Thursday, April 7, 2022


We like to eat a lot of fish in our household.  My husband is the cook in the family and he does a great job with any kind of food that is cooked, but really does a nice job with fish.  We have eaten cod, tilapia, haddock, salmon, ahi tuna and swordfish.  A while back we saw frozen Barrumundi at the store for a reasonable price.  We bought it and put it in the freezer to cook down the road. 

This past Saturday we finally took it out to cook.  This is how it looked raw.  It was a 12 ounce package with two 6-ounce servings.   My husband put on butter olive oil, Italian seasoning, garlic, Mrs. Dash (we try to avoid regular salt in our household), and black pepper on the fish (might have been something else but can't remember it now lol) and then put the fish on the grill.  The directions said to cook it on the grill for 3-5 minutes on each side which he did and that was enough time to cook it through and through.  

This is how it looked when it came off the grill.

It was soooo delicious! When I had researched it, it said it had a light buttery taste and it surely did! It was a bit fishier than cod or tilapia but not overly so.  We served it with a pouch of potatoes and carrots that also went on the grill.  Those were mighty taste too!

Now that we tried it once, we definitely will get it again.  It is low in calories too! 

Are you a fish eater? Have you tried Barrumundi?  


  1. Unfortunately am not fish eater. For various medical reasons i was told to eat but I can't....but my husbands family having lived by sea whole life love only fish

    Dropping by from a to z

    1. So understanding if one can't eat it . It is good for us but only if we can tolerate eating it :)


  2. Ah, glad you relished the fish prepared by your husband, Betty. Low on calories is an added bonus too :)

    1. Yes, that is the best; the low in calories!


  3. I love fish. Mainly I buy haddock. This looks delicious.

    1. I forgot, we like haddock too. A lot of the white fish we seem to enjoy :) So healthy for us all!


  4. I love fish. I mostly buy salmon and cod, but my favorite is halibut. I just don’t like its price! I’ve seen Barrumundi on restaurant menus, but have never tried it. Sometimes I’m worried about bones in unknown fish. Thanks for letting us know it was good.

    1. This Barrumundi had no bones (that I can remember lol). I too like Halibut. I think I forgot to write that in my list of fish. One thing that bums me is with hubby watching his sodium intake, shrimp is off the table since it has a higher sodium content than some of the other fish we eat.


    2. Yes, I was disappointed to learn about the sodium in shrimp. When I use it, I try to rinse it for a long time. Not sure if it helps or not.

    3. It probably does help a bit. It probably helps too not to cook it in salted butter and not use salt on it either. Maybe we will try some down the road again. One of our go to summer recipes was Cesear salad with shrimp. Now I will have to find a substitute for it.


  5. That looks really good. I have been buying our fish from Sea To Table for a number of years and we love it. When you bundle it, you get a good price, free delivery and amazing fish. Great customer service as well. One order was missing one package of fish, I emailed them and had it in less than a week.
    Coho salmon, cod and Maine Red fish are my favorites. I've never tried Barrumundi but it sounds delicious.

    1. I like how you get your fish, Lori. I don't know if we have a similar service here for fish; I'll have to look into it. We've been getting the fish frozen from Sprouts, a local "organic" type store. They run monthly 20% off their fish so we take advantage of their sales :) I don't think I have ever tried Maine Red Fish. I'll have to see if it is offered here :)


  6. I am not a fish eater because I don't like the taste. However, I should try it more because it's so good for you.

    1. It is good for us but it is an acquired taste indeed! I know the way my husband cooks it, it does take away a lot of the fishy taste and some fish almost just "melts in your mouth" :)


  7. My poor husbands loves fish and I don't - but I am starting to give it a try.

    1. Good for you Sandie for giving it a try! If it is cooked "right" it really does taste good and it is so heart healthy too with some of them!


  8. I love fish, husband will pretty much eat anything :). I've never had Barrumundi, but this looks delish! And you've reminded me that I've got some Tilapia in the freezer!

    1. That is what is for dinner tonight here lol. Tilapia! It is good to have a husband who is not picky. Makes meal planning super easy!


  9. We try to eat fish at least once a week. Usually it's tilapia or canned tuna because my wife doesn't want to try anything else. On occasion I'll get some salmon or another kind of fish for me and fix her tilapia. I can't believe she doesn't like salmon. I'm sure she'd like it, but she can't get past the color of the fish. I guess it must have a lot to do with her upbringing maybe. There are a lot of things she won't even taste let alone eat. But me--I'll try just about anything and usually like it or at least finish it.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. I like canned tuna but my stomach doesn't. Gives me terrible heartburn, lol. But I have no problem with Ahi tuna, go figure. It is a shame your wife is not a salmon eater as it is so delicious. I have a great tilapia recipe with feta cheese and grape tomatoes. We also added olives to it. Very tasty and Mediterranean.


  10. Honestly, I've never heard of Barrumundi. Aside from the shrimp-and-grits Tom gets in Wetumpka, neither of us are big fish eaters. Or even tried making it at home. Yours looks delish! (More so because you didn't have to cook!)

    1. I hadn't heard of either until I saw it at Fry's for a cheap price lol. I bet that shrimp and grits is rather tasty. Shrimp is now off our menu due to it having a lot of sodium. I miss it lol.


  11. That fish looks tasty. Unfortunately, neither one of us like fish. I feel like I've given it a good faith effort; I've tried everything from fried fish at a fish camp to sushi, and everything in between, and haven't liked anything other than canned tuna, which I don't think really counts. I'd love to like it! It sounds so fancy to say "we're grilling salmon for dinner" and I know it's supposed to be really good for you. I do love shellfish, though, so I guess that's something.

    1. It is good that you and Nick both don't like fish. Makes it easier to plan meals lol. I love canned tuna fish but it gives me heartburn. I do think shellfish counts as fish lol.


  12. I eat tuna from a can sometimes. I like salmon and I often order it in a restaurant. We have frozen salmon from Costco which we like a lot. I mash up avocados and add some salsa. That's what we put on top of it. Good for you eating so much fish.

    1. Oh yum, Debby. That salsa and avocado on top of salmon sounds delicious. We buy a lot of frozen fish from Sprouts and it tastes pretty good.


  13. We have never heard of Barrumundi either. Our favorite fish are Salmon and Ahi Tuna for store bought and walleye for fresh caught. Now that I have read your post I have a hankering for some fish!

    1. I have never had had walleye before. I wonder if it us regional but then I am not a fisherman. We like Ahi tuna too.


  14. I am so glad to see someone using my favorite 'Ms Dash' LOL. Barrumundi, nope not yet. Our latest fish try is Swai, mild fish taste but we love it. The only fish I haven't liked is the Bass, a big hit down south, but not ours.
    Enjoyed the post and the fish looks and sounds good. We are big on fish. ;-)

    1. I was surprised with how many flavors Mrs. Dash comes in lol. I haven't heard on Swai fish but it sounds delicious!


  15. I wish I could be more daring with food. I am such a picky eater. I don't eat anything out of the sea. Not shellfish, regular fish, nope. I watch a lot of travel shows and cooking shows and I envy those people that can eat anything. I'll send my burger back if it's a little pink.

    1. I do enjoy watching cooking shows and some travel shows. I pretty much will eat normal food but draw the line at oysters or snails and the like.


  16. Hey we both did posts about fish for F! How funny. Your dog is adorable, by the way! :) My partner and I are on the market for a new grill. I can't wait to try grilling fish! We always lived in apartments before recently, so were never able to have an outdoor grill.

    Paw Print Pet Blog:

    1. Thanks for visiting! Grilled fish is the best!! I could eat it every night!! Have fun grilling once you get your grill set up!! Our dog is too cute for his own good, lol :) Heading over to your blog to look to see what you posted for Fish :)


  17. That looks delicious but I just am not a fish eater. Neither TG nor I enjoy seafood and I never fix it. When my mom was sick, a friend of hers brought us a salmon meal one day and it was so delicious, I like to died myself. She told me exactly how to make it (it involved a citrus marinade she got from Walmart) but I have never done it. For one thing, after I have eaten fish prepared in the healthy way, I never feel as though I've actually eaten ... unfortunately my doctor only yesterday told me to eat more cold-water fish ... I fear I will not comply, haaha xoxo

  18. Lol with following doctor orders or perhaps not following them. If it is something you don't care for, why force the issue. However, that salmon dish you mentioned sounds delicious!


  19. Oh, I´ve never heard about that fish, I´m going to google it. But yes, I love having fish although the most common to find here is tilapia, I love salmon, which luckily at this time of the year is cheaper, when we couldn´t afford it, at least we had some fish sticks or surimi soup.

  20. I have never tried Barrumundi. I eat some kinds of fish. Catfish is my favorite, but some of them just taste too fishy for me. I'm the strange one living in the seafood south and I don't eat a lot of seafood. We had a freezer full of shrimp, fish, and crab cakes but we lost it all in the hurricane. We haven't gotten around to restocking yet.

    1. I don't think I have had catfish or I haven't had it in a long time. I don't know if we see many catfish at the store. I'll have to look the next time I am shopping. When we visited Maryland several years ago, I tried crab cakes. They were so good! I am sad that the sodium content in shrimp is high and we are watching the sodium content because of my husband's blood pressure so we had to take shrimp out of our diet. At least I can enjoy it when we go out to eat!


  21. I like steaky fish, like tuna, halibut, shark, swordfish. We used to eat those when we lived in southern California, as it was cheap and plentiful. In the midwest, not so much! My husband loves to fish for and eat trout. All the bones make me nervous and its a flaky fish instead of a steaky fish, so I'm out! ps my food photos often have my feet in them as well :)

    1. lol about my feet in the photo. I did realize that after I put the picture on my blog, but by then it was too late to take another picture :) We lived in Southern California too for years but now am in Arizona. There certainly are more fresh fish (ocean) available there than here :) We too like halibut and have had swordfish a few times. I'm thinking I haven't had much trout in my life but then again I'm also not a fisherman :)

