Tuesday, April 12, 2022


I have been meaning to share my testimony (story) about how I came to have faith in Jesus and a personal relationship with Him.  

I was raised in a Catholic home.  We were practicing Catholics in that we went to church every week, confession when needed, observed no meat on Fridays during Lent, etc.  I went to a Catholic school up until the 9th grade. I knew who Jesus was but I didn't KNOW Him if that made sense.  Basically, I knew He was the Son of God and that He died for our sins and rose from the dead but that's about it.  

I chose to pursue a different course of church going after I got married for a variety of reasons but probably the main one was we wanted to agree on a church that we both felt comfortable with in the teachings and preachings and we knew we wanted to make going to church a priority for not only us but any children we might have down the road.  

We pretty much continued to go to church weekly throughout our marriage and young years of raising children and I would pray occasionally, mostly when I was in "trouble" about something and I wanted a "genie" to fix that trouble for me.  I rarely (never) read the Bible.  Again, I knew Jesus but I didn't KNOW Jesus.  When we lived in Santa Fe, New Mexico we had a terrible time finding a church that did not incorporate New Age into its services or mysticism so for that brief period of time (2 years) our church attendance was sporadic.  

Then we moved to Billings, Montana and one of our selling points for Billings (despite its wonderful weather) was we were going to find a church and we were going to get involved with it and make sure our children had the opportunity to learn who Jesus was for themselves and make their own commitment of faith.  I had made a commitment of faith to Jesus in my high school years but I'm not sure if I was going along with the crowd or really had a faith in Him at that time.

We found a great church in Billings and got involved with it, attending weekly, volunteering, kids going to the youth services, etc.  One Sunday, the associate pastor was talking about a situation he and his wife were going through.  She was a teacher and had not signed a contract yet for the upcoming school year.  He was panicking for her to do so for financial reasons but she was holding out for a job she thought God wanted her to have.  He related her prayers and what she felt God was saying to her and she remained steadfast not to commit to any job but the job she felt she was being led to have.  Literally the day before the school year began she got that job.  During this whole time while she was waiting for what she believed God wanted her to do, she was at peace, though her husband was stressing out wondering how they would manage if she didn't get a teaching job for that year.  In relating how his wife was interacting with God, something piqued my interest and I was like "I want that kind of relationship with Him."  

I knew to KNOW Jesus I had to spend time with Him.  So daily I would pray, read my Bible, started attending Bible study at church and would really think about what the Bible was saying.  I memorized scripture that I would call back up if I was having difficulty with this or that.

I started growing closer to Jesus and started having more faith in Him and more belief that He truly was who He said He was and that He truly would take care of me.  Now I have to tell you during this time my 2 kids were teenagers and they were "troubled teens."  My daughter was depressed, suicidal, psychotic, in and out of the "psych ward" at the local hospital, in residential treatment for 7 months.  I really never knew if she was going to attempt to take her life (that's another story for another day; she is alive to this day but.....).  It was very stressful dealing with those situations.  And then my son was involved in some trouble he had gotten into which was very stressful.  Yet praying and reading my Bible did give me less anxiety and worry and more peace (not completely gone but less so anxiety and worry)  and I was starting to trust in Him more.  Incredible answers to prayer were happening during this time too.  

From then on I just came to know and love Jesus so much more for who He is and what He did for me by giving His life for me and my sins and opening up heaven and eternal life for me.  

I realize everyone has to come to their own faith in whatever they choose to have faith in and can also choose not to have any faith.  

For me, I have faith in Jesus.  One thing I know about Him and I have mentioned it so many times.  He has never let me down and I know He will never let me down.  Even in the midst of the hardest of times (and there were LOTS of hard times) He has sustained me and guided me, protected and provided for me.  I've also said this many times.  I cannot do life without Jesus and I will not do life without Jesus.

He has restored a marriage (not ours but someone close to us).  He has kept my children alive (where basically honestly the things my son had done he should have been dead or in prison, but here he is 33 years old, a husband, a father and a successful cook).  And He has done so much more for me and my family every single minute of every single day.  It is a joy to walk with Him on a daily basis.  

I love reading my Bible and I love going to church to learn more about Him.  I will admit I've grown rusty on memorizing scripture but I do continue to work on it off and on.  

None of things that have happened in my life were a result of coincidence or luck.  I truly believe they were all God ordained and I give Him all the glory and honor.  

And I will continue to trust in Jesus every single day.  Even if sometimes it doesn't make sense because I know He knows what is best and that is good enough for me.  


  1. I choose to be agnostic though my family memb are all believers. I do pray , take god's name...but am unsure...that's all i can say i guess...but am glad the belief gave u courage
    .helped u sail through!

    1. Thank you :) Praying is always a good thing I do believe!


  2. Thanks for sharing your testimony.
    It's always good to learn of others who know and trust in King Jesus.

    1. You are welcome!! What a great King our Jesus is!


  3. I was raised catholic like you were. In my teens I sort of rebelled against church but never gave up some of the beliefs. I know that there have been many times in my life that God has watched over and protected me and saved me from my own stupidity. Most times I probably didn't really deserve to be protected but yet He did any way :)

    1. I think we all rebel in our teens in one way or another. God is very merciful in that he protects us when we are doing stupid things. Like I said before, my son should be dead or in prison yet God showed him incredible mercy. And I don't think anyone of us deserve anything but wrath from God so it is really great that he chooses to give us mercy instead :)


  4. It’s good to hear your testimony, Betty. I did not know your whole story. I’m sorry about the troubles with your kids. Those must have been some extremely difficult years, but I’m glad your faith in Jesus guided you through it all. Jesus is definitely my Rock as well!. I hope you have a blessed Easter this weekend. He is Risen!

    1. He is risen indeed!! Jesus truly is my rock and salvation too! That's why I like the Psalms so much (sneak peek ahead to the letter P LOL). As difficult as those teen years were, they were good learning years for me on trust. I'm not 100% there with trust, but working on it with Jesus :) I hope you and your family have a Blessed Easter as well!


  5. I enjoyed reading your testimony Betty. I have a very similar background going to a Lutheran School K-8 grades. I too have always believed but it wasn't until probably my 40's that I started building a REAL relationship with God. Thank you for sharing this with us.

    1. Thanks Lori :) I've been meaning to share it since I came back to blogging so I'm glad I did the A/Z Challenge so I could use some of the posts I've been meaning to share :) So true about building a REAL relationship with God. That is a good way to express it!! Have a great day!


  6. Amen, my friend. Thank you for sharing that. I was saved at the age of 14 when Brother Miller, the youth director of Weller Avenue Baptist Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, opened the Bible as we teens sat beside a campfire at Camp Stallion in St. Helena Parish on a night in June of 1971, and told me (because I felt that he was talking directly to me), as Jesus told Nicodemus, that I must be born again. I sat on my bunk in the cabin that night and prayed and trusted Christ as my Savior. It has been 51 years and I don't know much, but I know His mercies are new every morning and great is His faithfulness! According to Scripture, He has gone to prepare a place for me, that where He is, I may be also. I praise Him for the guidance and protection He has granted to me and my husband and our four children, two sons-in-law and one daughter-in-law (all of whom are saved and with clear testimonies of salvation) and six grandchildren (three of whom have made a profession of faith, so far). I thank God for our church, where the truth is preached to imperfect people who nevertheless want to know and follow Him. Happy Easter to you! He is Risen, as He said! I once was lost, but now am found. xoxo

    1. He is risen indeed! Wonderful testimony Jenny!! And such a blessing your children and their spouses and those 3 children are all saved! Knowing you will all be together for eternity is such a blessing. I am still praying lol here for my kids, that is my post for tomorrow. I am so glad his mercies are new each day! What a blessing we have in Him!


  7. Thanks for the testimony. We have no doubt you love the Lord. Your blog itself is a testimony and we are so proud to call you FRIEND in the real sense. Your blog is truly a blessing in itself you are really an evangelist.

    1. Thanks Jack. I am humbled by your words! So glad we all are friends of our Savior and Lord!


  8. Wonderful testimony, Betty. Your faith really shines through!
    I often struggle with knowing what I "should" be doing, and it's nice to know that it's not all on our shoulders

    1. Thanks Abby! I am glad it is not on our shoulders! I think we all struggle at times. I have a lot of ouch moments when I read something in the Bible and I realize I treated someone not the mosty kindest of ways. I say I am sorry a lot to God but I am glad he always forgives us and gives us second and third and hundred chances to be more like Him. We are all works in progress!


  9. Thank you for sharing your journey with going to church and with Jesus. I am in the habit of talking to God each day and praying to Him also. Should I be praying and talking to Jesus?

    1. When you talk to God you are talking to Jesus too :) I kind of pray to Father God and then in my prayers include Jesus and the Holy Spirit all together in the same prayer time. I do believe your prayers are being heard Debby as well as your talking to God :)


  10. I am so happy that you have gotten to know Jesus and have faith in what he can provide. Also, happy that you kids made it to adulthood successfully. Sometimes you just don't know if that will happen while they are growing up.

    1. That is so true we don't know about our kids if they will make it to adulthood or if we will make it to their adulthood!


  11. We've "known" each other on Blogger for a long time and I knew your faith is a big part of your life, but I never knew your journey. Or that you'd lived in New Mexico.

    1. I think I've lived everywhere, Danielle :) It is funny, someone will mention a place and I'll be like "I used to live there" and it is true, I used to live there :) Santa Fe was a really unique town. It is at 7000 feet elevation so a lot of people who visit it get altitude sickness because they go out hiking and the like and haven't adapted to the air being thinner. You're supposed to give yourself a day or two to acclimate and drink plenty of water and if one does that they do fine.


  12. I love this testimony so much, Betty! Powerful, girl friend! Despite attending church all my 70+ years, it wasn't until these last few years I've fallen deeply in love with Jesus. The Holy Spirit is my new BFF and we enjoy the best conversations! I could go on and on, but we just got back from UAB and I'm exhausted. 'Just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed this read!

    1. Thanks Myra and I'm glad to hear that you have fallen deeply in love with Jesus :) He's the best for sure! Hoping you are getting a good night's sleep after your ordeal of UAB!


  13. It is always interesting to read/hear about someone else's journey. Thanks for sharing!

    1. You are welcome :) Thanks for reading :)


  14. Well I did know your story and your beliefs and I know you know I am Christian. JESUS is my favorite word ever. And yes unless we spend time with HIM - we won't know HIM.

    1. His name is truly Wonderful and so much more. His name is above all else! Just think if we don't meet this side of eternity we will meet the other side of it.

