Friday, April 15, 2022

Marty and Misha

Marty Goetz is a Messianic Jew.  He is basically a Jewish person who believes that Jesus is the Messiah.  Marty is also a very talented piano player, singer, and composer of many a song.  I came to know of him back in the early 2000s when I received a CD of his Festival of Lights as a gift.  I really enjoyed the CD, listened to it a lot and then as life tends to do, promptly forget about it and Marty for years.  Back in September 2021 I was putting together a list of favorite song videos on YouTube to listen to at work and thought about songs I had liked in the past, one of which was Arise, Shine that had been on that CD, Festival of Lights.  I looked it up on YouTube, listened to it, added it to my list of favorites I was creating.  I also added a few other songs of his from that CD that I also liked.  

As I did some more research about him, I found some other songs I liked of his and also that he and his wife, Jennifer, were doing a twice weekly "service" streamed on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook called "House of Worship".  They were doing a live broadcast of Marty and Jennifer (at times) singing songs while Marty played the piano on Tuesday and Friday nights most weeks.  They started House of Worship at the beginning of the pandemic to basically support themselves during the pandemic since a lot of his livelihood involved playing concerts or at churches and you know how things got affected when the lockdown began and continued.

I started listening to House of Worship; not when it was live because I was usually busy doing other things those evenings but the following Monday for the Friday night "shows" and Wednesday for the Tuesday night "shows".  I like Marty's voice; my husband doesn't particularly care for it; that's okay.  I usually listen when I'm at work.

Misha Goetz-Hoyt is Marty's and Jennifer's only child.  She is a talented musician and songwriter like her parents.  She occasionally comes and stays with Marty and Jennifer with her 2 children, Caleb who is 6 years old and Samuel who is just shy of a year old, and her husband Josh.  She will join Marty at the piano and sing along with him.  

They all are so wonderful to listen to.  Marty will sing songs for about an hour and 20  minutes, give or take, along with quoting Scripture, telling stories, explaining Jewish holidays, talking about their friends, etc.  On Friday nights, they still observe the Sabbath and light the candles as well as bless the bread and wine (grape juice).  They make those of us listening feel like we are part of their family.

They are really genuine too, lol.  House of Worship is done live without any editing so what they do is what you see.  One time Caleb was sitting at the piano bench with Marty singing and Caleb fell off the bench.  Caleb's dad took him off the camera as of course he was crying a bit, but a few minutes later you could hear Caleb in the background saying "I'm okay everyone" and then a little bit later he rejoined his grandfather at the piano.  Another time when Marty was singing, he mentioned that Jennifer (Jenny as he calls her) was a little bit under the weather that night.  She yelled from the background "I'm having a colonoscopy tomorrow".  Again, really down to earth and genuine people.

I absolutely enjoy all their House of Worships.  The one day a few weeks ago when I was really upset about that pesky coworker, I put on House of Worship to listen to and just the wonderful praise songs sung and worship to God, I just felt such a calming in my soul.  I enjoyed their presentation that night so much I listened to it another time later in the week.

I'll leave you with a song Misha wrote a few years ago.  It is based on what is known as the Aaronic blessing from Numbers 6:24-26 which says:

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." 

Her rendition of it is beautiful.  This is Marty and Misha performing it together.  

In case the video doesn't work or you can't hear it well, here is the link for watching it on YouTube if interested.  



  1. Thanks for sharing the video. That was beautiful.

    1. You are welcome, Ann. It truly is beautiful! I sometimes play it on my way to work. It puts me in a good mood for the day :)


  2. I really enjoyed learning about them and the video. Our church service always ends with that blessing, but I never knew it was called the Aaronic Blessing!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it Bijoux. I just love them as a family! Caleb, Misha's son, already has a deep faith. He sings songs with Marty sometimes that he has composed and they are beautiful too! I too didn't know it was called the Aaronic Blessing until listening to Marty's broadcasts :)


  3. That was a beautiful version of that song that Misha sang. Someone that I grew up with is a part-time gospel singer with his family and he started broadcasting from his house during the pandemic. I enjoyed seeing him again as he was always a nice person.

    1. That does sound like an interesting ministry with that part time gospel singer. I think it was great others thought to broadcast from home so others could be blessed by their talents!


  4. Wow, Marty and Misha have some incredible talent. What a beautiful voice!

  5. What a beautiful version! Thank you for sharing this Betty.

    1. You are welcome Lori! I really find it inspiring :) Happy Good Friday :) (Which is kind of weird thing to say but without Good Friday we couldn't have Easter Sunday, right?)


  6. Oh that was beautiful. Have you ever gone to one of their services? I have and it is wonderful.

    1. I have not gone to one of their services. I'm "envious" that you have been to one Sandie! I am on their mailing list and I have seen in the past they came to Phoenix. I'm hoping they repeat that in the future as I will plan to attend if they are close by!


  7. I've not heard of Marty and Jennifer (and Misha) before, but I'll certainly check out the House of Worship. Thank you for including the link, Betty. I've an old friend (former blogger) who -- despite being Christian -- faithfully observes some of the Jewish traditional observances, like the Seder meal. For a while there I subscribed to a weekly Jewish newsletter published by What uplifting, inspirational stories! I've since let it go (no access to a fax machine), but now I'm thinking it would benefit my peace of mind.

    1. Marty and family do faithfully follow the Jewish traditions too like that blogger. I like when he talks about them so I can learn about their customs. After all, Jesus was Jewish. They do mentioning donating to their ministry but they don't get into your face about it so to speak. I have not donated as of yet. Maybe one day. It truly is a blessing to listen to them. And the songs Marty has written a lot are directly from scripture so one learns scripture at the same time. Win win situation I think.


  8. Strange as I started the video, jack JR says, Oh yes I love these guys. He follows their works. He said his sons were in a group that ALWAYS sang this blessing at the end of the concert. ;-) I learn something every day. THANKS

    1. Wow, small world! Nice to hear Jack Jr had heard of them. A wonderful ministry they have!


  9. That's neat that they're so unedited. It's nice sometimes to see things that aren't edited so much that they seem fake or contrived.

    1. That is so true! It makes it more realistic I think! Today they were doing their broadcast and in the midst of it there was a beeping sound. They are all asking each other what the beeping is and came to find out it was the smoke detector in the garage beeping. One of them just got up and went to take care of it. If it was anything else it would have been cut, edit scene, do over :)

      We made it through half of the challenge! Keep up the good work!


  10. Such talented folks- beautiful song- I love that Bible passage ❤️🙏✝️

    1. Me too :) A lot of the songs Marty writes are from scripture which gives the added bonus of learning scripture along the way while enjoying his music :)


  11. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing this!

    1. You are welcome! I really do enjoy their singing :)

