Friday, April 8, 2022


My favorite search engine is Google.  I think I must google a million times a day something or another.  That's an exaggeration but it is my go to for whatever I might be looking up.  

On one of the Facebook groups I'm a member of, Living in North Phoenix, one of the administrators posted a meme question " What was the last thing you googled."  At that time, about a week or so ago, my last inquiry was "can dogs eat sour cream?" We had a container of sour cream we were using for a recipe and I wanted to see if Winslow could lick the container when it was empty.  Our other corgi, Koda, always loved licking the empty cream cheese container.  We don't eat cream cheese that much any more so Winslow hasn't been privileged to get that experience.  Anyway, yes, dogs can have sour cream and yes, Winslow enjoyed every single lick of that sour cream container.  He licked it dry and then some and even got some on his nose.  

The last thing I googled today right before I posted this blog was "can you freeze hard boiled eggs?"  The answer is yes you can freeze them, but they will probably not taste good and be rubbery.  

So what was the last thing you googled or if you don't google, what do you use as your search engine? 


  1. I love google! For many many reasons. I remember way back in the day my dear hubby mentioned google in a chat room, and they sent him a free T-shirt, that I hope we still have around the house somewhere. And here we are many years later with two of our offspring having been employed by that life and world changing organization. I think the last thing I googled was the distance between my home and the new temple being built by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

    1. Wow, how neat to have gotten a free T-shirt like your husband did! That is also neat that two of your children have worked for Google too! I bet it was interesting work! We google a lot of distances ourselves too :) Have a great day!@


  2. Last thing I googled is Gibigiana - as some one wrote about this for todays prompt :)

    Google is my life line - My teacher. Rest of search engines are trash compared to Google. I use it for almost everything

    Good day - Dropping by from A to Z -

    1. I'll have to google Gibigiana later as I'm clueless what it is :) So true how google can be my lifeline too at times!


  3. I use google a lot also. Lots of times in conversation at work someone will ask a question and my answer will be "I don't know, lets ask google". I can't remember what the last thing was.

    1. Google has become a verb, lol. I love how convenient and quick it is to get an answer :)


  4. I use Google often also. It is nice to be able to settle a difference of opinion on something so quickly. Last thing I googled was how old is Tiger Woods. Happy Friday Betty!

    1. That is so true how it can settle disagreements or differences! We googled a lot of performers or actors, wondering if they are still alive, lol, and then how old they are! Have a great Friday and weekend too, Lori!


  5. I didn't realize there were other search engines; hard to beat Google for instant results! Funny what you just said to Lori: I thought I spotted Gary Player at the Masters, but Tom said "No; he's dead." Guess who was right - HA!

    1. I had to Google Gary Player, lol, but you go girl! You were right! Score one for the ladies! I think Bing is also a search engine that is popular but not as much as Google is.


  6. "The best recipe for Boston Butt in a slow cooker!" LOL I keep telling myself 'the best' is a matter of opinion. I know the first recipes will be that name "The Best xxxxxxx". Ha. 'G'ood entry.

    1. Lol Jack. I am not sure I know what a Boston Butt is so now I will have to Google that.


  7. Google is by far my favorite search engine. I have no idea what I last googled, probably because I do it so much.

    1. I know, it has become such a habit of mine. My grandson even googles at times if he is looking for a particular song he wants to hear. We have a policy of no phones at the table when we get together for dinner. It makes it hard to keep that policy when someone mentions something and we want to confirm it. We are all itching to get to our phones lol.


  8. I am a Google girl (more's the pity) and search for things constantly. The last thing I "googled" was the word physiognomy, haaahaa!

    1. Now I am going to have to Google physiognomy to see what it means!! Google just is too easy to use. Poor kids,they won't experience the fun of looking through encyclopedias for their facts like we did.


  9. I use DuckDuckGo, which doesn't track me and which gives me roughly the same results.

    1. I considered using them but I guess I am too lazy to change, lol. Thanks for visiting!


  10. I would be lost without Google. I research some fairly awful things for work, so I won't mention those. Today, I've been Googling the weather a lot. We're very near the cutoff line for what will be snow versus rain tomorrow so I've been checking on that since I don't want snow. Not that knowing will change it, but I keep checking. I've also been Googling "words that begin with i" since I have no ideas for that post.

    Duke will be very happy to learn that dogs can have sour cream. :-) I was excited to read that you can freeze hard boiled eggs, but then disappointed that they'll probably be gross. I guess you CAN freeze just about anything. The real question is do you want to.

    1. I remember researching things for when I did transcription. It can be brutal with what we find out. Hope you don't get the snow. Too late in the season for it to occur. I think my main thing I Google is if a particular food is safe for dog


  11. The last thing I googled was the Barrumundi fish. :D The one before was the translation of sorrel for a recipe.
    Definitely google has made our lives easier.

    1. Funny, we just had Barrumundi fish for the first time the other day :) So true that Google makes our lives easier :)


  12. Oh I'm a chronic googler too. Any random thing I think of, I google! The last thing I googled was a movie we watched on Netflix last night. "Metal Lords." I wanted to look up the cast to see what else I had seen the actors in. I think Facebook has become the new Google, because people ask Facebook instead of just googling it themselves!! lol

    1. LOL, I do the same thing when I watch a movie or a TV show on Netflix. I google the cast and then read all about them. So funny too about Facebook with people asking on that instead of googling. So much social media out there and so little time!


  13. I, too, Google constantly! Something pops into my head, and I can't stand it until I look it up. And ADHD makes a LOT of useless stop pop into my head! :)

    1. It is a great resource to find the answers pretty quickly too! I remember the days of old when we had to look up a lot of stuff in encyclopedias or other resource books. Definitely more time consuming back then to do so!


  14. I Google all the time. I don't think I googled anything this morning. I think I Googled what nut is good for your brain and what nut is good for your heart.

    1. Those are good things to Google Debby. I love eating nuts. It is nice to know some of them have health benefits.

