Friday, April 29, 2022


I like yogurt.  I usually didn't eat a lot of yogurt until recently because it had a higher amount of calories than I wanted to eat at the time or it didn't have much protein in it.  But one day at work when I was putting my lunch in the fridge, I saw a yogurt container and on the top of it I read "12 g of protein".  I picked it up and saw that it only had 80 calories in it.  I wrote the name down and asked my husband to get some for me the next time he went grocery shopping.  (He does 99.5% of our grocery shopping by himself; I love it).

The yogurt is Light + Fit Greek and Nonfat Yogurt by Danone.  It comes in a lot of flavors but not all the flavors are available at times at the store.  My absolute favorite is the salted caramel but their strawberry cheesecake is very good as is their peach.  Really, everyone I have tried I have liked.  

And true to form, they only are 80 calories each and have 12 g of protein in them.  Often I will have a container at breakfast with a hardboiled egg or a container at lunch with some crackers.  They are filling and tasty.  

Do you like yogurt? 


  1. I love yoghurt but due to lactose intolerance stopped we have abrand called epigamia...i like them a lot. I hav plant based yoghurts like from coconut milk etc. They r very tasty too!

    1. I have tasted some plant based yogurts. They weren't too bad in their taste! I am thankful that I am not lactose intolerant or have any other food allergies. That is hard to plan a menu if one has those afflictions.


  2. I've had this brand of yogurt and it is really good. I'm pretty sure I've tried all those flavors too. There hasn't been one yet that I didn't like.

    1. I agree, Ann; they are tasty. These days with the supply chain issues sometimes the flavor choices are limited but I could eat that salted caramel every day if I had to :)


  3. That does sound like a winner with the extra protein. I generally not a yogurt person, but maybe I'll give this a try because I need to eat more protein.

    1. I was surprised it had that much protein in it. I like to eat protein at every meal/snack. It helps keep me feeling fuller longer :)


  4. Yes, I have it a few times per week with berries. I only buy the Oikos nonfat plain Greek yogurt. It has 18g protein and no added sugar. Trust me, it was hard to get used to at first. It tasted like sour cream to me. Now I like it and sub it for sour cream in recipes!

    1. I'll have to look into that Oikos nonfat plain Green yogurt. I have seen it at the store. I do like sour cream plain, lol, so who knows. Maybe I'll get used to it sooner than later :)


  5. Yes, I love yogurt but for the probiotics found in it most of all. Be careful of the "light and fit" stuff though, my friend...I think it has artificial sweeteners in it. Have you ever tried making your own yogurt? Then just mixing fruit in it? That's yummy too. Yogurt does a body good. :-) ~Andrea xoxo

    1. I will be careful about the artificial sweeteners Andrea. I'll look and see what the label says. So true how yogurt does a body good. I might try making it some day.


  6. I never used to like yogurt (any brand)l All the same, I clicked on the link and discovered the carb #s aren't so awful. I'm going to try the salted caramel. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

    1. Let me know if you try it, Myra, and if you like it. I was pleasantly surprised with how tasty they are. Almost as good as a cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory (well maybe not that good lol). BTW, we are heading to the Cheesecake Factory tonight for dinner. I'll think of you while I'm there with fond memories of wonderful times spent among friends enjoying a meal there :)


  7. I make a lot of dips with plain greek yogurt but I don't really care for the fruit ones. I do buy them for my husband as he loves them.

    1. I'll have to look into dips with the plain Greek yogurt. I have used the Greek yogurt for a few recipes with mainly chicken.


  8. I like your choice for 'Y'. I am not too fond of the 'real' yogurt, but let me tell you I love the 'Frozen Yogurt' as a replacement for ice cream. I am sure it is not at good as 'real' yogurt, but it is BETTER LOL in my opinion. Good one..... (Looking forward to the mystery of the 'Z'. ;-)

    1. I do like frozen yogurt. We haven't had that in a long time though! I think you and Sherry will like Z :)


  9. I LOVE it. But I eat Chobani and I know it has calories!

    1. My husband eats Chobani too. I think it has 120 calories in the ones he eats. They are tasty too!


  10. I like yogurt but don't often eat it. I will definitely check that yogurt out though. I need to eat a lot of protein at breakfast and can only eat eggs maybe 2 times a week!

    1. Oh geesh if you can only eat eggs 2 times a week. That would be hard to get the protein in for breakfast. If you like veggie breakfast patties I used to eat those. If I remember correctly, they had at least 10 g of protein in them. They got a little expensive for me so I moved to eggs :)


  11. Love me some yogurt. When I worked at the nursing home, we had cases of Dannon Lite + Fit Greek. Everyone liked it - not just the "old folks" :)

    1. Lol, you aren't calling me old are you? I am just joking. It probably did keep the old folks fit there. It really is very tasty!


  12. I LOVE yoghurt. Often eat it for dessert.

    1. It is good as a dessert :) Thanks for visiting :)


  13. I like yogurt. I like chobani yogurt with coconut. They have a variety of flavors.

    1. My husband eats Chobani. Mostly the fruit flavors. They are tasty :) Thanks for visiting :)


  14. Many many years ago I used to eat a yogurt every morning for a quick breakfast. A lady I worked with did the same but she'd dump crunchy sugary cereal into hers. I love strawberry yogurt, but I rarely buy it anymore. We try to stick to low(er) carbs if we can, and a lot of the really tasty ones had too much carbs and calories. I don't think I've tried that particular kind but I might have to check it out.

    1. It is really good. My husband puts granola in his yogurt but I just eat it plain. Do check this brand out. I was pleasantly surprised how well it tasted!


  15. I like yogurt okay but the only way I eat it is to put the plain whole milk Greek yogurt into my smoothies! xoxo

  16. Yes I do like yogurt. I usually buy plain Fage Greek yogurt. I'll have to check these out.

    1. I haven't seen Fage yogurt. Is it at Sprouts? I'll have to look for it.

