Friday, April 1, 2022


Welcome to the A and Z challenge! I have not participated in this since (I think) 2017 (or 2018?).  Anyway, it has been a few years.  I decided on the spur of the moment to do it this year.  Didn't really have a theme so I'm sure I'll be winging it for most of the month.

My brother had an appendectomy a week ago Saturday.  It was no biggie.  It wasn't a major surgery, minor, considered outpatient.  It was just amazing how quick it came to be.  I got a text from him when we were at the tax preparer having our taxes done (not a pretty picture, but a story for a different day, perhaps).  He said he had a bad stomachache for a day or so and the nurse at the hospital thought it might be appendicitis so recommended for him to come in to get checked out.  That was about 2 p.m.  My brother and family live in another state but we share the same time zone.  By 10 p.m. that night he would have had the surgery and was home recuperating.  Modern medicine! He had gone to the hospital after he had text me, got checked out, got diagnosed with an acute appendicitis versus a perforated one, and scheduled for surgery.  Surgery was originally scheduled for 10 p.m. but apparently he was taken in early because my niece, his daughter, had notified everyone via Facebook around 8:30 p.m. that he was out of surgery in recovery, it had gone well and he would be released for home soon.  I went to bed at 9:30 p.m. and woke to a text the next morning from my brother at 9:56 p.m. that he was home and thanking us for prayers.  He is recovering.  Just amazing.  In and out of the hospital after surgery in less than 12 hours.

That same brother of mine when he was about 7 years old in the year 1963 had a plate dropped on his foot accidentally by my aunt when she was watching my sister and him while my mom and me were in California checking it out.  At the time we had been living in Pennsylvania.  He was barefoot and the plate sliced through his second toe (the one by the big toe), almost severing it.  Of course he was taken to the hospital for care, had "experimental" surgery by a surgeon there who reattached the severed part of the toe back on.  My brother would remain in the hospital for a month while it healed to make sure no infection or the like set in.  These days he probably would have been discharged within days if not within hours of the procedure.

My mom was not told of the incident for several weeks as we were spending about 6 weeks in California to check things out, as I mentioned, since my mom was planning to relocate there.  When she called long distance to check on my brother and sister, she kept phone calls short because of the cost of long distance at the time, and my aunt didn't want to worry her about my brother so my aunt said nothing about his injury.  He made a full recovery, of course, and had no further issues.

Healthcare sure has changed over the years, hasn't it?

So the big question is as I close this blog, do you still have your appendix? I do! 


  1. Hi Betty,
    Thanks for commenting on the Sorell blog. Regarding appendix, I still have mine. In fact I have only ever been in hospital once for gallstones back in 1990. Recuperation took longer of course especially when infection set in once I got home.

    1. Thanks for visiting too! Sorry about your complications after your gallbladder surgery. That is usually such a routine one. Have a good day!


  2. Hey Betty, thanks for your visit to my blog. And yes, I do still have my appendix - thankfully I've had no problems with it

    Ministering A-Z

    1. Thanks for the return visit. I hope neither one of us have problems with our appendix! May your day be joyous.


  3. Yes, what a difference these days how fast they can get you in and out of the hospital. I do still have my appendix.

    1. That is good to hear with your appendix Ann. Sometimes I wish people got to stay in the hospital longer but I guess they think recovery at home is better.


  4. It really has changed!
    And a good necessary change!!
    Considering the events of the past 2 years...

    I still have my appendix too!

    Hopping in from the A-Z community,

    1. Thanks for visiting! I will check out your blog later today. So true so much has changed with health care and so much will change over the next 10 years I would imagine.


  5. That's great that your brother got out of the hospital so quickly this time. I do still have my appendix and hope to keep it that way.

    1. Me too!! I have not had any surgery and hope I never do! I am glad you are doing the challenge this year!


  6. Glad to hear your brother is doing well. Things in medicine have really changed. I was 5 when I had my appendix removed. I was in the hospital a long time and have a 5 inch long scar from it. The nurse removing the stitches is actually one of my first memories and it is not a good one.
    When I was about 14 my grandmother had hers removed and I was shocked that her scar was barely an inch long and she was only in the hospital a couple of days.
    Have a great Friday Betty!!

    1. Wow that had to be traumatic Lori! I remember my sister got her tonsils out when she was 12 or 13 years old and in the hospital for 10 days! I would imagine my brother just has holes for scars as they probably did the surgery laparascopically. Have a great Friday too!


  7. That is amazing! I still have mine. My mom is the only person I know who’s had an appendectomy. She was 18 but now claims she probably was misdiagnosed. My mom is a big health care conspiracy believer(insert eye roll)

    1. LOL with your mom! What is weird is sometimes these days they don't take the appendix out if it is inflamed and treat it with antibiotics. I don't get that one.


  8. Replies
    1. That is good news Jack! Don't want to have surgery unless it is absolutely necessary.


  9. I do have mine. I remember years ago when I needed my hip replaced you were in the hospital for twenty days - now it is a day! I hope your brother does well.

    1. Thanks Sandie! I can't imagine being in the hospital that long after a hip replacement! I think I would go stir crazy.


  10. I sure do! Isn't it funny how (when) looking back, one can remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when they got a piece of starting news. At least it's been that way for me; sometimes, even a piece of music will trigger a memory.

    Glad to know the appendectomy wasn't your own!

    1. That is true Myra about us remembering what we were doing when we heard some news. Yet I sometimes can't remember what I did yesterday lol.


  11. Wow, in and out for an appendectomy in quick! Who knew? I've known people (my husband is one) who had an appendectomy and had to stay a couple nights in the hospital. Not anymore, I guess. And that nearly-severed toe story - a month! wow. Funny that your mom never knew, and I remember having to worry about long distance call charges :)

    I still have my appendix... along with my tonsils, wisdom teeth, uterus, etc. I'll see if I can die with "everything"!

  12. I hope you keep everything Abby. That would be a medical miracle I think and a sign you are in good health! It is all that bike riding and running you do! My mom was not happy when she did find out. My aunt was afraid my mom would cut short her trip, which she would have, and my aunt wanted her to make sure she got all the info she needed to make that big of a move.


  13. So many changes in health care for sure. That's quite a story about your brother's toe. I'm glad both his experiences with healthcare turned out well. Reading about his toe reminded me of a dream I had a while ago. I was inordinately proud that I had special toes that had zippers and I could remove and re-attache them whenever I wanted.

    1. What an interesting dream that must have been! Thanks for visiting!


  14. I still have my appendix and hope I keep it. Though I'm surprised how simple a procedure removing one has become. I can recall when appendicitis was a very big deal. My paternal grandfather died in the thirties from a ruptured appendix. Apparently he struggled for several days as doctors treated him and then died. My father was only about 12 when his father died at age 47. I wish I could have met my grandfather.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out Battle of the Bands

    1. I too remember when appendicitis was a big deal! Pretty much if one's appendix ruptured it was a death sentence. I am sorry that your grandfather lost his life at such a young age and your father was left fatherless at such a young age. I'm sure your grandfather was a good man and the two of you would have enjoyed a great relationship. Thanks for visiting!


  15. That's quite the story! I hope I keep everything and never have to go under the knife :)

    1. Thanks for visiting! I too hope you don't have to go under the knife either! Have a nice weekend!


  16. Appendix intact thus far...
    My brother had his ear partially sliced off (golf club incident with other brother) back in the early 60's and they successfully sewed it back on. I think he only came home soon because our mom was a registered nurse.

    1. Thanks for visiting! Wow about your brother with the ear! Glad it worked out for him in his recovery to be at home rather than the hospital!


  17. That's amazing how fast your brother was in and out of the hospital with his appendectomy. I'm glad he's doing well, and that he still has all of his toes.

    I'm doing a the A-Z challenge again and winging it at the last minute as usual. I don't have anything done ahead of time, but we shall see what I come up with.

    1. It was amazing with how fast he was in and out of the hospital! I too am winging it with the challenge this year, but hey, it will be fun to see what we come up with, right?


  18. Oh goodness! A speedy recovery to your brother!! I still have my appendix. I know that it's a very routine surgery but I really hope that I never have to have it taken out haha

    1. Me too! I hope to never undergo the knife, so to speak! Thanks for visiting :)


  19. Yes, healthcare is so different now, isn't it? I still have my appendix but lost my gallbladder a few years ago in an emergency surgery on Christmas Eve! I'm glad your brother is doing well!

    1. Oh my gosh, that couldn't have been fun with surgery on Christmas Eve!


  20. Hello Betty! Thanks for visiting my blog! I still have mine! Surgery terrifies me! I'll visit again soon! Happy blogging!

    1. Thanks for visiting me also :) I know, surgery terrifies me too!! Hopefully neither one of us will have to "go under the knife"


  21. I'm glad to hear your brother is doing okay. It is amazing how far medicine has come. Many years ago, one of my boyfriends way back had a mom who had a brain tumor removed. She was in surgery for hours and hours. I remember being so amazed that she only spent 2 days in the hospital - the day of surgery, one day of recovery, then went home. Yep, I do still have my appendix and gallbladder too.

    1. It is absolutely amazing about the mom of your long ago boyfriend only spending 2 days in the hospital after brain surgery! It just blows me away how fast they get people in and out of the hospital these days! Yay that you still have your appendix and yay about the gallbladder too because I know that is a "common" surgery to have done.


  22. Two interesting stories about your brother. OMG on the toe! I'm glad you aunt didn't tell your mom at the time. However, was your mom mad about not knowing? Yes, healthcare has changed over the years.

    1. She was mad but she understood why my aunt kept it from her. She was amazed too that my sister didn't say anything to my mom the few times they talked on the phone. My aunt would tell my mom my brother was with another aunt or another uncle which was often the case so my mom didn't suspect anything.


  23. Wow, that was a very quick recovery, indeed! I´m glad to hear everything went well with your brother, either last week and when you were kids, that must have been pretty scary! My brother was around that age when he fell with a soda bottle on his hand an cut his thumb, so I can imagine the shock pretty well. I still have my appendix, too.
    Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that I love the name of your blog. :D

  24. Thank you for visiting! The original name of the blog was Walking Humbly with My God but one day it hit me to change it to Walking Humbly with My Dog. That had to be some injury your brother had! Scary times I would imagine!


  25. Oh yes, pirate appendix all present and accounted for. I can't believe your aunt kept the toe injury from your mom for all of those weeks! I kind of doubt anyone would do that today, even with a relative, for fear of something bad going wrong and not knowing what to do etc. But wow, what a story. When we lived in Ohio in a house that was 112 years old, it had large windows with the sills fairly close to the floor. I had a metal sign propped on one and I asked Andrew to bend down and plug in a little light I had sat in the window. The wire knocked the sign down onto his hand and it cut his finger so badly, he had to have stitches! I felt just awful. As for your brother getting out and home so quickly, I think I can top that. Both times I had hip replacement (2017 and 2018), I never even saw the inside of a hospital. The surgeries were done in an outpatient center and the first time, the surgery wasn't until early afternoon but I was home by nine o'clock that night. The second time, the surgery was in the early morning and I was home by mid afternoon. It's miraculous. xoxo

    1. So true that my aunt would not have gotten away with it these days. Technology is so different and easier to stay in touch. Poor Andrew but more poor you because we sometimes carry our mom guilt for a bit. Amazing about your hip replacements. I am surprised they were done in an outpatient center like that but I heard hips were an easier surgery over a knee replacement.


  26. I'll bet your aunt felt terrible about the whole toe incident, and holy cow, what a sharp edge on that plate to do that kind of damage! There needs to be a happy medium between keeping someone in the hospital for a month and sending them home the very same day. Our insurance system needs a complete overhaul. They shouldn't be in control of our health.

    1. My aunt did feel really bad! It was just the way the plate fell and hit my brother's toe that caused the damage it did! Funny thing was my brother was perfectly fine and totally bored in the hospital for a month. I guess he was a bit of a clown during that time and got to be very proficient with a wheelchair :) I agree, our insurance system needs a complete overhaul!


  27. I still have mine. It's incredible how fast they can perform some surgeries these days.

    1. I know. Healthcare has come a long way in a short few years!

