Thursday, April 28, 2022


I will admit I was totally lost about what to post for X so this is a bit of poetic license for it.  Forgive me, okay?

I was Xcited to hear about Buzzed Bull Creamery coming to the Scottsdale area.  They offer ice cream that was infused with alcohol.  Or you could get plain ice cream without the alcohol in it.  Either way it sounded good to me and it was something I definitely wanted to try.  

It opened a few months ago but we had to wait until the weather was pleasant to have ice cream.  I love ice cream but not in the middle of winter when it is cold out (not that Phoenix ever really gets cold, but it does cool down a bit).

We went to the shop this past weekend.  Here is the Xtraordinary menu.  I got the Death by Chocolate that was infused with chocolate vodka.  Hubby got the Cherry Cordial infused with Brandy/Cognac. 

They use liquid nitrogen to make the desserts.  This video shows how it looks when the liquid nitrogen is turned on.  I think they begin with a liquid ice cream base and  they add what goes into the creation.  It goes into a metal bowl, then they attach it to a beater type thing that uses the liquid nitrogen to turn the liquid into ice cream.  You can get the finished product as a milkshake or ice cream consistency.  This video is about 25 seconds long showing the liquid nitrogen at work. 

The drinks were Xcellent!  Here is my Death by Chocolate as a milkshake.

And hubby's Cherry Cordial as a milkshake.

They were so, so, so, so very good! 

Took about 10 minutes from ordering to get the product made.  Worth every minute of waiting.

We definitely plan on going back and trying something else on the menu.  It was really pricey but definitely worth it.  

If you ever have the opportunity to try this, please do.  It is worth the effect to go the Xtra mile to do so!


  1. Icecream infused with heard of it ....your post feels like a to z celebrations :) hav fun....liq nitrogen desserts i also had...this place does look Xcellent

    1. It was a new concept for me too when I read about it opening. I think there are a few other franchises around the United States but this is the first one in Arizona :)


  2. Hi Betty, thanks for your visit. Who doesn't love the idea of something that sounds like a cross between a cocktail and an ice-cream. I was thinking of trying to continue to post daily for a while as I have enjoyed being pushed to write about different things. Hope you have a great A to Z and found some interesting blogs, I certainly did.

    1. That is good that you are going to continue to try to post daily. It is a good habit to get into :) I did find interesting blogs through the challenge too :) These milkshakes definitely were the cross between a cocktail and ice cream. Could become mighty addicting too :) Thanks for the return visit!


  3. That's a unique product. I bet they do a good business. Your shakes look really good.

    1. They were doing good business when we were there about 3 p.m. on a Sunday afternoon. There was one couple before us in line and then after we ordered five other groups came in. They had a lot of employees though working, keeping things moving :) It is located in a good location in Old Town Scottsdale. I imagine with summer coming they will even do better business!


  4. As much as I love beer and wine, I just don’t like the taste of most liquor such as vodka and bourbon.I did try a lime margarita or daiquiri ice cream once and didn’t like it at all at a specialty flavored ice cream shop. But maybe I’d like the cherry cordial or spiced rum one, because they DO all sound really good. Do you have to show ID? Lol!!!

    1. I am like you. I'm not usually much for vodka and the like except in specialty drinks every so often. I also think, and agree, that the ice cream flavors that try to imitate liquor/alcohol flavors fall way short on doing so. This particular place though is unique in how good everything tasted :) I didn't have to show ID but I bet younger people do. I also mentioned to my husband that the employees would have to be really careful not to accidentally give an order of alcohol to a minor. I'm sure there are quality control protocols in place.


  5. What a great place. The drinks look delicious. You'll have to keep us posted on the different ones you try.

    1. I will Lori :) They are a bit pricey like I said. Our 2 drinks were close to $30 which I guess would be "normal" for a specialty drink at a bar especially here in Scottsdale, Arizona, which is a big touristy type town :)


  6. What a great idea. I personally don't like the taste of alcohol, but I could enjoy plain ice cream while others enjoyed the flavored treats. I haven't seen anything like this in my area. A business opportunity for the so inclined.

    1. I do think it would be a great business opportunity. The best of both worlds. Plain ice cream and "adult" ice cream :)


  7. Not sure there is anything like this near me but sounds good! Thanks for your visit to my blog

    1. Thanks for the return visit. It was really good!!


  8. Awesome idea! You're making it mighty difficult to say I'll never visit Phoenix again. LOL.

    1. LOL, Myra. Never say never :) It is located across the street from Fashion Square in Old Town Scottsdale. On the canal side :)


  9. Yummo!!!!!!!! What deliciousness!!!! ~Andrea xoxo

    1. I love how you described it, Andrea, and you are right!


  10. Okay we were wondering about this one, LOL very creative and a fun read. ;-)

    1. I was wondering about X too until this past weekend :) It is a hard letter to come up with for a word! Thanks!


  11. They all sound so good. I think I'd try the banana split one. Wish there was one like that near me. Best I can do is Haagen-Daz has a bourbon praline pecan. But not all grocery stores have it or maybe they do but they're always sold out. Their whisky one is easy to find.

    1. I didn't realize Haagen-Daz had those flavors. It has been awhile since I have bought Haagen-Daz. I love their ice cream but try to limit how much of it I eat :) I liked their java chocolate chip. That banana split one does look good!


  12. X is always a tough one. But it also makes people think out of the box. Those drinks sound good. Just might have to try them sometime.

    1. So true about X being a tough one . In years past I used a street named X, a business named X, but I just wasn't feeling that this time around. I'll be interested to see what others used for the letter X. Those drinks were really good :) I'm glad it is about a 30 minute drive to them, otherwise it could become an addicting habit :) Thanks for visiting!


  13. Wow! I'd never heard of this before. Looks delicious. For some reason, this is posting my comment as anonymous. I have such a difficult time with google anymore. It won't let me comment like I would like to do... so irritating. It's why I don't even try most times. So when I read your posts, if I don't comment - that is why. (Bobbi and Gracie)

    1. That is really weird, Bobbi, how you have so much trouble commenting. The drinks are delicious! I hadn't heard of them either until I read about the business opening a few months ago. There are not too many locations of these around the country (yet).


  14. Wow! Those both look really good! I wish we had something like that around here! Good job with the X!


    1. Thanks Jeanette! It was a struggle to think of something for X. I think this Buzzed Creamery is only in a few other states. I would imagine something similar or even itself will eventually become more popular and branch out into other states.


  15. Replies
    1. Thank you! Win-win too; the milkshakes were sooo good!


  16. Those shakes look so good! We have one of those ice cream places here, too. It's a local place though with the same concept.
    We've only gone once or twice last summer. They make everything right in front of you and it is so neat to watch.

    1. The presentation of making them is the best part of the product I do believe!


  17. Wow, that is really different. I would love to try it sometime. I've never heard of them.

    1. If you are ever in the area and want company to go there, count us in :) It is in Old Town Scottsdale right by Fashion Square. I'm mentioning where it is in case you talk to your SILs about it so you can relate to them where it is located :) It really is delicious!

