Monday, April 25, 2022


It is sad that the war in Ukraine has gone on for about 2 months now.  Many prayers continue to be said for the conflict to be resolved and for the fighting to cease.  So many innocent lives lost.  So much property destroyed.  Sadly, a brutal man committed a senseless act.  Sadly, he is not the first brutal man to commit a senseless act and he won't be the last brutal man to commit a senseless act.

Shortly after the war started, there was a local story here about a small business owner who had a store that sold products from both Russia and Ukraine.  He was worried that business would fall away as people would not want to come in to support products made in Russia or if people would not want to come into the store to support such a store.  He was also worried that he might not get the shipments he needed from those countries due to the conflict going on.  He was trying to make a living, supporting his family.  He had nothing to do with the decision of Putin to start the war.  We felt we should go and visit the store, as we didn't even know such a store existed in our area, and buy something in support of the man just trying to keep his business afloat.

The name of the store is called Yasha from Russia.  When we went there the first part of March, on a Saturday morning, it was doing a fair amount of business.  We looked around at everything in the store.  Of course a lot of stuff were items I wasn't familiar with and at that point I wasn't thinking of doing the A to Z challenge so I didn't take any pictures, lol.  So honestly, I can't remember all that we saw there except they did have some interesting looking sausage if people like sausage.  I saw this bag of little round rings that fascinated me.  I hadn't seen anything like that in other stores I had been in.  We decided to buy it.  .  

They are a product of Ukraine.  

This is what one looks like.  I think maybe you dip them in coffee?  I'm not 100% sure.  They kind of taste like a shortbread type biscuit.  Not super sweet, not salty.  Not bland.  Hard to describe their taste.  They were good.  If we go back to the store I may buy them again, but may try something different.

We also bought a bottle of Russian wine, but we drank that already.  It was a red wine and it tasted good.

Again, lots of prayers for Ukraine and its people.  And truly also for Russia and its people.  


  1. Good act from ur end support that business man...ya it's upsetting that it's been two months and there has been no signs of it ending
    .... it's people who suffer the war and so many lives destroyed:(

    Dropping by from a to z "The Pensive"

    1. So true that it is the people who suffer and so many lives destroyed. Heartbreaking to see the pictures of the destruction there.


  2. We have a large Ukrainian population here (my husband’s sister married a Ukrainian, whose parents were both immigrants from there). It is beyond sad what is going on over there. I hope that man is able to continue getting merchandise for his store.

    1. Me too with him getting merchandise for his store. We'll have to go there again sometime. I know in San Diego there was a group of Ukrainian refuges that came (maybe sponsored from a church?). A friend of mine there was helping to provide meals for them.


  3. Good that you supported the business.

    It's a very sad situation and I can't even imagine how it is all going to end. This is hurting all of Ukraine, many in Russia and the effects will continue to spread.

    Wishing you a wonderful Monday Betty!!

    1. So true Lori that the effects will continue to spread. One can only hope and pray that it doesn't turn into a world war.

      I hope your Monday is a great one too!


  4. There are nothing but innocent victims is this ruthless power grab. It sickens me and I pray for all involved.
    The store sounds interesting. I should look around to see if we have anything like it around here.

    1. It will be interesting to note if you have a similar store in your area. We really should plan a return trip back to this store. It is about 20 miles from us so it will have to be on a weekend.


  5. My oldest daughter has colleagues in both Ukraine & Russia (she's director of Global Information Systems at her workplace)... none of them are in favor of this conflict, on either side. It's very sad. ~Andrea xoxo

  6. It is beyond sad and I have goosebumps just thinking about it. Praying very hard.

    1. Yes, praying hard is what is needed. And so true, it is beyond sad.


  7. I do feel bad for the man that is running that business. You are right; he's just trying to support his family. The bad decision of one person has created so many casualties. The death and destruction in Ukraine and the economic fallout around the world and for the ordinary Russians that just want to live their lives and provide for their families.
    It is very sad. We can only pray and hope it will all end soon.

    1. Yes, we can only hope and pray it will end soon. I hear complete cities are just destroyed. I can't imagine how long it will take to rebuild but I guess people did after WW2 and other conflicts.


  8. Nice of you to support the business. Sadly, I think this war is going to drag on.

    1. Yes, Abby, I agree that the war is going to drag on. My hubby feels the same way. I just hope we don't get involved with it.


  9. Even though it is still in the news- I kinda seems like we are getting a bit desensitized 🥲

    1. That is true Lynn. There was that big push at the beginning with everyone using the Ukraine flag or sunflowers in their posts on Facebook and the like and now hardly anyone is really saying much about it. Should be a big effort praying for the conflict at churches too. Our church prayed the first week and that was about it.


  10. I'm glad you helped the man with his shop. Mummy says we should buy from small shops whenever we can. But most of our food is delivered to us. It's vegetables that would otherwise be wasted, from someone called Oddbox.

    Ludo from Georges GP World

    1. I would like to buy more from small shops and try to support small businesses. I should make an effort to do so :) I have heard of Oddbox but don't know much about it.


  11. What a generous act, thinking of that shop owner and doing what you can to support his little enterprise. It all seems overwhelming, doesn't it? I have to remember (that) behind that gear, inside those tanks are just young men who'd rather be anyplace else, doing anything else.

    1. So true, Myra, that behind that gear and inside the tanks are young men who rather be some place else and mamas anxiously hoping for the best. I'm going to have to make another trip to that store and see how it is doing. It is down in Mesa so we will have to schedule it for a weekend.


  12. It is very sad what is happening in Ukraine. I can't even imagine what hell they are living in. My prayers are with them. That was very nice of you to go to that store to support it.

    1. It is very sad indeed, Debby. Hubby doesn't see an end in sight with the conflict either. Continued prayers for them all for sure!


  13. I am late, tough day on the computer signal is cell and weather plays with it. Enjoyed the entry. Ukraine is definitely timely and prayers so needed. That situation keeps people on edge, especially in Europe. Methinks something is VERY wrong with Putin. He knows how this looks to the world. It is amazing how they have so much control the Russian Citizens are in the dark.
    Anyway, Good entry. ;-)

    1. So true about the Russian citizens being in the dark. I read an article that a lot of Russian Christians support what Putin is doing. I found that interesting. I also wonder if Putin has some terminal disease and is doing this to wreck havoc on Ukraine as his final "swan song" so to speak. Indeed lots of prayers continue to need to be said!


  14. That sounds like a really cool store. I love trying new snacks like that.

    1. Makes me want to look around for other ethnic stores. Probably a plethora of them here in the Phoenix area. I'm missing a lot of interesting food to try!


  15. What a neat shop. Good for you for shopping local. Times are tough for all small businesses right now. Those look like an interesting treat. Russian wine sounds pretty good also! I don't think we have any stores like that around us.

    1. I should shop local more often. I'll have to see what other ethnic shops there may be around. I'm sure more that I would have thought!


  16. That looks like a tiny bagel, hahaaha. I'm glad you bought something at the store. xoxo

    1. I know, yet it tasted like a biscuit. I was thinking it might taste like a pretzel, lol :)

