Friday, April 22, 2022

Salad and Go

Salad and Go by far is my favorite fast food restaurant.  I think they are only available in Arizona and Texas, but if you like salads and they ever come to your "neck of the woods", try them out.

It is basically a drive through restaurant.  They serve salads which can also be made into wraps, drinks like lemonade, and breakfast burritos.  The salads they sell all day but the breakfast burritos only until 10:30 on weekday mornings and 11 a.m. on the weekends.  

Salads cost $5.74 (burritos 2.99).  As you can see from the picture below, it comes in a plastic container.  This happens to be the Thai salad (my husband's favorite), which is red peppers, carrots, cucumbers, red cabbage, romaine lettuce, chicken or tofu; served with a ginger-chili marinade.  Since we are watching how much sodium we eat, we get tofu now instead of chicken since there is less sodium in the tofu.  It tastes pretty good all mixed together in the salad.

Every season, they have a special salad.  I usually like to try them at least once.  This is this season's special, called The Market.  It has sweet potatoes, pickled red onions, croutons, blue cheese crumbles, bacon, romaine lettuce and chicken or tofu.  As stated above, I get it with tofu. The menu said it was served with a ginger-chili marinade also, but in reality it was a ranch dressing.  

The other types of salads they have are Cobb, BBQ Ranch, Caesar, Caprese, Greek, and Jalapeno Ranch.  I have tried the Cobb, Caesar and Caprese; all delicious! 

How to assemble it is written on the lid of the salad.  

You basically open the dressing, put it on the salad, then put the lid back on the salad; making sure it is completely on.  You then shake the salad, mixing everything together, including the dressing.  And it's done! 

So tasty too and it's a big portion.  I have never gone away hungry after eating one.  

Their hours are 6:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. on the weekends.  

You could stop there in the morning for a breakfast burrito and buy your lunch at the same time and be just at around $10 for 2 meals. 

Another reason I like it is we can buy the salads in the morning, store them in the fridge, and then eat them for dinner.  

Like I said, it is my favorite fast food restaurant.  

Do you like salads? 


  1. I love salads also we have a small restro called Soups n Salads. I like both. We make them too. As am avoiding dairy and meat, tofu seems like a good idea.......I too like them more for dinner for that light feeling
    I have enjoyed burritos though dont eat them often

    Good u got a fav spot!

    1. We have a few soup and salad places here too. Sadly some closed as a result of the pandemic. I want to do more cooking with tofu down the line but have to learn how to cook it and prepare it :)


  2. I would try this place out if it came to town. Those salads both look delicious.

    1. I'm surprised it isn't in more states. The buildings are small because there is no place to eat in them and they go up really fast. We have one practically on every corner here (almost like Starbucks coffee lol). Maybe the concept will spread to your area one day!


  3. I eat a salad most days with dinner. I make my own dressing with olive oil and flavored vinegars. On Sundays, we make a huge salad for our dinner that looks like your top picture. My husband grills a bunch of chicken breasts ahead of time, which we freeze and use as needed for Big Salad Sunday (lol, that’s what we call it).

    1. I love Big Salad Sunday. Salad is one of those food items that you can eat and it fills you up for a bit but it doesn't have a lot of calories (unless people go crazy with dressings, lol) I bet your dressings are good with the flavored vinegars. Have you ever gone to an olive oil store where they have olive oils in different flavors? We cook a lot with the different flavors like rosemary, butter, Italian and the like.


    2. Yes, we have a few olive oil stores in the area. We also visited a few in Sonoma on some of our trips. So fun to taste test the different ones!

    3. They really have so many options to try and some really unique ones! Glad you were able to sample some and that you have some in your area too!


  4. We eat a lot of salads at our house. These both look yummy!!

    1. Salads are so easy to put together, even homemade ones, lol, and so refreshing on the hot summer days we get! We like to make a crock pot full of chicken breasts that we shred and then use for salads or soups or other recipes. We always have a few chef salads when we do that with the chicken. Happy weekend Lori!


  5. This looks SO good, Betty. Yes, I love salads, especially in the summer months. A few years ago I used to make salads in a Mason jar and carry to work. Unfortunately, it wasn't so easy to shake and ensure the dressing covered everything. Whoever came up with this concept is brilliant!

    1. It is a brilliant concept! I have heard of salads made in Mason jars but never tried one myself. Probably a good thing as I tend to make a mess even with simple things :)


  6. I love salads too - I wish we had one of those here!

    1. Maybe one day they will! Salads are so healthy and good for you as long as not too much dressing goes on them :)


  7. OH. MY. GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never knew this restaurant chain existed. There are none around me, here in the midwest, and I'm surprised. It seems like Salad And Go would be a hit wherever it was! My mouth is watering as I look at all these pictures, Betty. I could eat salad for every meal, every day, hands down! Yummmo!! ~Andrea xoxo

    1. It is weird they are only in Arizona and Texas. We were hoping they would have some in California when we were visiting there a few months ago but nope, just Arizona and Texas. I hope they expand their business to more states.


  8. I love salads so this would be a favorite place for me. We have a few places that have decent salads (more than lettuce and 1 tomatoe).
    Shots and Sirens

    1. I do like a lot of veggies on my salad so it is good in your area there are places that make a decent salad :)


  9. I would love to have a place like that around here. They look delicious, and the prices can't be beat-around here anyway. Oh, well. I'd just have to live vicariously through you.

    1. I would hope they would branch out to other states. Like I mentioned in another comment, their buildings go up really quickly and without a place to sit there to eat them, there is less maintenance on them. So I don't know why they aren't in more states.


  10. I never used to eat salads because I don't like them. I like vegetables just not as a salad. But now that I'm a woman of a certain age I try to eat one at least couple times a week. But those salads do look pretty good. We have a something like Salads to Go in my area called Sweetgreen. I've never eaten there but the pictures look good. You can get hot or cold salad bowls.

    1. A hot salad bowl sounds interesting. I get tired of tomatoes sometimes in salads so if I'm making a salad for dinner I'll cut one and give the majority to hubby on his salad :)


  11. I do like salads and several fast food places have stopped selling them. Sounds like a great place! I am actually going to have a salad after I'm done on my computer.

    1. That is a shame if places have stopped selling them. If you come visiting to Arizona, do try it out. I'm sure there is one in the area where you will be or close by. Yum on the salad you'll be having today!


  12. I only like salads when there is a lot of stuff on them. Lately I'm loving salads with red pepper, cucumber, sun-dried tomato's and Great Northern Beans. Then I use a vinegar and olive oil dressing. I try to eat a salad for lunch every day. I wish there was a Salad N Go in our neck of the woods. I bet if they opened one here it would be like Chik-fil-A and lined up down the block every day!

    1. That salad you make sounds good Jeanette except for the cucumbers. I love cucumbers but they give me terrible heartburn these days. We just discovered sun-dried tomatoes recently. I can't believe it took us that long to try them. They are so tasty and versatile! I bet it would cause a big line should they open in your neck of the woods. Especially if they opened in summertime!


  13. I like this one too! Just wish one was near. You can bet if we do travel in those areas again we will look them up.
    WE were talking about you today, yep all good!!! ;-)

    1. Glad it was all good when you were talking about me, Jack and Sherry :) I hope Salad and Go branches out to other states. It is such a cool concept!


  14. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! I don't know how I've missed yours until now, although I haven't been able to visit ALL the blogs on the list.
    Those salads looks so good, and it doesn't help I'm hungry right now! I like chicken salad stuff in a wrap.

    1. Thanks for visiting back :) I tend to read a lot of blogs that feature food when I'm hungry too, lol :) Chicken salad in a wrap sounds delicious too!


  15. I enjoy a salad as much as the next person but I go in cycles. I'll eat them like crazy for a while and then I have to lay off. No way am I eating tofu, haaahahaha! xoxo

    1. LOL, Jenny. Actually the tofu doesn't taste that bad because of the way they cook it. I was pleasantly surprised by the taste. Since it gets so beastly hot here, salads are great during the summertime (which basically lasts April through October :)


  16. I'm like my wife: once you eat all the fun stuff you're left with all that lettuce and it gets boring...

    1. LOL :) Maybe the secret is to eat the lettuce first and save the fun stuff for last :)


  17. Those salads look delicious! And that's a really good price for them. The only kind of fast food place we have with good salads is Panera, but they're really expensive.

  18. I do like the salads from Panera but you are right,they are expensive. Most of the food there is over priced.


  19. Oh that looks so good. We don't have anything like that here, but I wish we did. There's a Salad Station not far from here but it's salads by weight. It's really good but it can add up easily when you pile on the toppings! I think we spent almost $40 on two salads and drinks the last time we went.

    1. That is pricey for salads! I have seen salad bars like this but we have never frequented them. They also sell frozen yogurt like that by the ounce. It can add up quickly! I really am surprised Salad and Go is not in more states other than Arizona and Texas. Maybe one day soon.


  20. Now I'm hungry for a salad :)

    1. Me too! I really do like them. And they are so inexpensive!

