the game.


  1. Ya the characters seem funny Nd riddiculous. Inappropriate fora 6 yo :) that nurse pic made me laugh! Once i saw a poem which had many hidden meanings not suitable for a toddler. There r many such instances...

    1. So true there are many instances of things not appropriate for young children. I did laugh when I saw Nurse Rose. A bit odd she is!


    2. So true. That is a great word to describe the deck :) Thanks for visiting :)


  2. I’ve never even heard of a Charlady or a Boom Stick! I’m wondering if this deck is from a different country? Plus, it has to be from decades ago because it’s so discriminatory. Look at the occupations for women! I’d throw it in the recycling bin. So weird! Lol!

    1. It might be from a different country. I am going to google it and see if anything shows up. Might be worth some money (probably not lol). Going into the recycling bin sounds like a great option. Glad I didn't spend a lot of money on it.


  3. The nurse definitely looks 'loose'. Glad you put the deck away!

    Hopping in from the A-Z community,

    1. Yes, I'm glad I looked at the deck before I brought it out to play with my grandson!


  4. My first thought when I saw the Nurse Rose card was it must have been drawn by a man.

    1. Good call! I didn't think of that but it does fit her stereotype for sure!


  5. The deck looks a bit dated and not full of images that are acceptable by today's standards. Since it's a matching deck, I'd just take out the pairs you don't like and play with the rest.

    1. So true about the deck being a bit dated. I should google and see if I find it. But defintely the images are not acceptable with today's standards. Good idea to take out those I object to and leave the rest for the game :)


  6. I've heard this card game but never played. Nurse Rose looks like she might be posing for Cameraman Alan of a certain kind of industry.

    1. I remember playing Old Maid when I was growing up and then with my kids but the characters were more family friendly, lol. So true about Nurse Rose!


  7. It's funny how a lot of things from the 80's on back are not 'politically correct' now. Times change for sure.
    Have a great Monday Betty!!

    1. So true, Lori. I didn't even think it could be from the 80s, but it would make sense from an estate sale. You too have a great Monday!


  8. The characters seem very gender stereotyped. I probably wouldn't play it with a six year old for that reason alone.

    1. Totally agree Danielle! Certainly odd to say the least!


  9. I don't think I would play the game with him at any age. It's not sexually appropriate it seems given today's standards. I also dislike the idea of old maid when playing with your granddaughter. It's a game I've not thought about in years, you've jogged my memory for sure.

    1. So true. I didn't think of it that way when I got the game. I just remembered the fun of playing it with my kids. May be I am just weird.


  10. Good grief! I was stuck on Secretary Lily and Dancer Nell, haaahahaha! That'd be a hard pass from me where a six-year-old boy was concerned. What were they thinking? We stick with UNO and Dutch Blitz for Dagny! xoxo

    1. I have to see what Dutch Blitz is. Never heard of it. Yep, i think this deck is going into the trash but I did have a good laugh with it. I think I will take it next time I see my son/ DIL. they might enjoy the laugh too. Or I just have a sick humor lol.


  11. My sisters and I used to play Old Maid when I was about six too. Looking back, the characters were stereotypical and sexist though we were to young to know then. Isn't the term old maid considered derogatory these days?

    Hope you had a wonderful Easter, Betty.

    1. So true the term would be derogatory these days. My mom used to refer herself as an old maid since she got married on her 30s when all get friends got married in their 20s lol. I bet I wouldn't be able to find an old maid card game in the stores these days. I had a great Easter. Hope you did too!


    2. The word "spinster" is politically incorrect too these days. I think "single lady" is the accepted word.

      Happy Tuesday, Betty.

    3. It is funny that I saw plenty oh Old Maid card games for sale on Amazon yesterday when I looked. I guess there for money it is still politically correct to use the term Old Maid lol. I didn't buy any games though. Enjoy your day too Veronica.


  12. Hi Betty. I used to love these kind of card games when i was a child and never noticed the appalling sexist imagery. 50 books is a good target for a year. When I started my blog it was pushed along by a challenge to read 52 books in 52 weeks and I have never looked back (though some years I have not managed that many).

    1. I am sure this deck is not how the game really should be played. I remember with my kids the cards were more appropriate. This is such a weird deck of them. Good for you for the goal of 52 books a year. It is something to strive for. Thanks for visiting,


  13. You sure kicked in some memories with this one. LOL From the first coast.... ;-)

    1. Lol Jack. I hope they were good memories.


  14. I'm sure I played Old Maid when I was little, but had the cards looked like these there's no way my father would let them in the house. I figure someone with a warped sense of humor must have made those. I wonder how they would feel if it were their own children, nieces or nephews?

    1. That is so true Myra. I had not though of that. Imagine getting them as a gift. At least I looked at these before trying to play with them. Maybe some type of a silly gag gift? Just weird.


  15. Well, that must be an Old Maid version for adults! I'm sure there is a child's version out there somewhere if you really want to play the game with him! I love going to Estate sales too just to look inside the houses! I was at one in a 1.5 million dollar house last summer!

    1. I am thinking so too. It certainly was unique. Wow with the house you went to for tge estate sale. That would have been great to see.


  16. Oh we used to play that when the kids were little!

    1. I did too with my kids! Not with this deck though lol.


  17. Ooh, brings back memories. Old Maid was the first card game I had that was my very own. HA,this set looks a bit dated a.k.a. sexist!

    1. I need to look on eTSY and see if it is listed there as vintage, lol. What surprised me was Old Maid is still available to buy as a card game from Amazon and the like. One set I saw had normal character cards like ballerina. If they changed the name to be more politically correct these days, I'm sure "Odd Man Out" wouldn't work either :)


  18. I find this very interesting about the game. Gosh we played as kids, are these the same cards we played with? She is a bit sexy!!!

    1. I don't remember the cards like this deck. I remember them being kid friendlier and professions kids would know. Certainly an odd deck this one is.


  19. Yeah, I'd for sure play the cards with my grandchildren. A 6 year old wouldn't think anything was wrong & wouldn't understand what a "loose nurse" was anyway. *haha* But you're right... these sure are different than the Old Maid cards from the 1950s. It seems like I've got a deck similar to these in the game closet. My grandgirls and I laughed about the pictures. ~Andrea xoxo

    1. I remember playing Old Maid with my kids but I don't remember the deck being so crazy like this one :) They were funny pictures with this deck and good for a blog post :)


  20. I'd forgotten all about those games. My Dad used to play card games with me all the time. My girls play Uno and that's about it. I don't remember what my deck of cards looked like. I do think some of those characters are strange for a kid's game but I bet it was done on purpose.

    1. I used to know a lot of card games growing up but I've forgotten a lot of them. I did play Old Maid with my kids but the deck was "normal." These are just so odd/weird to me :) We like Uno too here :)


  21. When Youngest was maybe 6 he saw a therapist, during one visit she pulled out the Jenga game that she got at a yard sale to play with him, and saw (as they were playing) that the blocks said "Drink 2" and "chug". HAHAHAHA! Thankfully we were friends so they had a nice time playing jenga and the next week they decided they'd paint over them.

    You never know what you're going to get. Youngest came home on Saturday with a standing AC unit. Not sure what he plans to do with it since we have central air, but hey, it's his find.

    1. The standing AC unit could come in handy if the central air goes out, lol :) I didn't realize there were words on Jenga. I've never played it lol. But that is funny about the incident with the therapist and Youngest. I bet she was a bit embarrassed about it but handled it great to paint over the blocks :)


  22. Some very strange images there but what I noticed was the gender bias in them. I wouldn’t use them at all for both reasons,

    1. So true with the gender bias .I hadn't caught that before. The deck of cards made for a great post for A/Z but I think they will be going into the trash soon :)

